blob: fc9894f8d9e889ce874f4ba302a05473e8c08be6 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
* @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android
public class DecimalFormatProperties implements Cloneable, Serializable {
private static final DecimalFormatProperties DEFAULT = new DecimalFormatProperties();
/** Auto-generated. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4095518955889349243L;
// The setters in this class should NOT have any side-effects or perform any validation. It is
// up to the consumer of the property bag to deal with property validation.
// The fields are all marked "transient" because custom serialization is being used.
/| WHEN ADDING A NEW PROPERTY, add it here, in #_clear(), in #_copyFrom(), in #equals(), |/
/| and in #_hashCode(). |/
/| |/
/| The unit test PropertiesTest will catch if you forget to add it to #clear(), #copyFrom(), |/
/| or #equals(), but it will NOT catch if you forget to add it to #hashCode(). |/
private transient Map<String, Map<String, String>> compactCustomData;
private transient CompactStyle compactStyle;
private transient Currency currency;
private transient CurrencyPluralInfo currencyPluralInfo;
private transient CurrencyUsage currencyUsage;
private transient boolean decimalPatternMatchRequired;
private transient boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
private transient boolean exponentSignAlwaysShown;
private transient int formatWidth;
private transient int groupingSize;
private transient int magnitudeMultiplier;
private transient MathContext mathContext;
private transient int maximumFractionDigits;
private transient int maximumIntegerDigits;
private transient int maximumSignificantDigits;
private transient int minimumExponentDigits;
private transient int minimumFractionDigits;
private transient int minimumGroupingDigits;
private transient int minimumIntegerDigits;
private transient int minimumSignificantDigits;
private transient BigDecimal multiplier;
private transient String negativePrefix;
private transient String negativePrefixPattern;
private transient String negativeSuffix;
private transient String negativeSuffixPattern;
private transient PadPosition padPosition;
private transient String padString;
private transient boolean parseCaseSensitive;
private transient GroupingMode parseGroupingMode;
private transient boolean parseIntegerOnly;
private transient ParseMode parseMode;
private transient boolean parseNoExponent;
private transient boolean parseToBigDecimal;
private transient PluralRules pluralRules;
private transient String positivePrefix;
private transient String positivePrefixPattern;
private transient String positiveSuffix;
private transient String positiveSuffixPattern;
private transient BigDecimal roundingIncrement;
private transient RoundingMode roundingMode;
private transient int secondaryGroupingSize;
private transient boolean signAlwaysShown;
/| WHEN ADDING A NEW PROPERTY, add it here, in #_clear(), in #_copyFrom(), in #equals(), |/
/| and in #_hashCode(). |/
/| |/
/| The unit test PropertiesTest will catch if you forget to add it to #clear(), #copyFrom(), |/
/| or #equals(), but it will NOT catch if you forget to add it to #hashCode(). |/
public DecimalFormatProperties() {
* Sets all properties to their defaults (unset).
* <p>
* All integers default to -1 EXCEPT FOR MAGNITUDE MULTIPLIER which has a default of 0 (since negative numbers are
* important).
* <p>
* All booleans default to false.
* <p>
* All non-primitive types default to null.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
private DecimalFormatProperties _clear() {
compactCustomData = null;
compactStyle = null;
currency = null;
currencyPluralInfo = null;
currencyUsage = null;
decimalPatternMatchRequired = false;
decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = false;
exponentSignAlwaysShown = false;
formatWidth = -1;
groupingSize = -1;
magnitudeMultiplier = 0;
mathContext = null;
maximumFractionDigits = -1;
maximumIntegerDigits = -1;
maximumSignificantDigits = -1;
minimumExponentDigits = -1;
minimumFractionDigits = -1;
minimumGroupingDigits = -1;
minimumIntegerDigits = -1;
minimumSignificantDigits = -1;
multiplier = null;
negativePrefix = null;
negativePrefixPattern = null;
negativeSuffix = null;
negativeSuffixPattern = null;
padPosition = null;
padString = null;
parseCaseSensitive = false;
parseGroupingMode = null;
parseIntegerOnly = false;
parseMode = null;
parseNoExponent = false;
parseToBigDecimal = false;
pluralRules = null;
positivePrefix = null;
positivePrefixPattern = null;
positiveSuffix = null;
positiveSuffixPattern = null;
roundingIncrement = null;
roundingMode = null;
secondaryGroupingSize = -1;
signAlwaysShown = false;
return this;
private DecimalFormatProperties _copyFrom(DecimalFormatProperties other) {
compactCustomData = other.compactCustomData;
compactStyle = other.compactStyle;
currency = other.currency;
currencyPluralInfo = other.currencyPluralInfo;
currencyUsage = other.currencyUsage;
decimalPatternMatchRequired = other.decimalPatternMatchRequired;
decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = other.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
exponentSignAlwaysShown = other.exponentSignAlwaysShown;
formatWidth = other.formatWidth;
groupingSize = other.groupingSize;
magnitudeMultiplier = other.magnitudeMultiplier;
mathContext = other.mathContext;
maximumFractionDigits = other.maximumFractionDigits;
maximumIntegerDigits = other.maximumIntegerDigits;
maximumSignificantDigits = other.maximumSignificantDigits;
minimumExponentDigits = other.minimumExponentDigits;
minimumFractionDigits = other.minimumFractionDigits;
minimumGroupingDigits = other.minimumGroupingDigits;
minimumIntegerDigits = other.minimumIntegerDigits;
minimumSignificantDigits = other.minimumSignificantDigits;
multiplier = other.multiplier;
negativePrefix = other.negativePrefix;
negativePrefixPattern = other.negativePrefixPattern;
negativeSuffix = other.negativeSuffix;
negativeSuffixPattern = other.negativeSuffixPattern;
padPosition = other.padPosition;
padString = other.padString;
parseCaseSensitive = other.parseCaseSensitive;
parseGroupingMode = other.parseGroupingMode;
parseIntegerOnly = other.parseIntegerOnly;
parseMode = other.parseMode;
parseNoExponent = other.parseNoExponent;
parseToBigDecimal = other.parseToBigDecimal;
pluralRules = other.pluralRules;
positivePrefix = other.positivePrefix;
positivePrefixPattern = other.positivePrefixPattern;
positiveSuffix = other.positiveSuffix;
positiveSuffixPattern = other.positiveSuffixPattern;
roundingIncrement = other.roundingIncrement;
roundingMode = other.roundingMode;
secondaryGroupingSize = other.secondaryGroupingSize;
signAlwaysShown = other.signAlwaysShown;
return this;
private boolean _equals(DecimalFormatProperties other) {
boolean eq = true;
