blob: 736a2f1de5ca2497d1d7f9f28257303102c0b458 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
* Formats simple patterns like "{1} was born in {0}".
* Minimal subset of MessageFormat; fast, simple, minimal dependencies.
* Supports only numbered arguments with no type nor style parameters,
* and formats only string values.
* Quoting via ASCII apostrophe compatible with ICU MessageFormat default behavior.
* <p>Factory methods throw exceptions for syntax errors
* and for too few or too many arguments/placeholders.
* <p>SimplePatternFormatter objects are immutable and can be safely cached like strings.
* <p>Example:
* <pre>
* SimplePatternFormatter fmt = SimplePatternFormatter.compile("{1} '{born}' in {0}");
* // Output: "paul {born} in england"
* System.out.println(fmt.format("england", "paul"));
* </pre>
* @see
* @see
* @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android
public final class SimplePatternFormatter {
// For internal use in Java,
// it is most efficient to compile patterns to compiled-pattern strings
// and use them with static methods.
// If and when we make this public API,
// we should probably make only the non-static methods public
// and keep the static ones in an impl class.
// TODO: Consider changing methods & docs to use "argument" not "placeholder",
// consistent with MessageFormat.
* Argument numbers must be smaller than this limit.
* Text segment lengths are offset by this much.
* This is currently the only unused char value in compiled patterns,
* except it is the maximum value of the first unit (max arg +1).
private static final int ARG_NUM_LIMIT = 0x100;
* Initial and maximum char/UChar value set for a text segment.
* Segment length char values are from ARG_NUM_LIMIT+1 to this value here.
* Normally 0xffff, but can be as small as ARG_NUM_LIMIT+1 for testing.
private static final char SEGMENT_LENGTH_PLACEHOLDER_CHAR = (char)0xffff;
* Maximum length of a text segment. Longer segments are split into shorter ones.
* Binary representation of the compiled pattern.
* Index 0: One more than the highest argument number.
* Followed by zero or more arguments or literal-text segments.
* <p>An argument is stored as its number, less than ARG_NUM_LIMIT.
* A literal-text segment is stored as its length (at least 1) offset by ARG_NUM_LIMIT,
* followed by that many chars.
private final String compiledPattern;
private SimplePatternFormatter(String compiledPattern) {
this.compiledPattern = compiledPattern;
* Creates a formatter from the pattern string.
* @param pattern The pattern string.
* @return The new SimplePatternFormatter object.
public static SimplePatternFormatter compile(CharSequence pattern) {
return compileMinMaxPlaceholders(pattern, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Creates a formatter from the pattern string.
* @param pattern The pattern string.
* @param min The pattern must have at least this many placeholders.
* @param max The pattern must have at most this many placeholders.
* @return The new SimplePatternFormatter object.
public static SimplePatternFormatter compileMinMaxPlaceholders(CharSequence pattern, int min, int max) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String compiledPattern = compileToStringMinMaxPlaceholders(pattern, sb, min, max);
return new SimplePatternFormatter(compiledPattern);
* Creates a compiled form of the pattern string, for use with appropriate static methods.
* @param pattern The pattern string.
* @param min The pattern must have at least this many placeholders.
* @param max The pattern must have at most this many placeholders.
* @return The compiled-pattern string.
public static String compileToStringMinMaxPlaceholders(
CharSequence pattern, StringBuilder sb, int min, int max) {
// Parse consistent with MessagePattern, but
// - support only simple numbered arguments
// - build a simple binary structure into the result string
int patternLength = pattern.length();
// Reserve the first char for the number of arguments.
int textLength = 0;
int maxArg = -1;
boolean inQuote = false;
for (int i = 0; i < patternLength;) {
char c = pattern.charAt(i++);
if (c == '\'') {
if (i < patternLength && (c = pattern.charAt(i)) == '\'') {
// double apostrophe, skip the second one
} else if (inQuote) {
// skip the quote-ending apostrophe
inQuote = false;
} else if (c == '{' || c == '}') {
// Skip the quote-starting apostrophe, find the end of the quoted literal text.
inQuote = true;
} else {
// The apostrophe is part of literal text.
c = '\'';
} else if (!inQuote && c == '{') {
if (textLength > 0) {
sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - textLength - 1, (char)(ARG_NUM_LIMIT + textLength));
textLength = 0;
int argNumber;
if ((i + 1) < patternLength &&
0 <= (argNumber = pattern.charAt(i) - '0') && argNumber <= 9 &&
pattern.charAt(i + 1) == '}') {
i += 2;
} else {
// Multi-digit argument number (no leading zero) or syntax error.
