blob: ec7141a14dfee85fd419a760853cfbef60ba24a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "icing/index/lite/lite-index.h"
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/status.h"
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/statusor.h"
#include "icing/absl_ports/canonical_errors.h"
#include "icing/absl_ports/mutex.h"
#include "icing/absl_ports/str_cat.h"
#include "icing/file/filesystem.h"
#include "icing/index/hit/doc-hit-info.h"
#include "icing/index/hit/hit.h"
#include "icing/index/lite/lite-index-header.h"
#include "icing/index/lite/term-id-hit-pair.h"
#include "icing/index/term-id-codec.h"
#include "icing/index/term-property-id.h"
#include "icing/legacy/core/icing-string-util.h"
#include "icing/legacy/core/icing-timer.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-array-storage.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-dynamic-trie.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-filesystem.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-mmapper.h"
#include "icing/proto/debug.pb.h"
#include "icing/proto/scoring.pb.h"
#include "icing/proto/storage.pb.h"
#include "icing/proto/term.pb.h"
#include "icing/schema/section.h"
#include "icing/store/document-id.h"
#include "icing/store/namespace-id.h"
#include "icing/store/suggestion-result-checker.h"
#include "icing/util/crc32.h"
#include "icing/util/logging.h"
#include "icing/util/status-macros.h"
namespace icing {
namespace lib {
namespace {
// Point at which we declare the trie full.
constexpr double kTrieFullFraction = 0.95;
std::string MakeHitBufferFilename(const std::string& filename_base) {
return filename_base + "hb";
size_t header_size() { return sizeof(LiteIndex_HeaderImpl::HeaderData); }
} // namespace
const TermIdHitPair::Value TermIdHitPair::kInvalidValue =
TermIdHitPair(0, Hit()).value();
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<LiteIndex>> LiteIndex::Create(
const LiteIndex::Options& options, const IcingFilesystem* filesystem) {
std::unique_ptr<LiteIndex> lite_index =
std::unique_ptr<LiteIndex>(new LiteIndex(options, filesystem));
return std::move(lite_index);
// size is max size in elements. An appropriate lexicon and display
// mapping size will be chosen based on hit buffer size.
LiteIndex::LiteIndex(const LiteIndex::Options& options,
const IcingFilesystem* filesystem)
: hit_buffer_(*filesystem),
lexicon_(options.filename_base + "lexicon", MakeTrieRuntimeOptions(),
header_mmap_(false, MAP_SHARED),
filesystem_(filesystem) {}
LiteIndex::~LiteIndex() {
if (initialized()) {
libtextclassifier3::Status unused = PersistToDisk();
IcingDynamicTrie::RuntimeOptions LiteIndex::MakeTrieRuntimeOptions() {
return IcingDynamicTrie::RuntimeOptions().set_storage_policy(
libtextclassifier3::Status LiteIndex::Initialize() {
// Size of hit buffer's header struct, rounded up to the nearest number of
// system memory pages.
const size_t header_padded_size =
// Variable declarations cannot cross goto jumps, so declare these up top.
libtextclassifier3::Status status;
uint64_t file_size;
IcingTimer timer;
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
if (!lexicon_.CreateIfNotExist(options_.lexicon_options) ||
!lexicon_.Init()) {
return absl_ports::InternalError("Failed to initialize lexicon trie");
if (!hit_buffer_fd_.is_valid()) {
status = absl_ports::InternalError("Failed to open hit buffer file");
goto error;
file_size = filesystem_->GetFileSize(hit_buffer_fd_.get());
if (file_size == IcingFilesystem::kBadFileSize) {
status = absl_ports::InternalError("Failed to query hit buffer file size");
goto error;
if (file_size < header_padded_size) {
if (file_size != 0) {
status = absl_ports::InternalError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Hit buffer had unexpected size %" PRIu64, file_size));
goto error;
ICING_VLOG(2) << "Creating new hit buffer";
// Make sure files are fresh.
if (!lexicon_.Remove() ||
!lexicon_.CreateIfNotExist(options_.lexicon_options) ||
!lexicon_.Init()) {
status =
absl_ports::InternalError("Failed to refresh lexicon during clear");
goto error;
// Create fresh hit buffer by first emptying the hit buffer file and then
// allocating header_padded_size of the cleared space.
if (!filesystem_->Truncate(hit_buffer_fd_.get(), 0) ||
!filesystem_->Truncate(hit_buffer_fd_.get(), header_padded_size)) {
status = absl_ports::InternalError("Failed to truncate hit buffer file");
goto error;
// Set up header.