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(compactCustomData, other.compactCustomData);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(compactStyle, other.compactStyle);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(currency, other.currency);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(currencyPluralInfo, other.currencyPluralInfo);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(currencyUsage, other.currencyUsage);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(decimalPatternMatchRequired, other.decimalPatternMatchRequired);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown, other.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(exponentSignAlwaysShown, other.exponentSignAlwaysShown);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(formatWidth, other.formatWidth);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(groupingSize, other.groupingSize);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(magnitudeMultiplier, other.magnitudeMultiplier);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(mathContext, other.mathContext);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(maximumFractionDigits, other.maximumFractionDigits);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(maximumIntegerDigits, other.maximumIntegerDigits);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(maximumSignificantDigits, other.maximumSignificantDigits);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(minimumExponentDigits, other.minimumExponentDigits);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(minimumFractionDigits, other.minimumFractionDigits);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(minimumGroupingDigits, other.minimumGroupingDigits);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(minimumIntegerDigits, other.minimumIntegerDigits);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(minimumSignificantDigits, other.minimumSignificantDigits);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(multiplier, other.multiplier);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(negativePrefix, other.negativePrefix);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(negativePrefixPattern, other.negativePrefixPattern);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(negativeSuffix, other.negativeSuffix);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(negativeSuffixPattern, other.negativeSuffixPattern);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(padPosition, other.padPosition);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(padString, other.padString);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(parseCaseSensitive, other.parseCaseSensitive);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(parseGroupingMode, other.parseGroupingMode);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(parseIntegerOnly, other.parseIntegerOnly);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(parseMode, other.parseMode);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(parseNoExponent, other.parseNoExponent);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(parseToBigDecimal, other.parseToBigDecimal);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(pluralRules, other.pluralRules);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(positivePrefix, other.positivePrefix);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(positivePrefixPattern, other.positivePrefixPattern);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(positiveSuffix, other.positiveSuffix);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(positiveSuffixPattern, other.positiveSuffixPattern);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(roundingIncrement, other.roundingIncrement);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(roundingMode, other.roundingMode);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(secondaryGroupingSize, other.secondaryGroupingSize);
eq = eq && _equalsHelper(signAlwaysShown, other.signAlwaysShown);
return eq;
private boolean _equalsHelper(boolean mine, boolean theirs) {
return mine == theirs;
private boolean _equalsHelper(int mine, int theirs) {
return mine == theirs;
private boolean _equalsHelper(Object mine, Object theirs) {
if (mine == theirs)
return true;
if (mine == null)
return false;
return mine.equals(theirs);
private int _hashCode() {
int hashCode = 0;
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(compactCustomData);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(compactStyle);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(currency);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(currencyPluralInfo);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(currencyUsage);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(decimalPatternMatchRequired);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(exponentSignAlwaysShown);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(formatWidth);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(groupingSize);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(magnitudeMultiplier);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(mathContext);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(maximumFractionDigits);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(maximumIntegerDigits);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(maximumSignificantDigits);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(minimumExponentDigits);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(minimumFractionDigits);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(minimumGroupingDigits);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(minimumIntegerDigits);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(minimumSignificantDigits);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(multiplier);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(negativePrefix);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(negativePrefixPattern);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(negativeSuffix);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(negativeSuffixPattern);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(padPosition);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(padString);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(parseCaseSensitive);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(parseGroupingMode);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(parseIntegerOnly);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(parseMode);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(parseNoExponent);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(parseToBigDecimal);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(pluralRules);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(positivePrefix);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(positivePrefixPattern);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(positiveSuffix);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(positiveSuffixPattern);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(roundingIncrement);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(roundingMode);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(secondaryGroupingSize);
hashCode ^= _hashCodeHelper(signAlwaysShown);
return hashCode;
private int _hashCodeHelper(boolean value) {
return value ? 1 : 0;
private int _hashCodeHelper(int value) {
return value * 13;
private int _hashCodeHelper(Object value) {
if (value == null)
return 0;
return value.hashCode();
public DecimalFormatProperties clear() {
return _clear();
/** Creates and returns a shallow copy of the property bag. */
public DecimalFormatProperties clone() {
// super.clone() returns a shallow copy.
