blob: 69a87f1181dcf4efc205d5b9efb52d77a7de52bc [file] [log] [blame]
package com.beust.jcommander;
import com.beust.jcommander.converters.BooleanConverter;
import com.beust.jcommander.converters.IntegerConverter;
import com.beust.jcommander.converters.LongConverter;
import com.beust.jcommander.converters.NoConverter;
import com.beust.jcommander.converters.StringConverter;
import com.beust.jcommander.internal.Lists;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
public class ParameterDescription {
* A map of converters per class.
private static Map<Class<?>, Class<? extends IStringConverter<?>>> m_classConverters
= new HashMap() {{
put(String.class, StringConverter.class);
put(Integer.class, IntegerConverter.class);
put(int.class, IntegerConverter.class);
put(Long.class, LongConverter.class);
put(long.class, LongConverter.class);
put(Boolean.class, BooleanConverter.class);
put(boolean.class, BooleanConverter.class);
private Object m_object;
private Parameter m_parameterAnnotation;
private Field m_field;
/** Keep track of whether a value was added to flag an error */
private boolean m_assigned = false;
private ResourceBundle m_bundle;
private String m_description;
public ParameterDescription(Object object, Parameter annotation, Field field,
ResourceBundle bundle) {
init(object, annotation, field, bundle);
* Find the resource bundle in the annotations.
* @return
private ResourceBundle findResourceBundle(Object o) {
ResourceBundle result = null;
Parameters p = o.getClass().getAnnotation(Parameters.class);
if (p != null && ! isEmpty(p.resourceBundle())) {
result = ResourceBundle.getBundle(p.resourceBundle(), Locale.getDefault());
} else {
com.beust.jcommander.ResourceBundle a = o.getClass().getAnnotation(
if (a != null && ! isEmpty(a.value())) {
result = ResourceBundle.getBundle(a.value(), Locale.getDefault());
return result;
private boolean isEmpty(String s) {
return s == null || "".equals(s);
private void init(Object object, Parameter annotation, Field field, ResourceBundle bundle) {
m_object = object;
m_parameterAnnotation = annotation;
m_field = field;
m_bundle = bundle;
if (m_bundle == null) {
m_bundle = findResourceBundle(object);
m_description = annotation.description();
if (! "".equals(annotation.descriptionKey())) {
if (m_bundle != null) {
m_description = m_bundle.getString(annotation.descriptionKey());
} else {
// System.out.println("Warning: field " + object.getClass() + "." + field.getName()
// + " has a descriptionKey but no bundle was defined with @ResourceBundle, using " +
// "default description:'" + m_description + "'");
public String getDescription() {
return m_description;
public Object getObject() {
return m_object;
public String getNames() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < m_parameterAnnotation.names().length; i++) {
if (i > 0) sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
public Parameter getParameter() {
return m_parameterAnnotation;
public Field getField() {
return m_field;
private boolean isMultiOption() {
Class<?> fieldType = m_field.getType();
return fieldType.equals(List.class) || fieldType.equals(Set.class);
public void addValue(String value) {
addValue(value, false /* not default */);
* Add the specified value to the field. First look up any field converter, then
* any type converter, and if we can't find any, throw an exception.
* @param markAdded if true, mark this parameter as assigned
public void addValue(String value, boolean isDefault) {
log("Adding " + (isDefault ? "default " : "") + "value:" + value
+ " to parameter:" + m_field.getName());
boolean isCollection = false;
if (m_assigned && ! isMultiOption()) {
throw new ParameterException("Can only specify option " + m_parameterAnnotation.names()[0]
+ " once.");
Class<? extends IStringConverter<?>> converterClass = m_parameterAnnotation.converter();
if (converterClass == NoConverter.class) {
converterClass = m_classConverters.get(m_field.getType());
if (converterClass == null && m_parameterAnnotation.arity() >= 2) {
converterClass = StringConverter.class;
isCollection = true;
if (converterClass == null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(m_field.getType())) {
converterClass = StringConverter.class;
isCollection = true;
if (converterClass == null) {
throw new ParameterException("Don't know how to convert " + value
+ " to type " + m_field.getType() + " (field: " + m_field.getName() + ")");
if (! isDefault) m_assigned = true;
IStringConverter<?> converter;
try {
converter = instantiateConverter(converterClass);
Object convertedValue = converter.convert(value);
if (isCollection) {
List<Object> l = (List<Object>) m_field.get(m_object);
if (l == null) {
l = Lists.newArrayList();
m_field.set(m_object, l);
} else {
m_field.set(m_object, convertedValue);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
private IStringConverter<?> instantiateConverter(
Class<? extends IStringConverter<?>> converterClass)
throws IllegalArgumentException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
InvocationTargetException {
Constructor<IStringConverter<?>> ctor = null;
Constructor<IStringConverter<?>> stringCtor = null;
Constructor<IStringConverter<?>>[] ctors
= (Constructor<IStringConverter<?>>[]) converterClass.getDeclaredConstructors();
for (Constructor<IStringConverter<?>> c : ctors) {
Class<?>[] types = c.getParameterTypes();
if (types.length == 1 && types[0].equals(String.class)) {
stringCtor = c;
} else if (types.length == 0) {
ctor = c;
IStringConverter<?> result = stringCtor != null
? stringCtor.newInstance(m_parameterAnnotation.names()[0])
: ctor.newInstance();
return result;
private void log(String string) {
if (System.getProperty(JCommander.DEBUG_PROPERTY) != null) {
System.out.println("[ParameterDescription] " + string);