blob: c68822878547956bc8b24d9a7675b1e7aa16a167 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team.
* This file is part of JavaParser.
* JavaParser can be used either under the terms of
* a) the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* b) the terms of the Apache License
* You should have received a copy of both licenses in LICENCE.LGPL and
* LICENCE.APACHE. Please refer to those files for details.
* JavaParser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
options {
JDK_VERSION = "1.8";
* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Júlio Vilmar Gesser.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team.
* This file is part of JavaParser.
* JavaParser can be used either under the terms of
* a) the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* b) the terms of the Apache License
* You should have received a copy of both licenses in LICENCE.LGPL and
* LICENCE.APACHE. Please refer to those files for details.
* JavaParser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.github.javaparser;
import java.util.*;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.*;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.*;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.comments.*;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.*;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.*;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.*;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.*;
import com.github.javaparser.utils.*;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import static com.github.javaparser.JavaToken.INVALID;
import static com.github.javaparser.ast.Node.Parsedness.UNPARSABLE;
import static com.github.javaparser.utils.Utils.*;
import static com.github.javaparser.ast.NodeList.*;
import static com.github.javaparser.GeneratedJavaParser.*;
import static com.github.javaparser.Range.*;
import static com.github.javaparser.Position.*;
import static com.github.javaparser.ast.type.ArrayType.*;
import static com.github.javaparser.GeneratedJavaParserTokenManagerBase.*;
final class GeneratedJavaParser extends GeneratedJavaParserBase {
/* Returns the JavaParser specific token type of the last matched token */
JavaToken token() {
return token.javaToken;
/* Changes the amount by which the horizontal position is increased when a tab character is encountered.
One by default.*/
void setTabSize(int size) {
GeneratedJavaParserTokenManager getTokenSource() {
return token_source;
<SPACE: [" ", "\t", "\f", "\u0085", "\u00A0", "\u1680", "\u180e", "\u2000", "\u2001", "\u2002", "\u2003", "\u2004", "\u2005",
"\u2006", "\u2007", "\u2008", "\u2009", "\u200a", "\u200b", "\u200c", "\u200d", "\u2028", "\u2029", "\u202f", "\u205f", "\u2060", "\u3000", "\ufeff"]>
| <WINDOWS_EOL : "\r\n">
| <UNIX_EOL: "\n">
| <OLD_MAC_EOL: "\r">
private List<JavaToken> tokens = new ArrayList<JavaToken>();
private CommentsCollection commentsCollection = new CommentsCollection();
private JavaToken homeToken;
private Stack<Token> tokenWorkStack = new Stack<Token>();
private boolean storeTokens;
void reset() {
tokens = new ArrayList<JavaToken>();
commentsCollection = new CommentsCollection();
homeToken = null;
List<JavaToken> getTokens() {
if(storeTokens) {
return tokens;
return null;
CommentsCollection getCommentsCollection() {
return commentsCollection;
/* Get the very first token in the file */
JavaToken getHomeToken() {
return homeToken;
/* Makes the parser keep a list of tokens */
public void setStoreTokens(boolean storeTokens) {
this.storeTokens = storeTokens;
private void CommonTokenAction(Token token) {
// Use an intermediary stack to avoid recursion, see issue 1003
do {
token = token.specialToken;
} while (token != null);
// The stack is now filled with tokens in left-to-right order. Process them.
while(!tokenWorkStack.empty()) {
token = tokenWorkStack.pop();
token.javaToken = new JavaToken(token, tokens);
if(storeTokens) {
if (homeToken == null) {
homeToken = token.javaToken;
if(TokenTypes.isComment(token.kind)) {
Comment comment = createCommentFromToken(token);
<SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT: "//" (~["\n","\r"])* ("\n"|"\r"|"\r\n")? >
<ENTER_JAVADOC_COMMENT: "/**" ~["/"]> { input_stream.backup(1); } : IN_JAVADOC_COMMENT
< ABSTRACT: "abstract" >
| < ASSERT: "assert" >
| < BOOLEAN: "boolean" >
| < BREAK: "break" >
| < BYTE: "byte" >
| < CASE: "case" >
| < CATCH: "catch" >
| < CHAR: "char" >
| < CLASS: "class" >
| < CONST: "const" >
| < CONTINUE: "continue" >
| < _DEFAULT: "default" >
| < DO: "do" >
| < DOUBLE: "double" >
| < ELSE: "else" >
| < ENUM: "enum" >
| < EXTENDS: "extends" >
| < FALSE: "false" >
| < FINAL: "final" >
| < FINALLY: "finally" >
| < FLOAT: "float" >
| < FOR: "for" >
| < GOTO: "goto" >
| < IF: "if" >
| < IMPLEMENTS: "implements" >
| < IMPORT: "import" >
| < INSTANCEOF: "instanceof" >
| < INT: "int" >
| < INTERFACE: "interface" >
| < LONG: "long" >
| < NATIVE: "native" >
| < NEW: "new" >
| < NULL: "null" >
| < PACKAGE: "package">
| < PRIVATE: "private" >
| < PROTECTED: "protected" >
| < PUBLIC: "public" >
| < RETURN: "return" >
| < SHORT: "short" >
| < STATIC: "static" >
| < STRICTFP: "strictfp" >
| < SUPER: "super" >
| < SWITCH: "switch" >
| < SYNCHRONIZED: "synchronized" >
| < THIS: "this" >
| < THROW: "throw" >
| < THROWS: "throws" >
| < TRANSIENT: "transient" >
| < TRUE: "true" >
| < TRY: "try" >
| < VOID: "void" >
| < VOLATILE: "volatile" >
| < WHILE: "while" >
| < REQUIRES: "requires" >
| < TO: "to" >
| < WITH: "with" >
| < OPEN: "open" >
| < OPENS: "opens" >
| < USES: "uses" >
| < MODULE: "module" >
| < EXPORTS: "exports" >
| < PROVIDES: "provides" >
| < TRANSITIVE: "transitive" >
| <HEX_LITERAL> (["l","L"])
| <OCTAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])
| <BINARY_LITERAL> (["l","L"])
< #DECIMAL_LITERAL: ["0"-"9"]((["0"-"9","_"])*["0"-"9"])? >
< #HEX_LITERAL: "0" ["x","X"] <HEX_DIGITS> >
< #OCTAL_LITERAL: "0" ["0"-"7"]((["0"-"7","_"])*["0"-"7"])? >
< #BINARY_LITERAL: "0" ["b","B"] ["0","1"]((["0","1","_"])*["0","1"])? >
| "." <DECIMAL_LITERAL> (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])?
< #DECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (<DECIMAL_LITERAL>)+ >
<HEX_LITERAL> (".")? <HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
| "0" ["x","X"] (<HEX_DIGITS>)? "." <HEX_DIGITS> <HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
< #HEX_DIGITS: ["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"]((["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F","_"])*["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])? >
["0"-"9","A"-"F","a"-"f"] >
( (~["'","\\","\n","\r"])
| ("\\"
( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
| ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
| ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"]
( (~["\"","\\","\n","\r"])
| ("\\"
( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
| ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
| ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"] ["0"-"7"]
| ("\\u"
< #LETTER: [
"\u0024", "\u0041"-"\u005a", "\u005f", "\u0061"-"\u007a", "\u00a2"-"\u00a5", "\u00aa", "\u00b5",
"\u00ba", "\u00c0"-"\u00d6", "\u00d8"-"\u00f6", "\u00f8"-"\u02c1", "\u02c6"-"\u02d1", "\u02e0"-"\u02e4",
"\u02ec", "\u02ee", "\u0370"-"\u0374", "\u0376"-"\u0377", "\u037a"-"\u037d", "\u0386", "\u0388"-"\u038a",
"\u038c", "\u038e"-"\u03a1", "\u03a3"-"\u03f5", "\u03f7"-"\u0481", "\u048a"-"\u0527", "\u0531"-"\u0556",
"\u0559", "\u0561"-"\u0587", "\u058f", "\u05d0"-"\u05ea", "\u05f0"-"\u05f2", "\u060b", "\u0620"-"\u064a",