try {
return (DecimalFormatProperties) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// Should never happen since super is Object
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(e);
* Shallow-copies the properties from the given property bag into this property bag.
* @param other
* The property bag from which to copy and which will not be modified.
* @return The current property bag (the one modified by this operation), for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties copyFrom(DecimalFormatProperties other) {
return _copyFrom(other);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == null)
return false;
if (this == other)
return true;
if (!(other instanceof DecimalFormatProperties))
return false;
return _equals((DecimalFormatProperties) other);
public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getCompactCustomData() {
return compactCustomData;
public CompactStyle getCompactStyle() {
return compactStyle;
public Currency getCurrency() {
return currency;
public CurrencyPluralInfo getCurrencyPluralInfo() {
return currencyPluralInfo;
public CurrencyUsage getCurrencyUsage() {
return currencyUsage;
public boolean getDecimalPatternMatchRequired() {
return decimalPatternMatchRequired;
public boolean getDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() {
return decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown;
public boolean getExponentSignAlwaysShown() {
return exponentSignAlwaysShown;
public int getFormatWidth() {
return formatWidth;
public int getGroupingSize() {
return groupingSize;
public int getMagnitudeMultiplier() {
return magnitudeMultiplier;
public MathContext getMathContext() {
return mathContext;
public int getMaximumFractionDigits() {
return maximumFractionDigits;
public int getMaximumIntegerDigits() {
return maximumIntegerDigits;
public int getMaximumSignificantDigits() {
return maximumSignificantDigits;
public int getMinimumExponentDigits() {
return minimumExponentDigits;
public int getMinimumFractionDigits() {
return minimumFractionDigits;
public int getMinimumGroupingDigits() {
return minimumGroupingDigits;
public int getMinimumIntegerDigits() {
return minimumIntegerDigits;
public int getMinimumSignificantDigits() {
return minimumSignificantDigits;
public BigDecimal getMultiplier() {
return multiplier;
public String getNegativePrefix() {
return negativePrefix;
public String getNegativePrefixPattern() {
return negativePrefixPattern;
public String getNegativeSuffix() {
return negativeSuffix;
public String getNegativeSuffixPattern() {
return negativeSuffixPattern;
public PadPosition getPadPosition() {
return padPosition;
public String getPadString() {
return padString;
public boolean getParseCaseSensitive() {
return parseCaseSensitive;
public GroupingMode getParseGroupingMode() {
return parseGroupingMode;
public boolean getParseIntegerOnly() {
return parseIntegerOnly;
public ParseMode getParseMode() {
return parseMode;
public boolean getParseNoExponent() {
return parseNoExponent;
public boolean getParseToBigDecimal() {
return parseToBigDecimal;
public PluralRules getPluralRules() {
return pluralRules;
public String getPositivePrefix() {
return positivePrefix;
public String getPositivePrefixPattern() {
return positivePrefixPattern;
public String getPositiveSuffix() {
return positiveSuffix;
public String getPositiveSuffixPattern() {
return positiveSuffixPattern;
public BigDecimal getRoundingIncrement() {
return roundingIncrement;
public RoundingMode getRoundingMode() {
return roundingMode;
public int getSecondaryGroupingSize() {
return secondaryGroupingSize;
public boolean getSignAlwaysShown() {
return signAlwaysShown;
public int hashCode() {
return _hashCode();
/** Custom serialization: re-create object from serialized properties. */
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
/* package-private */ void readObjectImpl(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// Initialize to empty
// Extra int for possible future use
// 1) How many fields were serialized?
int count = ois.readInt();
// 2) Read each field by its name and value
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
String name = (String) ois.readObject();
Object value = ois.readObject();
// Get the field reference
Field field = null;
try {
field = DecimalFormatProperties.class.getDeclaredField(name);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
// The field name does not exist! Possibly corrupted serialization. Ignore this entry.
