blob: 634a9f28f146c92855a8889670ed87a7e6a5d7e1 [file] [log] [blame]
Scenario: A class that is replicated using a CloneVisitor should be equal to the source
Given a CompilationUnit
Given a second CompilationUnit
When the following source is parsed:
package japa.parser;
public class ClassEquality {
public void aMethod(){
int a=0; // second comment
When the CompilationUnit is cloned to the second CompilationUnit
Then the CompilationUnit is equal to the second CompilationUnit
Then the CompilationUnit has the same hashcode to the second CompilationUnit
Scenario: A classes variable name is changed to uppercase VoidVisitorAdapter
Given a CompilationUnit
Given a VoidVisitorAdapter with a visit method that changes variable names to uppercase
When the following source is parsed:
package japa.parser;
public class ToUpperClass {
private int zero = 0;
When the CompilationUnit is visited by the to uppercase visitor
Then the expected source should be:
package japa.parser;
public class ToUpperClass {
private int ZERO = 0;
Scenario: A class with a try statement is visited using by a VoidVisitorAdapter
Given a CompilationUnit
Given a VoidVisitorAdapter with a visit method and collects the variable names
When the following source is parsed:
package japa.parser;
public class ToUpperClass {
public void aMethod(){
try {
int zero = 0;
}catch (Exception exception) {
When the CompilationUnit is visited by the variable name collector visitor
Then the collected variable name is "exception;zero;"
Scenario: A class with a try statement is visited using by a GenericVisitorAdapter
Given a CompilationUnit
Given a GenericVisitorAdapter with a visit method that returns variable names
When the following source is parsed:
package japa.parser;
public class ToUpperClass {
public void aMethod(){
try {
int zero = 0;
}catch (Exception exception) {
When the CompilationUnit is visited by the visitor that returns variable names
Then the return variable name is "zero"