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<title>JaCoCo - Development Environment</title>
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<span class="el_source">Development Environment</span>
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<h1>Development Environment</h1>
<h2>Project Hosting</h2>
The JaCoCo project is hosted on
<a href="">GitHub</a> and can be cloned from
this URL:
We also track all
<a href="">issues</a> and
<a href="">pull requests</a>
on the GitHub project.
JaCoCo development is done with the latest version of
<a href="">Eclipse</a>. Please make sure to install
the <a href="">m2e plug-in</a> to get all
dependencies resolved properly. The source tree is organized as a list of
Eclipse projects that can be imported in a Eclipse workspace.
Project specific Eclipse settings only exist for the following projects. All
other projects and test projects link to these settings:
These settings specify various compiler warnings and the standard Eclipse
source formatting rules.
The minimum supported JRE version for JaCoCo is Java 1.5. To guarantee
compatibility JaCoCo builds should always be executed against Java 1.5 JDK. In
addition we run builds with 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9 JDKs.
The JaCoCo build is based on <a href="">Maven 3</a>.
See the <a href="build.html">build description</a> for details.
<h3>Continuous Integration</h3>
We have a list of CI tools directly integrated with our source repository:
<li><a href="">Travis CI</a></li>
<li><a href="">AppVeyor</a></li>
CI builds run for master and every pull request.
<h3>Development Build Artifacts</h3>
Beside the <a href="|ga|1|g%3Aorg.jacoco"> JaCoCo releases</a>
the following build artifacts are automatically available during the
development cycle:
<li><b>Master:</b> The current master is available through the Maven
<a href="repo.html">snapshot repository</a>.</li>
<li><b>Pull Requests:</b> For every pull request the
<a href="">AppVeyor builds</a>
provide the corresponding all-in-one zip for download. To access the
artifacts follow the check <code>continuous-integration/appveyor/branch</code>
on the corresponding GitHub pull request page.</li>
<h3>Continuous Inspection</h3>
We track quality issues with our source code with
<a href="">SonarQube</a>.
The development team communicates through a mailing list. The list is closed
for non-developers but the archive is
<a href="">public</a>.
Please use the <a href="support.html">support channels</a> to get in touch
with the development team.
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<span class="right"><a href="@jacoco.home.url@">JaCoCo</a> @qualified.bundle.version@</span>
<a href="license.html">Copyright</a> &copy; @copyright.years@ Mountainminds GmbH &amp; Co. KG and Contributors