} catch (SecurityException e) {
// Should not happen
throw new AssertionError(e);
// NOTE: If the type of a field were changed in the future, this would be the place to check:
// If the variable `value` is the old type, perform any conversions necessary.
// Save value into the field
try {
field.set(this, value);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Should not happen
throw new AssertionError(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// Should not happen
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Specifies custom data to be used instead of CLDR data when constructing a CompactDecimalFormat. The argument
* should be a map with the following structure:
* <pre>
* {
* "1000": {
* "one": "0 thousand",
* "other": "0 thousand"
* },
* "10000": {
* "one": "00 thousand",
* "other": "00 thousand"
* },
* // ...
* }
* </pre>
* This API endpoint is used by the CLDR Survey Tool.
* @param compactCustomData
* A map with the above structure.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setCompactCustomData(Map<String, Map<String, String>> compactCustomData) {
// TODO: compactCustomData is not immutable.
this.compactCustomData = compactCustomData;
return this;
* Use compact decimal formatting with the specified {@link CompactStyle}. CompactStyle.SHORT produces output like
* "10K" in locale <em>en-US</em>, whereas CompactStyle.LONG produces output like "10 thousand" in that locale.
* @param compactStyle
* The style of prefixes/suffixes to append.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setCompactStyle(CompactStyle compactStyle) {
this.compactStyle = compactStyle;
return this;
* Use the specified currency to substitute currency placeholders ('¤') in the pattern string.
* @param currency
* The currency.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setCurrency(Currency currency) {
this.currency = currency;
return this;
* Use the specified {@link CurrencyPluralInfo} instance when formatting currency long names.
* @param currencyPluralInfo
* The currency plural info object.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setCurrencyPluralInfo(CurrencyPluralInfo currencyPluralInfo) {
// TODO: In order to maintain immutability, we have to perform a clone here.
// It would be better to just retire CurrencyPluralInfo entirely.
if (currencyPluralInfo != null) {
currencyPluralInfo = (CurrencyPluralInfo) currencyPluralInfo.clone();
this.currencyPluralInfo = currencyPluralInfo;
return this;
* Use the specified {@link CurrencyUsage} instance, which provides default rounding rules for the currency in two
* styles, CurrencyUsage.CASH and CurrencyUsage.STANDARD.
* <p>
* The CurrencyUsage specified here will not be used unless there is a currency placeholder in the pattern.
* @param currencyUsage
* The currency usage. Defaults to CurrencyUsage.STANDARD.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setCurrencyUsage(CurrencyUsage currencyUsage) {
this.currencyUsage = currencyUsage;
return this;
* PARSING: Whether to require that the presence of decimal point matches the pattern. If a decimal point is not
* present, but the pattern contained a decimal point, parse will not succeed: null will be returned from
* <code>parse()</code>, and an error index will be set in the {@link ParsePosition}.
* @param decimalPatternMatchRequired
* true to set an error if decimal is not present
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(boolean decimalPatternMatchRequired) {
this.decimalPatternMatchRequired = decimalPatternMatchRequired;
return this;
* Sets whether to always show the decimal point, even if the number doesn't require one. For example, if always
* show decimal is true, the number 123 would be formatted as "123." in locale <em>en-US</em>.
* @param alwaysShowDecimal
* Whether to show the decimal point when it is optional.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(boolean alwaysShowDecimal) {
this.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = alwaysShowDecimal;
return this;
* Sets whether to show the plus sign in the exponent part of numbers with a zero or positive exponent. For example,
* the number "1200" with the pattern "0.0E0" would be formatted as "1.2E+3" instead of "1.2E3" in <em>en-US</em>.
* @param exponentSignAlwaysShown
* Whether to show the plus sign in positive exponents.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setExponentSignAlwaysShown(boolean exponentSignAlwaysShown) {
this.exponentSignAlwaysShown = exponentSignAlwaysShown;
return this;
* Sets the minimum width of the string output by the formatting pipeline. For example, if padding is enabled and
* paddingWidth is set to 6, formatting the number "3.14159" with the pattern "0.00" will result in "··3.14" if '·'
* is your padding string.
* <p>
* If the number is longer than your padding width, the number will display as if no padding width had been
* specified, which may result in strings longer than the padding width.
* <p>
* Width is counted in UTF-16 code units.
* @param paddingWidth
* The output width.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #setPadString
public DecimalFormatProperties setFormatWidth(int paddingWidth) {
this.formatWidth = paddingWidth;
return this;
* Sets the number of digits between grouping separators. For example, the <em>en-US</em> locale uses a grouping
* size of 3, so the number 1234567 would be formatted as "1,234,567". For locales whose grouping sizes vary with
* magnitude, see {@link #setSecondaryGroupingSize(int)}.