"\u066e"-"\u066f", "\u0671"-"\u06d3", "\u06d5", "\u06e5"-"\u06e6", "\u06ee"-"\u06ef", "\u06fa"-"\u06fc",
"\u06ff", "\u0710", "\u0712"-"\u072f", "\u074d"-"\u07a5", "\u07b1", "\u07ca"-"\u07ea", "\u07f4"-"\u07f5",
"\u07fa", "\u0800"-"\u0815", "\u081a", "\u0824", "\u0828", "\u0840"-"\u0858", "\u08a0", "\u08a2"-"\u08ac",
"\u0904"-"\u0939", "\u093d", "\u0950", "\u0958"-"\u0961", "\u0971"-"\u0977", "\u0979"-"\u097f",
"\u0985"-"\u098c", "\u098f"-"\u0990", "\u0993"-"\u09a8", "\u09aa"-"\u09b0", "\u09b2", "\u09b6"-"\u09b9",
"\u09bd", "\u09ce", "\u09dc"-"\u09dd", "\u09df"-"\u09e1", "\u09f0"-"\u09f3", "\u09fb", "\u0a05"-"\u0a0a",
"\u0a0f"-"\u0a10", "\u0a13"-"\u0a28", "\u0a2a"-"\u0a30", "\u0a32"-"\u0a33", "\u0a35"-"\u0a36",
"\u0a38"-"\u0a39", "\u0a59"-"\u0a5c", "\u0a5e", "\u0a72"-"\u0a74", "\u0a85"-"\u0a8d", "\u0a8f"-"\u0a91",
"\u0a93"-"\u0aa8", "\u0aaa"-"\u0ab0", "\u0ab2"-"\u0ab3", "\u0ab5"-"\u0ab9", "\u0abd", "\u0ad0",
"\u0ae0"-"\u0ae1", "\u0af1", "\u0b05"-"\u0b0c", "\u0b0f"-"\u0b10", "\u0b13"-"\u0b28", "\u0b2a"-"\u0b30",
"\u0b32"-"\u0b33", "\u0b35"-"\u0b39", "\u0b3d", "\u0b5c"-"\u0b5d", "\u0b5f"-"\u0b61", "\u0b71",
"\u0b83", "\u0b85"-"\u0b8a", "\u0b8e"-"\u0b90", "\u0b92"-"\u0b95", "\u0b99"-"\u0b9a", "\u0b9c",
"\u0b9e"-"\u0b9f", "\u0ba3"-"\u0ba4", "\u0ba8"-"\u0baa", "\u0bae"-"\u0bb9", "\u0bd0", "\u0bf9",
"\u0c05"-"\u0c0c", "\u0c0e"-"\u0c10", "\u0c12"-"\u0c28", "\u0c2a"-"\u0c33", "\u0c35"-"\u0c39",
"\u0c3d", "\u0c58"-"\u0c59", "\u0c60"-"\u0c61", "\u0c85"-"\u0c8c", "\u0c8e"-"\u0c90", "\u0c92"-"\u0ca8",
"\u0caa"-"\u0cb3", "\u0cb5"-"\u0cb9", "\u0cbd", "\u0cde", "\u0ce0"-"\u0ce1", "\u0cf1"-"\u0cf2",
"\u0d05"-"\u0d0c", "\u0d0e"-"\u0d10", "\u0d12"-"\u0d3a", "\u0d3d", "\u0d4e", "\u0d60"-"\u0d61",
"\u0d7a"-"\u0d7f", "\u0d85"-"\u0d96", "\u0d9a"-"\u0db1", "\u0db3"-"\u0dbb", "\u0dbd", "\u0dc0"-"\u0dc6",
"\u0e01"-"\u0e30", "\u0e32"-"\u0e33", "\u0e3f"-"\u0e46", "\u0e81"-"\u0e82", "\u0e84", "\u0e87"-"\u0e88",
"\u0e8a", "\u0e8d", "\u0e94"-"\u0e97", "\u0e99"-"\u0e9f", "\u0ea1"-"\u0ea3", "\u0ea5", "\u0ea7",
"\u0eaa"-"\u0eab", "\u0ead"-"\u0eb0", "\u0eb2"-"\u0eb3", "\u0ebd", "\u0ec0"-"\u0ec4", "\u0ec6",
"\u0edc"-"\u0edf", "\u0f00", "\u0f40"-"\u0f47", "\u0f49"-"\u0f6c", "\u0f88"-"\u0f8c", "\u1000"-"\u102a",
"\u103f", "\u1050"-"\u1055", "\u105a"-"\u105d", "\u1061", "\u1065"-"\u1066", "\u106e"-"\u1070",
"\u1075"-"\u1081", "\u108e", "\u10a0"-"\u10c5", "\u10c7", "\u10cd", "\u10d0"-"\u10fa", "\u10fc"-"\u1248",
"\u124a"-"\u124d", "\u1250"-"\u1256", "\u1258", "\u125a"-"\u125d", "\u1260"-"\u1288", "\u128a"-"\u128d",
"\u1290"-"\u12b0", "\u12b2"-"\u12b5", "\u12b8"-"\u12be", "\u12c0", "\u12c2"-"\u12c5", "\u12c8"-"\u12d6",
"\u12d8"-"\u1310", "\u1312"-"\u1315", "\u1318"-"\u135a", "\u1380"-"\u138f", "\u13a0"-"\u13f4",
"\u1401"-"\u166c", "\u166f"-"\u167f", "\u1681"-"\u169a", "\u16a0"-"\u16ea", "\u16ee"-"\u16f0",
"\u1700"-"\u170c", "\u170e"-"\u1711", "\u1720"-"\u1731", "\u1740"-"\u1751", "\u1760"-"\u176c",
"\u176e"-"\u1770", "\u1780"-"\u17b3", "\u17d7", "\u17db"-"\u17dc", "\u1820"-"\u1877", "\u1880"-"\u18a8",
"\u18aa", "\u18b0"-"\u18f5", "\u1900"-"\u191c", "\u1950"-"\u196d", "\u1970"-"\u1974", "\u1980"-"\u19ab",
"\u19c1"-"\u19c7", "\u1a00"-"\u1a16", "\u1a20"-"\u1a54", "\u1aa7", "\u1b05"-"\u1b33", "\u1b45"-"\u1b4b",
"\u1b83"-"\u1ba0", "\u1bae"-"\u1baf", "\u1bba"-"\u1be5", "\u1c00"-"\u1c23", "\u1c4d"-"\u1c4f",
"\u1c5a"-"\u1c7d", "\u1ce9"-"\u1cec", "\u1cee"-"\u1cf1", "\u1cf5"-"\u1cf6", "\u1d00"-"\u1dbf",
"\u1e00"-"\u1f15", "\u1f18"-"\u1f1d", "\u1f20"-"\u1f45", "\u1f48"-"\u1f4d", "\u1f50"-"\u1f57",
"\u1f59", "\u1f5b", "\u1f5d", "\u1f5f"-"\u1f7d", "\u1f80"-"\u1fb4", "\u1fb6"-"\u1fbc", "\u1fbe",
"\u1fc2"-"\u1fc4", "\u1fc6"-"\u1fcc", "\u1fd0"-"\u1fd3", "\u1fd6"-"\u1fdb", "\u1fe0"-"\u1fec",
"\u1ff2"-"\u1ff4", "\u1ff6"-"\u1ffc", "\u203f"-"\u2040", "\u2054", "\u2071", "\u207f", "\u2090"-"\u209c",
"\u20a0"-"\u20ba", "\u2102", "\u2107", "\u210a"-"\u2113", "\u2115", "\u2119"-"\u211d", "\u2124",
"\u2126", "\u2128", "\u212a"-"\u212d", "\u212f"-"\u2139", "\u213c"-"\u213f", "\u2145"-"\u2149",
"\u214e", "\u2160"-"\u2188", "\u2c00"-"\u2c2e", "\u2c30"-"\u2c5e", "\u2c60"-"\u2ce4", "\u2ceb"-"\u2cee",
"\u2cf2"-"\u2cf3", "\u2d00"-"\u2d25", "\u2d27", "\u2d2d", "\u2d30"-"\u2d67", "\u2d6f", "\u2d80"-"\u2d96",
"\u2da0"-"\u2da6", "\u2da8"-"\u2dae", "\u2db0"-"\u2db6", "\u2db8"-"\u2dbe", "\u2dc0"-"\u2dc6",
"\u2dc8"-"\u2dce", "\u2dd0"-"\u2dd6", "\u2dd8"-"\u2dde", "\u2e2f", "\u3005"-"\u3007", "\u3021"-"\u3029",
"\u3031"-"\u3035", "\u3038"-"\u303c", "\u3041"-"\u3096", "\u309d"-"\u309f", "\u30a1"-"\u30fa",
"\u30fc"-"\u30ff", "\u3105"-"\u312d", "\u3131"-"\u318e", "\u31a0"-"\u31ba", "\u31f0"-"\u31ff",
"\u3400"-"\u4db5", "\u4e00"-"\u9fcc", "\ua000"-"\ua48c", "\ua4d0"-"\ua4fd", "\ua500"-"\ua60c",
"\ua610"-"\ua61f", "\ua62a"-"\ua62b", "\ua640"-"\ua66e", "\ua67f"-"\ua697", "\ua6a0"-"\ua6ef",
"\ua717"-"\ua71f", "\ua722"-"\ua788", "\ua78b"-"\ua78e", "\ua790"-"\ua793", "\ua7a0"-"\ua7aa",
"\ua7f8"-"\ua801", "\ua803"-"\ua805", "\ua807"-"\ua80a", "\ua80c"-"\ua822", "\ua838", "\ua840"-"\ua873",
"\ua882"-"\ua8b3", "\ua8f2"-"\ua8f7", "\ua8fb", "\ua90a"-"\ua925", "\ua930"-"\ua946", "\ua960"-"\ua97c",
"\ua984"-"\ua9b2", "\ua9cf", "\uaa00"-"\uaa28", "\uaa40"-"\uaa42", "\uaa44"-"\uaa4b", "\uaa60"-"\uaa76",
"\uaa7a", "\uaa80"-"\uaaaf", "\uaab1", "\uaab5"-"\uaab6", "\uaab9"-"\uaabd", "\uaac0", "\uaac2",
"\uaadb"-"\uaadd", "\uaae0"-"\uaaea", "\uaaf2"-"\uaaf4", "\uab01"-"\uab06", "\uab09"-"\uab0e",
"\uab11"-"\uab16", "\uab20"-"\uab26", "\uab28"-"\uab2e", "\uabc0"-"\uabe2", "\uac00"-"\ud7a3",
"\ud7b0"-"\ud7c6", "\ud7cb"-"\ud7fb", "\ud800"-"\udfff", "\uf900"-"\ufa6d", "\ufa70"-"\ufad9",
"\ufb00"-"\ufb06", "\ufb13"-"\ufb17", "\ufb1d", "\ufb1f"-"\ufb28", "\ufb2a"-"\ufb36", "\ufb38"-"\ufb3c",
"\ufb3e", "\ufb40"-"\ufb41", "\ufb43"-"\ufb44", "\ufb46"-"\ufbb1", "\ufbd3"-"\ufd3d", "\ufd50"-"\ufd8f",
"\ufd92"-"\ufdc7", "\ufdf0"-"\ufdfc", "\ufe33"-"\ufe34", "\ufe4d"-"\ufe4f", "\ufe69", "\ufe70"-"\ufe74",
"\ufe76"-"\ufefc", "\uff04", "\uff21"-"\uff3a", "\uff3f", "\uff41"-"\uff5a", "\uff66"-"\uffbe",
"\uffc2"-"\uffc7", "\uffca"-"\uffcf", "\uffd2"-"\uffd7", "\uffda"-"\uffdc", "\uffe0"-"\uffe1",
"\uffe5"-"\uffe6" ]
"\u0000"-"\u0008", "\u000e"-"\u001b", "\u0024", "\u0030"-"\u0039", "\u0041"-"\u005a", "\u005f",
"\u0061"-"\u007a", "\u007f"-"\u009f", "\u00a2"-"\u00a5", "\u00aa", "\u00ad", "\u00b5", "\u00ba",
"\u00c0"-"\u00d6", "\u00d8"-"\u00f6", "\u00f8"-"\u02c1", "\u02c6"-"\u02d1", "\u02e0"-"\u02e4",
"\u02ec", "\u02ee", "\u0300"-"\u0374", "\u0376"-"\u0377", "\u037a"-"\u037d", "\u0386", "\u0388"-"\u038a",
"\u038c", "\u038e"-"\u03a1", "\u03a3"-"\u03f5", "\u03f7"-"\u0481", "\u0483"-"\u0487", "\u048a"-"\u0527",
"\u0531"-"\u0556", "\u0559", "\u0561"-"\u0587", "\u058f", "\u0591"-"\u05bd", "\u05bf", "\u05c1"-"\u05c2",
"\u05c4"-"\u05c5", "\u05c7", "\u05d0"-"\u05ea", "\u05f0"-"\u05f2", "\u0600"-"\u0604", "\u060b",
"\u0610"-"\u061a", "\u0620"-"\u0669", "\u066e"-"\u06d3", "\u06d5"-"\u06dd", "\u06df"-"\u06e8",
"\u06ea"-"\u06fc", "\u06ff", "\u070f"-"\u074a", "\u074d"-"\u07b1", "\u07c0"-"\u07f5", "\u07fa",
"\u0800"-"\u082d", "\u0840"-"\u085b", "\u08a0", "\u08a2"-"\u08ac", "\u08e4"-"\u08fe", "\u0900"-"\u0963",
"\u0966"-"\u096f", "\u0971"-"\u0977", "\u0979"-"\u097f", "\u0981"-"\u0983", "\u0985"-"\u098c",
"\u098f"-"\u0990", "\u0993"-"\u09a8", "\u09aa"-"\u09b0", "\u09b2", "\u09b6"-"\u09b9", "\u09bc"-"\u09c4",
"\u09c7"-"\u09c8", "\u09cb"-"\u09ce", "\u09d7", "\u09dc"-"\u09dd", "\u09df"-"\u09e3", "\u09e6"-"\u09f3",
"\u09fb", "\u0a01"-"\u0a03", "\u0a05"-"\u0a0a", "\u0a0f"-"\u0a10", "\u0a13"-"\u0a28", "\u0a2a"-"\u0a30",
"\u0a32"-"\u0a33", "\u0a35"-"\u0a36", "\u0a38"-"\u0a39", "\u0a3c", "\u0a3e"-"\u0a42", "\u0a47"-"\u0a48",