header_mmap_.Remap(hit_buffer_fd_.get(), kHeaderFileOffset, header_size());
header_ = std::make_unique<LiteIndex_HeaderImpl>(
if (!hit_buffer_.Init(hit_buffer_fd_.get(), header_padded_size, true,
sizeof(TermIdHitPair::Value), header_->cur_size(),
options_.hit_buffer_size, &hit_buffer_crc_, true)) {
status = absl_ports::InternalError("Failed to initialize new hit buffer");
goto error;
} else {
header_mmap_.Remap(hit_buffer_fd_.get(), kHeaderFileOffset, header_size());
header_ = std::make_unique<LiteIndex_HeaderImpl>(
if (!hit_buffer_.Init(hit_buffer_fd_.get(), header_padded_size, true,
sizeof(TermIdHitPair::Value), header_->cur_size(),
options_.hit_buffer_size, &hit_buffer_crc_, true)) {
status = absl_ports::InternalError(
"Failed to re-initialize existing hit buffer");
goto error;
// Check integrity.
if (!header_->check_magic()) {
status = absl_ports::InternalError("Lite index header magic mismatch");
goto error;
Crc32 crc = ComputeChecksum();
if (crc.Get() != header_->lite_index_crc()) {
status = absl_ports::DataLossError(
IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf("Lite index crc check failed: %u vs %u",
crc.Get(), header_->lite_index_crc()));
goto error;
ICING_VLOG(2) << "Lite index init ok in " << timer.Elapsed() * 1000 << "ms";
return status;
header_ = nullptr;
hit_buffer_crc_ = 0;
if (status.ok()) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
"Error handling code ran but status was ok");
return status;
Crc32 LiteIndex::ComputeChecksum() {
IcingTimer timer;
// Update crcs.
uint32_t dependent_crcs[2];
dependent_crcs[0] = hit_buffer_crc_;
dependent_crcs[1] = lexicon_.UpdateCrc();
// Compute the master crc.
// Header crc, excluding the actual crc field.
Crc32 all_crc(header_->CalculateHeaderCrc());
all_crc.Append(std::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(dependent_crcs),
ICING_VLOG(2) << "Lite index crc computed in " << timer.Elapsed() * 1000
<< "ms";
return all_crc;
libtextclassifier3::Status LiteIndex::Reset() {
IcingTimer timer;
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
// TODO(b/140436942): When these components have been changed to return errors
// they should be propagated from here.
ICING_VLOG(2) << "Lite index clear in " << timer.Elapsed() * 1000 << "ms";
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
void LiteIndex::Warm() {
absl_ports::shared_lock l(&mutex_);
libtextclassifier3::Status LiteIndex::PersistToDisk() {
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
bool success = true;
if (!lexicon_.Sync()) {
ICING_VLOG(1) << "Failed to sync the lexicon.";
success = false;
return (success) ? libtextclassifier3::Status::OK
: absl_ports::InternalError(
"Unable to sync lite index components.");
void LiteIndex::UpdateChecksum() {
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<uint32_t> LiteIndex::InsertTerm(
const std::string& term, TermMatchType::Code term_match_type,
NamespaceId namespace_id) {
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
uint32_t tvi;
libtextclassifier3::Status status =
lexicon_.Insert(term.c_str(), "", &tvi, false);
if (!status.ok()) {
ICING_LOG(DBG) << "Unable to add term " << term << " to lexicon!\n"
<< status.error_message();
return status;
tvi, term_match_type == TermMatchType::PREFIX, namespace_id));
return tvi;
libtextclassifier3::Status LiteIndex::UpdateTermProperties(
uint32_t tvi, bool hasPrefixHits, NamespaceId namespace_id) {
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
return UpdateTermPropertiesImpl(tvi, hasPrefixHits, namespace_id);
libtextclassifier3::Status LiteIndex::UpdateTermPropertiesImpl(
uint32_t tvi, bool hasPrefixHits, NamespaceId namespace_id) {
if (hasPrefixHits &&
!lexicon_.SetProperty(tvi, GetHasHitsInPrefixSectionPropertyId())) {
return absl_ports::ResourceExhaustedError(
"Insufficient disk space to create prefix property!");
if (!lexicon_.SetProperty(tvi, GetNamespacePropertyId(namespace_id))) {
return absl_ports::ResourceExhaustedError(
"Insufficient disk space to create namespace property!");
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
libtextclassifier3::Status LiteIndex::AddHit(uint32_t term_id, const Hit& hit) {
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
if (is_full()) {
return absl_ports::ResourceExhaustedError("Hit buffer is full!");
