blob: e69da7351efa4379fa72f96657febfc941fc7dc0 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_arp/arp_tables.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv6/ip6_tables.h>
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DEBUGP(x, args...) fprintf(stderr, x, ## args)
#define DEBUGP(x, args...)
enum {
OPT_NUMERIC = 1 << 0,
OPT_SOURCE = 1 << 1,
OPT_PROTOCOL = 1 << 3,
OPT_JUMP = 1 << 4,
OPT_VERBOSE = 1 << 5,
OPT_EXPANDED = 1 << 6,
OPT_COUNTERS = 1 << 10,
OPT_FRAGMENT = 1 << 11,
/* below are for arptables only */
OPT_S_MAC = 1 << 12,
OPT_D_MAC = 1 << 13,
OPT_H_LENGTH = 1 << 14,
OPT_OPCODE = 1 << 15,
OPT_H_TYPE = 1 << 16,
OPT_P_TYPE = 1 << 17,
#define NUMBER_OF_OPT ARRAY_SIZE(optflags)
static const char optflags[]
= { 'n', 's', 'd', 'p', 'j', 'v', 'x', 'i', 'o', '0', 'c', 'f', 2, 3, 'l', 4, 5, 6 };
enum {
CMD_INSERT = 1 << 0,
CMD_DELETE = 1 << 1,
CMD_DELETE_NUM = 1 << 2,
CMD_REPLACE = 1 << 3,
CMD_APPEND = 1 << 4,
CMD_LIST = 1 << 5,
CMD_FLUSH = 1 << 6,
CMD_ZERO = 1 << 7,
CMD_NEW_CHAIN = 1 << 8,
CMD_SET_POLICY = 1 << 10,
CMD_LIST_RULES = 1 << 12,
CMD_ZERO_NUM = 1 << 13,
CMD_CHECK = 1 << 14,
#define NUMBER_OF_CMD 16
struct xtables_globals;
struct xtables_rule_match;
struct xtables_target;
#define OPTSTRING_COMMON "-:A:C:D:E:F::I:L::M:N:P:VX::Z::" "c:d:i:j:o:p:s:t:"
/* define invflags which won't collide with IPT ones */
#define IPT_INV_SRCDEVADDR 0x0080
#define IPT_INV_TGTDEVADDR 0x0100
#define IPT_INV_ARPHLN 0x0200
#define IPT_INV_ARPOP 0x0400
#define IPT_INV_ARPHRD 0x0800
set_option(unsigned int *options, unsigned int option, u_int16_t *invflg,
bool invert);
* xtables_afinfo - protocol family dependent information
* @kmod: kernel module basename (e.g. "ip_tables")
* @proc_exists: file which exists in procfs when module already loaded
* @libprefix: prefix of .so library name (e.g. "libipt_")
* @family: nfproto family
* @ipproto: used by setsockopt (e.g. IPPROTO_IP)
* @so_rev_match: optname to check revision support of match
* @so_rev_target: optname to check revision support of target
struct xtables_afinfo {
const char *kmod;
const char *proc_exists;
const char *libprefix;
uint8_t family;
uint8_t ipproto;
int so_rev_match;
int so_rev_target;
/* trick for ebtables-compat, since watchers are targets */
struct ebt_match {
struct ebt_match *next;
union {
struct xtables_match *match;
struct xtables_target *watcher;
} u;
bool ismatch;
/* Fake ebt_entry */
struct ebt_entry {
/* this needs to be the first field */
unsigned int bitmask;
unsigned int invflags;
uint16_t ethproto;
/* the physical in-dev */
char in[IFNAMSIZ];
/* the logical in-dev */
char logical_in[IFNAMSIZ];
/* the physical out-dev */
char out[IFNAMSIZ];
/* the logical out-dev */
char logical_out[IFNAMSIZ];
unsigned char sourcemac[6];
unsigned char sourcemsk[6];
unsigned char destmac[6];
unsigned char destmsk[6];
struct iptables_command_state {
union {
struct ebt_entry eb;
struct ipt_entry fw;
struct ip6t_entry fw6;
struct arpt_entry arp;
int c;
unsigned int options;
struct xtables_rule_match *matches;
struct ebt_match *match_list;
struct xtables_target *target;
struct xt_counters counters;
char *protocol;
int proto_used;
const char *jumpto;
char **argv;
bool restore;
typedef int (*mainfunc_t)(int, char **);
struct subcommand {
const char *name;
mainfunc_t main;
enum {
extern void print_extension_helps(const struct xtables_target *,
const struct xtables_rule_match *);
extern int command_default(struct iptables_command_state *,
struct xtables_globals *, bool invert);
extern int subcmd_main(int, char **, const struct subcommand *);
extern void xs_init_target(struct xtables_target *);
extern void xs_init_match(struct xtables_match *);
* Values for the iptables lock.