"\u0a4b"-"\u0a4d", "\u0a51", "\u0a59"-"\u0a5c", "\u0a5e", "\u0a66"-"\u0a75", "\u0a81"-"\u0a83",
"\u0a85"-"\u0a8d", "\u0a8f"-"\u0a91", "\u0a93"-"\u0aa8", "\u0aaa"-"\u0ab0", "\u0ab2"-"\u0ab3",
"\u0ab5"-"\u0ab9", "\u0abc"-"\u0ac5", "\u0ac7"-"\u0ac9", "\u0acb"-"\u0acd", "\u0ad0", "\u0ae0"-"\u0ae3",
"\u0ae6"-"\u0aef", "\u0af1", "\u0b01"-"\u0b03", "\u0b05"-"\u0b0c", "\u0b0f"-"\u0b10", "\u0b13"-"\u0b28",
"\u0b2a"-"\u0b30", "\u0b32"-"\u0b33", "\u0b35"-"\u0b39", "\u0b3c"-"\u0b44", "\u0b47"-"\u0b48",
"\u0b4b"-"\u0b4d", "\u0b56"-"\u0b57", "\u0b5c"-"\u0b5d", "\u0b5f"-"\u0b63", "\u0b66"-"\u0b6f",
"\u0b71", "\u0b82"-"\u0b83", "\u0b85"-"\u0b8a", "\u0b8e"-"\u0b90", "\u0b92"-"\u0b95", "\u0b99"-"\u0b9a",
"\u0b9c", "\u0b9e"-"\u0b9f", "\u0ba3"-"\u0ba4", "\u0ba8"-"\u0baa", "\u0bae"-"\u0bb9", "\u0bbe"-"\u0bc2",
"\u0bc6"-"\u0bc8", "\u0bca"-"\u0bcd", "\u0bd0", "\u0bd7", "\u0be6"-"\u0bef", "\u0bf9", "\u0c01"-"\u0c03",
"\u0c05"-"\u0c0c", "\u0c0e"-"\u0c10", "\u0c12"-"\u0c28", "\u0c2a"-"\u0c33", "\u0c35"-"\u0c39",
"\u0c3d"-"\u0c44", "\u0c46"-"\u0c48", "\u0c4a"-"\u0c4d", "\u0c55"-"\u0c56", "\u0c58"-"\u0c59",
"\u0c60"-"\u0c63", "\u0c66"-"\u0c6f", "\u0c82"-"\u0c83", "\u0c85"-"\u0c8c", "\u0c8e"-"\u0c90",
"\u0c92"-"\u0ca8", "\u0caa"-"\u0cb3", "\u0cb5"-"\u0cb9", "\u0cbc"-"\u0cc4", "\u0cc6"-"\u0cc8",
"\u0cca"-"\u0ccd", "\u0cd5"-"\u0cd6", "\u0cde", "\u0ce0"-"\u0ce3", "\u0ce6"-"\u0cef", "\u0cf1"-"\u0cf2",
"\u0d02"-"\u0d03", "\u0d05"-"\u0d0c", "\u0d0e"-"\u0d10", "\u0d12"-"\u0d3a", "\u0d3d"-"\u0d44",
"\u0d46"-"\u0d48", "\u0d4a"-"\u0d4e", "\u0d57", "\u0d60"-"\u0d63", "\u0d66"-"\u0d6f", "\u0d7a"-"\u0d7f",
"\u0d82"-"\u0d83", "\u0d85"-"\u0d96", "\u0d9a"-"\u0db1", "\u0db3"-"\u0dbb", "\u0dbd", "\u0dc0"-"\u0dc6",
"\u0dca", "\u0dcf"-"\u0dd4", "\u0dd6", "\u0dd8"-"\u0ddf", "\u0df2"-"\u0df3", "\u0e01"-"\u0e3a",
"\u0e3f"-"\u0e4e", "\u0e50"-"\u0e59", "\u0e81"-"\u0e82", "\u0e84", "\u0e87"-"\u0e88", "\u0e8a",
"\u0e8d", "\u0e94"-"\u0e97", "\u0e99"-"\u0e9f", "\u0ea1"-"\u0ea3", "\u0ea5", "\u0ea7", "\u0eaa"-"\u0eab",
"\u0ead"-"\u0eb9", "\u0ebb"-"\u0ebd", "\u0ec0"-"\u0ec4", "\u0ec6", "\u0ec8"-"\u0ecd", "\u0ed0"-"\u0ed9",
"\u0edc"-"\u0edf", "\u0f00", "\u0f18"-"\u0f19", "\u0f20"-"\u0f29", "\u0f35", "\u0f37", "\u0f39",
"\u0f3e"-"\u0f47", "\u0f49"-"\u0f6c", "\u0f71"-"\u0f84", "\u0f86"-"\u0f97", "\u0f99"-"\u0fbc",
"\u0fc6", "\u1000"-"\u1049", "\u1050"-"\u109d", "\u10a0"-"\u10c5", "\u10c7", "\u10cd", "\u10d0"-"\u10fa",
"\u10fc"-"\u1248", "\u124a"-"\u124d", "\u1250"-"\u1256", "\u1258", "\u125a"-"\u125d", "\u1260"-"\u1288",
"\u128a"-"\u128d", "\u1290"-"\u12b0", "\u12b2"-"\u12b5", "\u12b8"-"\u12be", "\u12c0", "\u12c2"-"\u12c5",
"\u12c8"-"\u12d6", "\u12d8"-"\u1310", "\u1312"-"\u1315", "\u1318"-"\u135a", "\u135d"-"\u135f",
"\u1380"-"\u138f", "\u13a0"-"\u13f4", "\u1401"-"\u166c", "\u166f"-"\u167f", "\u1681"-"\u169a",
"\u16a0"-"\u16ea", "\u16ee"-"\u16f0", "\u1700"-"\u170c", "\u170e"-"\u1714", "\u1720"-"\u1734",
"\u1740"-"\u1753", "\u1760"-"\u176c", "\u176e"-"\u1770", "\u1772"-"\u1773", "\u1780"-"\u17d3",
"\u17d7", "\u17db"-"\u17dd", "\u17e0"-"\u17e9", "\u180b"-"\u180d", "\u1810"-"\u1819", "\u1820"-"\u1877",
"\u1880"-"\u18aa", "\u18b0"-"\u18f5", "\u1900"-"\u191c", "\u1920"-"\u192b", "\u1930"-"\u193b",
"\u1946"-"\u196d", "\u1970"-"\u1974", "\u1980"-"\u19ab", "\u19b0"-"\u19c9", "\u19d0"-"\u19d9",
"\u1a00"-"\u1a1b", "\u1a20"-"\u1a5e", "\u1a60"-"\u1a7c", "\u1a7f"-"\u1a89", "\u1a90"-"\u1a99",
"\u1aa7", "\u1b00"-"\u1b4b", "\u1b50"-"\u1b59", "\u1b6b"-"\u1b73", "\u1b80"-"\u1bf3", "\u1c00"-"\u1c37",
"\u1c40"-"\u1c49", "\u1c4d"-"\u1c7d", "\u1cd0"-"\u1cd2", "\u1cd4"-"\u1cf6", "\u1d00"-"\u1de6",
"\u1dfc"-"\u1f15", "\u1f18"-"\u1f1d", "\u1f20"-"\u1f45", "\u1f48"-"\u1f4d", "\u1f50"-"\u1f57",
"\u1f59", "\u1f5b", "\u1f5d", "\u1f5f"-"\u1f7d", "\u1f80"-"\u1fb4", "\u1fb6"-"\u1fbc", "\u1fbe",
"\u1fc2"-"\u1fc4", "\u1fc6"-"\u1fcc", "\u1fd0"-"\u1fd3", "\u1fd6"-"\u1fdb", "\u1fe0"-"\u1fec",
"\u1ff2"-"\u1ff4", "\u1ff6"-"\u1ffc", "\u200b"-"\u200f", "\u202a"-"\u202e", "\u203f"-"\u2040",
"\u2054", "\u2060"-"\u2064", "\u206a"-"\u206f", "\u2071", "\u207f", "\u2090"-"\u209c", "\u20a0"-"\u20ba",
"\u20d0"-"\u20dc", "\u20e1", "\u20e5"-"\u20f0", "\u2102", "\u2107", "\u210a"-"\u2113", "\u2115",
"\u2119"-"\u211d", "\u2124", "\u2126", "\u2128", "\u212a"-"\u212d", "\u212f"-"\u2139", "\u213c"-"\u213f",
"\u2145"-"\u2149", "\u214e", "\u2160"-"\u2188", "\u2c00"-"\u2c2e", "\u2c30"-"\u2c5e", "\u2c60"-"\u2ce4",
"\u2ceb"-"\u2cf3", "\u2d00"-"\u2d25", "\u2d27", "\u2d2d", "\u2d30"-"\u2d67", "\u2d6f", "\u2d7f"-"\u2d96",
"\u2da0"-"\u2da6", "\u2da8"-"\u2dae", "\u2db0"-"\u2db6", "\u2db8"-"\u2dbe", "\u2dc0"-"\u2dc6",
"\u2dc8"-"\u2dce", "\u2dd0"-"\u2dd6", "\u2dd8"-"\u2dde", "\u2de0"-"\u2dff", "\u2e2f", "\u3005"-"\u3007",
"\u3021"-"\u302f", "\u3031"-"\u3035", "\u3038"-"\u303c", "\u3041"-"\u3096", "\u3099"-"\u309a",
"\u309d"-"\u309f", "\u30a1"-"\u30fa", "\u30fc"-"\u30ff", "\u3105"-"\u312d", "\u3131"-"\u318e",
"\u31a0"-"\u31ba", "\u31f0"-"\u31ff", "\u3400"-"\u4db5", "\u4e00"-"\u9fcc", "\ua000"-"\ua48c",
"\ua4d0"-"\ua4fd", "\ua500"-"\ua60c", "\ua610"-"\ua62b", "\ua640"-"\ua66f", "\ua674"-"\ua67d",
"\ua67f"-"\ua697", "\ua69f"-"\ua6f1", "\ua717"-"\ua71f", "\ua722"-"\ua788", "\ua78b"-"\ua78e",
"\ua790"-"\ua793", "\ua7a0"-"\ua7aa", "\ua7f8"-"\ua827", "\ua838", "\ua840"-"\ua873", "\ua880"-"\ua8c4",
"\ua8d0"-"\ua8d9", "\ua8e0"-"\ua8f7", "\ua8fb", "\ua900"-"\ua92d", "\ua930"-"\ua953", "\ua960"-"\ua97c",
"\ua980"-"\ua9c0", "\ua9cf"-"\ua9d9", "\uaa00"-"\uaa36", "\uaa40"-"\uaa4d", "\uaa50"-"\uaa59",
"\uaa60"-"\uaa76", "\uaa7a"-"\uaa7b", "\uaa80"-"\uaac2", "\uaadb"-"\uaadd", "\uaae0"-"\uaaef",
"\uaaf2"-"\uaaf6", "\uab01"-"\uab06", "\uab09"-"\uab0e", "\uab11"-"\uab16", "\uab20"-"\uab26",
"\uab28"-"\uab2e", "\uabc0"-"\uabea", "\uabec"-"\uabed", "\uabf0"-"\uabf9", "\uac00"-"\ud7a3",
"\ud7b0"-"\ud7c6", "\ud7cb"-"\ud7fb", "\ud800"-"\udfff", "\uf900"-"\ufa6d", "\ufa70"-"\ufad9",
"\ufb00"-"\ufb06", "\ufb13"-"\ufb17", "\ufb1d"-"\ufb28", "\ufb2a"-"\ufb36", "\ufb38"-"\ufb3c",
"\ufb3e", "\ufb40"-"\ufb41", "\ufb43"-"\ufb44", "\ufb46"-"\ufbb1", "\ufbd3"-"\ufd3d", "\ufd50"-"\ufd8f",
"\ufd92"-"\ufdc7", "\ufdf0"-"\ufdfc", "\ufe00"-"\ufe0f", "\ufe20"-"\ufe26", "\ufe33"-"\ufe34",
"\ufe4d"-"\ufe4f", "\ufe69", "\ufe70"-"\ufe74", "\ufe76"-"\ufefc", "\ufeff", "\uff04", "\uff10"-"\uff19",
"\uff21"-"\uff3a", "\uff3f", "\uff41"-"\uff5a", "\uff66"-"\uffbe", "\uffc2"-"\uffc7", "\uffca"-"\uffcf",
"\uffd2"-"\uffd7", "\uffda"-"\uffdc", "\uffe0"-"\uffe1", "\uffe5"-"\uffe6", "\ufff9"-"\ufffb" ]
< LPAREN: "(" >
| < RPAREN: ")" >
| < LBRACE: "{" >
| < RBRACE: "}" >
| < LBRACKET: "[" >
| < RBRACKET: "]" >
| < SEMICOLON: ";" >
| < COMMA: "," >
| < DOT: "." >
| < AT: "@" >
< ASSIGN: "=" >
| < LT: "<" >
| < BANG: "!" >
| < TILDE: "~" >
| < HOOK: "?" >
| < COLON: ":" >
| < EQ: "==" >
| < LE: "<=" >
| < GE: ">=" >
| < NE: "!=" >
| < SC_OR: "||" >
| < SC_AND: "&&" >
| < INCR: "++" >
| < DECR: "--" >
| < PLUS: "+" >
| < MINUS: "-" >
| < STAR: "*" >
| < SLASH: "/" >
| < BIT_AND: "&" >
| < BIT_OR: "|" >
| < XOR: "^" >
| < REM: "%" >
| < LSHIFT: "<<" >
| < PLUSASSIGN: "+=" >
| < MINUSASSIGN: "-=" >
| < STARASSIGN: "*=" >
| < SLASHASSIGN: "/=" >
| < ANDASSIGN: "&=" >
| < ORASSIGN: "|=" >
| < XORASSIGN: "^=" >
| < REMASSIGN: "%=" >
| < LSHIFTASSIGN: "<<=" >
| < ELLIPSIS: "..." >
| < ARROW: "->" >
| < DOUBLECOLON: "::" >
/* >'s need special attention due to generics syntax. */
matchedToken.kind = GT;
matchedToken.realKind = RUNSIGNEDSHIFT;
| < RSIGNEDSHIFT: ">>" >
matchedToken.kind = GT;
matchedToken.realKind = RSIGNEDSHIFT;
| < GT: ">" >
TOKEN: { <CTRL_Z: "\u001A" /** ctrl+z char **/> }
* Program structuring syntax follows.
