blob: 7a578a872a3d0380c4f37ee645e1ee77865415ab [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize.Inclusion;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.*;
* Helper class for {@link BeanSerializerFactory} that is used to
* construct {@link BeanPropertyWriter} instances. Can be sub-classed
* to change behavior.
public class PropertyBuilder
final protected SerializationConfig _config;
final protected BasicBeanDescription _beanDesc;
final protected JsonSerialize.Inclusion _outputProps;
final protected AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector;
* If a property has serialization inclusion value of
* {@link Inclusion#ALWAYS}, we need to know the default
* value of the bean, to know if property value equals default
* one.
protected Object _defaultBean;
public PropertyBuilder(SerializationConfig config, BasicBeanDescription beanDesc)
_config = config;
_beanDesc = beanDesc;
_outputProps = beanDesc.findSerializationInclusion(config.getSerializationInclusion());
_annotationIntrospector = _config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
/* Public API
public Annotations getClassAnnotations() {
return _beanDesc.getClassAnnotations();
* @param contentTypeSer Optional explicit type information serializer
* to use for contained values (only used for properties that are
* of container type)
protected BeanPropertyWriter buildWriter(String name, JavaType declaredType,
JsonSerializer<Object> ser,
TypeSerializer typeSer, TypeSerializer contentTypeSer,
AnnotatedMember am, boolean defaultUseStaticTyping)
Field f;
Method m;
if (am instanceof AnnotatedField) {
m = null;
f = ((AnnotatedField) am).getAnnotated();
} else {
m = ((AnnotatedMethod) am).getAnnotated();
f = null;
// do we have annotation that forces type to use (to declared type or its super type)?
JavaType serializationType = findSerializationType(am, defaultUseStaticTyping, declaredType);
// Container types can have separate type serializers for content (value / element) type
if (contentTypeSer != null) {
/* 04-Feb-2010, tatu: Let's force static typing for collection, if there is
* type information for contents. Should work well (for JAXB case); can be
* revisited if this causes problems.
if (serializationType == null) {
// serializationType = TypeFactory.type(am.getGenericType(), _beanDesc.getType());
serializationType = declaredType;
JavaType ct = serializationType.getContentType();
/* 03-Sep-2010, tatu: This is somehow related to [JACKSON-356], but I don't completely
* yet understand how pieces fit together. Still, better be explicit than rely on
* NPE to indicate an issue...
if (ct == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Problem trying to create BeanPropertyWriter for property '"
+name+"' (of type "+_beanDesc.getType()+"); serialization type "+serializationType+" has no content");
serializationType = serializationType.withContentTypeHandler(contentTypeSer);
ct = serializationType.getContentType();
Object valueToSuppress = null;
boolean suppressNulls = false;
JsonSerialize.Inclusion methodProps = _annotationIntrospector.findSerializationInclusion(am, _outputProps);
if (methodProps != null) {
switch (methodProps) {
valueToSuppress = getDefaultValue(name, m, f);
if (valueToSuppress == null) {
suppressNulls = true;
} else {
// [JACKSON-531]: Allow comparison of arrays too...
if (valueToSuppress.getClass().isArray()) {
valueToSuppress = Comparators.getArrayComparator(valueToSuppress);
// always suppress nulls
suppressNulls = true;
// but possibly also 'empty' values:
valueToSuppress = BeanPropertyWriter.MARKER_FOR_EMPTY;
case NON_NULL:
suppressNulls = true;
// fall through
case ALWAYS: // default
// we may still want to suppress empty collections, as per [JACKSON-254]:
if (declaredType.isContainerType()
&& !_config.isEnabled(SerializationConfig.Feature.WRITE_EMPTY_JSON_ARRAYS)) {
valueToSuppress = BeanPropertyWriter.MARKER_FOR_EMPTY;
BeanPropertyWriter bpw = new BeanPropertyWriter(am, _beanDesc.getClassAnnotations(), name, declaredType,
ser, typeSer, serializationType, m, f, suppressNulls, valueToSuppress);
// [JACKSON-132]: Unwrapping
String unwrapPrefix = _annotationIntrospector.findUnwrapPrefix(am);
if (unwrapPrefix != null) {
bpw = bpw.unwrappingWriter(unwrapPrefix);
return bpw;
/* Helper methods; annotation access
* Method that will try to determine statically defined type of property
* being serialized, based on annotations (for overrides), and alternatively
* declared type (if static typing for serialization is enabled).
* If neither can be used (no annotations, dynamic typing), returns null.
protected JavaType findSerializationType(Annotated a, boolean useStaticTyping, JavaType declaredType)
// [JACKSON-120]: Check to see if serialization type is fixed
Class<?> serClass = _annotationIntrospector.findSerializationType(a);
if (serClass != null) {
// Must be a super type to be usable
Class<?> rawDeclared = declaredType.getRawClass();
if (serClass.isAssignableFrom(rawDeclared)) {
declaredType = declaredType.widenBy(serClass);
} else {
/* 18-Nov-2010, tatu: Related to fixing [JACKSON-416], an issue with such
* check is that for deserialization more specific type makes sense;
* and for serialization more generic. But alas JAXB uses but a single
* annotation to do both... Hence, we must just discard type, as long as
* types are related
if (!rawDeclared.isAssignableFrom(serClass)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal concrete-type annotation for method '"+a.getName()+"': class "+serClass.getName()+" not a super-type of (declared) class "+rawDeclared.getName());
/* 03-Dec-2010, tatu: Actually, ugh, to resolve [JACKSON-415] may further relax this
* and actually accept subtypes too for serialization. Bit dangerous in theory
* but need to trust user here...
declaredType = _config.constructSpecializedType(declaredType, serClass);
useStaticTyping = true;
JavaType secondary = BeanSerializerFactory.modifySecondaryTypesByAnnotation(_config, a, declaredType);
if (secondary != declaredType) {
useStaticTyping = true;
declaredType = secondary;
/* [JACKSON-114]: if using static typing, declared type is known
* to be the type...
if (!useStaticTyping) {
JsonSerialize.Typing typing = _annotationIntrospector.findSerializationTyping(a);
if (typing != null) {
useStaticTyping = (typing == JsonSerialize.Typing.STATIC);
return useStaticTyping ? declaredType : null;
/* Helper methods for default value handling
protected Object getDefaultBean()
if (_defaultBean == null) {
/* If we can fix access rights, we should; otherwise non-public
* classes or default constructor will prevent instantiation
_defaultBean = _beanDesc.instantiateBean(_config.canOverrideAccessModifiers());
if (_defaultBean == null) {
Class<?> cls = _beanDesc.getClassInfo().getAnnotated();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class "+cls.getName()+" has no default constructor; can not instantiate default bean value to support 'properties=JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_DEFAULT' annotation");
return _defaultBean;
protected Object getDefaultValue(String name, Method m, Field f)
Object defaultBean = getDefaultBean();
try {
if (m != null) {
return m.invoke(defaultBean);
return f.get(defaultBean);
} catch (Exception e) {
return _throwWrapped(e, name, defaultBean);
/* Helper methods for exception handling
protected Object _throwWrapped(Exception e, String propName, Object defaultBean)
Throwable t = e;
while (t.getCause() != null) {
t = t.getCause();
if (t instanceof Error) throw (Error) t;
if (t instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException) t;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to get property '"+propName+"' of default "+defaultBean.getClass().getName()+" instance");