blob: 1d74678d76f9adf1dcd3fa1151e14087258ca339 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@fmeum_rules_jni//jni:defs.bzl", "cc_jni_library")
load("//bazel:cc.bzl", "cc_17_library")
name = "sanitizer_hooks_with_pc",
hdrs = ["sanitizer_hooks_with_pc.h"],
visibility = [
name = "fuzzed_data_provider",
srcs = [
hdrs = [
visibility = [
deps = [
# Symbols may only be referenced dynamically via JNI.
alwayslink = True,
name = "signal_handler",
srcs = ["signal_handler.cpp"],
linkstatic = True,
visibility = [
deps = [
# Symbols are only referenced dynamically via JNI.
alwayslink = True,
name = "coverage_tracker_jni",
visibility = ["//agent/src/jmh/java/com/code_intelligence/jazzer/instrumentor:__pkg__"],
deps = [
name = "coverage_tracker",
srcs = ["coverage_tracker.cpp"],
hdrs = ["coverage_tracker.h"],
linkstatic = True,
visibility = [
deps = [
# Symbols are only referenced dynamically via JNI.
alwayslink = True,
name = "libfuzzer_callbacks",
srcs = ["libfuzzer_callbacks.cpp"],
linkstatic = True,
visibility = [
deps = [
] + select({
# We statically link the fuzzer callbacks on Windows since linking a shared library against
# symbols exported by a binary is difficult: We would need a .def file to export the symbols
# and create an interface library from the binary that is then linked into the shared
# library. This creates a conceptual (and real) cyclic dependency between the binary and the
# shared library since the binary data-depends on the agent and thus on the shared library.
# Since we only have to link the fuzzer callbacks dynamically to work around a JDK bug in an
# obsoleted feature (critical JNI natives) that is only meant to improve performance, we
# don't worry about this too much.
"@platforms//os:windows": [
# On other platforms, dynamic linking is easy, so we load the fuzzer callbacks from a shared
# library at runtime. This is needed to let the JVM's JavaCritical_* lookup succeed, which
# does not correctly load statically linked symbols.
# See //agent/src/main/native/com/code_intelligence/jazzer/runtime:jazzer_fuzzer_callbacks
# for the place this is linked into the agent instead.
"//conditions:default": [],
# Symbols are only referenced dynamically via JNI.
alwayslink = True,
name = "jazzer_main",
srcs = [":jazzer_main.cpp"],
deps = [
name = "fuzz_target_runner",
srcs = ["fuzz_target_runner.cpp"],
hdrs = ["fuzz_target_runner.h"],
deps = [
# With sanitizers, symbols are only referenced dynamically via JNI.
alwayslink = True,
name = "jvm_tooling_lib",
srcs = ["jvm_tooling.cpp"],
hdrs = ["jvm_tooling.h"],
# Needs to be linked statically for JNI_OnLoad_jazzer_initialize to be found
# by the JVM.
linkstatic = True,
tags = [
# Should be built through the cc_17_library driver_lib.
deps = [
name = "driver_lib",
linkstatic = True,
deps = [
# This includes an explicit list of all cc_library targets providing
# symbols for JNI dynamic linking.
alwayslink = True,
name = "jazzer_driver",
srcs = [
# Defines symbols otherwise defined by sanitizers to prevent linker
# errors and print JVM stack traces.
# Windows-compatible replacement for __attribute__((weak)).
data = [
linkopts = select({
"@platforms//os:windows": [],
"//conditions:default": [
}) + select({
"//:clang_on_linux": ["-fuse-ld=lld"],
"//conditions:default": [],
linkstatic = True,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [":driver_lib"],
name = "using_toolchain_on_osx",
actual = select({
"//third_party:uses_toolchain": "@platforms//os:osx",
# In order to achieve AND semantics, reference a setting that is known
# not to apply.
"//conditions:default": "//third_party:uses_toolchain",
name = "jazzer_driver_asan",
data = [
linkopts = [
] + select({
"@platforms//os:windows": [
# Sanitizer runtimes have to be linked manually on Windows:
"//conditions:default": [
}) + select({
"//:clang_on_linux": ["-fuse-ld=lld"],
"//conditions:default": [],
linkstatic = True,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [":driver_lib"] + select({
# There is no static ASan runtime on macOS, so link to the dynamic
# runtime library if on macOS and using the toolchain.
":using_toolchain_on_osx": ["@llvm_toolchain_llvm//:macos_asan_dynamic"],
"//conditions:default": [],
name = "jazzer_driver_ubsan",
data = [
linkopts = [
] + select({
"@platforms//os:windows": [
# Sanitizer runtimes have to be linked manually on Windows:
"//conditions:default": [
# Link UBSan statically, even on macOS.
}) + select({
"//:clang_on_linux": ["-fuse-ld=lld"],
"//conditions:default": [],
linkstatic = True,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [":driver_lib"],
name = "sanitizer_symbols_for_tests",
srcs = ["sanitizer_symbols_for_tests.cpp"],
visibility = ["//driver/src/test:__subpackages__"],
alwayslink = True,
# This JNI library can be loaded by Java-only tests to provide mock definitions
# of the symbols exported by the real jazzer_driver.
name = "mock_driver",
srcs = select({
"@platforms//os:windows": [],
"//conditions:default": ["rtld_global_hack.cpp"],
visibility = ["//agent/src/test/java:__subpackages__"],
deps = [
name = "jvm_tooling_test",
size = "small",
srcs = ["jvm_tooling_test.cpp"],
args = [
"--cp=jazzer/$(rootpath //driver/testdata:fuzz_target_mocks_deploy.jar)",
data = [
includes = ["."],
deps = [
name = "fuzzed_data_provider_test",
size = "medium",
srcs = ["fuzzed_data_provider_test.cpp"],
args = [
"--cp=jazzer/$(rootpath //driver/testdata:fuzz_target_mocks_deploy.jar)",
data = [
includes = ["."],
deps = [
name = "test_main",
srcs = ["test_main.cpp"],
linkstatic = True,
deps = [