blob: 3c8d6de58bcce319e1fa11e8b9b9c95c7c10c476 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Federico Tomassetti
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution;
import com.github.javaparser.resolution.MethodAmbiguityException;
import com.github.javaparser.resolution.MethodUsage;
import com.github.javaparser.resolution.declarations.*;
import com.github.javaparser.resolution.types.*;
import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.logic.MethodResolutionCapability;
import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.model.resolution.SymbolReference;
import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.model.resolution.TypeSolver;
import com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.model.typesystem.ReferenceTypeImpl;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* @author Federico Tomassetti
public class MethodResolutionLogic {
private static List<ResolvedType> groupVariadicParamValues(List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes, int startVariadic, ResolvedType variadicType) {
List<ResolvedType> res = new ArrayList<>(argumentsTypes.subList(0, startVariadic));
List<ResolvedType> variadicValues = argumentsTypes.subList(startVariadic, argumentsTypes.size());
if (variadicValues.isEmpty()) {
// TODO if there are no variadic values we should default to the bound of the formal type
} else {
ResolvedType componentType = findCommonType(variadicValues);
res.add(new ResolvedArrayType(componentType));
return res;
private static ResolvedType findCommonType(List<ResolvedType> variadicValues) {
if (variadicValues.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
// TODO implement this decently
return variadicValues.get(0);
public static boolean isApplicable(ResolvedMethodDeclaration method, String name, List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes, TypeSolver typeSolver) {
return isApplicable(method, name, argumentsTypes, typeSolver, false);
private static boolean isApplicable(ResolvedMethodDeclaration method, String name, List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes, TypeSolver typeSolver, boolean withWildcardTolerance) {
if (!method.getName().equals(name)) {
return false;
if (method.hasVariadicParameter()) {
int pos = method.getNumberOfParams() - 1;
if (method.getNumberOfParams() == argumentsTypes.size()) {
// check if the last value is directly assignable as an array
ResolvedType expectedType = method.getLastParam().getType();
ResolvedType actualType = argumentsTypes.get(pos);
if (!expectedType.isAssignableBy(actualType)) {
for (ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration tp : method.getTypeParameters()) {
expectedType = replaceTypeParam(expectedType, tp, typeSolver);
if (!expectedType.isAssignableBy(actualType)) {
if (actualType.isArray() && expectedType.isAssignableBy(actualType.asArrayType().getComponentType())) {
argumentsTypes.set(pos, actualType.asArrayType().getComponentType());
} else {
argumentsTypes = groupVariadicParamValues(argumentsTypes, pos, method.getLastParam().getType());
} // else it is already assignable, nothing to do
} else {
if (pos > argumentsTypes.size()) {
return false;
argumentsTypes = groupVariadicParamValues(argumentsTypes, pos, method.getLastParam().getType());
if (method.getNumberOfParams() != argumentsTypes.size()) {
return false;
Map<String, ResolvedType> matchedParameters = new HashMap<>();
boolean needForWildCardTolerance = false;
for (int i = 0; i < method.getNumberOfParams(); i++) {
ResolvedType expectedType = method.getParam(i).getType();
ResolvedType actualType = argumentsTypes.get(i);
if ((expectedType.isTypeVariable() && !(expectedType.isWildcard())) && expectedType.asTypeParameter().declaredOnMethod()) {
matchedParameters.put(expectedType.asTypeParameter().getName(), actualType);
boolean isAssignableWithoutSubstitution = expectedType.isAssignableBy(actualType) ||
(method.getParam(i).isVariadic() && new ResolvedArrayType(expectedType).isAssignableBy(actualType));
if (!isAssignableWithoutSubstitution && expectedType.isReferenceType() && actualType.isReferenceType()) {
isAssignableWithoutSubstitution = isAssignableMatchTypeParameters(
if (!isAssignableWithoutSubstitution) {
List<ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration> typeParameters = method.getTypeParameters();
for (ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration tp : typeParameters) {
expectedType = replaceTypeParam(expectedType, tp, typeSolver);
if (!expectedType.isAssignableBy(actualType)) {
