blob: b91ec514b0f43f5eb016139ed4eb1474b01bfab6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The JavaParser Team.
* This file is part of JavaParser.
* JavaParser can be used either under the terms of
* a) the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* b) the terms of the Apache License
* You should have received a copy of both licenses in LICENCE.LGPL and
* LICENCE.APACHE. Please refer to those files for details.
* JavaParser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
package com.github.javaparser;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* Test case for {@link UnicodeEscapeProcessingProvider}.
public class UnicodeEscapeProcessingProviderTest {
void testUnicodeEscape() throws IOException {
assertEquals("13" + '\u12aA' + "98", new String(read("13\\u12aA98")));
void testEscapedUnicodeEscape() throws IOException {
assertEquals("13\\\\u12aA98", new String(read("13\\\\u12aA98")));
void testUnicodeEscapeWithMultipleUs() throws IOException {
assertEquals("13" + '\u12aA' + "98", new String(read("13\\uuuuuu12aA98")));
void testInputEndingInBackslash() throws IOException {
assertEquals("foobar\\", new String(read("foobar\\")));
void testInputEndingInBackslashU() throws IOException {
assertEquals("foobar\\u", new String(read("foobar\\u")));
void testInputEndingInBackslashUs() throws IOException {
assertEquals("foobar\\uuuuuu", new String(read("foobar\\uuuuuu")));
void testInputEndingInBackslashU1() throws IOException {
assertEquals("foobar\\uA", new String(read("foobar\\uA")));
void testInputEndingInBackslashU2() throws IOException {
assertEquals("foobar\\uAB", new String(read("foobar\\uAB")));
void testInputEndingInBackslashU3() throws IOException {
assertEquals("foobar\\uABC", new String(read("foobar\\uABC")));
void testInputEndingUnicodeEscape() throws IOException {
assertEquals("foobar\uABCD", new String(read("foobar\\uABCD")));
void testEmptyInput() throws IOException {
assertEquals("", new String(read("")));
void testBadUnicodeEscape0() throws IOException {
assertEquals("13\\ux", new String(read("13\\ux")));
void testBadUnicodeEscape1() throws IOException {
assertEquals("13\\u1x", new String(read("13\\u1x")));
void testBadUnicodeEscape2() throws IOException {
assertEquals("13\\u1Ax", new String(read("13\\u1Ax")));
void testBadUnicodeEscape3() throws IOException {
assertEquals("13\\u1ABx", new String(read("13\\u1ABx")));
void testBadUnicodeEscapeMultipleUs() throws IOException {
assertEquals("13\\uuuuuu1ABx", new String(read("13\\uuuuuu1ABx")));
void testPushBackWithFullBuffer() throws IOException {
assertEquals("12345678\\uuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", new String(read("12345678\\uuxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")));
void testPushBackWithBufferShift() throws IOException {
assertEquals("12345678\\uuxx", new String(read("12345678\\uuxx")));
static String read(String source) throws IOException {
return process(provider(source));
static UnicodeEscapeProcessingProvider provider(String source) {
UnicodeEscapeProcessingProvider provider = new UnicodeEscapeProcessingProvider(10,
new StringProvider(source));
return provider;
static String process(UnicodeEscapeProcessingProvider provider)
throws IOException {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
char[] buffer = new char[10];
while (true) {
int direct =, 0, buffer.length);
if (direct < 0) {
result.append(buffer, 0, direct);
return result.toString();