TermIdHitPair term_id_hit_pair(term_id, hit);
uint32_t cur_size = header_->cur_size();
TermIdHitPair::Value* valp =
hit_buffer_.GetMutableMem<TermIdHitPair::Value>(cur_size, 1);
if (valp == nullptr) {
return absl_ports::ResourceExhaustedError(
"Allocating more space in hit buffer failed!");
*valp = term_id_hit_pair.value();
header_->set_cur_size(cur_size + 1);
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<uint32_t> LiteIndex::GetTermId(
const std::string& term) const {
absl_ports::shared_lock l(&mutex_);
char dummy;
uint32_t tvi;
if (!lexicon_.Find(term.c_str(), &dummy, &tvi)) {
return absl_ports::NotFoundError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Could not find ", term, " in the lexicon."));
return tvi;
void LiteIndex::ScoreAndAppendFetchedHit(
const Hit& hit, SectionIdMask section_id_mask,
bool only_from_prefix_sections,
SuggestionScoringSpecProto::SuggestionRankingStrategy::Code score_by,
const SuggestionResultChecker* suggestion_result_checker,
DocumentId& last_document_id, bool& is_last_document_desired,
int& total_score_out, std::vector<DocHitInfo>* hits_out,
std::vector<Hit::TermFrequencyArray>* term_frequency_out) const {
// Check sections.
if (((UINT64_C(1) << hit.section_id()) & section_id_mask) == 0) {
// Check prefix section only.
if (only_from_prefix_sections && !hit.is_in_prefix_section()) {
// Check whether this Hit is desired.
// TODO(b/230553264) Move common logic into helper function once we support
// score term by prefix_hit in lite_index.
DocumentId document_id = hit.document_id();
bool is_new_document = document_id != last_document_id;
if (is_new_document) {
last_document_id = document_id;
is_last_document_desired =
suggestion_result_checker == nullptr ||
if (!is_last_document_desired) {
// The document is removed or expired or not desired.
// Score the hit by the strategy
switch (score_by) {
case SuggestionScoringSpecProto::SuggestionRankingStrategy::NONE:
total_score_out = 1;
case SuggestionScoringSpecProto::SuggestionRankingStrategy::DOCUMENT_COUNT:
if (is_new_document) {
case SuggestionScoringSpecProto::SuggestionRankingStrategy::TERM_FREQUENCY:
if (hit.has_term_frequency()) {
total_score_out += hit.term_frequency();
} else {
// Append the Hit or update hit section to the output vector.
if (is_new_document && hits_out != nullptr) {
if (term_frequency_out != nullptr) {
if (hits_out != nullptr) {
if (term_frequency_out != nullptr) {
term_frequency_out->back()[hit.section_id()] = hit.term_frequency();
int LiteIndex::FetchHits(
uint32_t term_id, SectionIdMask section_id_mask,
bool only_from_prefix_sections,
SuggestionScoringSpecProto::SuggestionRankingStrategy::Code score_by,
const SuggestionResultChecker* suggestion_result_checker,
std::vector<DocHitInfo>* hits_out,
std::vector<Hit::TermFrequencyArray>* term_frequency_out) {
bool need_sort_at_querying = false;
absl_ports::shared_lock l(&mutex_);
// We sort here when:
// 1. We don't enable sorting at indexing time (i.e. we sort at querying
// time), and there is an unsorted tail portion. OR
// 2. The unsorted tail size exceeds the hit_buffer_sort_threshold,
// regardless of whether or not hit_buffer_sort_at_indexing is enabled.
// This is more of a sanity check. We should not really be encountering
// this case.
need_sort_at_querying = NeedSortAtQuerying();
if (need_sort_at_querying) {
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
IcingTimer timer;
// Transition from shared_lock to unique_lock is safe here because it
// doesn't hurt to sort again if sorting was done already by another thread
// after need_sort_at_querying is evaluated.
// We check need_sort_at_querying to improve query concurrency as threads
// can avoid acquiring the unique lock if no sorting is needed.
if (options_.hit_buffer_sort_at_indexing) {
// This is the second case for sort. Log as this should be a very rare
// occasion.
ICING_LOG(WARNING) << "Sorting HitBuffer at querying time when "
"hit_buffer_sort_at_indexing is enabled. Sort and "
"merge HitBuffer in "
<< timer.Elapsed() * 1000 << " ms.";
// This downgrade from an unique_lock to a shared_lock is safe because we're
// searching for the term in the searchable (sorted) section of the HitBuffer
// only in Seek().
