blob: e8e714f5a61e3bc00077bca00e2ec497c559ec93 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "image_io/base/byte_buffer.h"
#include "image_io/jpeg/jpeg_xmp_info.h"
namespace photos_editing_formats {
namespace image_io {
/// A helper to assemble the data in a JpegSegment. Currently this is only used
/// for testing purposes, but in the future may prove useful in the image_io
/// library itself.
class JpegSegmentBuilder {
/// Sets the payload size value of the JpegSegment data in the byte buffer.
/// This function assumes that the byte buffer contains the data for exactly
/// one JpegSegment, and that the segment type has a variable payload size.
/// The byte buffer must have a size in the range [4:65535] for this to work.
/// @param byte_buffer The data defining the JpegSegment.
/// @return Whether the byte buffer's size was valid and the payload size set.
static bool SetPayloadSize(ByteBuffer* byte_buffer);
/// @return The vector of ByteData.
const std::vector<ByteData>& GetByteData() const { return byte_data_; }
/// @return The concatenated string values of all byte data, or an empty
/// string if there are invalid byte data entries. Note that the string
/// may have embedded null characters if there are any kAscii0 type
/// byte data elements present.
std::string GetByteDataValues() const;
/// Adds the byte data to the vector.
/// @param byte_data The byte data to add.
void AddByteData(const ByteData& byte_data) {
/// Adds a segment marker of the given type and payload size.
/// @param marker_type The type of segment marker to add.
/// @param size The size of the payload if the marker has a variable
/// size payload. This value must be in the range [2:65535], although no
/// check is performed to ensure that is the case.
void AddMarkerAndSize(Byte marker_type, size_t size);
/// Adds a segment marker of the given type, and "0000" placeholder value if
/// the type has a variable payload size. The SetSizePlaceholder() function
/// can be called later to set the actual size of the segment.
/// @param marker_type The type of segment marker to add.
/// @return The index in the vector of ByteData where the marker was added.
size_t AddMarkerAndSizePlaceholder(Byte marker_type);
/// Replacess the size of the segment marker that was previously added using
/// the AddMarkerAndSizePlaceholder() function. The first two bytes of the
/// ByteData at the given index must represent a valid JpegMarker that has
/// a variable length payload size.
/// @param index The index in the vector of ByteData set the size of.
/// @param size The size of the segment, including the size field itself.
/// This value must be in the range [2:65535].
/// @return Whether the size was set successfully.
bool ReplaceSizePlaceholder(size_t index, size_t size);
/// Adds the bytes that define an XMP header.
/// @param xmp_guid The guid value of the XMP data. If this value is not 32
/// bytes long, it is either truncated or extended with 0s.
void AddExtendedXmpHeader(const std::string& xmp_guid);
/// Adds the XMP syntax that appears at the start of an XMP segment. This
/// syntax appears after the XMP header in a segment, so this function should
/// be called after the AddExtendedXmpHeader() function.
void AddXmpMetaPrefix();
/// Adds the XMP syntax that appears at the end of an XMP segment. This syntax
/// finishes the XMP data, so it should be the last function called when
/// assembling the data for such a segment.
void AddXmpMetaSuffix();
/// Adds the RDF prefix that appears within the body of an XMP segment. This
/// syntax should be added before any XMP property names and values are added.
void AddRdfPrefix();
/// Adds the RDF suffix that appears within the body of an XMP segment. This
/// syntax should be added after all XMP property names and values are added.
void AddRdfSuffix();
/// Adds the RDF:Description prefix that appears within the body of an XMP
/// segment. This syntax should be added after the RDF prefix is added, but
/// before any XMP property names and values are added.
void AddRdfDescriptionPrefix();
/// Adds the RDF:Description suffix that appears within the body of an XMP
/// segment. This syntax should be added after after all XMP property names
/// and values are added, but before the RDF syntax is added.
void AddRdfDescriptionSuffix();
/// Adds the property name, and the '="' string that defines
/// the start of the name="value" string. After this call, you can
/// add the property value to the byte data vector, and then call the
/// AddXmpPropertySuffix() function to finish the definition.
/// @param property_name The name of the property to add.
void AddXmpPropertyPrefix(const std::string& property_name);
/// Adds a final quote to finish off the definition of a name="value" string.
void AddXmpPropertySuffix();
/// Adds the name="value" strings to define the XMP property name and value.
/// @param property_name The name of the property to add.
/// @param property_value The value of the property to add.
void AddXmpPropertyNameAndValue(const std::string& property_name,
const std::string& property_value);
/// Adds segment marker and the extended XMP header for an APP1/XMP type
/// segment that as extended XMP data. After this call you can either all the
/// AddXmpAndRdfPrefixes() function (if this is the first extended segment, or
/// just continue adding the property value contained in this segment.
/// @param xmp_guid The guid value of the XMP data. If this value is not 32
/// bytes long, it is either truncated or extended with 0s.
void AddApp1XmpMarkerAndXmpExtendedHeader(const std::string& xmp_guid);
/// Adds segment marker and all the prefixes to start the xmpmeta/rdf section
/// of the segment. After this call property names and values can be added,
/// and optionally the section can be completed by calling the
/// AddXmpAndRdfSuffixes() function.
void AddXmpAndRdfPrefixes();
/// Adds the suffixes to complete the definition of an APP1/XMP segment. Call
/// this function after the AddApp1XmpPrefixes() and after adding property
/// names and values to the byte data.
void AddXmpAndRdfSuffixes();
std::vector<ByteData> byte_data_;
} // namespace image_io
} // namespace photos_editing_formats