blob: 958767b762375c4d51e0e0a6d432e18e4d0ad017 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package icing.lib;
import "icing/proto/logging.proto";
import "icing/proto/status.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option objc_class_prefix = "ICNG";
// Next tag: 14
message IcingSearchEngineOptions {
// Directory to persist files for Icing. Required.
// If Icing was previously initialized with this directory, it will reload
// the index saved by the last instance.
optional string base_dir = 1;
// The maximum allowable token length. All tokens in excess of this size
// will be truncated to max_token_length before being indexed.
// Clients may use this option to prevent unnecessary indexing of long tokens.
// Depending on the use case, indexing all of
// 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' may be unnecessary - a user is
// unlikely to type that entire query. So only indexing the first n bytes may
// still provide the desired behavior without wasting resources.
// Valid values: [1, INT_MAX]
// Optional.
optional int32 max_token_length = 3 [default = 30];
// The size (measured in bytes) at which Icing's internal indices should be
// merged. Icing buffers changes together before merging them into a more
// compact format. When the buffer exceeds index_merge_size during a Put
// operation, the buffer is merged into the larger, more compact index.
// This more compact index is more efficient to search over as the index
// grows larger and has smaller system health impact.
// Setting a low index_merge_size increases the frequency of merges -
// increasing indexing-time latency and flash wear. Setting a high
// index_merge_size leads to larger resource usage and higher query latency.
// Valid values: [1, INT_MAX]
// Optional.
optional int32 index_merge_size = 4 [default = 1048576]; // 1 MiB
// Whether to use namespace id or namespace name to build up fingerprint for
// document_key_mapper_ and corpus_mapper_ in document store.
// TODO(b/259969017) Flip the default value of this flag to true at the time
// when we switch to use persistent hash map for document_key_mapper_ so that
// we just need one reconstruction of the internal mappers.
optional bool document_store_namespace_id_fingerprint = 5;
// The threshold of the percentage of invalid documents to rebuild index
// during optimize, i.e. we rebuild index if and only if
// |invalid_documents| / |all_documents| >= optimize_rebuild_index_threshold
// Rebuilding the index could be faster than optimizing the index if we have
// removed most of the documents.
// Based on benchmarks, 85%~95% seems to be a good threshold for most cases.
// Default to 0 for better rollout of the new index optimize.
optional float optimize_rebuild_index_threshold = 6 [default = 0.0];
// Level of compression, NO_COMPRESSION = 0, BEST_SPEED = 1,
// Valid values: [0, 9]
// Optional.
optional int32 compression_level = 7 [default = 3];
// OPTIONAL: Whether to allow circular references between schema types for
// the schema definition.
// Even when set to true, circular references are still not allowed in the
// following cases:
// 1. All edges of a cycle have index_nested_properties=true
// 2. One of the types in the cycle has a joinable property, or depends on
// a type with a joinable property.
// This is because such a cycle would lead to an infinite number of
// indexed/joinable properties:
// The default value is false.
optional bool allow_circular_schema_definitions = 8;
// Whether memory map max possible file size for FileBackedVector before
// growing the actual file size.
optional bool pre_mapping_fbv = 9;
// Whether use persistent hash map as the key mapper (if false, then fall back
// to dynamic trie key mapper).
optional bool use_persistent_hash_map = 10;
// Integer index bucket split threshold.
optional int32 integer_index_bucket_split_threshold = 11 [default = 65536];
// Whether Icing should sort and merge its lite index HitBuffer unsorted tail
// at indexing time.
// If set to true, the HitBuffer will be sorted at indexing time after
// exceeding the sort threshold. If false, the HifBuffer will be sorted at
// querying time, before the first query after inserting new elements into the
// HitBuffer.
// The default value is false.
optional bool lite_index_sort_at_indexing = 12;
// Size (in bytes) at which Icing's lite index should sort and merge the
// HitBuffer's unsorted tail into the sorted head for sorting at indexing
// time. Size specified here is the maximum byte size to allow for the
// unsorted tail section.
// Setting a lower sort size reduces querying latency at the expense of
// indexing latency.
optional int32 lite_index_sort_size = 13 [default = 8192]; // 8 KiB
reserved 2;
// Result of a call to IcingSearchEngine.Initialize
// Next tag: 3
message InitializeResultProto {
// Status code can be one of:
// OK
// See status.proto for more details.
// TODO(b/147699081): Fix error codes: +ABORTED, -NOT_FOUND.
// go/icing-library-apis.
optional StatusProto status = 1;
// Stats of the function call. Inside InitializeStatsProto, the function call
// latency 'latency_ms' will always be populated. The other fields will be
// accurate only when the status above is OK or WARNING_DATA_LOSS. See
// logging.proto for details.
optional InitializeStatsProto initialize_stats = 2;
// TODO(b/147699081): Add a field to indicate lost_schema and lost_documents.
// go/icing-library-apis.