if (actualType.isWildcard() && withWildcardTolerance && !expectedType.isPrimitive()) {
needForWildCardTolerance = true;
if (method.hasVariadicParameter() && i == method.getNumberOfParams() - 1) {
if (new ResolvedArrayType(expectedType).isAssignableBy(actualType)) {
return false;
return !withWildcardTolerance || needForWildCardTolerance;
public static boolean isAssignableMatchTypeParameters(ResolvedType expected, ResolvedType actual,
Map<String, ResolvedType> matchedParameters) {
if (expected.isReferenceType() && actual.isReferenceType()) {
return isAssignableMatchTypeParameters(expected.asReferenceType(), actual.asReferenceType(), matchedParameters);
} else if (expected.isTypeVariable()) {
matchedParameters.put(expected.asTypeParameter().getName(), actual);
return true;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(expected.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " " + actual.getClass().getCanonicalName());
public static boolean isAssignableMatchTypeParameters(ResolvedReferenceType expected, ResolvedReferenceType actual,
Map<String, ResolvedType> matchedParameters) {
if (actual.getQualifiedName().equals(expected.getQualifiedName())) {
return isAssignableMatchTypeParametersMatchingQName(expected, actual, matchedParameters);
} else {
List<ResolvedReferenceType> ancestors = actual.getAllAncestors();
for (ResolvedReferenceType ancestor : ancestors) {
if (isAssignableMatchTypeParametersMatchingQName(expected, ancestor, matchedParameters)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isAssignableMatchTypeParametersMatchingQName(ResolvedReferenceType expected, ResolvedReferenceType actual,
Map<String, ResolvedType> matchedParameters) {
if (!expected.getQualifiedName().equals(actual.getQualifiedName())) {
return false;
if (expected.typeParametersValues().size() != actual.typeParametersValues().size()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
//return true;
for (int i = 0; i < expected.typeParametersValues().size(); i++) {
ResolvedType expectedParam = expected.typeParametersValues().get(i);
ResolvedType actualParam = actual.typeParametersValues().get(i);
// In the case of nested parameterizations eg. List<R> <-> List<Integer>
// we should peel off one layer and ensure R <-> Integer
if (expectedParam.isReferenceType() && actualParam.isReferenceType()) {
ResolvedReferenceType r1 = expectedParam.asReferenceType();
ResolvedReferenceType r2 = actualParam.asReferenceType();
return isAssignableMatchTypeParametersMatchingQName(r1, r2, matchedParameters);
if (expectedParam.isTypeVariable()) {
String expectedParamName = expectedParam.asTypeParameter().getName();
if (!actualParam.isTypeVariable() || !actualParam.asTypeParameter().getName().equals(expectedParamName)) {
return matchTypeVariable(expectedParam.asTypeVariable(), actualParam, matchedParameters);
} else if (expectedParam.isReferenceType()) {
if (actualParam.isTypeVariable()) {
return matchTypeVariable(actualParam.asTypeVariable(), expectedParam, matchedParameters);
} else if (!expectedParam.equals(actualParam)) {
return false;
} else if (expectedParam.isWildcard()) {
if (expectedParam.asWildcard().isExtends()) {
return isAssignableMatchTypeParameters(expectedParam.asWildcard().getBoundedType(), actual, matchedParameters);
// TODO verify super bound
return true;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(expectedParam.describe());
return true;
private static boolean matchTypeVariable(ResolvedTypeVariable typeVariable, ResolvedType type, Map<String, ResolvedType> matchedParameters) {
String typeParameterName = typeVariable.asTypeParameter().getName();
if (matchedParameters.containsKey(typeParameterName)) {
ResolvedType matchedParameter = matchedParameters.get(typeParameterName);
if (matchedParameter.isAssignableBy(type)) {
return true;
} else if (type.isAssignableBy(matchedParameter)) {
// update matchedParameters to contain the more general type
matchedParameters.put(typeParameterName, type);
return true;
return false;
} else {
matchedParameters.put(typeParameterName, type);
return true;
public static ResolvedType replaceTypeParam(ResolvedType type, ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration tp, TypeSolver typeSolver) {
if (type.isTypeVariable() || type.isWildcard()) {
if (type.describe().equals(tp.getName())) {
List<ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration.Bound> bounds = tp.getBounds();
if (bounds.size() > 1) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} else if (bounds.size() == 1) {
