blob: a5e277215be2b6232fc76d9466953582d22a6727 [file] [log] [blame]
Project: jackson-core
Version: 2.5.0 (xx-xxx-2014)
#148: BytesToNameCanonicalizer can mishandle leading null byte(s).
(reported by rjmac@github)
=== History: ===
2.4.2 (xx-Aug-2014)
#146: Error while parsing negative floats at the end of the input buffer
(reported by rjmac@github) (09-Jul-2014)
NOTE: this is a "micro-release", which does NOT contain all versions of
components but only individual components with critical fix(es).
#145: NPE at BytesToNameCanonicalizer
(reported by Shay B)
2.4.1 (16-Jun-2014)
#143: Flaw in `BufferRecycler.allocByteBuffer(int,int)` that results in
performance regression
2.4.0 (29-May-2014)
#121: Increase size of low-level byte[]/char[] input/output buffers
(from 4k->8k for bytes, 2k->4k for chars)
#127: Add `JsonGenerator.writeStartArray(int size)` for binary formats
#138: Add support for using `char[]` as input source; optimize handling
of `String` input as well.
- Refactor `BufferRecycler` to eliminate helper enums
2.3.3 (10-Apr-2014)
No changes since 2.3.2.
2.3.2 (01-Mar-2014)
#126: Revert some 1.6 back to make core lib work with Android 2.2 (FroYo)
(contributed by Goncalo S)
#129: Missing delegation method, `JsonParserDelegate.isExpectedStartArrayToken()`
(Pascal G)
#133: Prevent error on JsonPointer expressions for properties that have numeric
ids above 32-bit range
(reported by mrstlee@github)
2.3.1 (28-Dec-2013)
No functional changes.
2.3.0 (13-Nov-2013)
#8: Add methods in `JsonParser`/`JsonGenerator` for reading/writing Object Ids
#47: Support YAML-style comments with `JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_YAML_COMMENTS`
#60: Add a feature (`JsonParser.Feature.STRICT_DUPLICATE_DETECTION`) to verify
that input does not contain duplicate filed names
#77: Improve error reporting for unrecognized tokens
(requested by cowwoc@github)
#85: Add `JsonGenerator.Feature.WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN`
#91: Add methods in `JsonGenerator` for writing native Type Ids
#92: Add methods in `JsonParser` for reading native Type Ids
#93: Add `getFeatureMask()`, `setFeatureMask()` in `JsonGenerator`/`JsonParser`
#94: Allow coercion of String value "null" (similar to handling of null token)
#96: Add `JsonFactory.requiresPropertyOrdering()` introspection method
#97: JsonGenerator's `JsonWriteContext` not maintained properly, loses
current field name
(reported by Sam R)
#98: Improve handling of failures for `BigDecimal`, for "NaN" (and infinity)
#102: Unquoted field names can not start with a digit
#103: Add `JsonFactory.canHandleBinaryNatively`, `JsonGenerator.canWriteBinaryNatively`
to let databind module detect level of support for binary data.
#105: Parser parsers numbers eagerly; does not report error with missing space
#106: Add `JsonGenerator.Feature.STRICT_DUPLICATE_DETECTION` for preventing dup names
#110: Improve overridability of `JsonGeneratorDelegate`
(suggested by qpliu@github)
#111: _currInputRowStart isn't initialized in UTF8StreamJsonParser() constructor
(reported by dreamershl@github)
#115: JsonGenerator writeRawValue problem with surrogate UTF-8 characters
(reported by Marcin Z)
#116: WriterBasedJsonGenerator produces truncated Unicode escape sequences
(reported by Steve L-S)
- Improve `DefaultPrettyPrinter`, `Lf2SpacesIndenter` (from databind #276)
- Add `JsonGenerator.canOmitFields()` method to support discovery of
positional formats, needed for handling of filtering for CSV
- Rewrite `InternCache` to use `ConcurrentHashMap`, to work more efficiently both
for common case of few misses (no block on access), and slowest cases (lots of
- Add `JsonPointer` implementation, to be used by tree model, streaming
- Make `UTF8StreamJsonParser` non-final, for potential sub-classing
2.2.3 (23-Aug-2013)
#78: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for very long numbers (>500 digits)
(reported by boothen@github)
#81: CharTypes.appendQuoted misencodes first 32 Unicode values as '\0000'
(reported by githubaff0@github)
#84: Support for parsing 'Infinity' when feature ALLOW_NON_NUMERIC_NUMBERS is on
(contributed by ebrevdo@github)
- Add `Base64Variant.decode()` convenience methods
2.2.2 (26-May-2013)
No changes since previous version.