// MessagePattern permits PatternProps.skipWhiteSpace(pattern, index)
// around the number, but this class does not.
int argStart = i - 1;
argNumber = -1;
if (i < patternLength && '1' <= (c = pattern.charAt(i++)) && c <= '9') {
argNumber = c - '0';
while (i < patternLength && '0' <= (c = pattern.charAt(i++)) && c <= '9') {
argNumber = argNumber * 10 + (c - '0');
if (argNumber >= ARG_NUM_LIMIT) {
if (argNumber < 0 || c != '}') {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Argument syntax error in pattern \"" + pattern +
"\" at index " + argStart +
": " + pattern.subSequence(argStart, i));
if (argNumber > maxArg) {
maxArg = argNumber;
} // else: c is part of literal text
// Append c and track the literal-text segment length.
if (textLength == 0) {
// Reserve a char for the length of a new text segment, preset the maximum length.
if (++textLength == MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH) {
textLength = 0;
if (textLength > 0) {
sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - textLength - 1, (char)(ARG_NUM_LIMIT + textLength));
int argCount = maxArg + 1;
if (argCount < min) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Fewer than minimum " + min + " placeholders in pattern \"" + pattern + "\"");
if (argCount > max) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"More than maximum " + max + " placeholders in pattern \"" + pattern + "\"");
sb.setCharAt(0, (char)argCount);
return sb.toString();
* @return The max argument number/placeholder ID + 1.
public int getPlaceholderCount() {
return getPlaceholderCount(compiledPattern);
* @param compiledPattern Compiled form of a pattern string.
* @return The max argument number/placeholder ID + 1.
public static int getPlaceholderCount(String compiledPattern) {
return compiledPattern.charAt(0);
* Formats the given values.
public String format(CharSequence... values) {
return formatCompiledPattern(compiledPattern, values);
* Formats the given values.
* @param compiledPattern Compiled form of a pattern string.
public static String formatCompiledPattern(String compiledPattern, CharSequence... values) {
return formatAndAppend(compiledPattern, new StringBuilder(), null, values).toString();
* Formats the given values, appending to the appendTo builder.
* @param appendTo Gets the formatted pattern and values appended.
* @param offsets offsets[i] receives the offset of where
* values[i] replaced pattern argument {i}.
* Can be null, or can be shorter or longer than values.
* If there is no {i} in the pattern, then offsets[i] is set to -1.
* @param values The placeholder values.
* A placeholder value must not be the same object as appendTo.
* values.length must be at least getPlaceholderCount().
* Can be null if getPlaceholderCount()==0.
* @return appendTo
public StringBuilder formatAndAppend(
StringBuilder appendTo, int[] offsets, CharSequence... values) {
return formatAndAppend(compiledPattern, appendTo, offsets, values);
* Formats the given values, appending to the appendTo builder.
* @param compiledPattern Compiled form of a pattern string.
* @param appendTo Gets the formatted pattern and values appended.
* @param offsets offsets[i] receives the offset of where
* values[i] replaced pattern argument {i}.
* Can be null, or can be shorter or longer than values.
* If there is no {i} in the pattern, then offsets[i] is set to -1.
* @param values The placeholder values.
* A placeholder value must not be the same object as appendTo.
* values.length must be at least getPlaceholderCount().
* Can be null if getPlaceholderCount()==0.
* @return appendTo
public static StringBuilder formatAndAppend(
String compiledPattern, StringBuilder appendTo, int[] offsets, CharSequence... values) {
int valuesLength = values != null ? values.length : 0;
if (valuesLength < getPlaceholderCount(compiledPattern)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few values.");
return format(compiledPattern, values, appendTo, null, true, offsets);
* Formats the given values, replacing the contents of the result builder.
* May optimize by actually appending to the result if it is the same object
* as the initial argument's corresponding value.