return bounds.get(0).getType();
} else {
return new ReferenceTypeImpl(typeSolver.solveType(Object.class.getCanonicalName()), typeSolver);
return type;
} else if (type.isPrimitive()) {
return type;
} else if (type.isArray()) {
return new ResolvedArrayType(replaceTypeParam(type.asArrayType().getComponentType(), tp, typeSolver));
} else if (type.isReferenceType()) {
ResolvedReferenceType result = type.asReferenceType();
result = result.transformTypeParameters(typeParam -> replaceTypeParam(typeParam, tp, typeSolver)).asReferenceType();
return result;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Replacing " + type + ", param " + tp + " with " + type.getClass().getCanonicalName());
public static boolean isApplicable(MethodUsage method, String name, List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes, TypeSolver typeSolver) {
if (!method.getName().equals(name)) {
return false;
// TODO Consider varargs
if (method.getNoParams() != argumentsTypes.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < method.getNoParams(); i++) {
ResolvedType expectedType = method.getParamType(i);
ResolvedType expectedTypeWithoutSubstitutions = expectedType;
ResolvedType expectedTypeWithInference = method.getParamType(i);
ResolvedType actualType = argumentsTypes.get(i);
List<ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration> typeParameters = method.getDeclaration().getTypeParameters();
if (expectedType.describe().equals(actualType.describe())) {
return true;
Map<ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration, ResolvedType> derivedValues = new HashMap<>();
for (int j = 0; j < method.getParamTypes().size(); j++) {
ResolvedParameterDeclaration parameter = method.getDeclaration().getParam(i);
ResolvedType parameterType = parameter.getType();
if (parameter.isVariadic()) {
parameterType = parameterType.asArrayType().getComponentType();
inferTypes(argumentsTypes.get(j), parameterType, derivedValues);
for (Map.Entry<ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration, ResolvedType> entry : derivedValues.entrySet()) {
ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration tp = entry.getKey();
expectedTypeWithInference = expectedTypeWithInference.replaceTypeVariables(tp, entry.getValue());
for (ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration tp : typeParameters) {
if (tp.getBounds().isEmpty()) {
//expectedType = expectedType.replaceTypeVariables(tp.getName(), new ReferenceTypeUsageImpl(typeSolver.solveType(Object.class.getCanonicalName()), typeSolver));
expectedType = expectedType.replaceTypeVariables(tp, ResolvedWildcard.extendsBound(new ReferenceTypeImpl(typeSolver.solveType(Object.class.getCanonicalName()), typeSolver)));
} else if (tp.getBounds().size() == 1) {
ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration.Bound bound = tp.getBounds().get(0);
if (bound.isExtends()) {
//expectedType = expectedType.replaceTypeVariables(tp.getName(), bound.getType());
expectedType = expectedType.replaceTypeVariables(tp, ResolvedWildcard.extendsBound(bound.getType()));
} else {
//expectedType = expectedType.replaceTypeVariables(tp.getName(), new ReferenceTypeUsageImpl(typeSolver.solveType(Object.class.getCanonicalName()), typeSolver));
expectedType = expectedType.replaceTypeVariables(tp, ResolvedWildcard.superBound(bound.getType()));
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
ResolvedType expectedType2 = expectedTypeWithoutSubstitutions;
for (ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration tp : typeParameters) {
if (tp.getBounds().isEmpty()) {
expectedType2 = expectedType2.replaceTypeVariables(tp, new ReferenceTypeImpl(typeSolver.solveType(Object.class.getCanonicalName()), typeSolver));
} else if (tp.getBounds().size() == 1) {
ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration.Bound bound = tp.getBounds().get(0);
if (bound.isExtends()) {
expectedType2 = expectedType2.replaceTypeVariables(tp, bound.getType());
} else {
expectedType2 = expectedType2.replaceTypeVariables(tp, new ReferenceTypeImpl(typeSolver.solveType(Object.class.getCanonicalName()), typeSolver));
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (!expectedType.isAssignableBy(actualType)
&& !expectedType2.isAssignableBy(actualType)
&& !expectedTypeWithInference.isAssignableBy(actualType)
&& !expectedTypeWithoutSubstitutions.isAssignableBy(actualType)) {
return false;
return true;
* Filters by given function {@param keyExtractor} using a stateful filter mechanism.
