blob: cee8646bc99b31cc8ca91517aa29379a8418b6ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007-2010 JĂșlio Vilmar Gesser.
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2013-2016 The JavaParser Team.
* This file is part of JavaParser.
* JavaParser can be used either under the terms of
* a) the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* b) the terms of the Apache License
* You should have received a copy of both licenses in LICENCE.LGPL and
* LICENCE.APACHE. Please refer to those files for details.
* JavaParser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.github.javaparser;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.CompilationUnit;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.ImportDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.Node;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.PackageDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.BodyDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.Parameter;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.TypeDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.*;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.ModuleDeclaration;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.modules.ModuleDirective;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.BlockStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.Statement;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.ClassOrInterfaceType;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.Type;
import com.github.javaparser.ast.type.TypeParameter;
import com.github.javaparser.javadoc.Javadoc;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Path;
* A simpler, static API than {@link JavaParser}.
public final class StaticJavaParser {
private static ParserConfiguration configuration = new ParserConfiguration();
private StaticJavaParser() {
* Get the configuration for the parse... methods.
public static ParserConfiguration getConfiguration() {
return configuration;
* Set the configuration for the static parse... methods.
* This is a STATIC field, so modifying it will directly change how all static parse... methods work!
public static void setConfiguration(ParserConfiguration configuration) {
StaticJavaParser.configuration = configuration;
private static JavaParser newParser() {
return new JavaParser(configuration);
* Parses the Java code contained in the {@link InputStream} and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.
* @param in {@link InputStream} containing Java source code. It will be closed after parsing.
* @param encoding encoding of the source code
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @deprecated set the encoding in the {@link ParserConfiguration}
public static CompilationUnit parse(final InputStream in, Charset encoding) {
return handleResult(newParser().parse(in, encoding));
* Parses the Java code contained in the {@link InputStream} and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.<br>
* @param in {@link InputStream} containing Java source code. It will be closed after parsing.
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static CompilationUnit parse(final InputStream in) {
return handleResult(newParser().parse(in));
* Parses the Java code contained in a {@link File} and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.
* @param file {@link File} containing Java source code. It will be closed after parsing.
* @param encoding encoding of the source code
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @throws FileNotFoundException the file was not found
* @deprecated set the encoding in the {@link ParserConfiguration}
public static CompilationUnit parse(final File file, final Charset encoding) throws FileNotFoundException {
return handleResult(newParser().parse(file, encoding));
* Parses the Java code contained in a {@link File} and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.<br>
* @param file {@link File} containing Java source code. It will be closed after parsing.
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @throws FileNotFoundException the file was not found
public static CompilationUnit parse(final File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
return handleResult(newParser().parse(file));
* Parses the Java code contained in a file and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.
* @param path path to a file containing Java source code
* @param encoding encoding of the source code
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws IOException the path could not be accessed
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @deprecated set the encoding in the {@link ParserConfiguration}
public static CompilationUnit parse(final Path path, final Charset encoding) throws IOException {
return handleResult(newParser().parse(path, encoding));
* Parses the Java code contained in a file and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.<br>
* @param path path to a file containing Java source code
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @throws IOException the path could not be accessed
public static CompilationUnit parse(final Path path) throws IOException {
return handleResult(newParser().parse(path));
* Parses the Java code contained in a resource and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.<br>
* @param path path to a resource containing Java source code. As resource is accessed through a class loader, a
* leading "/" is not allowed in pathToResource
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @throws IOException the path could not be accessed
public static CompilationUnit parseResource(final String path) throws IOException {
return handleResult(newParser().parseResource(path));
* Parses the Java code contained in a resource and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.<br>
* @param path path to a resource containing Java source code. As resource is accessed through a class loader, a
* leading "/" is not allowed in pathToResource
* @param encoding encoding of the source code
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @throws IOException the path could not be accessed
* @deprecated set the encoding in the {@link ParserConfiguration}
public static CompilationUnit parseResource(final String path, Charset encoding) throws IOException {
return handleResult(newParser().parseResource(path, encoding));
* Parses the Java code contained in a resource and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.<br>
* @param classLoader the classLoader that is asked to load the resource
* @param path path to a resource containing Java source code. As resource is accessed through a class loader, a
* leading "/" is not allowed in pathToResource
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @throws IOException the path could not be accessed
* @deprecated set the encoding in the {@link ParserConfiguration}
public static CompilationUnit parseResource(final ClassLoader classLoader, final String path, Charset encoding) throws IOException {
return handleResult(newParser().parseResource(classLoader, path, encoding));
* Parses Java code from a Reader and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.<br>
* @param reader the reader containing Java source code. It will be closed after parsing.
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static CompilationUnit parse(final Reader reader) {
return handleResult(newParser().parse(reader));
* Parses the Java code contained in code and returns a
* {@link CompilationUnit} that represents it.
* @param code Java source code
* @return CompilationUnit representing the Java source code
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static CompilationUnit parse(String code) {
return handleResult(newParser().parse(code));
* Parses the Java block contained in a {@link String} and returns a
* {@link BlockStmt} that represents it.
* @param blockStatement {@link String} containing Java block code
* @return BlockStmt representing the Java block
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static BlockStmt parseBlock(final String blockStatement) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseBlock(blockStatement));
* Parses the Java statement contained in a {@link String} and returns a
* {@link Statement} that represents it.
