blob: 7b6d73bab8de0fa1ae5908a463b5a3b54bec2d12 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
* Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.
package kotlinx.metadata.jvm
import kotlinx.metadata.InconsistentKotlinMetadataException
import kotlinx.metadata.KmAnnotation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.JvmModuleProtoBuf
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.JvmMetadataVersion
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.ModuleMapping
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.PackageParts
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.metadata.jvm.deserialization.serializeToByteArray
* Represents the parsed metadata of a Kotlin JVM module file.
* To create an instance of [KotlinModuleMetadata], load the contents of the `.kotlin_module` file into a byte array
* and call [].
* @property bytes the byte array representing the contents of a `.kotlin_module` file
class KotlinModuleMetadata(@Suppress("CanBeParameter", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") val bytes: ByteArray) {
internal val data: ModuleMapping = ModuleMapping.loadModuleMapping(
bytes,, skipMetadataVersionCheck = false, isJvmPackageNameSupported = true
) {
// TODO: report incorrect versions of modules
* Visits metadata of this module with a new [KmModule] instance and returns that instance.
fun toKmModule(): KmModule =
* A [KmModuleVisitor] that generates the metadata of a Kotlin JVM module file.
class Writer : KmModuleVisitor() {
private val b = JvmModuleProtoBuf.Module.newBuilder()
override fun visitPackageParts(fqName: String, fileFacades: List<String>, multiFileClassParts: Map<String, String>) {
PackageParts(fqName).apply {
for (fileFacade in fileFacades) {
addPart(fileFacade, null)
for ((multiFileClassPart, multiFileFacade) in multiFileClassParts) {
addPart(multiFileClassPart, multiFileFacade)
override fun visitAnnotation(annotation: KmAnnotation) {
// TODO: move StringTableImpl to module 'metadata' and support module annotations here
b.addAnnotation(ProtoBuf.Annotation.newBuilder().apply {
id = // <-- use StringTableImpl here
* Returns the metadata of the module file that was written with this writer.
* @param metadataVersion metadata version to be written to the metadata (see [KotlinClassHeader.metadataVersion]),
* [KotlinClassHeader.COMPATIBLE_METADATA_VERSION] by default
fun write(metadataVersion: IntArray = KotlinClassHeader.COMPATIBLE_METADATA_VERSION): KotlinModuleMetadata =
KotlinModuleMetadata(*metadataVersion), 0))
* Makes the given visitor visit metadata of this module file.
* @param v the visitor that must visit this module file
fun accept(v: KmModuleVisitor) {
for ((fqName, parts) in data.packageFqName2Parts) {
val (fileFacades, multiFileClassParts) = { parts.getMultifileFacadeName(it) == null }
v.visitPackageParts(fqName, fileFacades, multiFileClassParts.associate { it to parts.getMultifileFacadeName(it)!! })
for (annotation in data.moduleData.annotations) {
v.visitAnnotation(KmAnnotation(annotation, emptyMap()))
companion object {
* Parses the given byte array with the .kotlin_module file content and returns the [KotlinModuleMetadata] instance,
* or `null` if this byte array encodes a module with an unsupported metadata version.
* Throws [InconsistentKotlinMetadataException] if an error happened while parsing the given byte array,
* which means that it's either not the content of a .kotlin_module file, or it has been corrupted.
fun read(bytes: ByteArray): KotlinModuleMetadata? {
try {
val result = KotlinModuleMetadata(bytes)
if ( == ModuleMapping.EMPTY) return null
if ( == ModuleMapping.CORRUPTED) {
throw InconsistentKotlinMetadataException("Data doesn't look like the content of a .kotlin_module file")
return result
} catch (e: InconsistentKotlinMetadataException) {
throw e
} catch (e: Throwable) {
throw InconsistentKotlinMetadataException("Exception occurred when reading Kotlin metadata", e)
* A visitor to visit Kotlin JVM module files.
* When using this class, [visitEnd] must be called exactly once and after calls to all other visit* methods.
abstract class KmModuleVisitor(private val delegate: KmModuleVisitor? = null) {
* Visits the table of all single- and multi-file facades declared in some package of this module.
* Packages are separated by '/' in the names of file facades.
* @param fqName the fully qualified name of the package, separated by '.'
* @param fileFacades the list of single-file facades in this package
* @param multiFileClassParts the map of multi-file classes where keys are names of multi-file class parts,
* and values are names of the corresponding multi-file facades
open fun visitPackageParts(fqName: String, fileFacades: List<String>, multiFileClassParts: Map<String, String>) {
delegate?.visitPackageParts(fqName, fileFacades, multiFileClassParts)
* Visits the annotation on the module.
* @param annotation annotation on the module
open fun visitAnnotation(annotation: KmAnnotation) {
* Visits the end of the module.
open fun visitEnd() {
// TODO: JvmPackageName
* Represents a Kotlin JVM module file.
class KmModule : KmModuleVisitor() {
* Table of all single- and multi-file facades declared in some package of this module, where keys are '.'-separated package names.
val packageParts: MutableMap<String, KmPackageParts> = LinkedHashMap()
* Annotations on the module.
val annotations: MutableList<KmAnnotation> = ArrayList(0)
override fun visitPackageParts(fqName: String, fileFacades: List<String>, multiFileClassParts: Map<String, String>) {
packageParts[fqName] = KmPackageParts(fileFacades.toMutableList(), multiFileClassParts.toMutableMap())
override fun visitAnnotation(annotation: KmAnnotation) {
* Populates the given visitor with data in this module.
* @param visitor the visitor which will visit data in this module.
fun accept(visitor: KmModuleVisitor) {
for ((fqName, parts) in packageParts) {
visitor.visitPackageParts(fqName, parts.fileFacades, parts.multiFileClassParts)
* Collection of all single- and multi-file facades in a package of some module.
* Packages are separated by '/' in the names of file facades.
* @property fileFacades the list of single-file facades in this package
* @property multiFileClassParts the map of multi-file classes where keys are names of multi-file class parts,
* and values are names of the corresponding multi-file facades
class KmPackageParts(
val fileFacades: MutableList<String>,
val multiFileClassParts: MutableMap<String, String>