blob: 9f6ee243dd9ddb6343de51670ed20aedfaab22b4 [file] [log] [blame]
Scenario: Test declaration as String for constructor on parsed class
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class ClassWithAConstructor {
protected ClassWithAConstructor(int a, String b) throws This, AndThat, AndWhatElse {
Then constructor 1 in class 1 declaration as a String is "protected ClassWithAConstructor(int a, String b) throws This, AndThat, AndWhatElse"
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: Test declaration as String exclusing modifiers and throws for constructor on parsed class
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class ClassWithAConstructor {
protected ClassWithAConstructor(int a, String b) throws This, AndThat, AndWhatElse {
Then constructor 1 in class 1 declaration short form as a String is "ClassWithAConstructor(int a, String b)"
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: Test declaration as String exclusing modifiers and throws for method on parsed class
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class ClassWithAMethod {
final protected /*comment2*/ native List<String> /*comment2*/ aMethod(int a, String b) throws /*comment3*/ This, AndThat, AndWhatElse {
Then method 1 in class 1 declaration as a String is "protected final native List<String> aMethod(int a, String b) throws This, AndThat, AndWhatElse"
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: Test declaration as String exclusing modifiers and throws for method on parsed class
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class ClassWithAMethod {
final protected /*comment2*/ native List<String> /*comment2*/ aMethod(int a, String b) throws /*comment3*/ This, AndThat, AndWhatElse {
Then method 1 in class 1 declaration as a String short form is "List<String> aMethod(int a, String b)"
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: The same class source is parsed by two different compilation units and should therefore be equal
Given a CompilationUnit
Given a second CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package japa.parser.comments;
public class ClassEquality {
public void aMethod(){
// first comment
int a=0; // second comment
When the following sources is parsed by the second CompilationUnit:
package japa.parser.comments;
public class ClassEquality {
public void aMethod(){
// first comment
int a=0; // second comment
Then the CompilationUnit is equal to the second CompilationUnit
Then the CompilationUnit has the same hashcode to the second CompilationUnit
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Then all nodes of the second compilation unit refer to their parent
Scenario: Two different class sources are parsed by two different compilation units and should not be equal
Given a CompilationUnit
Given a second CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package japa.parser.comments;
public class ClassEquality {
public void aMethod(){
// first comment
int a=0; // second comment
When the following sources is parsed by the second CompilationUnit:
package japa.parser.comments;
public class DifferentClass {
public void aMethod(){
// first comment
int a=0; // second comment
Then the CompilationUnit is not equal to the second CompilationUnit
Then the CompilationUnit has a different hashcode to the second CompilationUnit
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Then all nodes of the second compilation unit refer to their parent
Scenario: Classes that only differ by comments should not be equal or have the same hashcode
Given a CompilationUnit
Given a second CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package japa.parser.comments;
public class ClassEquality {
public void aMethod(){
// first comment
int a=0; // second comment
When the following sources is parsed by the second CompilationUnit:
package japa.parser.comments;
public class ClassEquality {
public void aMethod(){
// first comment
int a=0;
Then the CompilationUnit is not equal to the second CompilationUnit
Then the CompilationUnit has a different hashcode to the second CompilationUnit
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Then all nodes of the second compilation unit refer to their parent
Scenario: A class with a colon in the annoation value is parsed by the Java Parser
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package japa.parser.ast;
import org.junit.Test;
public class Issue37 {
public static @interface SomeAnnotation {
String value();
// Parser bug: the type of this field
protected Test test;
Then field 1 in class 1 contains annotation 1 value is """"
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: A class with a Lambda is parsed by the Java Parser
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package bdd.samples;
public class Lambdas {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Lambda Runnable
Runnable r1 = () -> System.out.println("Hello world!");
Runnable r2 = () -> {};
Runnable r3 = () -> { System.out.println("Hello world two!"); };
Stream<CharSequence> stream = Stream.generate((Supplier<CharSequence>) () -> "foo");
Then lambda in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 is called r1
Then lambda in statement 2 in method 1 in class 1 is called r2
Then lambda in statement 3 in method 1 in class 1 is called r3
Then lambda in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 body is "System.out.println("Hello world!");"
Then lambda in statement 2 in method 1 in class 1 block statement is null
Then lambda in statement 3 in method 1 in class 1 block statement is "System.out.println("Hello world two!");"
Then lambda in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 is parent of contained body
Then lambda in statement 3 in method 1 in class 1 is parent of contained body
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Then lambda in method call in statement 4 in method 1 in class 1 body is ""foo";"
Scenario: A class with parameterized Lambdas is parsed by the Java Parser
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package com.github.javapasrser.bdd.parsing;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class ParameterizedLambdas {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Function<Integer,String> f1 = (Integer i) -> String.valueOf(i);
Function<Integer,String> f2 = (i) -> String.valueOf(i);
Function<Integer,String> f3 = i -> String.valueOf(i);
Then lambda in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 is parent of contained parameter
Then lambda in statement 2 in method 1 in class 1 is parent of contained parameter
Then lambda in statement 3 in method 1 in class 1 is parent of contained parameter
Then lambda in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 is parent of contained body
Then lambda in statement 2 in method 1 in class 1 is parent of contained body
Then lambda in statement 3 in method 1 in class 1 is parent of contained body
Then lambda in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 has parameters with non-null type