* @param statement {@link String} containing Java statement code
* @return Statement representing the Java statement
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static Statement parseStatement(final String statement) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseStatement(statement));
private static <T extends Node> T handleResult(ParseResult<T> result) {
if (result.isSuccessful()) {
return result.getResult().get();
throw new ParseProblemException(result.getProblems());
* Parses the Java import contained in a {@link String} and returns a
* {@link ImportDeclaration} that represents it.
* @param importDeclaration {@link String} containing Java import code
* @return ImportDeclaration representing the Java import declaration
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static ImportDeclaration parseImport(final String importDeclaration) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseImport(importDeclaration));
* Parses the Java expression contained in a {@link String} and returns a
* {@link Expression} that represents it.
* @param expression {@link String} containing Java expression
* @return Expression representing the Java expression
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static <T extends Expression> T parseExpression(final String expression) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseExpression(expression));
* Parses the Java annotation contained in a {@link String} and returns a
* {@link AnnotationExpr} that represents it.
* @param annotation {@link String} containing Java annotation
* @return AnnotationExpr representing the Java annotation
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static AnnotationExpr parseAnnotation(final String annotation) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseAnnotation(annotation));
* Parses the Java annotation body declaration(e.g fields or methods) contained in a
* {@link String} and returns a {@link BodyDeclaration} that represents it.
* @param body {@link String} containing Java body declaration
* @return BodyDeclaration representing the Java annotation
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static BodyDeclaration<?> parseAnnotationBodyDeclaration(final String body) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseAnnotationBodyDeclaration(body));
* Parses a Java class or interface body declaration(e.g fields or methods) and returns a
* {@link BodyDeclaration} that represents it.
* @param body the body of a class or interface
* @return BodyDeclaration representing the Java interface body
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static BodyDeclaration<?> parseBodyDeclaration(String body) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseBodyDeclaration(body));
* Parses a Java class or interface type name and returns a {@link ClassOrInterfaceType} that represents it.
* @param type the type name like a.b.c.X or Y
* @return ClassOrInterfaceType representing the type
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static ClassOrInterfaceType parseClassOrInterfaceType(String type) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseClassOrInterfaceType(type));
* Parses a Java type name and returns a {@link Type} that represents it.
* @param type the type name like a.b.c.X, Y, or int
* @return ClassOrInterfaceType representing the type
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static Type parseType(String type) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseType(type));
* Parses a variable declaration expression and returns a {@link VariableDeclarationExpr}
* that represents it.
* @param declaration a variable declaration like <code>int x=2;</code>
* @return VariableDeclarationExpr representing the type
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static VariableDeclarationExpr parseVariableDeclarationExpr(String declaration) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseVariableDeclarationExpr(declaration));
* Parses the content of a JavadocComment and returns a {@link Javadoc} that
* represents it.
* @param content a variable declaration like <code>content of my javadoc\n * second line\n * third line</code>
* @return Javadoc representing the content of the comment
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static Javadoc parseJavadoc(String content) {
return JavadocParser.parse(content);
* Parses the this(...) and super(...) statements that may occur at the start of a constructor.
* @param statement a statement like super("hello");
* @return the AST for the statement.
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static ExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt parseExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt(String statement) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseExplicitConstructorInvocationStmt(statement));
* Parses a qualified name (one that can have "."s in it) and returns it as a Name.
* @param qualifiedName a name like "com.laamella.parameter_source"
* @return the AST for the name
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static Name parseName(String qualifiedName) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseName(qualifiedName));
* Parses a simple name (one that can NOT have "."s in it) and returns it as a SimpleName.
* @param name a name like "parameter_source"
* @return the AST for the name
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static SimpleName parseSimpleName(String name) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseSimpleName(name));
* Parses a single parameter (a type and a name) and returns it as a Parameter.
* @param parameter a parameter like "int[] x"
* @return the AST for the parameter
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static Parameter parseParameter(String parameter) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseParameter(parameter));
* Parses a package declaration and returns it as a PackageDeclaration.
* @param packageDeclaration a declaration like "package;"
* @return the AST for the parameter
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static PackageDeclaration parsePackageDeclaration(String packageDeclaration) {
return handleResult(newParser().parsePackageDeclaration(packageDeclaration));
* Parses a type declaration and returns it as a TypeDeclaration.
* @param typeDeclaration a declaration like "class X {}"
* @return the AST for the type declaration
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static TypeDeclaration<?> parseTypeDeclaration(String typeDeclaration) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseTypeDeclaration(typeDeclaration));
* Parses a module declaration and returns it as a ModuleDeclaration.
* @param moduleDeclaration a declaration like "module X {}"
* @return the AST for the module declaration
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @see ModuleDeclaration
public static ModuleDeclaration parseModuleDeclaration(String moduleDeclaration) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseModuleDeclaration(moduleDeclaration));
* Parses a module directive and returns it as a ModuleDirective.
* @param moduleDirective a directive like "opens C;"
* @return the AST for the module directive
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
* @see ModuleDirective
public static ModuleDirective parseModuleDirective(String moduleDirective) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseModuleDirective(moduleDirective));
* Parses a type parameter and returns it as a TypeParameter
* @param typeParameter a parameter like "T extends Serializable"
* @return the AST for the type parameter
* @throws ParseProblemException if the source code has parser errors
public static TypeParameter parseTypeParameter(String typeParameter) {
return handleResult(newParser().parseTypeParameter(typeParameter));