CompilationUnit CompilationUnit():
PackageDeclaration pakage = null;
NodeList<ImportDeclaration> imports = emptyList();
ImportDeclaration in = null;
NodeList<TypeDeclaration<?>> types = emptyList();
ModifierHolder modifier;
TypeDeclaration tn = null;
ModuleDeclaration module = null;
try {
( LOOKAHEAD(2)";" )*
[ LOOKAHEAD(PackageDeclaration()) pakage = PackageDeclaration() ]
in = ImportDeclaration() { imports = add(imports, in); }
modifier = Modifiers()
tn = ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifier) { types = add(types, tn); }
tn = EnumDeclaration(modifier) { types = add(types, tn); }
tn = AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifier) { types = add(types, tn); }
module = ModuleDeclaration(modifier)
(<EOF> | <CTRL_Z>)
{ return new CompilationUnit(range(token_source.getHomeToken(), token()), pakage, imports, types, module); }
} catch (ParseException e) {
recover(EOF, e);
final CompilationUnit compilationUnit = new CompilationUnit(range(token_source.getHomeToken(), token()), null, new NodeList<ImportDeclaration>(), new NodeList<TypeDeclaration<?>>(), null);
return compilationUnit;
PackageDeclaration PackageDeclaration():
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
Name name;
JavaToken begin;
annotations = Annotations()
"package" {begin = token();} name = Name() ";"
{ return new PackageDeclaration(range(begin, token()), annotations, name); }
ImportDeclaration ImportDeclaration():
Name name;
boolean isStatic = false;
boolean isAsterisk = false;
JavaToken begin;
"import" {begin = token();}
[ "static" { isStatic = true; } ]
name = Name()
[ "." "*" { isAsterisk = true; } ] ";"
{ return new ImportDeclaration(range(begin, token()), name, isStatic, isAsterisk); }
* Modifiers. We match all modifiers in a single rule to reduce the chances of
* syntax errors for simple modifier mistakes. It will also enable us to give
* better error messages.
ModifierHolder Modifiers():
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
EnumSet<Modifier> modifiers = EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class);
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
AnnotationExpr ann;
"public" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.PUBLIC); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"static" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.STATIC); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"protected" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.PROTECTED); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"private" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.PRIVATE); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"final" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.FINAL); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"abstract" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.ABSTRACT); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"synchronized" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"native" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.NATIVE); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"transient" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.TRANSIENT); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"volatile" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.VOLATILE); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"strictfp" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.STRICTFP); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"transitive" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.TRANSITIVE); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"default" { addModifier(modifiers, Modifier.DEFAULT); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
ann = Annotation() { annotations = add(annotations, ann); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, ann); }
return new ModifierHolder(begin, modifiers, annotations);
* Declaration syntax follows.
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(ModifierHolder modifier):
boolean isInterface = false;
SimpleName name;
RangedList<TypeParameter> typePar = new RangedList<TypeParameter>(emptyList());
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> extList = emptyList();
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> impList = emptyList();
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> members = emptyList();
JavaToken begin = modifier.begin;
( "class" | "interface" { isInterface = true; } ) { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
name = SimpleName()
[ typePar = TypeParameters() ]
[ extList = ExtendsList() ]
[ impList = ImplementsList() ]
members = ClassOrInterfaceBody()
{ return new ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, isInterface, name, typePar.list, extList, impList, members); }
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> ExtendsList():
boolean extendsMoreThanOne = false;
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> ret = new NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType>();
ClassOrInterfaceType cit;
"extends" cit = AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); }
( "," cit = AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); extendsMoreThanOne = true; } )*
{ return ret; }
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> ImplementsList():
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> ret = new NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType>();
ClassOrInterfaceType cit;
"implements" cit = AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); }
( "," cit = AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); } )*
{ return ret; }
EnumDeclaration EnumDeclaration(ModifierHolder modifier):
SimpleName name;
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> impList = emptyList();
EnumConstantDeclaration entry;
NodeList<EnumConstantDeclaration> entries = emptyList();
BodyDeclaration<?> member;
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> members = emptyList();
JavaToken begin = modifier.begin;
"enum" { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
name = SimpleName()
[ impList = ImplementsList() ]
entry = EnumConstantDeclaration() { entries.add(entry); } ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," entry = EnumConstantDeclaration() { entries.add(entry); } )*
[ "," ]
";" (
member = ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration() { members = add(members, member); }
{ return new EnumDeclaration(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, name, impList, entries, members); }
EnumConstantDeclaration EnumConstantDeclaration():
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
AnnotationExpr ann;
SimpleName name;
NodeList<Expression> args = emptyList();
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> classBody = emptyList();
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
{ }
( ann = Annotation() { annotations = add(annotations, ann); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, ann); } )*
name = SimpleName() { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
[ args = Arguments() ] [ classBody = ClassOrInterfaceBody() ]
return new EnumConstantDeclaration(range(begin, token()), annotations, name, args, classBody);
* If the list inside the returned RangedList is null, there are no brackets.
* If it is empty, there are brackets, but nothing is in them <>.
* The normal case is that it contains TypeParameters, like <A, B, C>.
RangedList<TypeParameter> TypeParameters():
RangedList<TypeParameter> ret = new RangedList<TypeParameter>(new NodeList<TypeParameter>());
TypeParameter tp;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
"<" { ret.beginAt(token()); }
annotations = Annotations()
tp = TypeParameter(annotations) { ret.add(tp); annotations = null; }
( ","
annotations = Annotations() tp = TypeParameter(annotations) { ret.add(tp); annotations = null; } )*
">" { ret.endAt(token()); }
{ return ret; }
TypeParameter TypeParameter(NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations):
SimpleName name;
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> typeBound = emptyList();
JavaToken begin;
name = SimpleName() { begin=token(); } [ typeBound = TypeBound() ]
{ return new TypeParameter(range(begin, token()), name, typeBound, annotations); }
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> TypeBound():
NodeList<ClassOrInterfaceType> ret = emptyList();
ClassOrInterfaceType cit;
"extends" cit = AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); }
( "&" cit = AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType() { ret.add(cit); } )*
{ return ret; }
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> ClassOrInterfaceBody():
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> ret = emptyList();
BodyDeclaration member;
"{" (
member = ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration() { ret.add(member); }
)* "}"
{ return ret; }
BodyDeclaration<?> ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration():
ModifierHolder modifier;
BodyDeclaration<?> ret;
ret = InitializerDeclaration()
// Just get all the modifiers out of the way. If you want to do
// more checks, pass the modifiers down to the member
modifier = Modifiers()
ret = ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifier)
| LOOKAHEAD("enum")
ret = EnumDeclaration(modifier)
| LOOKAHEAD("@" "interface")
ret = AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifier)
| LOOKAHEAD( [ TypeParameters() ] Identifier() "(" )
ret = ConstructorDeclaration(modifier)
| LOOKAHEAD( Type() Identifier() ( ArrayBracketPair() )* ( "," | "=" | ";" ) )
ret = FieldDeclaration(modifier)
ret = MethodDeclaration(modifier)
{ return ret; }
FieldDeclaration FieldDeclaration(ModifierHolder modifier):
Type partialType;
NodeList<VariableDeclarator> variables = new NodeList<VariableDeclarator>();
VariableDeclarator val;
// Modifiers are already matched in the caller
partialType = Type(emptyList()) val = VariableDeclarator(partialType) { variables.add(val); }
( "," val = VariableDeclarator(partialType) { variables.add(val); } )* ";"
JavaToken begin = orIfInvalid(modifier.begin, partialType);
return new FieldDeclaration(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, variables);
VariableDeclarator VariableDeclarator(Type partialType):
Pair<SimpleName, List<ArrayBracketPair>> id;
Expression init = null;
id = VariableDeclaratorId() [ "=" init = VariableInitializer() ]
{ return new VariableDeclarator(range(id.a, token()), juggleArrayType(partialType, id.b), id.a, init); }
Pair<SimpleName, List<ArrayBracketPair>> VariableDeclaratorId():
SimpleName name;
JavaToken begin;
ArrayBracketPair arrayBracketPair;
List<ArrayBracketPair> arrayBracketPairs = new ArrayList(0);
name = SimpleName() { begin=token();} ( arrayBracketPair = ArrayBracketPair(Origin.NAME) { arrayBracketPairs=add(arrayBracketPairs, arrayBracketPair); } )*
if(storeTokens) {
return new Pair(name, arrayBracketPairs);
Expression VariableInitializer():
Expression ret;
ret = ArrayInitializer()
ret = Expression()
{ return ret;}
ArrayInitializerExpr ArrayInitializer():
NodeList<Expression> values = emptyList();
Expression val;
JavaToken begin;
"{" {begin=token();} [ val = VariableInitializer() { values = add(values, val); } ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," val = VariableInitializer() { values = add(values, val); } )* ] [ "," ] "}"
{ return new ArrayInitializerExpr(range(begin, token()), values); }
MethodDeclaration MethodDeclaration(ModifierHolder modifier):
RangedList<TypeParameter> typeParameters = new RangedList<TypeParameter>(emptyList());
Type type;
SimpleName name;
Pair<NodeList<Parameter>, ReceiverParameter> parameters = new Pair<NodeList<Parameter>, ReceiverParameter>(emptyList(), null);
ArrayBracketPair arrayBracketPair;
List<ArrayBracketPair> arrayBracketPairs = new ArrayList(0);
NodeList<ReferenceType> throws_ = emptyList();
BlockStmt body = null;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
JavaToken begin = modifier.begin;
ReferenceType throwType;
// Modifiers already matched in the caller!