// Any operations that might execute in between the transition of downgrading
// the lock here are guaranteed not to alter the searchable section (or the
// LiteIndex) due to a global lock in IcingSearchEngine.
absl_ports::shared_lock l(&mutex_);
// Search in the HitBuffer array for Hits with the corresponding term_id.
// Hits are added in increasing order of doc ids, so hits that get appended
// later have larger docIds. This means that:
// 1. Hits in the unsorted tail will have larger docIds than hits in the
// sorted portion.
// 2. Hits at the end of the unsorted tail will have larger docIds than hits
// in the front of the tail.
// We want to retrieve hits in descending order of docIds. Therefore we should
// search by doing:
// 1. Linear search first in reverse iteration order over the unsorted tail
// portion.
// 2. Followed by binary search on the sorted portion.
const TermIdHitPair* array = hit_buffer_.array_cast<TermIdHitPair>();
DocumentId last_document_id = kInvalidDocumentId;
// Record whether the last document belongs to the given namespaces.
bool is_last_document_desired = false;
int total_score = 0;
// Linear search over unsorted tail in reverse iteration order.
// This should only be performed when hit_buffer_sort_at_indexing is enabled.
// When disabled, the entire HitBuffer should be sorted already and only
// binary search is needed.
if (options_.hit_buffer_sort_at_indexing) {
uint32_t unsorted_length = header_->cur_size() - header_->searchable_end();
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= unsorted_length; ++i) {
TermIdHitPair term_id_hit_pair = array[header_->cur_size() - i];
if (term_id_hit_pair.term_id() == term_id) {
// We've found a matched hit.
const Hit& matched_hit = term_id_hit_pair.hit();
// Score the hit and add to total_score. Also add the hits and its term
// frequency info to hits_out and term_frequency_out if the two vectors
// are non-null.
ScoreAndAppendFetchedHit(matched_hit, section_id_mask,
only_from_prefix_sections, score_by,
suggestion_result_checker, last_document_id,
is_last_document_desired, total_score,
hits_out, term_frequency_out);
// Do binary search over the sorted section and repeat the above steps.
TermIdHitPair target_term_id_hit_pair(
term_id, Hit(Hit::kMaxDocumentIdSortValue, Hit::kDefaultTermFrequency));
for (const TermIdHitPair* ptr = std::lower_bound(
array, array + header_->searchable_end(), target_term_id_hit_pair);
ptr < array + header_->searchable_end(); ++ptr) {
if (ptr->term_id() != term_id) {
// We've processed all matches. Stop iterating further.
const Hit& matched_hit = ptr->hit();
// Score the hit and add to total_score. Also add the hits and its term
// frequency info to hits_out and term_frequency_out if the two vectors are
// non-null.
matched_hit, section_id_mask, only_from_prefix_sections, score_by,
suggestion_result_checker, last_document_id, is_last_document_desired,
total_score, hits_out, term_frequency_out);
return total_score;
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int> LiteIndex::ScoreHits(
uint32_t term_id,
SuggestionScoringSpecProto::SuggestionRankingStrategy::Code score_by,
const SuggestionResultChecker* suggestion_result_checker) {
return FetchHits(term_id, kSectionIdMaskAll,
/*only_from_prefix_sections=*/false, score_by,
bool LiteIndex::is_full() const {
return (header_->cur_size() == options_.hit_buffer_size ||
lexicon_.min_free_fraction() < (1.0 - kTrieFullFraction));
std::string LiteIndex::GetDebugInfo(DebugInfoVerbosity::Code verbosity) {
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
std::string res;
std::string lexicon_info;
lexicon_.GetDebugInfo(verbosity, &lexicon_info);
&res, 0,
"curr_size: %u\n"
"hit_buffer_size: %u\n"
"last_added_document_id %u\n"
"searchable_end: %u\n"
"index_crc: %u\n"
header_->cur_size(), options_.hit_buffer_size,
header_->last_added_docid(), header_->searchable_end(),
ComputeChecksum().Get(), lexicon_info.c_str());
return res;
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int64_t> LiteIndex::GetElementsSize() const {
IndexStorageInfoProto storage_info = GetStorageInfo(IndexStorageInfoProto());
if (storage_info.lite_index_hit_buffer_size() == -1 ||
storage_info.lite_index_lexicon_size() == -1) {
return absl_ports::AbortedError(
"Failed to get size of LiteIndex's members.");
// On initialization, we grow the file to a padded size first. So this size
// won't count towards the size taken up by elements
size_t header_padded_size = IcingMMapper::page_aligned_size(header_size());
return storage_info.lite_index_hit_buffer_size() - header_padded_size +
IndexStorageInfoProto LiteIndex::GetStorageInfo(
IndexStorageInfoProto storage_info) const {
absl_ports::shared_lock l(&mutex_);
int64_t header_and_hit_buffer_file_size =
int64_t lexicon_disk_usage = lexicon_.GetElementsSize();
if (lexicon_disk_usage != Filesystem::kBadFileSize) {
} else {
return storage_info;
void LiteIndex::SortHitsImpl() {
// Make searchable by sorting by hit buffer.
