blob: c10c824eb286a3e9ef7f07336c03ec62cc8ee2f6 [file] [log] [blame]
This directory is used for building our Android ICU data file.
1. To generate ICU data files:run the script.
The command is:
./ <icu version> [-v] [-h]
For example:
./ 4.2
2. To add a resource to Android ICU data file: insert an entry to
icudtxx-<tag name>.txt under external/icu4c/stubdata directory then
run the
For example, to add French sort to icudt42l-us.dat, you need to
a. Add an entry, "coll/fr.res", into external/icu4c/stubdata/icudt42l-us.txt
b. run "./ 4.2".
3. To add a new Adnroid ICU data file: add the <tag name> to datlist[] in and add corresponding resource list to
icudtxxl<tag name>.txt. Then run the script to generate
dat files.
For example, to add icudt42l-latin.dat, you need to
a. Modify by adding "latin" into datlist.
b. Make a new file icudt42l-latin.txt to include the resource list.
c. run "./ 4.2".
4. Add a new resource or modify existing ICU resource definition:
Note: This is a rare case. You should talk to ICU team first if it is a bug
in ICU resource or a feature enhancement before making such changes.
If you would like to add existing ICU resource to Android, please check #2.
a. Create or change the text format resource files under external/icu4c/data.
b. Make a temporary directory for ICU build.
i.e. mkdir external/icu4c/icuBuild
c. cd to ICU build directory.
i.e. cd external/icu4c/icuBuild
d. Run external/icu4c/runConfigureICU with "Linux" option to generate the
i.e. $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/runConfigureICU Linux
e. make -j2
f. The new icudtxxl.dat is under data/out/tmp and the individual resources are
under data/out/build/icudtxxl
For example, you can find data/out/tmp/icudt42l.dat and data/out/build/icudt42l/*.res.
g. Copy the new icudtxxl.dat over $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/stubdata/icudtxxl-all.dat.
i.e. cp data/out/tmp/icudt42l.dat $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/stubdata/icudt42l-all.dat.
h. Check #1 or #2 to replace or add resource to ICU.
i. Clean up ICU build directory.
j. Discuss with icu-team how to include the change to public ICU.
Locale Resource Files:
- icudt42l-all.dat contains the resources in packed
form. It includes everything that comes with
a vanilla ICU 4.2. uses this file to generate
custom build dat files.
- cnv/*.cnv are the additional encodings required by Android.
These are
- gsm-03.38-2000.cnv
- iso-8859_16-2001.cnv
- docomo-shift_jis-2007.cnv
- kddi-jisx-208-2007.cnv
- kddi-shift_jis-2007.cnv
- softbank-jisx-208-2007.cnv
- softbank-shift_jis-2007.cnv
- Text format ICU resource files are under external/icu4c/data directory.
Binary resource files are packaged in external/icu4c/stubdata/icudtxxl-all.dat.
If you have special need such as bug fxings or examining individual resource size,
you can run icupkg utility to extract icudtxxl-all.dat into a temporary directory.
For example:
cd $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/stubdata
cp icudt42l-all.dat icudt42l.dat
mkdir tempDir
$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/prebuilt/linux-x86/icu-4.2/icupkg icudt42l.dat -x "*" -d tempDir
Run ICU tests:
ICU tests are not part of Android build. If you change the ICU code or data,
it is highly recommended to run ICU tests.
1. Remove the flag "-R" in external/icu4c/data/
"Reverse collation keys" tables are not included in ICU data on Android. To
pass ICU collation tests, you need to delete the flag "-R" in
Search for " -R" under "### collation res" section in external/icu4c/data/,
delete all of them.
2. Make a temporary directory for ICU build.
i.e. mkdir external/icu4c/icuBuild
3. cd to ICU build directory.
i.e. cd external/icu4c/icuBuild
4. Run external/icu4c/runConfigureICU with "Linux" option to generate the makefile.
i.e. $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/external/icu4c/runConfigureICU Linux
5. make -j2 check
6. Check the result. Ignore the errors from tsconv.
1. The script assumes you have done and choosecombo before, because
it relies on an environment variable pointing
to the prebuilt tools.