blob: 418fc8800cac138f5af023333b9e705372ba6fef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package icing.lib;
import "icing/proto/scoring.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option objc_class_prefix = "ICNG";
// Stats of the top-level function IcingSearchEngine::Initialize().
// Next tag: 14
message InitializeStatsProto {
// Overall time used for the function call.
optional int32 latency_ms = 1;
// The cause of IcingSearchEngine recovering from a previous bad state during
// initialization.
enum RecoveryCause {
// No recovery happened.
NONE = 0;
// Data loss in ground truth.
// Data in index is inconsistent with ground truth.
// Changes were made to the schema, but possibly not fully applied to the
// document store and the index - requiring a recovery.
// Random I/O errors.
// The document log is using legacy format.
// The current code version is different from existing data version.
// Possible recovery causes for document store:
optional RecoveryCause document_store_recovery_cause = 2;
// Possible recovery causes for index:
optional RecoveryCause index_restoration_cause = 3;
// Possible recovery causes for index:
optional RecoveryCause schema_store_recovery_cause = 4;
// Time used to recover the document store.
optional int32 document_store_recovery_latency_ms = 5;
// Time used to restore the index.
optional int32 index_restoration_latency_ms = 6;
// Time used to restore the schema store.
optional int32 schema_store_recovery_latency_ms = 7;
// Status regarding how much data is lost during the initialization.
enum DocumentStoreDataStatus {
// Document store is successfully initialized or fully recovered.
// Ground truth data is partially lost.
// Ground truth data is completely lost.
optional DocumentStoreDataStatus document_store_data_status = 8;
// Number of documents currently in document store. Those may
// include alive, deleted, and expired documents.
optional int32 num_documents = 9;
// Number of schema types currently in schema store.
optional int32 num_schema_types = 10;
// Number of consecutive initialization failures that immediately preceded
// this initialization.
optional int32 num_previous_init_failures = 11;
// Possible recovery causes for integer index:
optional RecoveryCause integer_index_restoration_cause = 12;
// Possible recovery causes for qualified id join index:
optional RecoveryCause qualified_id_join_index_restoration_cause = 13;
// Stats of the top-level function IcingSearchEngine::Put().
// Next tag: 11
message PutDocumentStatsProto {
// Overall time used for the function call.
optional int32 latency_ms = 1;
// Time used to store the document.
optional int32 document_store_latency_ms = 2;
// Time used to index the document.
optional int32 index_latency_ms = 3;
// Time used to merge the indices.
optional int32 index_merge_latency_ms = 4;
// Document size in bytes.
optional int32 document_size = 5;
message TokenizationStats {
// Number of tokens added to the index.
optional int32 num_tokens_indexed = 1;
reserved 2;
optional TokenizationStats tokenization_stats = 6;
// Time used to index all indexable string terms in the document. It does not
// include the time to merge indices.
optional int32 term_index_latency_ms = 7;
// Time used to index all indexable integers in the document.
optional int32 integer_index_latency_ms = 8;
// Time used to index all qualified id join strings in the document.
optional int32 qualified_id_join_index_latency_ms = 9;
// Time used to sort and merge the LiteIndex's HitBuffer.
optional int32 lite_index_sort_latency_ms = 10;
// Stats of the top-level function IcingSearchEngine::Search() and
// IcingSearchEngine::GetNextPage().
// Next tag: 23
message QueryStatsProto {
// The UTF-8 length of the query string
optional int32 query_length = 16;
// Number of terms in the query string.
optional int32 num_terms = 1;
// Number of namespaces filtered.
optional int32 num_namespaces_filtered = 2;
// Number of schema types filtered.
optional int32 num_schema_types_filtered = 3;
// Strategy of scoring and ranking.
optional ScoringSpecProto.RankingStrategy.Code ranking_strategy = 4;
// Whether the function call is querying the first page. If it’s
// not, Icing will fetch the results from cache so that some steps
// may be skipped.
optional bool is_first_page = 5;
// The requested number of results in one page.
optional int32 requested_page_size = 6;
// The actual number of results returned in the current page.
optional int32 num_results_returned_current_page = 7;
// Number of documents scored.
optional int32 num_documents_scored = 8;
// How many of the results in the page returned were snippeted.
optional int32 num_results_with_snippets = 15;
// Overall time used for the function call.
optional int32 latency_ms = 10;
// Time used to parse the query, including 2 parts: tokenizing and
// transforming tokens into an iterator tree.
optional int32 parse_query_latency_ms = 11;
// Time used to score the raw results.
optional int32 scoring_latency_ms = 12;
// Time used to rank the scored results.
optional int32 ranking_latency_ms = 13;
// Time used to fetch the document protos. Note that it includes the
// time to snippet if ‘has_snippets’ is true.
optional int32 document_retrieval_latency_ms = 14;
// Time passed while waiting to acquire the lock before query execution.
optional int32 lock_acquisition_latency_ms = 17;
// Timestamp taken just before sending proto across the JNI boundary from
// native to java side.
optional int64 native_to_java_start_timestamp_ms = 18;
// Time used to send protos across the JNI boundary from java to native side.
optional int32 java_to_native_jni_latency_ms = 19;
// Time used to send protos across the JNI boundary from native to java side.
optional int32 native_to_java_jni_latency_ms = 20;
// The native latency due to the join operation.
optional int32 join_latency_ms = 21;
// Number of documents scored.
optional int32 num_joined_results_returned_current_page = 22;
reserved 9;
// Stats of the top-level functions IcingSearchEngine::Delete,
// IcingSearchEngine::DeleteByNamespace, IcingSearchEngine::DeleteBySchemaType.
// Next tag: 4
message DeleteStatsProto {
// Overall time used for the function call.
optional int32 latency_ms = 1;
message DeleteType {
enum Code {
// Default. Should never be used.
// Delete one document.
// Delete by query. This value is deprecated.
// IcingSearchEngine::DeleteByQuery will return a DeleteByQueryStatsProto
// rather than a DeleteStatsProto.
DEPRECATED_QUERY = 2 [deprecated = true];
// Delete by namespace.
// Delete by schema type.
optional DeleteType.Code delete_type = 2;
// Number of documents deleted by this call.
optional int32 num_documents_deleted = 3;
// Stats of the top-level functions IcingSearchEngine::DeleteByQuery.
// Next tag: 9
message DeleteByQueryStatsProto {
// Overall time used for the function call.
optional int32 latency_ms = 1;
// Number of documents deleted by this call.
optional int32 num_documents_deleted = 2;
// The UTF-8 length of the query string
optional int32 query_length = 3;
// Number of terms in the query string.
optional int32 num_terms = 4;
// Number of namespaces filtered.
optional int32 num_namespaces_filtered = 5;
// Number of schema types filtered.
optional int32 num_schema_types_filtered = 6;
// Time used to parse the query, including 2 parts: tokenizing and
// transforming tokens into an iterator tree.
optional int32 parse_query_latency_ms = 7;
// Time used to delete each document.
optional int32 document_removal_latency_ms = 8;