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// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
* A class that defines the rounding strategy to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
* <p>
* To create a Rounder, use one of the factory methods.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public abstract class Rounder implements Cloneable {
/* package-private final */ MathContext mathContext;
/* package-private */ Rounder() {
mathContext = RoundingUtils.mathContextUnlimited(RoundingUtils.DEFAULT_ROUNDING_MODE);
* Show all available digits to full precision.
* <p>
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> When formatting a <em>double</em>, this method, along with {@link #minFraction} and
* {@link #minDigits}, will trigger complex algorithm similar to <em>Dragon4</em> to determine the low-order digits
* and the number of digits to display based on the value of the double. If the number of fraction places or
* significant digits can be bounded, consider using {@link #maxFraction} or {@link #maxDigits} instead to maximize
* performance. For more information, read the following blog post.
* <p>
* @return A Rounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static Rounder unlimited() {
return constructInfinite();
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to the nearest integer.
* @return A FractionRounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static FractionRounder integer() {
return constructFraction(0, 0);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator).
* Additionally, pad with zeros to ensure that this number of places are always shown.
* <p>
* Example output with minMaxFractionPlaces = 3:
* <p>
* 87,650.000<br>
* 8,765.000<br>
* 876.500<br>
* 87.650<br>
* 8.765<br>
* 0.876<br>
* 0.088<br>
* 0.009<br>
* 0.000 (zero)
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to {@link #minMaxFraction} with both arguments equal.
* @param minMaxFractionPlaces
* The minimum and maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (rounding if too
* long or padding with zeros if too short).
* @return A FractionRounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static FractionRounder fixedFraction(int minMaxFractionPlaces) {
if (minMaxFractionPlaces >= 0 && minMaxFractionPlaces <= RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG) {
return constructFraction(minMaxFractionPlaces, minMaxFractionPlaces);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Fraction length must be between 0 and " + RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG);
* Always show at least a certain number of fraction places after the decimal separator, padding with zeros if
* necessary. Do not perform rounding (display numbers to their full precision).
* <p>
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> If you are formatting <em>doubles</em>, see the performance note in {@link #unlimited}.
* @param minFractionPlaces
* The minimum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (padding with zeros if
* necessary).
* @return A FractionRounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static FractionRounder minFraction(int minFractionPlaces) {
if (minFractionPlaces >= 0 && minFractionPlaces < RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG) {
return constructFraction(minFractionPlaces, -1);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Fraction length must be between 0 and " + RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator).
* Unlike the other fraction rounding strategies, this strategy does <em>not</em> pad zeros to the end of the
* number.
* @param maxFractionPlaces
* The maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal mark (rounding if necessary).
* @return A FractionRounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static FractionRounder maxFraction(int maxFractionPlaces) {
if (maxFractionPlaces >= 0 && maxFractionPlaces < RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG) {
return constructFraction(0, maxFractionPlaces);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Fraction length must be between 0 and " + RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator);
* in addition, always show at least a certain number of places after the decimal separator, padding with zeros if
* necessary.
* @param minFractionPlaces
* The minimum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (padding with zeros if
* necessary).
* @param maxFractionPlaces
* The maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (rounding if necessary).
* @return A FractionRounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static FractionRounder minMaxFraction(int minFractionPlaces, int maxFractionPlaces) {
if (minFractionPlaces >= 0 && maxFractionPlaces <= RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG
&& minFractionPlaces <= maxFractionPlaces) {
return constructFraction(minFractionPlaces, maxFractionPlaces);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Fraction length must be between 0 and " + RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits or significant figures. Additionally,
* pad with zeros to ensure that this number of significant digits/figures are always shown.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to {@link #minMaxDigits} with both arguments equal.
* @param minMaxSignificantDigits
* The minimum and maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if too long or padding with
* zeros if too short).
* @return A Rounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static Rounder fixedDigits(int minMaxSignificantDigits) {
if (minMaxSignificantDigits > 0 && minMaxSignificantDigits <= RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG) {
return constructSignificant(minMaxSignificantDigits, minMaxSignificantDigits);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Significant digits must be between 0 and " + RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG);
* Always show at least a certain number of significant digits/figures, padding with zeros if necessary. Do not
* perform rounding (display numbers to their full precision).