[ typeParameters = TypeParameters() { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, typeParameters.range.getBegin()); } ]
annotations = Annotations() { modifier.annotations.addAll(annotations); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, nodeListBegin(annotations)); }
type = ResultType(emptyList()) { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, type); }
name = SimpleName() parameters = Parameters() ( arrayBracketPair = ArrayBracketPair(Origin.NAME) { arrayBracketPairs=add(arrayBracketPairs, arrayBracketPair); } )*
[ "throws" throwType = AnnotatedReferenceType() { throws_ = add(throws_, throwType); }
("," throwType = AnnotatedReferenceType() { throws_ = add(throws_, throwType); } )* ]
( body = Block() | ";" )
type = juggleArrayType(type, arrayBracketPairs);
return new MethodDeclaration(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, typeParameters.list, type, name, parameters.a, throws_, body, parameters.b);
ReferenceType AnnotatedReferenceType():
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
ReferenceType type;
annotations = Annotations()
type = ReferenceType(annotations)
{ return type; }
Type AnnotatedType():
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
Type type;
annotations = Annotations()
type = Type(annotations)
{ return type; }
Pair<NodeList<Parameter>, ReceiverParameter> Parameters():
NodeList<Parameter> ret = emptyList();
Parameter par;
ReceiverParameter rp = null;
( LOOKAHEAD(ReceiverParameter())
rp = ReceiverParameter()
par = Parameter() { ret = add(ret, par); }
( "," par = Parameter() { ret = add(ret, par); } )*
{ return new Pair(ret, rp); }
NodeList<Parameter> LambdaParameters():
NodeList<Parameter> ret = null;
Parameter par;
par = Parameter() { ret = add(ret, par); } ( "," par = Parameter() { ret = add(ret, par); } )*
{ return ret; }
NodeList<Parameter> InferredLambdaParameters():
NodeList<Parameter> ret = null;
Pair<SimpleName, List<ArrayBracketPair>> id;
id = VariableDeclaratorId() { ret = add(ret, new Parameter(range(id.a, id.a), EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class), emptyList(), new UnknownType(), false, emptyList(), id.a));}
"," id = VariableDeclaratorId() { ret = add(ret, new Parameter(range(id.a, id.a), EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class), emptyList(), new UnknownType(), false, emptyList(), id.a)); }
{ return ret; }
Parameter Parameter():
ModifierHolder modifier;
Type partialType;
boolean isVarArg = false;
Pair<SimpleName, List<ArrayBracketPair>> id;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> varArgAnnotations = emptyList();
modifier = Modifiers() partialType = Type(emptyList()) [ varArgAnnotations = Annotations() "..." { isVarArg = true;} ]
id = VariableDeclaratorId()
JavaToken begin = orIfInvalid(modifier.begin, partialType);
return new Parameter(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, juggleArrayType(partialType, id.b), isVarArg, varArgAnnotations, id.a);
ReceiverParameter ReceiverParameter():
Type partialType;
Name id;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = emptyList();
annotations = Annotations()
partialType = Type(emptyList())
id = ReceiverParameterId()
return new ReceiverParameter(range(partialType, token()), annotations, partialType, id);
Name ReceiverParameterId():
Name ret = null;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
[ LOOKAHEAD(Name()) ret = Name() "."] annotations=Annotations() "this"
{ return new Name(tokenRange(), ret, token.image, annotations); }
ConstructorDeclaration ConstructorDeclaration(ModifierHolder modifier):
RangedList<TypeParameter> typeParameters = new RangedList<TypeParameter>(emptyList());
SimpleName name;
Pair<NodeList<Parameter>, ReceiverParameter> parameters = new Pair<NodeList<Parameter>, ReceiverParameter>(emptyList(), null);
NodeList<ReferenceType> throws_ = emptyList();
ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt exConsInv = null;
NodeList<Statement> stmts = emptyList();
JavaToken begin = modifier.begin;
JavaToken blockBegin = INVALID;
ReferenceType throwType;
[ typeParameters = TypeParameters() { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, typeParameters.range.getBegin()); } ]
// Modifiers matched in the caller
name = SimpleName() { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, typeParameters.range.getBegin()); begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); } parameters = Parameters() [ "throws" throwType = AnnotatedReferenceType() { throws_ = add(throws_, throwType); }
("," throwType = AnnotatedReferenceType() { throws_ = add(throws_, throwType); })* ]
"{" { blockBegin=token(); }
[ LOOKAHEAD(ExplicitConstructorInvocation()) exConsInv = ExplicitConstructorInvocation() ]
stmts = Statements()
if (exConsInv != null) {
stmts = prepend(stmts, exConsInv);
return new ConstructorDeclaration(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, typeParameters.list, name, parameters.a, throws_, new BlockStmt(range(blockBegin, token()), stmts), parameters.b);
ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt ExplicitConstructorInvocation():
boolean isThis = false;
NodeList<Expression> args;
Expression expr = null;
RangedList<Type> typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
LOOKAHEAD([ TypeArguments() ] <THIS> "(")
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() { begin=typeArgs.range.getBegin(); } ]
<THIS> { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); isThis = true; }
args = Arguments() ";"
LOOKAHEAD( PrimaryExpressionWithoutSuperSuffix() "." )
expr = PrimaryExpressionWithoutSuperSuffix() "."
{ begin = orIfInvalid(begin, expr); }
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, typeArgs.range.getBegin()); } ]
<SUPER> {begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token());}
args = Arguments() ";"
{ return new ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt(range(begin, token()),typeArgs.list, isThis, expr, args); }
NodeList<Statement> Statements():
NodeList<Statement> ret = emptyList();
Statement stmt;
( LOOKAHEAD(2) stmt = BlockStatement() { ret = add(ret, stmt); } )*
{ return ret; }
InitializerDeclaration InitializerDeclaration():
BlockStmt body;
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
boolean isStatic = false;
[ "static" { isStatic = true; begin=token();} ]
body = Block() {begin = orIfInvalid(begin, body);}
{ return new InitializerDeclaration(range(begin, token()), isStatic, body); }
* Type, name and expression syntax follows.
Type Type(NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations):
Type ret;
LOOKAHEAD(2) ret = ReferenceType(annotations)
ret = PrimitiveType(annotations )
{ return ret; }
ReferenceType ReferenceType(NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations):
Type type;
ArrayBracketPair arrayBracketPair;
List<ArrayBracketPair> arrayBracketPairs = new ArrayList(0);
type = PrimitiveType(annotations) ( LOOKAHEAD(Annotations() "[") arrayBracketPair = ArrayBracketPair(Origin.TYPE) { arrayBracketPairs=add(arrayBracketPairs, arrayBracketPair); } )+
type = ClassOrInterfaceType(annotations) ( LOOKAHEAD(Annotations() "[") arrayBracketPair = ArrayBracketPair(Origin.TYPE) { arrayBracketPairs=add(arrayBracketPairs, arrayBracketPair); } )*
{ return (ReferenceType)wrapInArrayTypes(type, arrayBracketPairs); }
ArrayBracketPair ArrayBracketPair(Origin origin):
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
annotations = Annotations()
"[" { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); } "]"
{ return new ArrayBracketPair(range(begin, token()), origin, annotations); }
IntersectionType IntersectionType(NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations):
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
ReferenceType elementType;
NodeList<ReferenceType> elements = emptyList();
elementType = ReferenceType(annotations) { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, elementType); elements = add(elements, elementType); }
"&" (elementType = AnnotatedReferenceType() { elements = add(elements, elementType); } )+
{ return new IntersectionType(range(begin, token()), elements); }
ClassOrInterfaceType AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType():
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
ClassOrInterfaceType cit;
annotations = Annotations()
cit = ClassOrInterfaceType(annotations)
{ return cit; }
ClassOrInterfaceType ClassOrInterfaceType(NodeList<AnnotationExpr> firstAnnotations):
ClassOrInterfaceType ret;
SimpleName name;
RangedList<Type> typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
JavaToken begin;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
name = SimpleName() {begin=token();}
[ LOOKAHEAD(2) typeArgs = TypeArguments() ]
ret = new ClassOrInterfaceType(range(begin, token()), null, name, typeArgs.list, firstAnnotations);
typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
LOOKAHEAD(2) "." annotations = Annotations() name = SimpleName()
[ LOOKAHEAD(2) typeArgs = TypeArguments() ]
ret = new ClassOrInterfaceType(range(begin, token()), ret, name, typeArgs.list, annotations);
typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
{ return ret; }
RangedList<Type> TypeArguments():
RangedList<Type> ret = new RangedList<Type>(new NodeList<Type>());
Type type;
"<" { ret.beginAt(token()); }
(type = TypeArgument() { ret.add(type); } ( "," type = TypeArgument() { ret.add(type); } )*)?
">" { ret.endAt(token()); }
{ return ret; }
Type TypeArgument():
Type ret;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
annotations = Annotations()
ret = Type(annotations)
ret = Wildcard(annotations)
{ return ret; }
WildcardType Wildcard(NodeList<AnnotationExpr> firstAnnotations):
ReferenceType ext = null;
ReferenceType sup = null;
JavaToken begin;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
"?" {begin=token();}
"extends" annotations = Annotations() ext = ReferenceType(annotations)
"super" annotations = Annotations() sup = ReferenceType(annotations)
return new WildcardType(range(begin, token()), ext, sup, firstAnnotations);
PrimitiveType PrimitiveType(NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations):
PrimitiveType ret;
"boolean" { ret = new PrimitiveType(tokenRange(), PrimitiveType.Primitive.BOOLEAN, annotations); }
"char" { ret = new PrimitiveType(tokenRange(), PrimitiveType.Primitive.CHAR, annotations); }
"byte" { ret = new PrimitiveType(tokenRange(), PrimitiveType.Primitive.BYTE, annotations); }
"short" { ret = new PrimitiveType(tokenRange(), PrimitiveType.Primitive.SHORT, annotations); }
"int" { ret = new PrimitiveType(tokenRange(), PrimitiveType.Primitive.INT, annotations); }
"long" { ret = new PrimitiveType(tokenRange(), PrimitiveType.Primitive.LONG, annotations); }
"float" { ret = new PrimitiveType(tokenRange(), PrimitiveType.Primitive.FLOAT, annotations); }
"double" { ret = new PrimitiveType(tokenRange(), PrimitiveType.Primitive.DOUBLE, annotations); }
{ return ret; }
Type ResultType(NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations):
Type ret;
"void" { ret = new VoidType(tokenRange()); }
ret = Type(annotations)
{ return ret; }
Name Name():
* A lookahead is required below since "Name" can be followed
* by a ".*" when used in the context of an "ImportDeclaration".
