blob: 6d2eab65c801b068f3ba38404f2a5c154c8aea35 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
public class PropertiesAffixPatternProvider implements AffixPatternProvider {
private final String posPrefix;
private final String posSuffix;
private final String negPrefix;
private final String negSuffix;
public PropertiesAffixPatternProvider(DecimalFormatProperties properties) {
// There are two ways to set affixes in DecimalFormat: via the pattern string (applyPattern), and via the
// explicit setters (setPositivePrefix and friends). The way to resolve the settings is as follows:
// 1) If the explicit setting is present for the field, use it.
// 2) Otherwise, follows UTS 35 rules based on the pattern string.
// Importantly, the explicit setters affect only the one field they override. If you set the positive
// prefix, that should not affect the negative prefix. Since it is impossible for the user of this class
// to know whether the origin for a string was the override or the pattern, we have to say that we always
// have a negative subpattern and perform all resolution logic here.
// Convenience: Extract the properties into local variables.
// Variables are named with three chars: [p/n][p/s][o/p]
// [p/n] => p for positive, n for negative
// [p/s] => p for prefix, s for suffix
// [o/p] => o for escaped custom override string, p for pattern string
String ppo = AffixUtils.escape(properties.getPositivePrefix());
String pso = AffixUtils.escape(properties.getPositiveSuffix());
String npo = AffixUtils.escape(properties.getNegativePrefix());
String nso = AffixUtils.escape(properties.getNegativeSuffix());
String ppp = properties.getPositivePrefixPattern();
String psp = properties.getPositiveSuffixPattern();
String npp = properties.getNegativePrefixPattern();
String nsp = properties.getNegativeSuffixPattern();
if (ppo != null) {
posPrefix = ppo;
} else if (ppp != null) {
posPrefix = ppp;
} else {
// UTS 35: Default positive prefix is empty string.
posPrefix = "";
if (pso != null) {
posSuffix = pso;
} else if (psp != null) {
posSuffix = psp;
} else {
// UTS 35: Default positive suffix is empty string.
posSuffix = "";
if (npo != null) {
negPrefix = npo;
} else if (npp != null) {
negPrefix = npp;
} else {
// UTS 35: Default negative prefix is "-" with positive prefix.
// Important: We prepend the "-" to the pattern, not the override!
negPrefix = ppp == null ? "-" : "-" + ppp;
if (nso != null) {
negSuffix = nso;
} else if (nsp != null) {
negSuffix = nsp;
} else {
// UTS 35: Default negative prefix is the positive prefix.
negSuffix = psp == null ? "" : psp;
public char charAt(int flags, int i) {
return getString(flags).charAt(i);
public int length(int flags) {
return getString(flags).length();
public String getString(int flags) {
boolean prefix = (flags & Flags.PREFIX) != 0;
boolean negative = (flags & Flags.NEGATIVE_SUBPATTERN) != 0;
if (prefix && negative) {
return negPrefix;
} else if (prefix) {
return posPrefix;
} else if (negative) {
return negSuffix;
} else {
return posSuffix;
public boolean positiveHasPlusSign() {
return AffixUtils.containsType(posPrefix, AffixUtils.TYPE_PLUS_SIGN)
|| AffixUtils.containsType(posSuffix, AffixUtils.TYPE_PLUS_SIGN);
public boolean hasNegativeSubpattern() {
// See comments in the constructor for more information on why this is always true.
return true;
public boolean negativeHasMinusSign() {
return AffixUtils.containsType(negPrefix, AffixUtils.TYPE_MINUS_SIGN)
|| AffixUtils.containsType(negSuffix, AffixUtils.TYPE_MINUS_SIGN);
public boolean hasCurrencySign() {
return AffixUtils.hasCurrencySymbols(posPrefix) || AffixUtils.hasCurrencySymbols(posSuffix)
|| AffixUtils.hasCurrencySymbols(negPrefix) || AffixUtils.hasCurrencySymbols(negSuffix);
public boolean containsSymbolType(int type) {
return AffixUtils.containsType(posPrefix, type) || AffixUtils.containsType(posSuffix, type)
|| AffixUtils.containsType(negPrefix, type) || AffixUtils.containsType(negSuffix, type);
public boolean hasBody() {
return true;
public String toString() {
return super.toString()
+ " {"
+ posPrefix
+ "#"
+ posSuffix
+ ";"
+ negPrefix
+ "#"
+ negSuffix
+ "}";