* <pre>
* </pre>
* The example above would return a distinct list of persons containing only one person per name.
private static <T> Predicate<T> distinctByKey(Function<? super T, ?> keyExtractor) {
Set<Object> seen = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
return t -> seen.add(keyExtractor.apply(t));
* @param methods we expect the methods to be ordered such that inherited methods are later in the list
public static SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> findMostApplicable(List<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> methods,
String name, List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes, TypeSolver typeSolver) {
SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> res = findMostApplicable(methods, name, argumentsTypes, typeSolver, false);
if (res.isSolved()) {
return res;
return findMostApplicable(methods, name, argumentsTypes, typeSolver, true);
public static SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> findMostApplicable(List<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> methods,
String name, List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes, TypeSolver typeSolver, boolean wildcardTolerance) {
List<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> methodsWithMatchingName =
.filter(m -> m.getName().equals(name))
List<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> applicableMethods =
// Filters out duplicate ResolvedMethodDeclaration by their signature.
// Checks if ResolvedMethodDeclaration is applicable to argumentsTypes.
.filter((m) -> isApplicable(m, name, argumentsTypes, typeSolver, wildcardTolerance))
if (applicableMethods.isEmpty()) {
return SymbolReference.unsolved(ResolvedMethodDeclaration.class);
if (applicableMethods.size() > 1) {
List<Integer> nullParamIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < argumentsTypes.size(); i++) {
if (argumentsTypes.get(i).isNull()) {
if (!nullParamIndexes.isEmpty()) {
// remove method with array param if a non array exists and arg is null
Set<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> removeCandidates = new HashSet<>();
for (Integer nullParamIndex : nullParamIndexes) {
for (ResolvedMethodDeclaration methDecl : applicableMethods) {
if (methDecl.getParam(nullParamIndex).getType().isArray()) {
if (!removeCandidates.isEmpty() && removeCandidates.size() < applicableMethods.size()) {
if (applicableMethods.size() == 1) {
return SymbolReference.solved(applicableMethods.get(0));
} else {
ResolvedMethodDeclaration winningCandidate = applicableMethods.get(0);
ResolvedMethodDeclaration other = null;
boolean possibleAmbiguity = false;
for (int i = 1; i < applicableMethods.size(); i++) {
other = applicableMethods.get(i);
if (isMoreSpecific(winningCandidate, other, argumentsTypes)) {
possibleAmbiguity = false;
} else if (isMoreSpecific(other, winningCandidate, argumentsTypes)) {
possibleAmbiguity = false;
winningCandidate = other;
} else {
if (winningCandidate.declaringType().getQualifiedName().equals(other.declaringType().getQualifiedName())) {
possibleAmbiguity = true;
} else {
// we expect the methods to be ordered such that inherited methods are later in the list
if (possibleAmbiguity) {
// pick the first exact match if it exists
if (!isExactMatch(winningCandidate, argumentsTypes)) {
if (isExactMatch(other, argumentsTypes)) {
winningCandidate = other;
} else {
throw new MethodAmbiguityException("Ambiguous method call: cannot find a most applicable method: " + winningCandidate + ", " + other);
return SymbolReference.solved(winningCandidate);
protected static boolean isExactMatch(ResolvedMethodLikeDeclaration method, List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes) {
for (int i = 0; i < method.getNumberOfParams(); i++) {
if (!method.getParam(i).getType().equals(argumentsTypes.get(i))) {
return false;
return true;
private static ResolvedType getMethodsExplicitAndVariadicParameterType(ResolvedMethodDeclaration method, int i) {
int numberOfParams = method.getNumberOfParams();
if (i < numberOfParams) {
return method.getParam(i).getType();
} else if (method.hasVariadicParameter()) {
return method.getParam(numberOfParams - 1).getType();
} else {
return null;
private static boolean isMoreSpecific(ResolvedMethodDeclaration methodA, ResolvedMethodDeclaration methodB,
List<ResolvedType> argumentTypes) {
final boolean aVariadic = methodA.hasVariadicParameter();
final boolean bVariadic = methodB.hasVariadicParameter();
final int aNumberOfParams = methodA.getNumberOfParams();
final int bNumberOfParams = methodB.getNumberOfParams();
final int numberOfArgs = argumentTypes.size();
final ResolvedType lastArgType = numberOfArgs > 0 ? argumentTypes.get(numberOfArgs - 1) : null;
final boolean isLastArgArray = lastArgType != null && lastArgType.isArray();
// If one method declaration has exactly the correct amount of parameters and is not variadic then it is always
// preferred to a declaration that is variadic (and hence possibly also has a different amount of parameters).