* <p>
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> If you are formatting <em>doubles</em>, see the performance note in {@link #unlimited}.
* @param minSignificantDigits
* The minimum number of significant digits to display (padding with zeros if too short).
* @return A Rounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static Rounder minDigits(int minSignificantDigits) {
if (minSignificantDigits > 0 && minSignificantDigits <= RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG) {
return constructSignificant(minSignificantDigits, -1);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Significant digits must be between 0 and " + RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits/figures.
* @param maxSignificantDigits
* The maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if too long).
* @return A Rounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static Rounder maxDigits(int maxSignificantDigits) {
if (maxSignificantDigits > 0 && maxSignificantDigits <= RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG) {
return constructSignificant(0, maxSignificantDigits);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Significant digits must be between 0 and " + RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits/figures; in addition, always show at
* least a certain number of significant digits, padding with zeros if necessary.
* @param minSignificantDigits
* The minimum number of significant digits to display (padding with zeros if necessary).
* @param maxSignificantDigits
* The maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if necessary).
* @return A Rounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static Rounder minMaxDigits(int minSignificantDigits, int maxSignificantDigits) {
if (minSignificantDigits > 0 && maxSignificantDigits <= RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG
&& minSignificantDigits <= maxSignificantDigits) {
return constructSignificant(minSignificantDigits, maxSignificantDigits);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Significant digits must be between 0 and " + RoundingUtils.MAX_INT_FRAC_SIG);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to the closest multiple of a certain rounding increment. For example, if the
* rounding increment is 0.5, then round 1.2 to 1 and round 1.3 to 1.5.
* <p>
* In order to ensure that numbers are padded to the appropriate number of fraction places, set the scale on the
* rounding increment BigDecimal. For example, to round to the nearest 0.5 and always display 2 numerals after the
* decimal separator (to display 1.2 as "1.00" and 1.3 as "1.50"), you can run:
* <pre>
* Rounder.increment(new BigDecimal("0.50"))
* </pre>
* <p>
* For more information on the scale of Java BigDecimal, see {@link java.math.BigDecimal#scale()}.
* @param roundingIncrement
* The increment to which to round numbers.
* @return A Rounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static Rounder increment(BigDecimal roundingIncrement) {
if (roundingIncrement != null && roundingIncrement.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) {
return constructIncrement(roundingIncrement);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rounding increment must be positive and non-null");
* Show numbers rounded and padded according to the rules for the currency unit. The most common rounding settings
* for currencies include <code>Rounder.fixedFraction(2)</code>, <code>Rounder.integer()</code>, and
* <code>Rounder.increment(0.05)</code> for cash transactions ("nickel rounding").
* <p>
* The exact rounding details will be resolved at runtime based on the currency unit specified in the
* NumberFormatter chain. To round according to the rules for one currency while displaying the symbol for another
* currency, the withCurrency() method can be called on the return value of this method.
* @param currencyUsage
* Either STANDARD (for digital transactions) or CASH (for transactions where the rounding increment may
* be limited by the available denominations of cash or coins).
* @return A CurrencyRounder for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter rounding() setter.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public static CurrencyRounder currency(CurrencyUsage currencyUsage) {
if (currencyUsage != null) {
return constructCurrency(currencyUsage);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CurrencyUsage must be non-null");
* Sets the {@link java.math.RoundingMode} to use when picking the direction to round (up or down). Common values
* include HALF_EVEN, HALF_UP, and FLOOR. The default is HALF_EVEN.
* @param roundingMode
* The RoundingMode to use.
* @return A Rounder for chaining.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public Rounder withMode(RoundingMode roundingMode) {
return withMode(RoundingUtils.mathContextUnlimited(roundingMode));
* Sets a MathContext directly instead of RoundingMode.
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public Rounder withMode(MathContext mathContext) {
if (this.mathContext.equals(mathContext)) {
return this;
Rounder other = (Rounder) this.clone();
other.mathContext = mathContext;
return other;
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public Object clone() {
try {
return super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// Should not happen since parent is Object
throw new AssertionError(e);
* @deprecated ICU 60 This API is ICU internal only.