* @param groupingSize
* The primary grouping size.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setGroupingSize(int groupingSize) {
this.groupingSize = groupingSize;
return this;
* Multiply all numbers by this power of ten before formatting. Negative multipliers reduce the magnitude and make
* numbers smaller (closer to zero).
* @param magnitudeMultiplier
* The number of powers of ten to scale.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setMultiplier
public DecimalFormatProperties setMagnitudeMultiplier(int magnitudeMultiplier) {
this.magnitudeMultiplier = magnitudeMultiplier;
return this;
* Sets the {@link MathContext} to be used during math and rounding operations. A MathContext encapsulates a
* RoundingMode and the number of significant digits in the output.
* @param mathContext
* The math context to use when rounding is required.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see MathContext
* @see #setRoundingMode
public DecimalFormatProperties setMathContext(MathContext mathContext) {
this.mathContext = mathContext;
return this;
* Sets the maximum number of digits to display after the decimal point. If the number has fewer than this number of
* digits, the number will be rounded off using the rounding mode specified by
* {@link #setRoundingMode(RoundingMode)}. The pattern "#00.0#", for example, corresponds to 2 maximum fraction
* digits, and the number 456.789 would be formatted as "456.79" in locale <em>en-US</em> with the default rounding
* mode. Note that the number 456.999 would be formatted as "457.0" given the same configurations.
* @param maximumFractionDigits
* The maximum number of fraction digits to output.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setMaximumFractionDigits(int maximumFractionDigits) {
this.maximumFractionDigits = maximumFractionDigits;
return this;
* Sets the maximum number of digits to display before the decimal point. If the number has more than this number of
* digits, the extra digits will be truncated. For example, if maximum integer digits is 2, and you attempt to
* format the number 1970, you will get "70" in locale <em>en-US</em>. It is not possible to specify the maximum
* integer digits using a pattern string, except in the special case of a scientific format pattern.
* @param maximumIntegerDigits
* The maximum number of integer digits to output.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setMaximumIntegerDigits(int maximumIntegerDigits) {
this.maximumIntegerDigits = maximumIntegerDigits;
return this;
* Sets the maximum number of significant digits to display. The number of significant digits is equal to the number
* of digits counted from the leftmost nonzero digit through the rightmost nonzero digit; for example, the number
* "2010" has 3 significant digits. If the number has more significant digits than specified here, the extra
* significant digits will be rounded off using the rounding mode specified by
* {@link #setRoundingMode(RoundingMode)}. For example, if maximum significant digits is 3, the number 1234.56 will
* be formatted as "1230" in locale <em>en-US</em> with the default rounding mode.
* <p>
* If both maximum significant digits and maximum integer/fraction digits are set at the same time, the behavior is
* undefined.
* <p>
* The number of significant digits can be specified in a pattern string using the '@' character. For example, the
* pattern "@@#" corresponds to a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 significant digits.
* @param maximumSignificantDigits
* The maximum number of significant digits to display.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setMaximumSignificantDigits(int maximumSignificantDigits) {
this.maximumSignificantDigits = maximumSignificantDigits;
return this;
* Sets the minimum number of digits to display in the exponent. For example, the number "1200" with the pattern
* "0.0E00", which has 2 exponent digits, would be formatted as "1.2E03" in <em>en-US</em>.
* @param minimumExponentDigits
* The minimum number of digits to display in the exponent field.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setMinimumExponentDigits(int minimumExponentDigits) {
this.minimumExponentDigits = minimumExponentDigits;
return this;
* Sets the minimum number of digits to display after the decimal point. If the number has fewer than this number of
* digits, the number will be padded with zeros. The pattern "#00.0#", for example, corresponds to 1 minimum
* fraction digit, and the number 456 would be formatted as "456.0" in locale <em>en-US</em>.
* @param minimumFractionDigits
* The minimum number of fraction digits to output.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setMinimumFractionDigits(int minimumFractionDigits) {
this.minimumFractionDigits = minimumFractionDigits;
return this;
* Sets the minimum number of digits required to be beyond the first grouping separator in order to enable grouping.
* For example, if the minimum grouping digits is 2, then 1234 would be formatted as "1234" but 12345 would be
* formatted as "12,345" in <em>en-US</em>. Note that 1234567 would still be formatted as "1,234,567", not
* "1234,567".
* @param minimumGroupingDigits
* How many digits must appear before a grouping separator before enabling grouping.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setMinimumGroupingDigits(int minimumGroupingDigits) {
this.minimumGroupingDigits = minimumGroupingDigits;
return this;
* Sets the minimum number of digits to display before the decimal point. If the number has fewer than this number
* of digits, the number will be padded with zeros. The pattern "#00.0#", for example, corresponds to 2 minimum
* integer digits, and the number 5.3 would be formatted as "05.3" in locale <em>en-US</em>.