if (!aVariadic && aNumberOfParams == numberOfArgs && (bVariadic && (bNumberOfParams != numberOfArgs ||
!isLastArgArray))) {
return true;
} else if (!bVariadic && bNumberOfParams == numberOfArgs && (aVariadic && (aNumberOfParams != numberOfArgs ||
!isLastArgArray))) {
return false;
// Either both methods are variadic or neither is. So we must compare the parameter types.
for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfArgs ; i++) {
ResolvedType paramTypeA = getMethodsExplicitAndVariadicParameterType(methodA, i);
ResolvedType paramTypeB = getMethodsExplicitAndVariadicParameterType(methodB, i);
ResolvedType argType = argumentTypes.get(i);
// Safety: if a type is null it means a signature with too few parameters managed to get to this point.
// This should not happen but it also means that this signature is immediately disqualified.
if (paramTypeA == null) {
return false;
} else if (paramTypeB == null) {
return true;
// Widening primitive conversions have priority over boxing/unboxing conversions when finding the most
// applicable method. E.g. assume we have method call foo(1) and declarations foo(long) and foo(Integer).
// The method call will call foo(long), as it requires a widening primitive conversion from int to long
// instead of a boxing conversion from int to Integer. See JLS §15.12.2.
// This is what we check here.
else if (paramTypeA.isPrimitive() == argType.isPrimitive() &&
paramTypeB.isPrimitive() != argType.isPrimitive() &&
paramTypeA.isAssignableBy(argType)) {
return true;
} else if (paramTypeB.isPrimitive() == argType.isPrimitive() &&
paramTypeA.isPrimitive() != argType.isPrimitive() &&
paramTypeB.isAssignableBy(argType)) {
return false;
// If we get to this point then we check whether one of the methods contains a parameter type that is more
// specific. If it does, we can assume the entire declaration is more specific as we would otherwise have
// a situation where the declarations are ambiguous in the given context.