Name ret;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
annotations=Annotations() Identifier() { ret = new Name(tokenRange(), null, token.image, annotations); }
( LOOKAHEAD("." Annotations() Identifier())
"." annotations=Annotations() Identifier() { ret = new Name(range(ret, token()), ret, token.image, annotations); } )*
{ return ret; }
SimpleName SimpleName():
SimpleName ret;
Identifier() { ret = new SimpleName(tokenRange(), token.image); }
{ return ret; }
String Identifier():
String ret;
// Make sure the module info keywords don't interfere with normal Java parsing by matching them as normal identifiers.
// Make sure older Java versions parse
// An actual plain old identifier
<IDENTIFIER>) { ret = token.image; setTokenKind(IDENTIFIER);}
{ return ret; }
* Expression syntax follows.
Expression Expression():
* This expansion has been written this way instead of:
* Assignment() | ConditionalExpression()
* for performance reasons.
* However, it is a weakening of the grammar for it allows the LHS of
* assignments to be any conditional expression whereas it can only be
* a primary expression. This is caught by a validation after parsing.
Expression ret;
AssignExpr.Operator op;
Expression value;
Statement lambdaBody = null;
RangedList<Type> typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
ret = ConditionalExpression()
op = AssignmentOperator() value = Expression() { ret = new AssignExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, value, op); }
"->" lambdaBody = LambdaBody()
if (ret instanceof CastExpr) {
ret = generateLambda(ret, lambdaBody);
} else if (ret instanceof ConditionalExpr) {
ConditionalExpr ce = (ConditionalExpr) ret;
if(ce.getElseExpr() != null) {
ce.setElseExpr(generateLambda(ce.getElseExpr(), lambdaBody));
} else {
ret = generateLambda(ret, lambdaBody);
"::" [typeArgs = TypeArguments() ] (Identifier() | "new") { ret = new MethodReferenceExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, typeArgs.list, token.image); }
{ return ret; }
AssignExpr.Operator AssignmentOperator():
AssignExpr.Operator ret;
"=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.ASSIGN; }
| "*=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.MULTIPLY; }
| "/=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.DIVIDE; }
| "%=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.REMAINDER; }
| "+=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.PLUS; }
| "-=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.MINUS; }
| "<<=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.LEFT_SHIFT; }
| ">>=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.SIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT; }
| ">>>=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT; }
| "&=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.BINARY_AND; }
| "^=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.XOR; }
| "|=" { ret = AssignExpr.Operator.BINARY_OR; }
{ return ret; }
Expression ConditionalExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression left;
Expression right;
ret = ConditionalOrExpression()
[ "?" left = Expression() ":" right = ConditionalExpression() { ret = new ConditionalExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, left, right); } ]
{ return ret; }
Expression ConditionalOrExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = ConditionalAndExpression() ( "||" right = ConditionalAndExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.OR); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression ConditionalAndExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = InclusiveOrExpression() ( "&&" right = InclusiveOrExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.AND); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression InclusiveOrExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = ExclusiveOrExpression() ( "|" right = ExclusiveOrExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.BINARY_OR); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression ExclusiveOrExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = AndExpression() ( "^" right = AndExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.XOR); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression AndExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
ret = EqualityExpression() ( "&" right = EqualityExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, BinaryExpr.Operator.BINARY_AND); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression EqualityExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = InstanceOfExpression()
( "==" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.EQUALS; } |
"!=" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.NOT_EQUALS; }
) right = InstanceOfExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression InstanceOfExpression():
Expression ret;
ReferenceType type;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
ret = RelationalExpression() [ "instanceof" type = AnnotatedReferenceType() {
ret = new InstanceOfExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, type);
} ]
{ return ret; }
Expression RelationalExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = ShiftExpression()
( "<" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.LESS; } |
">" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.GREATER; } |
"<=" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.LESS_EQUALS; } |
">=" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.GREATER_EQUALS; }
) right = ShiftExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression ShiftExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = AdditiveExpression()
( "<<" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.LEFT_SHIFT; } |
RSIGNEDSHIFT() { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.SIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT; } |
) right = AdditiveExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression AdditiveExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = MultiplicativeExpression()
( "+" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.PLUS; } |
"-" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.MINUS; }
) right = MultiplicativeExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression MultiplicativeExpression():
Expression ret;
Expression right;
BinaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = UnaryExpression()
( "*" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.MULTIPLY; } |
"/" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.DIVIDE; } |
"%" { op = BinaryExpr.Operator.REMAINDER; }
) right = UnaryExpression() { ret = new BinaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, right, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression UnaryExpression():
Expression ret;
UnaryExpr.Operator op;
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
ret = PreIncrementExpression()
ret = PreDecrementExpression()
( "+" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.PLUS; begin=token();} |
"-" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.MINUS; begin=token();}
) ret = UnaryExpression()
ret = new UnaryExpr(range(begin, token()), ret, op);
ret = UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus()
{ return ret; }
Expression PreIncrementExpression():
Expression ret;
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
"++" {begin=token();} ret = UnaryExpression() { ret = new UnaryExpr(range(begin, token()), ret, UnaryExpr.Operator.PREFIX_INCREMENT); }
{ return ret; }
Expression PreDecrementExpression():
Expression ret;
JavaToken begin;
"--" {begin=token();} ret = UnaryExpression() { ret = new UnaryExpr(range(begin, token()), ret, UnaryExpr.Operator.PREFIX_DECREMENT); }
{ return ret; }
Expression UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus():
Expression ret;
UnaryExpr.Operator op;
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
( "~" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.BITWISE_COMPLEMENT; begin=token(); } |
"!" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.LOGICAL_COMPLEMENT; begin=token(); }
) ret = UnaryExpression() { ret = new UnaryExpr(range(begin, token()), ret, op); }
LOOKAHEAD( CastExpression() )
ret = CastExpression()
ret = PostfixExpression()
{ return ret; }
Expression PostfixExpression():
Expression ret;
UnaryExpr.Operator op;
ret = PrimaryExpression()
( "++" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.POSTFIX_INCREMENT; } |
"--" { op = UnaryExpr.Operator.POSTFIX_DECREMENT; }
) { ret = new UnaryExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, op); }
{ return ret; }
Expression CastExpression():
Expression ret;
ReferenceType referenceType;
PrimitiveType primitiveType;
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations;
NodeList<ReferenceType> typesOfMultiCast = emptyList();
"(" {begin=token();}
annotations = Annotations()
primitiveType = PrimitiveType(annotations) ")" ret = UnaryExpression() { ret = new CastExpr(range(begin, token()), primitiveType, ret); }
referenceType = ReferenceType(annotations) { typesOfMultiCast = add(typesOfMultiCast, referenceType); }
( "&" referenceType = AnnotatedReferenceType() {
typesOfMultiCast = add(typesOfMultiCast, referenceType);
")" ret = UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus() {
if (typesOfMultiCast.size() > 1) {
ret = new CastExpr(range(begin, token()), new IntersectionType(range(typesOfMultiCast.get(0), typesOfMultiCast.get(typesOfMultiCast.size() -1)), typesOfMultiCast), ret);
} else {
ret = new CastExpr(range(begin, token()), referenceType, ret);
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimaryExpression():
Expression ret;
ret = PrimaryPrefix() ( LOOKAHEAD(2) ret = PrimarySuffix(ret) )*
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimaryExpressionWithoutSuperSuffix():
Expression ret;
ret = PrimaryPrefix() ( LOOKAHEAD( PrimarySuffixWithoutSuper(null) ) ret = PrimarySuffixWithoutSuper(ret) )*
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimaryPrefix():
Expression ret = null;
SimpleName name;
RangedList<Type> typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
NodeList<Expression> args = emptyList();
NodeList<Parameter> params = emptyList();
boolean hasArgs = false;
boolean isLambda = false;
Type type;
JavaToken begin;
Parameter p = null;
SimpleName id = null;
ret = Literal()
<THIS> { ret = new ThisExpr(tokenRange(), null); }
<SUPER> { ret = new SuperExpr(tokenRange(), null); }
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() ]
name = SimpleName()
[ args = Arguments() {hasArgs=true;} ]
if (hasArgs) {
ret = new MethodCallExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, typeArgs.list, name, args);
} else {
ret = new FieldAccessExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, emptyList(), name);
"::" [typeArgs = TypeArguments() ] (Identifier() | "new")
ret = new MethodReferenceExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, typeArgs.list, token.image);
"(" {begin=token();}
")" { ret = new LambdaExpr(range(begin, token()), params, new BlockStmt(), true); }
| LOOKAHEAD(Parameter())
params = LambdaParameters() ")" { ret = new LambdaExpr(range(begin, token()), params, new BlockStmt(), true); }
| LOOKAHEAD(VariableDeclaratorId() ",")
params = InferredLambdaParameters() ")" { ret = new LambdaExpr(range(begin, token()), params, new BlockStmt(), true); }
// This could still be a lambda expression, but this is handled after matching -> elsewhere
ret = Expression() ")" { ret = new EnclosedExpr(range(begin, token()), ret); }
ret = AllocationExpression(null)
LOOKAHEAD( ResultType() "." "class" )
type = ResultType(emptyList()) "." "class" { ret = new ClassExpr(range(type, token()), type); }
| LOOKAHEAD (AnnotatedType() "::" )
type = AnnotatedType() "::" [typeArgs = TypeArguments() ] (Identifier() | "new")
ret = new TypeExpr(range(type, type), type);
ret = new MethodReferenceExpr(range(ret, token()), ret, typeArgs.list, token.image);
name = SimpleName() { begin=token(); }
[ args = Arguments() { hasArgs=true; } ]
if (hasArgs) {
ret = new MethodCallExpr(range(begin, token()), null, null, name, args);
} else {
ret = new NameExpr(name);
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimarySuffix(Expression scope):
Expression ret;
ret = PrimarySuffixWithoutSuper(scope)
"." "super" { ret = new SuperExpr(range(scope, token()), scope); }
{ return ret; }
Expression PrimarySuffixWithoutSuper(Expression scope):
Expression ret;
RangedList<Type> typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
NodeList<Expression> args = emptyList();
boolean hasArgs = false;
SimpleName name;
"this" { ret = new ThisExpr(range(scope, token()), scope); }
ret = AllocationExpression(scope)
LOOKAHEAD( [ TypeArguments() ] Identifier() )
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() ]
name = SimpleName()
[ args = Arguments() {hasArgs=true;} ]
if (hasArgs) {
ret = new MethodCallExpr(range(scope, token()), scope, typeArgs.list, name, args);
} else {
ret = new FieldAccessExpr(range(scope, token()), scope, typeArgs.list, name);
"["ret = Expression() "]" { ret = new ArrayAccessExpr(range(scope, token()), scope, ret); }
{ return ret; }
Expression Literal():
Expression ret;
ret = new IntegerLiteralExpr(tokenRange(), token.image);
ret = new LongLiteralExpr(tokenRange(), token.image);
ret = new DoubleLiteralExpr(tokenRange(), token.image);
ret = new CharLiteralExpr(tokenRange(), token.image.substring(1, token.image.length()-1));
ret = new StringLiteralExpr(tokenRange(), token.image.substring(1, token.image.length()-1));
ret = BooleanLiteral()
ret = NullLiteral()
{ return ret; }
Expression BooleanLiteral():
Expression ret;
"true" { ret = new BooleanLiteralExpr(tokenRange(), true); }
"false" { ret = new BooleanLiteralExpr(tokenRange(), false); }
{ return ret; }
Expression NullLiteral():
{ return new NullLiteralExpr(tokenRange()); }
NodeList<Expression> Arguments():
NodeList<Expression> ret = emptyList();
"(" [ ret = ArgumentList() ] ")"
{ return ret; }
NodeList<Expression> ArgumentList():
NodeList<Expression> ret = emptyList();
Expression expr;
expr = Expression() { ret.add(expr); } ( "," expr = Expression() { ret.add(expr); } )*
{ return ret; }
Expression AllocationExpression(Expression scope):
Expression ret;
Type type;
RangedList<Type> typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> anonymousBody = null;
NodeList<Expression> args;
JavaToken begin = INVALID;
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
"new" { if(scope==null) {begin=token();} else {begin = orIfInvalid(begin, scope);} }
annotations = Annotations()
type = PrimitiveType(annotations)
ret = ArrayCreation(begin, type)
[ typeArgs = TypeArguments() ]
type = AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType()
ret = ArrayCreation(begin, type)
args = Arguments() [ LOOKAHEAD(2) anonymousBody = ClassOrInterfaceBody() ]
{ ret = new ObjectCreationExpr(range(begin, token()), scope, (ClassOrInterfaceType) type, typeArgs.list, args, anonymousBody); }
{ return ret; }
ArrayCreationExpr ArrayCreation(JavaToken begin, Type type):
Expression expr = null;
ArrayInitializerExpr arrayInitializerExpr = null;
NodeList<Expression> inits = emptyList();
List<NodeList<AnnotationExpr>> accum = new ArrayList<NodeList<AnnotationExpr>>();
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
JavaToken arrayCreationLevelStart = INVALID;
List<TokenRange> levelRanges = new ArrayList<TokenRange>();
annotations = Annotations()
"[" { arrayCreationLevelStart = annotations.isEmpty() ? token() : orIfInvalid(arrayCreationLevelStart, annotations.get(0)); }
(expr = Expression())? { accum = add(accum, annotations); inits = add(inits, expr); annotations=null; expr=null; }
"]" { levelRanges.add(range(arrayCreationLevelStart, token())); }
(arrayInitializerExpr = ArrayInitializer())?