* A value >= 0 indicates the lock filedescriptor. Other values are:
* XT_LOCK_FAILED : The lock could not be acquired.
* XT_LOCK_BUSY : The lock was held by another process. xtables_lock only
* returns this value when |wait| == false. If |wait| == true, xtables_lock
* will not return unless the lock has been acquired.
* XT_LOCK_NOT_ACQUIRED : We have not yet attempted to acquire the lock.
enum {
extern void xtables_unlock(int lock);
extern int xtables_lock_or_exit(int wait);
int parse_wait_time(int argc, char *argv[]);
void parse_wait_interval(int argc, char *argv[]);
int parse_counters(const char *string, struct xt_counters *ctr);
bool tokenize_rule_counters(char **bufferp, char **pcnt, char **bcnt, int line);
bool xs_has_arg(int argc, char *argv[]);
extern const struct xtables_afinfo *afinfo;
#define MAX_ARGC 255
struct argv_store {
int argc;
char *argv[MAX_ARGC];
int argvattr[MAX_ARGC];
void add_argv(struct argv_store *store, const char *what, int quoted);
void free_argv(struct argv_store *store);
void save_argv(struct argv_store *dst, struct argv_store *src);
void add_param_to_argv(struct argv_store *store, char *parsestart, int line);
#ifdef DEBUG
void debug_print_argv(struct argv_store *store);
# define debug_print_argv(...) /* nothing */
const char *ipv4_addr_to_string(const struct in_addr *addr,
const struct in_addr *mask,
unsigned int format);
void print_header(unsigned int format, const char *chain, const char *pol,
const struct xt_counters *counters,
int refs, uint32_t entries);
void print_ipv4_addresses(const struct ipt_entry *fw, unsigned int format);
void save_ipv4_addr(char letter, const struct in_addr *addr,
const struct in_addr *mask, int invert);
void print_ipv6_addresses(const struct ip6t_entry *fw6, unsigned int format);
void save_ipv6_addr(char letter, const struct in6_addr *addr,
const struct in6_addr *mask, int invert);
void print_ifaces(const char *iniface, const char *outiface, uint8_t invflags,
unsigned int format);
void save_iface(char letter, const char *iface,
const unsigned char *mask, int invert);
void print_fragment(unsigned int flags, unsigned int invflags,
unsigned int format, bool fake);
void command_match(struct iptables_command_state *cs, bool invert);
const char *xt_parse_target(const char *targetname);
void command_jump(struct iptables_command_state *cs, const char *jumpto);
char cmd2char(int option);
void add_command(unsigned int *cmd, const int newcmd,
const int othercmds, int invert);
int parse_rulenumber(const char *rule);
void assert_valid_chain_name(const char *chainname);
void generic_opt_check(int command, int options);
char opt2char(int option);
void print_rule_details(unsigned int linenum, const struct xt_counters *ctrs,
const char *targname, uint8_t proto, uint8_t flags,
uint8_t invflags, unsigned int format);
void save_rule_details(const char *iniface, unsigned const char *iniface_mask,
const char *outiface, unsigned const char *outiface_mask,
uint16_t proto, int frag, uint8_t invflags);
int print_match_save(const struct xt_entry_match *e, const void *ip);
void exit_tryhelp(int status, int line) __attribute__((noreturn));
struct addr_mask {
union {
struct in_addr *v4;
struct in6_addr *v6;
void *ptr;
} addr;
unsigned int naddrs;
union {
struct in_addr *v4;
struct in6_addr *v6;
void *ptr;
} mask;
struct xtables_args {
int family;
uint16_t proto;
uint8_t flags;
uint16_t invflags;
char iniface[IFNAMSIZ], outiface[IFNAMSIZ];
unsigned char iniface_mask[IFNAMSIZ], outiface_mask[IFNAMSIZ];
bool goto_set;
const char *shostnetworkmask, *dhostnetworkmask;
const char *pcnt, *bcnt;
struct addr_mask s, d;
const char *src_mac, *dst_mac;
const char *arp_hlen, *arp_opcode;
const char *arp_htype, *arp_ptype;
unsigned long long pcnt_cnt, bcnt_cnt;
int wait;
struct xt_cmd_parse_ops {
void (*proto_parse)(struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args);
void (*post_parse)(int command,
struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args);
struct xt_cmd_parse {
unsigned int command;
unsigned int rulenum;
char *table;
const char *chain;
const char *newname;
const char *policy;
bool restore;
int line;
int verbose;
bool xlate;
struct xt_cmd_parse_ops *ops;
void do_parse(int argc, char *argv[],
struct xt_cmd_parse *p, struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args);
void ipv4_proto_parse(struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args);
void ipv6_proto_parse(struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args);
void ipv4_post_parse(int command, struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args);
void ipv6_post_parse(int command, struct iptables_command_state *cs,
struct xtables_args *args);
extern char *arp_opcodes[];