uint32_t sort_len = header_->cur_size() - header_->searchable_end();
if (sort_len <= 0) {
IcingTimer timer;
auto* array_start =
hit_buffer_.GetMutableMem<TermIdHitPair::Value>(0, header_->cur_size());
TermIdHitPair::Value* sort_start = array_start + header_->searchable_end();
std::sort(sort_start, array_start + header_->cur_size());
// Now merge with previous region. Since the previous region is already
// sorted and deduplicated, optimize the merge by skipping everything less
// than the new region's smallest value.
if (header_->searchable_end() > 0) {
std::inplace_merge(array_start, array_start + header_->searchable_end(),
array_start + header_->cur_size());
ICING_VLOG(2) << "Lite index sort and merge " << sort_len << " into "
<< header_->searchable_end() << " in " << timer.Elapsed() * 1000
<< "ms";
// Now the entire array is sorted.
// Update crc in-line.
libtextclassifier3::Status LiteIndex::Optimize(
const std::vector<DocumentId>& document_id_old_to_new,
const TermIdCodec* term_id_codec, DocumentId new_last_added_document_id) {
absl_ports::unique_lock l(&mutex_);
if (header_->cur_size() == 0) {
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
// Sort the hits so that hits with the same term id will be grouped together,
// which helps later to determine which terms will be unused after compaction.
uint32_t new_size = 0;
uint32_t curr_term_id = 0;
uint32_t curr_tvi = 0;
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> tvi_to_delete;
for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < header_->cur_size(); ++idx) {
TermIdHitPair term_id_hit_pair(
if (idx == 0 || term_id_hit_pair.term_id() != curr_term_id) {
curr_term_id = term_id_hit_pair.term_id();
ICING_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(TermIdCodec::DecodedTermInfo term_info,
curr_tvi = term_info.tvi;
// Mark the property of the current term as not having hits in prefix
// section. The property will be set below if there are any valid hits
// from a prefix section.
lexicon_.ClearProperty(curr_tvi, GetHasHitsInPrefixSectionPropertyId());
// Add curr_tvi to tvi_to_delete. It will be removed from tvi_to_delete
// below if there are any valid hits pointing to that termid.
DocumentId new_document_id =
if (new_document_id == kInvalidDocumentId) {
if (term_id_hit_pair.hit().is_in_prefix_section()) {
lexicon_.SetProperty(curr_tvi, GetHasHitsInPrefixSectionPropertyId());
TermIdHitPair new_term_id_hit_pair(
Hit::TranslateHit(term_id_hit_pair.hit(), new_document_id));
// Rewriting the hit_buffer in place.
// new_size is weakly less than idx so we are okay to overwrite the entry at
// new_size, and valp should never be nullptr since it is within the already
// allocated region of hit_buffer_.
TermIdHitPair::Value* valp =
hit_buffer_.GetMutableMem<TermIdHitPair::Value>(new_size++, 1);
*valp = new_term_id_hit_pair.value();
// Delete unused terms.
std::unordered_set<std::string> terms_to_delete;
for (IcingDynamicTrie::Iterator term_iter(lexicon_, /*prefix=*/"");
term_iter.IsValid(); term_iter.Advance()) {
if (tvi_to_delete.find(term_iter.GetValueIndex()) != tvi_to_delete.end()) {
for (const std::string& term : terms_to_delete) {
// Mark "term" as deleted. This won't actually free space in the lexicon. It
// will simply make it impossible to Find "term" in subsequent calls (which
// saves an unnecessary search through the hit buffer). This is acceptable
// because the free space will eventually be reclaimed the next time that
// the lite index is merged with the main index.
if (!lexicon_.Delete(term)) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
"Could not delete invalid terms in lite lexicon during compaction.");
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
} // namespace lib
} // namespace icing