return juggleArrayCreation(range(begin, token()), levelRanges, type, inits, accum, arrayInitializerExpr);
* Statement syntax follows.
Statement Statement():
Statement ret;
try {
ret = LabeledStatement()
ret = AssertStatement()
ret = Block()
ret = EmptyStatement()
ret = StatementExpression()
ret = SwitchStatement()
ret = IfStatement()
ret = WhileStatement()
ret = DoStatement()
ret = ForStatement()
ret = BreakStatement()
ret = ContinueStatement()
ret = ReturnStatement()
ret = ThrowStatement()
ret = SynchronizedStatement()
ret = TryStatement()
{ return ret; }
} catch (ParseException e) {
TokenRange errorRange = recover(SEMICOLON, e);
return new UnparsableStmt(errorRange);
AssertStmt AssertStatement():
Expression check;
Expression msg = null;
JavaToken begin;
"assert" {begin=token();} check = Expression() [ ":" msg = Expression() ] ";"
{ return new AssertStmt(range(begin, token()), check, msg); }
LabeledStmt LabeledStatement():
SimpleName label;
Statement stmt;
JavaToken begin;
label = SimpleName() {begin=token();} ":" stmt = Statement()
{ return new LabeledStmt(range(begin, token()), label, stmt); }
BlockStmt Block():
NodeList<Statement> stmts = emptyList();
JavaToken begin;
"{" {begin=token();}
try {
stmts = Statements()
{ return new BlockStmt(range(begin, token()), stmts); }
} catch (ParseException e) {
recover(RBRACE, e);
BlockStmt block = new BlockStmt(range(begin, token()), new NodeList<Statement>());
return block;
* Classes inside body statements can only be abstract or final. The semantic must check it.
Statement BlockStatement():
Statement ret;
Expression expr;
ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration typeDecl;
ModifierHolder modifier;
try {
( LOOKAHEAD( Modifiers() ("class" | "interface") )
modifier = Modifiers()
typeDecl = ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifier) { ret = new LocalClassDeclarationStmt(range(typeDecl, token()), typeDecl); }
| LOOKAHEAD(VariableDeclarationExpression() )
expr = VariableDeclarationExpression() ";"
{ ret = new ExpressionStmt(range(expr, token()), expr); }
ret = Statement()
{ return ret; }
} catch (ParseException e) {
TokenRange errorRange = recover(SEMICOLON, e);
return new UnparsableStmt(errorRange);
VariableDeclarationExpr VariableDeclarationExpression():
ModifierHolder modifier;
Type partialType;
NodeList<VariableDeclarator> variables = new NodeList<VariableDeclarator>();
VariableDeclarator var;
modifier = Modifiers() partialType = Type(emptyList()) var = VariableDeclarator(partialType) { variables.add(var); } ( "," var = VariableDeclarator(partialType) { variables.add(var); } )*
JavaToken begin=orIfInvalid(modifier.begin, partialType);
return new VariableDeclarationExpr(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, variables);
EmptyStmt EmptyStatement():
{ return new EmptyStmt(tokenRange()); }
Statement LambdaBody():
Expression expr;
Statement n = null;
expr = Expression() { n = new ExpressionStmt(range(expr, token()), expr); }
n = Block()
{ return n; }
ExpressionStmt StatementExpression():
* The last expansion of this production accepts more than the legal
* Java expansions for StatementExpression. This expansion does not
* use PostfixExpression for performance reasons.
Expression expr;
AssignExpr.Operator op;
Expression value;
RangedList<Type> typeArgs = new RangedList<Type>(null);
Statement lambdaBody;
expr = PreIncrementExpression()
expr = PreDecrementExpression()
expr = PrimaryExpression()
"++" { expr = new UnaryExpr(range(expr, token()), expr, UnaryExpr.Operator.POSTFIX_INCREMENT); }
"--" { expr = new UnaryExpr(range(expr, token()), expr, UnaryExpr.Operator.POSTFIX_DECREMENT); }
op = AssignmentOperator() value = Expression() { expr = new AssignExpr(range(expr, token()), expr, value, op); }
{ return new ExpressionStmt(range(expr, token()), expr); }
SwitchStmt SwitchStatement():
Expression selector;
SwitchEntryStmt entry;
NodeList<SwitchEntryStmt> entries = emptyList();
JavaToken begin;
"switch" {begin=token();} "(" selector = Expression() ")" "{"
( entry = SwitchEntry() { entries = add(entries, entry); } )*
{ return new SwitchStmt(range(begin, token()), selector, entries); }
SwitchEntryStmt SwitchEntry():
Expression label = null;
NodeList<Statement> stmts;
JavaToken begin;
"case" {begin=token();} label = Expression()
"default" {begin=token();}
":" stmts = Statements()
{ return new SwitchEntryStmt(range(begin, token()),label, stmts); }
IfStmt IfStatement():
* The disambiguating algorithm of JavaCC automatically binds dangling
* else's to the innermost if statement. The LOOKAHEAD specification
* is to tell JavaCC that we know what we are doing.
Expression condition;
Statement thenStmt;
Statement elseStmt = null;
JavaToken begin;
"if" {begin=token();} "(" condition = Expression() ")" {} thenStmt = Statement() [ LOOKAHEAD(1) "else" {} elseStmt = Statement() ]
return new IfStmt(range(begin, token()), condition, thenStmt, elseStmt);
WhileStmt WhileStatement():
Expression condition;
Statement body;
JavaToken begin;
"while" {begin=token();} "(" condition = Expression() ")" body = Statement()
{ return new WhileStmt(range(begin, token()),condition, body); }
DoStmt DoStatement():
Expression condition;
Statement body;
JavaToken begin;
"do" {begin=token();} body = Statement() "while" "(" condition = Expression() ")" ";"
{ return new DoStmt(range(begin, token()),body, condition); }
Statement ForStatement():
VariableDeclarationExpr varExpr = null;
Expression expr = null;
NodeList<Expression> init = emptyList();
NodeList<Expression> update = emptyList();
Statement body;
JavaToken begin;
"for" {begin=token();} "("
LOOKAHEAD(VariableDeclarationExpression() ":")
varExpr = VariableDeclarationExpression() ":" expr = Expression()
[ init = ForInit() ] ";" [ expr = Expression() ] ";" [ update = ForUpdate() ]
")" body = Statement()
if (varExpr != null) {
return new ForeachStmt(range(begin, token()),varExpr, expr, body);
return new ForStmt(range(begin, token()),init, expr, update, body);
NodeList<Expression> ForInit():
NodeList<Expression> ret;
Expression expr;
LOOKAHEAD( Modifiers() Type() Identifier() )
expr = VariableDeclarationExpression() { ret = new NodeList<Expression>(); ret.add(expr); }
ret = ExpressionList()
{ return ret; }
NodeList<Expression> ExpressionList():
NodeList<Expression> ret = new NodeList<Expression>();
Expression expr;
expr = Expression() { ret.add(expr); } ( "," expr = Expression() { ret.add(expr); } )*
{ return ret; }
NodeList<Expression> ForUpdate():
NodeList<Expression> ret;
ret = ExpressionList()
{ return ret; }
BreakStmt BreakStatement():
SimpleName label = null;
JavaToken begin;
"break" {begin=token();} [ label = SimpleName() ] ";"
{ return new BreakStmt(range(begin, token()), label); }
ContinueStmt ContinueStatement():
SimpleName label = null;
JavaToken begin;
"continue" {begin=token();} [ label = SimpleName() ] ";"
{ return new ContinueStmt(range(begin, token()), label); }
ReturnStmt ReturnStatement():
Expression expr = null;
JavaToken begin;
"return" {begin=token();} [ expr = Expression() ] ";"
{ return new ReturnStmt(range(begin, token()),expr); }
ThrowStmt ThrowStatement():
Expression expr;
JavaToken begin;
"throw" {begin=token();} expr = Expression() ";"
{ return new ThrowStmt(range(begin, token()),expr); }
SynchronizedStmt SynchronizedStatement():
Expression expr;
BlockStmt body;
JavaToken begin;
"synchronized" {begin=token();} "(" expr = Expression() ")" body = Block()
{ return new SynchronizedStmt(range(begin, token()),expr, body); }
TryStmt TryStatement():
NodeList<Expression> resources = emptyList();
BlockStmt tryBlock;
BlockStmt finallyBlock = null;
NodeList<CatchClause> catchs = emptyList();
BlockStmt catchBlock;
ModifierHolder exceptModifier;
ReferenceType exceptionType;
NodeList<ReferenceType> exceptionTypes = emptyList();
Pair<SimpleName, List<ArrayBracketPair>> exceptId;
JavaToken begin;
JavaToken catchBegin;
JavaToken typesBegin;
JavaToken paramEnd;
Type type;
"try" {begin=token();}
(resources = ResourceSpecification())?