* @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public abstract void apply(DecimalQuantity value);
static final InfiniteRounderImpl NONE = new InfiniteRounderImpl();
static final FractionRounderImpl FIXED_FRAC_0 = new FractionRounderImpl(0, 0);
static final FractionRounderImpl FIXED_FRAC_2 = new FractionRounderImpl(2, 2);
static final FractionRounderImpl MAX_FRAC_6 = new FractionRounderImpl(0, 6);
static final SignificantRounderImpl FIXED_SIG_2 = new SignificantRounderImpl(2, 2);
static final SignificantRounderImpl FIXED_SIG_3 = new SignificantRounderImpl(3, 3);
static final SignificantRounderImpl RANGE_SIG_2_3 = new SignificantRounderImpl(2, 3);
static final FracSigRounderImpl COMPACT_STRATEGY = new FracSigRounderImpl(0, 0, 2, -1);
static final IncrementRounderImpl NICKEL = new IncrementRounderImpl(BigDecimal.valueOf(0.05));
static final CurrencyRounderImpl MONETARY_STANDARD = new CurrencyRounderImpl(CurrencyUsage.STANDARD);
static final CurrencyRounderImpl MONETARY_CASH = new CurrencyRounderImpl(CurrencyUsage.CASH);
static final PassThroughRounderImpl PASS_THROUGH = new PassThroughRounderImpl();
static Rounder constructInfinite() {
return NONE;
static FractionRounder constructFraction(int minFrac, int maxFrac) {
if (minFrac == 0 && maxFrac == 0) {
return FIXED_FRAC_0;
} else if (minFrac == 2 && maxFrac == 2) {
return FIXED_FRAC_2;
} else if (minFrac == 0 && maxFrac == 6) {
return MAX_FRAC_6;
} else {
return new FractionRounderImpl(minFrac, maxFrac);
/** Assumes that minSig <= maxSig. */
static Rounder constructSignificant(int minSig, int maxSig) {
if (minSig == 2 && maxSig == 2) {
return FIXED_SIG_2;
} else if (minSig == 3 && maxSig == 3) {
return FIXED_SIG_3;
} else if (minSig == 2 && maxSig == 3) {
return RANGE_SIG_2_3;
} else {
return new SignificantRounderImpl(minSig, maxSig);
static Rounder constructFractionSignificant(FractionRounder base_, int minSig, int maxSig) {
assert base_ instanceof FractionRounderImpl;
FractionRounderImpl base = (FractionRounderImpl) base_;
if (base.minFrac == 0 && base.maxFrac == 0 && minSig == 2 /* && maxSig == -1 */) {
} else {
return new FracSigRounderImpl(base.minFrac, base.maxFrac, minSig, maxSig);
static Rounder constructIncrement(BigDecimal increment) {
// NOTE: .equals() is what we want, not .compareTo()
if (increment.equals(NICKEL.increment)) {
return NICKEL;
} else {
return new IncrementRounderImpl(increment);
static CurrencyRounder constructCurrency(CurrencyUsage usage) {
if (usage == CurrencyUsage.STANDARD) {
} else if (usage == CurrencyUsage.CASH) {
} else {
throw new AssertionError();
static Rounder constructFromCurrency(CurrencyRounder base_, Currency currency) {
assert base_ instanceof CurrencyRounderImpl;
CurrencyRounderImpl base = (CurrencyRounderImpl) base_;
double incrementDouble = currency.getRoundingIncrement(base.usage);
if (incrementDouble != 0.0) {
BigDecimal increment = BigDecimal.valueOf(incrementDouble);
return constructIncrement(increment);
} else {
int minMaxFrac = currency.getDefaultFractionDigits(base.usage);
return constructFraction(minMaxFrac, minMaxFrac);
static Rounder constructPassThrough() {
* Returns a valid working Rounder. If the Rounder is a CurrencyRounder, applies the given currency. Otherwise,
* simply passes through the argument.
* @param currency
* A currency object to use in case the input object needs it.
* @return A Rounder object ready for use.
Rounder withLocaleData(Currency currency) {
if (this instanceof CurrencyRounder) {
return ((CurrencyRounder) this).withCurrency(currency);
} else {
return this;
int chooseMultiplierAndApply(DecimalQuantity input, MultiplierProducer producer) {
// TODO: Make a better and more efficient implementation.
