blob: 686a9479154f6abc9f4035509a8edef8a50332f5 [file] [log] [blame]
ext.configureJvmProject = { Project project ->
project.configure(project) {
configurations {
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.kotlin
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.fork = true
options.forkOptions.javaHome = file(JDK_18)
tasks.withType(project.compileKotlin.class) {
kotlinOptions.jdkHome = JDK_18
test {
executable = "$JDK_16/bin/java"
ext.configureJavaOnlyJvm6Project = { Project project ->
project.tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
sourceCompatibility = 1.6
targetCompatibility = 1.6
options.fork = true
options.forkOptions.javaHome = file(JDK_16)
ext.configureJvm6Project = { Project project ->
project.configure(project) {
configurations {
project.ext.jvmTarget = "1.6"
project.ext.javaHome = JDK_16
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.kotlin
tasks.withType(project.compileKotlin.class) {
kotlinOptions.jdkHome = JDK_16
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.6"
test {
executable = "$JDK_16/bin/java"
ext.compileJava9Sources = { Project project, String moduleName, Collection<FileCollection> moduleOutputs = [project.sourceSets.main.output] ->
// should be in java9 source set by convention
SourceDirectorySet java9SourceSet =
project.tasks.getByName("compileJava9Java").configure { JavaCompile it ->
it.sourceCompatibility = 1.9
it.targetCompatibility = 1.9
it.destinationDir = file("${java9SourceSet.outputDir}/META-INF/versions/9")
it.options.fork = true
it.options.forkOptions.javaHome = file(JDK_9)
it.options.sourcepath = files(java9SourceSet.srcDirs)
doFirst {
def moduleFiles = files(*moduleOutputs)
def modulePath = project.configurations.compileClasspath.filter { !(it in moduleFiles.files) }
options.compilerArgs = [
'--module-path', modulePath.asPath,
'--patch-module', "$moduleName=${moduleFiles.asPath}"
classpath = files()
ext.manifestAttributes = { Manifest manifest, Project project, String component = null, boolean multiRelease = false ->
project.configure(manifest) {
attributes \
'Implementation-Vendor': 'JetBrains',
'Implementation-Title': project.archivesBaseName,
'Implementation-Version': project.buildNumber
if (component != null) {
attributes \
'Kotlin-Runtime-Component': component,
'Kotlin-Version': project.kotlinLanguageVersion
if (multiRelease) {
attributes \
'Multi-Release': 'true'
task preparePublication {
def properties =
assert project.version != 'unspecified'
Map<String, String> repositoryProviders = ['sonatype-nexus-staging' : 'sonatype', 'sonatype-nexus-snapshots' : 'sonatype']
project.ext.isRelease = !project.version.toString().contains('-SNAPSHOT')
String repo = properties["deployRepo"] ?: properties['deploy-repo']
String repoProvider = repositoryProviders.get(repo, repo)
project.ext.isSonatypePublish = repoProvider == 'sonatype'
project.ext.isSonatypeRelease = isSonatypePublish && isRelease
project.ext['signing.keyId'] =['']
project.ext['signing.password'] =['kotlin.key.passphrase']
String sonatypeSnapshotsUrl = (isSonatypePublish && !isRelease) ? "" : null
ext.repoUrl = properties["deployRepoUrl"] ?: sonatypeSnapshotsUrl ?: properties["deploy-url"] ?: "file://${rootProject.buildDir}/repo".toString()
ext.username = properties["deployRepoUsername"] ?: properties["kotlin.${repoProvider}.user"]
ext.password = properties["deployRepoPassword"] ?: properties["kotlin.${repoProvider}.password"]"Deployment repository preliminary url: $repoUrl ($repoProvider)")
doLast {
println("Deployment repository url: $repoUrl")
ext.signPom = { Project project, MavenDeployer deployer ->
deployer.beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment ->
if (project.signing.required)
ext.configurePublishing = { Project project ->
project.configure(project) {
apply plugin: 'maven'
if (!project.hasProperty('prebuiltJar')) {
apply plugin: 'signing'
signing {
required { (["signingRequired"] ?: project.isSonatypeRelease) }
sign configurations.archives
signArchives {
enabled signing.required
uploadArchives {
def prepareTask = rootProject.preparePublication
dependsOn prepareTask
doFirst {
repositories.mavenDeployer.repository.url = prepareTask.repoUrl
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
signPom(project, it)
repository(url: prepareTask.repoUrl) {
authentication(userName: prepareTask.username, password: prepareTask.password)
pom.project {
name "${}:${}"
packaging 'jar'
// optionally artifactId can be defined here
description project.description
url ''
licenses {
license {
name 'The Apache License, Version 2.0'
url ''
scm {
url ''
connection 'scm:git:'
developerConnection 'scm:git:'
developers {
developer {
name 'Kotlin Team'
organization = 'JetBrains'
organizationUrl ''
task publish(dependsOn: uploadArchives)
allprojects { project ->
project.ext.javadocJar = { lambda = {} ->
ArtifactsKt.javadocJar(project, lambda)
dependencies.ext.kotlinStdlib = { suffix ->
DependenciesKt.kotlinStdlib(project, suffix, null)