tryBlock = Block()
"catch" {catchBegin=token();}
"(" { typesBegin=token(); }
exceptModifier = Modifiers() exceptionType = ReferenceType(emptyList()) { exceptionTypes.add(exceptionType); }
( "|" exceptionType = AnnotatedReferenceType() { exceptionTypes.add(exceptionType); } )*
exceptId = VariableDeclaratorId() { paramEnd = token(); }
catchBlock = Block()
if (exceptionTypes.size() > 1) {
type = new UnionType(range(exceptionTypes.get(0), exceptionTypes.get(exceptionTypes.size() - 1)), exceptionTypes);
} else {
type = (Type)exceptionTypes.get(0);
Parameter catchType = new Parameter(range(type, paramEnd), exceptModifier.modifiers, exceptModifier.annotations, type, false, emptyList(), exceptId.a);
catchs = add(catchs, new CatchClause(range(catchBegin, token()), catchType, catchBlock));
exceptionTypes = emptyList(); }
[ "finally" finallyBlock = Block() ]
"finally" finallyBlock = Block()
{ return new TryStmt(range(begin, token()), resources, tryBlock, catchs, finallyBlock); }
NodeList<Expression> ResourceSpecification() :
NodeList<Expression> variables;
variables = Resources()
(LOOKAHEAD(2) ";")?
{ return variables; }
NodeList<Expression> Resources() :
NodeList<Expression> expressions = new NodeList<Expression>();
Expression expr;
expr = Resource() {expressions.add(expr);} (LOOKAHEAD(2) ";" expr = Resource() {expressions.add(expr);})*
{ return expressions; }
Expression Resource() :
Expression expr;
( LOOKAHEAD( Modifiers() partialType = Type() VariableDeclarator(partialType))
/*this is a bit more lenient than we need to be, eg allowing access modifiers like private*/
expr = VariableDeclarationExpression()
expr = PrimaryExpression()
{ return expr; }
/* We use productions to match >>>, >> and > so that we can keep the
* type declaration syntax with generics clean
( LOOKAHEAD({ getToken(1).kind == GT &&
getToken(1).realKind == RUNSIGNEDSHIFT} )
">" ">" ">"
( LOOKAHEAD({ getToken(1).kind == GT &&
getToken(1).realKind == RSIGNEDSHIFT} )
">" ">"
/* Annotation syntax follows. */
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> Annotations():
NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations = new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>();
AnnotationExpr annotation;
(LOOKAHEAD("@") annotation = Annotation() {annotations = add(annotations, annotation);} )*
{ return annotations; }
AnnotationExpr Annotation():
AnnotationExpr ret;
Name name;
NodeList<MemberValuePair> pairs = emptyList();
JavaToken begin;
Expression memberVal;
"@" { begin=token(); } name = Name()
LOOKAHEAD( "(" ( Identifier() "=" | ")" ))
"(" [ pairs = MemberValuePairs() ] ")"
{ ret = new NormalAnnotationExpr(range(begin, token()), name, pairs); }
"(" memberVal = MemberValue() ")"
{ ret = new SingleMemberAnnotationExpr(range(begin, token()), name, memberVal); }
{ ret = new MarkerAnnotationExpr(range(begin, token()), name); }
{ return ret; }
NodeList<MemberValuePair> MemberValuePairs():
NodeList<MemberValuePair> ret = new NodeList<MemberValuePair>();
MemberValuePair pair;
pair = MemberValuePair() { ret.add(pair); } ( "," pair = MemberValuePair() { ret.add(pair); } )*
{ return ret; }
MemberValuePair MemberValuePair():
SimpleName name;
Expression value;
JavaToken begin;
name = SimpleName() { begin=token();} "=" value = MemberValue()
{ return new MemberValuePair(range(begin, token()),name, value); }
Expression MemberValue():
Expression ret;
ret = Annotation()
ret = MemberValueArrayInitializer()
ret = ConditionalExpression()
{ return ret; }
Expression MemberValueArrayInitializer():
NodeList<Expression> ret = emptyList();
Expression member;
JavaToken begin;
"{" {begin=token();}
( member = MemberValue() { ret.add(member); } ( LOOKAHEAD(2) "," member = MemberValue() { ret.add(member); } )* )? [ "," ]
{ return new ArrayInitializerExpr(range(begin, token()),ret); }
/* Annotation Types. */
AnnotationDeclaration AnnotationTypeDeclaration(ModifierHolder modifier):
SimpleName name;
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> members = emptyList();
JavaToken begin = modifier.begin;
"@" { begin=orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
"interface" name = SimpleName() members = AnnotationTypeBody()
return new AnnotationDeclaration(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, name, members);
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> AnnotationTypeBody():
NodeList<BodyDeclaration<?>> ret = emptyList();
BodyDeclaration member;
"{" (
member = AnnotationBodyDeclaration() { ret = addWhenNotNull(ret, member); }
)* "}"
{ return ret; }
BodyDeclaration<?> AnnotationBodyDeclaration():
ModifierHolder modifier;
BodyDeclaration ret;
modifier = Modifiers()
LOOKAHEAD(Type() Identifier() "(")
ret = AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(modifier)
ret = ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration(modifier)
| LOOKAHEAD("enum")
ret = EnumDeclaration(modifier)
ret = AnnotationTypeDeclaration(modifier)
ret = FieldDeclaration(modifier)
{ return ret; }
AnnotationMemberDeclaration AnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(ModifierHolder modifier):
Type type;
SimpleName name;
Expression defaultVal = null;
type = Type(emptyList()) name = SimpleName() "(" ")" [ defaultVal = DefaultValue() ] ";"
JavaToken begin = orIfInvalid(modifier.begin, type);
return new AnnotationMemberDeclaration(range(begin, token()), modifier.modifiers, modifier.annotations, type, name, defaultVal);
Expression DefaultValue():
Expression ret;
"default" ret = MemberValue()
{ return ret; }
/* Module syntax follows */
ModuleStmt ModuleStmt():
ModifierHolder modifiers;
Name name;
Name tmpName;
NodeList<Name> names=emptyList();
Type type;
Type tmpType;
NodeList<Type> types=emptyList();
JavaToken begin;
ModuleStmt stmt=new ModuleRequiresStmt();
JavaToken transitiveExceptionalToken;
// This is a hack for the edge case "requires transitive;" which is supposed to mean "require the module named 'transitive'"
<REQUIRES> {begin=token();} <TRANSITIVE> {transitiveExceptionalToken=token(); setTokenKind(IDENTIFIER);} ";" {stmt=new ModuleRequiresStmt(range(begin, token()), EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class), new Name(range(transitiveExceptionalToken, transitiveExceptionalToken), null, transitiveExceptionalToken.getText(), new NodeList<AnnotationExpr>()));}
<REQUIRES> {begin=token();} modifiers=Modifiers() name=Name() ";" {stmt=new ModuleRequiresStmt(range(begin, token()), modifiers.modifiers, name);}
<EXPORTS> {begin=token();} name=Name() [<TO> tmpName=Name() {names.add(tmpName);} ("," tmpName=Name(){names.add(tmpName);} )* ] ";" {stmt=new ModuleExportsStmt(range(begin, token()), name, names);}
<OPENS> {begin=token();} name=Name() [<TO> tmpName=Name() {names.add(tmpName);} ("," tmpName=Name(){names.add(tmpName);} )* ] ";" {stmt=new ModuleOpensStmt(range(begin, token()), name, names);}
<USES> { begin=token();} type=Type(emptyList()) ";" {stmt=new ModuleUsesStmt(range(begin, token()), type);}
<PROVIDES> { begin=token();} type=Type(emptyList()) <WITH> tmpType=Type(emptyList()) {types.add(tmpType);} ("," tmpType=Type(emptyList()) {types.add(tmpType);} )* ";" {stmt=new ModuleProvidesStmt(range(begin, token()), type, types);}
{ return stmt; }
ModuleDeclaration ModuleDeclaration(ModifierHolder modifier):
NodeList<ModuleStmt> statements = new NodeList<ModuleStmt>();
boolean open=false;
ModuleStmt st;
Name name;
JavaToken begin = modifier.begin;
[ <OPEN> {open=true; begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token());} ]
<MODULE> { begin = orIfInvalid(begin, token()); }
name = Name() "{"
( st = ModuleStmt() { statements = add(statements, st); } )*
{ return new ModuleDeclaration(range(begin, token()), modifier.annotations, name, open, statements); }
/* Rules for matching partial inputs.
These rules are needed to properly terminate them -
if we simply use the usual rules, they will ignore everything in the provider
after they matched their desired input, which will lead to unexpected behaviour
BlockStmt BlockParseStart():
{ BlockStmt ret; }
{ ret = Block() <EOF> { return ret; } }
Statement BlockStatementParseStart():
{ Statement ret; }
{ (LOOKAHEAD(3) ret = BlockStatement()|ret = ExplicitConstructorInvocation()) <EOF> { return ret; } }
ImportDeclaration ImportDeclarationParseStart():
{ ImportDeclaration ret; }
{ ret = ImportDeclaration() <EOF> { return ret; } }
Expression ExpressionParseStart():
{ Expression ret; }
{ ret = Expression() <EOF> { return ret; } }
AnnotationExpr AnnotationParseStart():
{ AnnotationExpr ret; }
{ ret = Annotation() <EOF> { return ret; } }
BodyDeclaration<?> AnnotationBodyDeclarationParseStart():
{ BodyDeclaration<?> ret; }
{ ret = AnnotationBodyDeclaration() <EOF> { return ret; } }
BodyDeclaration<?> ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclarationParseStart():
{ BodyDeclaration<?> ret; }
{ ret = ClassOrInterfaceBodyDeclaration() <EOF> { return ret; } }
ClassOrInterfaceType ClassOrInterfaceTypeParseStart():
{ ClassOrInterfaceType ret; }
{ ret = AnnotatedClassOrInterfaceType() <EOF> { return ret; } }
Type ResultTypeParseStart():
{ NodeList<AnnotationExpr> annotations; Type ret; }
{ annotations = Annotations() ret = ResultType(annotations) <EOF> { return ret; } }
VariableDeclarationExpr VariableDeclarationExpressionParseStart():
{ VariableDeclarationExpr ret; }
{ ret = VariableDeclarationExpression() <EOF> { return ret; } }
ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt ExplicitConstructorInvocationParseStart():
{ ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt ret; }
{ ret = ExplicitConstructorInvocation() <EOF> { return ret; } }
Name NameParseStart():
{ Name ret; }
{ ret = Name() <EOF> { return ret; } }
SimpleName SimpleNameParseStart():
{ SimpleName ret; }
{ ret = SimpleName() <EOF> { return ret; } }
Parameter ParameterParseStart():
{ Parameter ret; }
{ ret = Parameter() <EOF> { return ret; } }
PackageDeclaration PackageDeclarationParseStart():
{ PackageDeclaration ret; }
{ ret = PackageDeclaration() <EOF> { return ret; } }