blob: 1b72132a2a8506c0faeefdf4ca5d147fb4c9ec52 [file] [log] [blame]
// A simple class to extend an abstract class and get loaded with different
// loaders. This class is loaded via LOADER2. A similar named class will
// be loaded via LOADER1.
public class many_loader extends bug_21227 {
final Object _ref_to_be_p0wned;
many_loader() {
_ref_to_be_p0wned = bug_21227._p0wnee;
System.out.println("Gonna hack this thing: " + _ref_to_be_p0wned.toString() );
// I need to compile (hence call in a loop) a function which returns a value
// loaded from classloader other than the system one. The point of this
// call is to give me an abstract 'hook' into a function loaded with a
// foreign loader.
public many_loader[] make( IFace iface ) {
throw new Error("do not call me");