* @param result Gets its contents replaced by the formatted pattern and values.
* @param offsets offsets[i] receives the offset of where
* values[i] replaced pattern argument {i}.
* Can be null, or can be shorter or longer than values.
* If there is no {i} in the pattern, then offsets[i] is set to -1.
* @param values The placeholder values.
* A placeholder value may be the same object as result.
* values.length must be at least getPlaceholderCount().
* @return result
public StringBuilder formatAndReplace(
StringBuilder result, int[] offsets, CharSequence... values) {
return formatAndReplace(compiledPattern, result, offsets, values);
* Formats the given values, replacing the contents of the result builder.
* May optimize by actually appending to the result if it is the same object
* as the initial argument's corresponding value.
* @param compiledPattern Compiled form of a pattern string.
* @param result Gets its contents replaced by the formatted pattern and values.
* @param offsets offsets[i] receives the offset of where
* values[i] replaced pattern argument {i}.
* Can be null, or can be shorter or longer than values.
* If there is no {i} in the pattern, then offsets[i] is set to -1.
* @param values The placeholder values.
* A placeholder value may be the same object as result.
* values.length must be at least getPlaceholderCount().
* @return result
public static StringBuilder formatAndReplace(
String compiledPattern, StringBuilder result, int[] offsets, CharSequence... values) {
int valuesLength = values != null ? values.length : 0;
if (valuesLength < getPlaceholderCount(compiledPattern)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too few values.");
// If the pattern starts with an argument whose value is the same object
// as the result, then we keep the result contents and append to it.
// Otherwise we replace its contents.
int firstArg = -1;
// If any non-initial argument value is the same object as the result,
// then we first copy its contents and use that instead while formatting.
String resultCopy = null;
if (getPlaceholderCount(compiledPattern) > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i < compiledPattern.length();) {
int n = compiledPattern.charAt(i++);
if (n < ARG_NUM_LIMIT) {
if (values[n] == result) {
if (i == 2) {
firstArg = n;
} else if (resultCopy == null) {
resultCopy = result.toString();
} else {
i += n - ARG_NUM_LIMIT;
if (firstArg < 0) {
return format(compiledPattern, values, result, resultCopy, false, offsets);
* Returns a string similar to the original pattern, only for debugging.
public String toString() {
String[] values = new String[getPlaceholderCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
values[i] = String.format("{%d}", i);
return formatAndAppend(new StringBuilder(), null, values).toString();
* Returns the pattern text with none of the placeholders.
* Like formatting with all-empty string values.
public String getTextWithNoPlaceholders() {
return getTextWithNoPlaceholders(compiledPattern);
* Returns the pattern text with none of the placeholders.
* Like formatting with all-empty string values.
* @param compiledPattern Compiled form of a pattern string.
public static String getTextWithNoPlaceholders(String compiledPattern) {
int capacity = compiledPattern.length() - 1 - getPlaceholderCount(compiledPattern);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(capacity);
for (int i = 1; i < compiledPattern.length();) {
int segmentLength = compiledPattern.charAt(i++) - ARG_NUM_LIMIT;
if (segmentLength > 0) {
int limit = i + segmentLength;
sb.append(compiledPattern, i, limit);
i = limit;
return sb.toString();
private static StringBuilder format(
String compiledPattern, CharSequence[] values,
StringBuilder result, String resultCopy, boolean forbidResultAsValue,
int[] offsets) {
int offsetsLength;
if (offsets == null) {
offsetsLength = 0;
} else {
offsetsLength = offsets.length;
for (int i = 0; i < offsetsLength; i++) {
offsets[i] = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < compiledPattern.length();) {
int n = compiledPattern.charAt(i++);
if (n < ARG_NUM_LIMIT) {
CharSequence value = values[n];
if (value == result) {
if (forbidResultAsValue) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value must not be same object as result");
if (i == 2) {
// We are appending to result which is also the first value object.
if (n < offsetsLength) {
offsets[n] = 0;
} else {
if (n < offsetsLength) {
offsets[n] = result.length();
} else {
if (n < offsetsLength) {
offsets[n] = result.length();
} else {
int limit = i + (n - ARG_NUM_LIMIT);
result.append(compiledPattern, i, limit);
i = limit;
return result;