2.2.1 (03-May-2013)
#72: JsonFactory.copy() was not copying settings properly
(reported by Christian S (squiddle@github))
- Moved VERSION/LICENSE contained in jars under META-INF/, to resolve
Android packaging (APK) issues
2.2.0 (22-Apr-2013)
#51: JsonLocation had non-serializable field, mark as transient
#46, #49: Improve VersionUtil to generate PackageVersion, instead of
reading VERSION.txt from jar -- improves startup perf on Android significantly
(contributed by Ben G)
#59: Add more functionality in `TreeNode` interface, to allow some
level of traversal over any and all Tree Model implementations
#69: Add support for writing `short` values in JsonGenerator
2.1.3 (19-Jan-2013)
* [JACKSON-884]: JsonStringEncoder.quoteAsStringValue() fails to encode
ctrl chars correctly.
* [Issue#48] Problems with spaces in URLs
(reported by KlausBrunner)
2.1.2 (04-Dec-2012)
* [Issue#42] Problems with UTF32Reader
(reported by James R [jroper@github])
* Added missing methods (like 'setPrettyPrinter()' in JsonGeneratorDelegate
2.1.1 (11-Nov-2012)
* [Issue#34] `JsonParser.nextFieldName()` fails on buffer boundary
(reported by gsson@github)
* [Issue#38] `JsonParser.nextFieldName()` problems when handling
names with trailing spaces
(reported by matjazs@github)
2.1.0 (08-Oct-2012)
A new minor version for 2.x.
New features:
* [Issue#14]: add 'readBinaryValue(...)' method in JsonParser
* [Issue#16]: add 'writeBinary(InputStream, int)' method in JsonGenerator
(and implement for JSON backend)
* [Issue#26]: Allow overriding "root value separator"
(suggested by Henning S)
* [JACKSON-837]: Made JsonGenerator implement Flushable.
(suggested by Matt G)
* [Issue#10]: add 'JsonProcessingException.getOriginalMessage()' for accessing
message without location info
* [Issue#31]: make `JsonFactory` (via JDK)
* [Issue-25]: Add 'createParser' and 'createGenerator' (as eventual replacements
for 'createJsonParser'/'createJsonGenerator') in 'JsonFactory'
* Try to improve locking aspects of symbol tables, by reducing scope of
synchronized sections when creating, merging table contents.
* Added 'JsonFactory.copy()' method to support databinding's 'ObjectMapper.copy()'
* Added method 'requiresCustomCodec()' for JsonFactory and JsonParser
* Added 'JsonParser.getValueAsString()' method (to support flexible conversions)
* Added META-INF/services/com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory SPI to register
`JsonFactory` for even more automatic format discovery in future.
2.0.4 (26-Jun-2012)
* [Issue-6] PrettyPrinter, count wrong for end-object case
* 1.9.x fixes up to 1.9.8
2.0.3: skipped; only some modules use this version
2.0.2 (14-May-2012)
* 1.9.x fixes up to 1.9.7
2.0.1 (22-Apr-2012)
* [JACKSON-827] Fix incompatibilities with JDK 1.5 (2.0.0 accidentally
required 1.6)
(reported Pascal G)
2.0.0 (25-Mar-2012)
(all fixes up until 1.9.6)
* [JACKSON-730]: Add checks to ensure that Features are applicable for
instances (parsers, generators), or if not, throw IllegalArgumentException
* [JACKSON-742]: Add append-methods in SerializableString
New features:
* [JACKSON-782]: Add 'JsonParser.overrideCurrentName()', needed as a workaround
for some exotic data binding cases (and/or formats)
[entries for versions 1.x and earlier not retained; refer to earlier releases)