blob: 6bc7d04f78e446b38e1bb6d606d982a5fabea778 [file] [log] [blame]
This directory is used for building our Android
ICU data file. Unfortunately this requires some
manual tweaking, since the ICU build process is
not (yet) completely integrated into the Android
Quick tour:
- icudt38l/* contains the resources in unpacked
form. It includes everything that comes with
a vanilla ICU 3.8 as well as two additional
encodings required by Android. These two are
gsm-03.38-2000.cnv and iso-8859_16-2001.cnv.
Also, all character translation tables have
been created with the "--small" option, so
they use less space than in the vanilla ICU.
- icudt38l.txt contains the main manifest of our
data file. It currently includes a lot of
character conversion tables, locale data for
English, German, Czech, and Dutch, as well as
timezone information.
- Local manifest files named res_index.txt are
residing in the following directories:
- icudt38l
- icudt38l/brkitr
- icudt38l/coll
- icudt38l/rbnf
These also need to be updated to reflect any
changes to the resources we want in Android.
- icudt38l.dat is our actual data file. The file
currently needs to be rebuilt manually whenever
one of the manifests changes (don't forget to
submit!). This can be conveniently done by
running ./ in this directory. Note:
The script assumes you have done
and lunch before, because it relies on an
enviroment variable pointing to the prebuilt
tools. It also assumes the directory contents
are writable, so you might want to do a
g4 edit ...
before you run it.
- The makefile should pick up the new
data file during the next build. But to make
sure, a clean build might make sense.
- The various files named *smaller* and so on are
older data files used previously. They contain
either only English data (*reduced* and *smaller*)
or the complete ICU data (*full*). They should be
dropped in favor of the new file.