* @param minimumIntegerDigits
* The minimum number of integer digits to output.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setMinimumIntegerDigits(int minimumIntegerDigits) {
this.minimumIntegerDigits = minimumIntegerDigits;
return this;
* Sets the minimum number of significant digits to display. If, after rounding to the number of significant digits
* specified by {@link #setMaximumSignificantDigits}, the number of remaining significant digits is less than the
* minimum, the number will be padded with zeros. For example, if minimum significant digits is 3, the number 5.8
* will be formatted as "5.80" in locale <em>en-US</em>. Note that minimum significant digits is relevant only when
* numbers have digits after the decimal point.
* <p>
* If both minimum significant digits and minimum integer/fraction digits are set at the same time, both values will
* be respected, and the one that results in the greater number of padding zeros will be used. For example,
* formatting the number 73 with 3 minimum significant digits and 2 minimum fraction digits will produce "73.00".
* <p>
* The number of significant digits can be specified in a pattern string using the '@' character. For example, the
* pattern "@@#" corresponds to a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 significant digits.
* @param minimumSignificantDigits
* The minimum number of significant digits to display.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setMinimumSignificantDigits(int minimumSignificantDigits) {
this.minimumSignificantDigits = minimumSignificantDigits;
return this;
* Multiply all numbers by this amount before formatting.
* @param multiplier
* The amount to multiply by.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setMagnitudeMultiplier
public DecimalFormatProperties setMultiplier(BigDecimal multiplier) {
this.multiplier = multiplier;
return this;
* Sets the prefix to prepend to negative numbers. The prefix will be interpreted literally. For example, if you set
* a negative prefix of <code>n</code>, then the number -123 will be formatted as "n123" in the locale
* <em>en-US</em>. Note that if the negative prefix is left unset, the locale's minus sign is used.
* <p>
* For more information on prefixes and suffixes, see {@link MutablePatternModifier}.
* @param negativePrefix
* The CharSequence to prepend to negative numbers.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setNegativePrefixPattern
public DecimalFormatProperties setNegativePrefix(String negativePrefix) {
this.negativePrefix = negativePrefix;
return this;
* Sets the prefix to prepend to negative numbers. Locale-specific symbols will be substituted into the string
* according to Unicode Technical Standard #35 (LDML).
* <p>
* For more information on prefixes and suffixes, see {@link MutablePatternModifier}.
* @param negativePrefixPattern
* The CharSequence to prepend to negative numbers after locale symbol substitutions take place.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setNegativePrefix
public DecimalFormatProperties setNegativePrefixPattern(String negativePrefixPattern) {
this.negativePrefixPattern = negativePrefixPattern;
return this;
* Sets the suffix to append to negative numbers. The suffix will be interpreted literally. For example, if you set
* a suffix prefix of <code>n</code>, then the number -123 will be formatted as "-123n" in the locale
* <em>en-US</em>. Note that the minus sign is prepended by default unless otherwise specified in either the pattern
* string or in one of the {@link #setNegativePrefix} methods.
* <p>
* For more information on prefixes and suffixes, see {@link MutablePatternModifier}.
* @param negativeSuffix
* The CharSequence to append to negative numbers.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setNegativeSuffixPattern
public DecimalFormatProperties setNegativeSuffix(String negativeSuffix) {
this.negativeSuffix = negativeSuffix;
return this;
* Sets the suffix to append to negative numbers. Locale-specific symbols will be substituted into the string
* according to Unicode Technical Standard #35 (LDML).
* <p>
* For more information on prefixes and suffixes, see {@link MutablePatternModifier}.
* @param negativeSuffixPattern
* The CharSequence to append to negative numbers after locale symbol substitutions take place.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setNegativeSuffix
public DecimalFormatProperties setNegativeSuffixPattern(String negativeSuffixPattern) {
this.negativeSuffixPattern = negativeSuffixPattern;
return this;
* Sets the location where the padding string is to be inserted to maintain the padding width: one of BEFORE_PREFIX,
* <p>
* Must be used in conjunction with {@link #setFormatWidth}.
* @param paddingLocation
* The output width.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setFormatWidth
public DecimalFormatProperties setPadPosition(PadPosition paddingLocation) {
this.padPosition = paddingLocation;
return this;
* Sets the string used for padding. The string should contain a single character or grapheme cluster.
* <p>
* Must be used in conjunction with {@link #setFormatWidth}.
* @param paddingString
* The padding string. Defaults to an ASCII space (U+0020).