// TODO: Avoid the object creation here.
DecimalQuantity copy = input.createCopy();
assert !input.isZero();
int magnitude = input.getMagnitude();
int multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude);
// If the number turned to zero when rounding, do not re-attempt the rounding.
if (!input.isZero() && input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier + 1) {
magnitude += 1;
multiplier = producer.getMultiplier(magnitude);
assert input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier - 1;
assert input.getMagnitude() == magnitude + multiplier;
return multiplier;
static class InfiniteRounderImpl extends Rounder {
public InfiniteRounderImpl() {
public void apply(DecimalQuantity value) {
value.setFractionLength(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
static class FractionRounderImpl extends FractionRounder {
final int minFrac;
final int maxFrac;
public FractionRounderImpl(int minFrac, int maxFrac) {
this.minFrac = minFrac;
this.maxFrac = maxFrac;
public void apply(DecimalQuantity value) {
value.roundToMagnitude(getRoundingMagnitudeFraction(maxFrac), mathContext);
value.setFractionLength(Math.max(0, -getDisplayMagnitudeFraction(minFrac)), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
static class SignificantRounderImpl extends Rounder {
final int minSig;
final int maxSig;
public SignificantRounderImpl(int minSig, int maxSig) {
this.minSig = minSig;
this.maxSig = maxSig;
public void apply(DecimalQuantity value) {
value.roundToMagnitude(getRoundingMagnitudeSignificant(value, maxSig), mathContext);
value.setFractionLength(Math.max(0, -getDisplayMagnitudeSignificant(value, minSig)), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
/** Version of {@link #apply} that obeys minInt constraints. Used for scientific notation compatibility mode. */
public void apply(DecimalQuantity quantity, int minInt) {
assert quantity.isZero();
quantity.setFractionLength(minSig - minInt, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
static class FracSigRounderImpl extends Rounder {
final int minFrac;
final int maxFrac;
final int minSig;
final int maxSig;
public FracSigRounderImpl(int minFrac, int maxFrac, int minSig, int maxSig) {
this.minFrac = minFrac;
this.maxFrac = maxFrac;
this.minSig = minSig;
this.maxSig = maxSig;
public void apply(DecimalQuantity value) {
int displayMag = getDisplayMagnitudeFraction(minFrac);
int roundingMag = getRoundingMagnitudeFraction(maxFrac);
if (minSig == -1) {
// Max Sig override
int candidate = getRoundingMagnitudeSignificant(value, maxSig);
roundingMag = Math.max(roundingMag, candidate);
} else {
// Min Sig override
int candidate = getDisplayMagnitudeSignificant(value, minSig);
roundingMag = Math.min(roundingMag, candidate);
value.roundToMagnitude(roundingMag, mathContext);
value.setFractionLength(Math.max(0, -displayMag), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
static class IncrementRounderImpl extends Rounder {
final BigDecimal increment;
public IncrementRounderImpl(BigDecimal increment) {
this.increment = increment;
public void apply(DecimalQuantity value) {
value.roundToIncrement(increment, mathContext);
value.setFractionLength(increment.scale(), increment.scale());
static class CurrencyRounderImpl extends CurrencyRounder {
final CurrencyUsage usage;
public CurrencyRounderImpl(CurrencyUsage usage) {
this.usage = usage;
public void apply(DecimalQuantity value) {
// Call .withCurrency() before .apply()!
throw new AssertionError();
static class PassThroughRounderImpl extends Rounder {
public PassThroughRounderImpl() {
public void apply(DecimalQuantity value) {
// TODO: Assert that value has already been rounded
private static int getRoundingMagnitudeFraction(int maxFrac) {
if (maxFrac == -1) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
return -maxFrac;
private static int getRoundingMagnitudeSignificant(DecimalQuantity value, int maxSig) {
if (maxSig == -1) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int magnitude = value.isZero() ? 0 : value.getMagnitude();
return magnitude - maxSig + 1;
private static int getDisplayMagnitudeFraction(int minFrac) {
if (minFrac == 0) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return -minFrac;
private static int getDisplayMagnitudeSignificant(DecimalQuantity value, int minSig) {
int magnitude = value.isZero() ? 0 : value.getMagnitude();
return magnitude - minSig + 1;