blob: cc4bfc77b71b3e922b7a17691f6c70fdf522aa1f [file] [log] [blame]
Version: 2.0.0
Release date:
The son of Jackson! Behold...
* [JACKSON-712]: Delegating @JsonCreator did not work with Injectable values
* [JACKSON-546]: Indicate end-of-input with JsonMappingException instead
of EOFException, when there is no parsing exception
* [JACKSON-664]: Reduce overhead of type resolution by adding caching
in TypeFactory
* [JACKSON-690]: Pass DeserializationContext through ValueInstantiator
* [JACKSON-695]: Add 'isEmpty(value)' in JsonSerializer to allow
customizing handling of serialization of empty values
* [JACKSON-710]: 'ObjectMapper.convertValue()' should ignore root value
wrapping/unwrapping settings
* [JACKSON-730] Split various features (JsonParser, JsonGenerator,
SerializationConfig, DeserializationConfig) into per-factory
features (MapperConfig.Feature, JsonFactory.Feature) an per
instance features (existing ones)
* [JACKSON-732]: Allow 'AnnotationIntrospector.findContentDeserializer()'
(and similar) to return instance, not just Class<?> for instance
(requested by James R)
* [JACKSON-749]: Make @JsonValue work for Enum deserialization
New features:
* [JACKSON-669]: Allow prefix/suffix for @JsonUnwrapped properties
(requested by Aner P)
* [JACKSON-718]: Added 'JsonNode.canConvertToInt()', 'JsonNode.canConvertToLong()'
* [JACKSON-752]: Add @JsonInclude (replacement of @JsonSerialize.include)
* [JACKSON-754]: Add @JacksonAnnotationsInside for creating "annotation
bundles" (also: AnnotationIntrospector.isAnnotationBundle())
=== History: ===
[entries for versions 1.x and earlier not retained; refer to earlier releases)