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setFormatWidth
public DecimalFormatProperties setPadString(String paddingString) {
this.padString = paddingString;
return this;
* Whether to require cases to match when parsing strings; default is true. Case sensitivity applies to prefixes,
* suffixes, the exponent separator, the symbol "NaN", and the infinity symbol. Grouping separators, decimal
* separators, and padding are always case-sensitive. Currencies are always case-insensitive.
* <p>
* This setting is ignored in fast mode. In fast mode, strings are always compared in a case-sensitive way.
* @param parseCaseSensitive
* true to be case-sensitive when parsing; false to allow any case.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setParseCaseSensitive(boolean parseCaseSensitive) {
this.parseCaseSensitive = parseCaseSensitive;
return this;
* Sets the strategy used during parsing when a code point needs to be interpreted as either a decimal separator or
* a grouping separator.
* <p>
* The comma, period, space, and apostrophe have different meanings in different locales. For example, in
* <em>en-US</em> and most American locales, the period is used as a decimal separator, but in <em>es-PY</em> and
* most European locales, it is used as a grouping separator.
* <p>
* Suppose you are in <em>fr-FR</em> the parser encounters the string "1.234". In <em>fr-FR</em>, the grouping is a
* space and the decimal is a comma. The <em>grouping mode</em> is a mechanism to let you specify whether to accept
* the string as 1234 (GroupingMode.DEFAULT) or whether to reject it since the separators don't match
* (GroupingMode.RESTRICTED).
* <p>
* When resolving grouping separators, it is the <em>equivalence class</em> of separators that is considered. For
* example, a period is seen as equal to a fixed set of other period-like characters.
* @param parseGroupingMode
* The {@link GroupingMode} to use; either DEFAULT or RESTRICTED.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setParseGroupingMode(GroupingMode parseGroupingMode) {
this.parseGroupingMode = parseGroupingMode;
return this;
* Whether to ignore the fractional part of numbers. For example, parses "123.4" to "123" instead of "123.4".
* @param parseIntegerOnly
* true to parse integers only; false to parse integers with their fraction parts
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setParseIntegerOnly(boolean parseIntegerOnly) {
this.parseIntegerOnly = parseIntegerOnly;
return this;
* Controls certain rules for how strict this parser is when reading strings. See {@link ParseMode#LENIENT} and
* {@link ParseMode#STRICT}.
* @param parseMode
* Either {@link ParseMode#LENIENT} or {@link ParseMode#STRICT}.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setParseMode(ParseMode parseMode) {
this.parseMode = parseMode;
return this;
* Whether to ignore the exponential part of numbers. For example, parses "123E4" to "123" instead of "1230000".
* @param parseNoExponent
* true to ignore exponents; false to parse them.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setParseNoExponent(boolean parseNoExponent) {
this.parseNoExponent = parseNoExponent;
return this;
* Whether to always return a BigDecimal from {@link Parse#parse} and all other parse methods. By default, a Long or
* a BigInteger are returned when possible.
* @param parseToBigDecimal
* true to always return a BigDecimal; false to return a Long or a BigInteger when possible.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setParseToBigDecimal(boolean parseToBigDecimal) {
this.parseToBigDecimal = parseToBigDecimal;
return this;
* Sets the PluralRules object to use instead of the default for the locale.
* @param pluralRules
* The object to reference.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setPluralRules(PluralRules pluralRules) {
this.pluralRules = pluralRules;
return this;
* Sets the prefix to prepend to positive numbers. The prefix will be interpreted literally. For example, if you set
* a positive prefix of <code>p</code>, then the number 123 will be formatted as "p123" in the locale
* <em>en-US</em>.
* <p>
* For more information on prefixes and suffixes, see {@link MutablePatternModifier}.
* @param positivePrefix
* The CharSequence to prepend to positive numbers.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setPositivePrefixPattern
public DecimalFormatProperties setPositivePrefix(String positivePrefix) {
this.positivePrefix = positivePrefix;
return this;
* Sets the prefix to prepend to positive numbers. Locale-specific symbols will be substituted into the string
* according to Unicode Technical Standard #35 (LDML).
* <p>
* For more information on prefixes and suffixes, see {@link MutablePatternModifier}.
* @param positivePrefixPattern
* The CharSequence to prepend to positive numbers after locale symbol substitutions take place.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setPositivePrefix
public DecimalFormatProperties setPositivePrefixPattern(String positivePrefixPattern) {
this.positivePrefixPattern = positivePrefixPattern;
return this;
* Sets the suffix to append to positive numbers. The suffix will be interpreted literally. For example, if you set
* a positive suffix of <code>p</code>, then the number 123 will be formatted as "123p" in the locale
* <em>en-US</em>.
* <p>
* For more information on prefixes and suffixes, see {@link MutablePatternModifier}.
* @param positiveSuffix
* The CharSequence to append to positive numbers.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setPositiveSuffixPattern
public DecimalFormatProperties setPositiveSuffix(String positiveSuffix) {
this.positiveSuffix = positiveSuffix;
return this;
* Sets the suffix to append to positive numbers. Locale-specific symbols will be substituted into the string
* according to Unicode Technical Standard #35 (LDML).