Then lambda in statement 2 in method 1 in class 1 has parameters with non-null type
Then lambda in statement 3 in method 1 in class 1 has parameters with non-null type
Scenario: A class with multi-parameters Lambdas is parsed by the Java Parser
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package com.github.javapasrser.bdd.parsing;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class MultiParameterizedLambdas {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BiFunction<Integer, Integer, String> f = (a, b) -> String.valueOf(a) + String.valueOf(b);
Then lambda in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 has parameters with non-null type
Scenario: A class with a method reference is parsed by the Java Parser
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
public class Person {
String name;
LocalDate birthday;
public void sortByAge(Person[] people){
Arrays.sort(people, Person::compareByAge);
public static int compareByAge(Person a, Person b) {
return a.birthday.compareTo(b.birthday);
Then method reference in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 scope is Person
Then method reference in statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 identifier is compareByAge
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: An interface with a default method is parsed by the Java Parser
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
interface MyInterface {
default String doSomething(){
return "implementation in an interface!";
String doSomethingElse();
Then method 1 class 1 is a default method
Then method 2 class 1 is not a default method
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: A lambda expression inside a conditional expression is parsed by the Java Parser
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
public class A{
static <T> Predicate<T> isEqual(Object targetRef) {
return (null == targetRef)? Objects::isNull : object -> targetRef.equals(object);
Then ThenExpr in the conditional expression of the statement 1 in method 1 in class 1 is LambdaExpr
Scenario: Parsing array creation expressions the positions are correct
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed (trimming space):
public class A{
int[][] a = new int[][]{};
When I take the ArrayCreationExpr
Then the begin line is 2
Then the begin column is 17
Then the end line is 2
Then the end column is 29
Scenario: simple cast on lambda expression can be parsed
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
static final Comparator<ChronoLocalDate> DATE_ORDER =
(Comparator<ChronoLocalDate>) (date1, date2) -> {
return, date2.toEpochDay());
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: a combined cast on lambda expression can be parsed
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
static final Comparator<ChronoLocalDate> DATE_ORDER =
(Comparator<ChronoLocalDate> & Serializable) (date1, date2) -> {
return, date2.toEpochDay());
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: a combined cast on a literal can be parsed
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
static int a = (Comparator<ChronoLocalDate> & Serializable) 1;
Then all nodes refer to their parent
Scenario: Parsing excess semicolons on CompilationUnit level should work
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package a;
import foo.a;
class A { }
Then no errors are reported
Scenario: Parsing excess semicolons in an AnnotationTypeDeclaration should work
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
@interface A {
Then no errors are reported
Scenario: Classes that are thrown from a method can be annotated
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
void a() throws @Abc X {
Then no errors are reported
Scenario: Classes that are thrown from a constructor can be annotated
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
A() throws @Abc X {
Then no errors are reported
Scenario: Parsing trailing semicolons inside the imports area should work
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
import foo.a;;
import foo.b;
class A {
Then no errors are reported
Scenario: Full package name should be parsed
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package com.github.javaparser.bdd;
class C {}
When I take the PackageDeclaration
Then the package name is com.github.javaparser.bdd
Scenario: Strings with unescaped newlines are illegal (issue 211)
Given the class:
class A {
public void helloWorld(String greeting, String name) {
return "hello
Then the Java parser cannot parse it because of an error
Scenario: Chars with unescaped newlines are illegal (issue 211)
Given the class:
class A {
public void helloWorld(String greeting, String name) {
return '
Then the Java parser cannot parse it because of an error
Scenario: Diamond Operator information is exposed
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();
When I take the ObjectCreationExpr
Then the type's diamond operator flag should be true
Scenario: Diamond Operator can be parsed also with space and comments
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
List<String> args = new ArrayList< /*hello*/ >();
When I take the ObjectCreationExpr
Then the type's diamond operator flag should be true
Scenario: Type Arguments are not specified
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
List args = new ArrayList();
When I take the ObjectCreationExpr
Then the type's diamond operator flag should be false
Scenario: Type Arguments are specified
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class A {
Either<Ok, Error> either = new Either<Ok, Error>();
When I take the ObjectCreationExpr
Then the type's diamond operator flag should be false
Scenario: A method reference with type arguments is parsed correctly
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class X {
void x() {
a.orElseGet( Stream::<IVariable<?>>empty );
Then no errors are reported
Scenario: The target of this assignExpr is not null
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
public class Example {
private String mString;
public Example(String arg) {
mString = arg;
Then the assignExpr produced doesn't have a null target
Scenario: Two comments in one line, and a unicode space
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
public class Example {
Object mAvailablePrimaryConnection;
public Example(String arg) {
​mAvailablePrimaryConnection = openConnectionLocked(mConfiguration,
true /*primaryConnection*/); // comment
Then no errors are reported
Scenario: alternative [] placings
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class I{int[]bar(int[]x[])[]{return new int[][]{};}}
Then no errors are reported
Scenario: try requires resources, a finally or a catch (issue 442)
Given the class:
class A {
public void helloWorld() {
try {
Then the Java parser cannot parse it because of an error
Scenario: Partially dimensioned arrays are fine
Given a CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
class X {
int a = new int @A [10] @A [20] @A [] [];
int b = new int @A [] @A []{{1}};
Then no errors are reported