else {
boolean aAssignableFromB = paramTypeA.isAssignableBy(paramTypeB);
boolean bAssignableFromA = paramTypeB.isAssignableBy(paramTypeA);
if (bAssignableFromA && !aAssignableFromB){
// A's parameter is more specific
return true;
} else if (aAssignableFromB && !bAssignableFromA) {
// B's parameter is more specific
return false;
if (aVariadic && !bVariadic) {
// if the last argument is an array then m1 is more specific
return isLastArgArray;
} else if (!aVariadic && bVariadic) {
// if the last argument is an array and m1 is not variadic then
// it is not more specific
return !isLastArgArray;
return false;
private static boolean isMoreSpecific(MethodUsage methodA, MethodUsage methodB) {
boolean oneMoreSpecificFound = false;
for (int i = 0; i < methodA.getNoParams(); i++) {
ResolvedType tdA = methodA.getParamType(i);
ResolvedType tdB = methodB.getParamType(i);
boolean aIsAssignableByB = tdA.isAssignableBy(tdB);
boolean bIsAssignableByA = tdB.isAssignableBy(tdA);
// B is more specific
if (bIsAssignableByA && !aIsAssignableByB) {
oneMoreSpecificFound = true;
// A is more specific
if (aIsAssignableByB && !bIsAssignableByA) {
return false;
return oneMoreSpecificFound;
public static Optional<MethodUsage> findMostApplicableUsage(List<MethodUsage> methods, String name, List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes, TypeSolver typeSolver) {
List<MethodUsage> applicableMethods = -> isApplicable(m, name, argumentsTypes, typeSolver)).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (applicableMethods.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
if (applicableMethods.size() == 1) {
return Optional.of(applicableMethods.get(0));
} else {
MethodUsage winningCandidate = applicableMethods.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < applicableMethods.size(); i++) {
MethodUsage other = applicableMethods.get(i);
if (isMoreSpecific(winningCandidate, other)) {
// nothing to do
} else if (isMoreSpecific(other, winningCandidate)) {
winningCandidate = other;
} else {
if (winningCandidate.declaringType().getQualifiedName().equals(other.declaringType().getQualifiedName())) {
if (!areOverride(winningCandidate, other)) {
throw new MethodAmbiguityException("Ambiguous method call: cannot find a most applicable method: " + winningCandidate + ", " + other + ". First declared in " + winningCandidate.declaringType().getQualifiedName());
} else {
// we expect the methods to be ordered such that inherited methods are later in the list
//throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return Optional.of(winningCandidate);
private static boolean areOverride(MethodUsage winningCandidate, MethodUsage other) {
if (!winningCandidate.getName().equals(other.getName())) {
return false;
if (winningCandidate.getNoParams() != other.getNoParams()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < winningCandidate.getNoParams(); i++) {
if (!winningCandidate.getParamTypes().get(i).equals(other.getParamTypes().get(i))) {
return false;
return true;
public static SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> solveMethodInType(ResolvedTypeDeclaration typeDeclaration,
String name,
List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes) {
return solveMethodInType(typeDeclaration, name, argumentsTypes, false);
// TODO: Replace TypeDeclaration.solveMethod
public static SymbolReference<ResolvedMethodDeclaration> solveMethodInType(ResolvedTypeDeclaration typeDeclaration,
String name,
List<ResolvedType> argumentsTypes,
boolean staticOnly) {
if (typeDeclaration instanceof MethodResolutionCapability) {
return ((MethodResolutionCapability) typeDeclaration).solveMethod(name, argumentsTypes,
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(typeDeclaration.getClass().getCanonicalName());
private static void inferTypes(ResolvedType source, ResolvedType target, Map<ResolvedTypeParameterDeclaration, ResolvedType> mappings) {
if (source.equals(target)) {
if (source.isReferenceType() && target.isReferenceType()) {
ResolvedReferenceType sourceRefType = source.asReferenceType();
ResolvedReferenceType targetRefType = target.asReferenceType();
if (sourceRefType.getQualifiedName().equals(targetRefType.getQualifiedName())) {
if (!sourceRefType.isRawType() && !targetRefType.isRawType()) {
for (int i = 0; i < sourceRefType.typeParametersValues().size(); i++) {
inferTypes(sourceRefType.typeParametersValues().get(i), targetRefType.typeParametersValues().get(i), mappings);
if (source.isReferenceType() && target.isWildcard()) {
if (target.asWildcard().isBounded()) {
inferTypes(source, target.asWildcard().getBoundedType(), mappings);
if (source.isWildcard() && target.isWildcard()) {
if (source.isReferenceType() && target.isTypeVariable()) {
mappings.put(target.asTypeParameter(), source);
if (source.isWildcard() && target.isReferenceType()) {
if (source.asWildcard().isBounded()) {
inferTypes(source.asWildcard().getBoundedType(), target, mappings);
if (source.isWildcard() && target.isTypeVariable()) {
mappings.put(target.asTypeParameter(), source);
if (source.isTypeVariable() && target.isTypeVariable()) {
mappings.put(target.asTypeParameter(), source);
if (source.isPrimitive() || target.isPrimitive()) {
if (source.isNull()) {