* <p>
* For more information on prefixes and suffixes, see {@link MutablePatternModifier}.
* @param positiveSuffixPattern
* The CharSequence to append to positive numbers after locale symbol substitutions take place.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see #setPositiveSuffix
public DecimalFormatProperties setPositiveSuffixPattern(String positiveSuffixPattern) {
this.positiveSuffixPattern = positiveSuffixPattern;
return this;
* Sets the increment to which to round numbers. For example, with a rounding interval of 0.05, the number 11.17
* would be formatted as "11.15" in locale <em>en-US</em> with the default rounding mode.
* <p>
* You can use either a rounding increment or significant digits, but not both at the same time.
* <p>
* The rounding increment can be specified in a pattern string. For example, the pattern "#,##0.05" corresponds to a
* rounding interval of 0.05 with 1 minimum integer digit and a grouping size of 3.
* @param roundingIncrement
* The interval to which to round.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setRoundingIncrement(BigDecimal roundingIncrement) {
this.roundingIncrement = roundingIncrement;
return this;
* Sets the rounding mode, which determines under which conditions extra decimal places are rounded either up or
* down. See {@link RoundingMode} for details on the choices of rounding mode. The default if not set explicitly is
* {@link RoundingMode#HALF_EVEN}.
* <p>
* This setting is ignored if {@link #setMathContext} is used.
* @param roundingMode
* The rounding mode to use when rounding is required.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
* @see RoundingMode
* @see #setMathContext
public DecimalFormatProperties setRoundingMode(RoundingMode roundingMode) {
this.roundingMode = roundingMode;
return this;
* Sets the number of digits between grouping separators higher than the least-significant grouping separator. For
* example, the locale <em>hi</em> uses a primary grouping size of 3 and a secondary grouping size of 2, so the
* number 1234567 would be formatted as "12,34,567".
* <p>
* The two levels of grouping separators can be specified in the pattern string. For example, the <em>hi</em>
* locale's default decimal format pattern is "#,##,##0.###".
* @param secondaryGroupingSize
* The secondary grouping size.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setSecondaryGroupingSize(int secondaryGroupingSize) {
this.secondaryGroupingSize = secondaryGroupingSize;
return this;
* Sets whether to always display of a plus sign on positive numbers.
* <p>
* If the location of the negative sign is specified by the decimal format pattern (or by the negative prefix/suffix
* pattern methods), a plus sign is substituted into that location, in accordance with Unicode Technical Standard
* #35 (LDML) section 3.2.1. Otherwise, the plus sign is prepended to the number. For example, if the decimal format
* pattern <code>#;#-</code> is used, then formatting 123 would result in "123+" in the locale <em>en-US</em>.
* <p>
* This method should be used <em>instead of</em> setting the positive prefix/suffix. The behavior is undefined if
* alwaysShowPlusSign is set but the positive prefix/suffix already contains a plus sign.
* @param signAlwaysShown
* Whether positive numbers should display a plus sign.
* @return The property bag, for chaining.
public DecimalFormatProperties setSignAlwaysShown(boolean signAlwaysShown) {
this.signAlwaysShown = signAlwaysShown;
return this;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
return result.toString();
* Appends a string containing properties that differ from the default, but without being surrounded by
* &lt;Properties&gt;.
public void toStringBare(StringBuilder result) {
Field[] fields = DecimalFormatProperties.class.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
Object myValue, defaultValue;
try {
myValue = field.get(this);
defaultValue = field.get(DEFAULT);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
if (myValue == null && defaultValue == null) {
} else if (myValue == null || defaultValue == null) {
result.append(" " + field.getName() + ":" + myValue);
} else if (!myValue.equals(defaultValue)) {
result.append(" " + field.getName() + ":" + myValue);
* Custom serialization: save fields along with their name, so that fields can be easily added in the future in any
* order. Only save fields that differ from their default value.
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
/* package-private */ void writeObjectImpl(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
// Extra int for possible future use
ArrayList<Field> fieldsToSerialize = new ArrayList<Field>();
ArrayList<Object> valuesToSerialize = new ArrayList<Object>();
Field[] fields = DecimalFormatProperties.class.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) {
try {
Object myValue = field.get(this);
if (myValue == null) {
// All *Object* values default to null; no need to serialize.
Object defaultValue = field.get(DEFAULT);
if (!myValue.equals(defaultValue)) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Should not happen
throw new AssertionError(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// Should not happen
throw new AssertionError(e);
// 1) How many fields are to be serialized?
int count = fieldsToSerialize.size();
// 2) Write each field with its name and value
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Field field = fieldsToSerialize.get(i);
Object value = valuesToSerialize.get(i);