blob: 5431c650117aa8b2fcf885bdea7243600dd9d8a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A small index with continuous updates (doesn't need explicit Flush
// to persiste) but has more possibility for corruption. It can always
// detect corruption reliably.
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/status.h"
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/statusor.h"
#include "icing/file/filesystem.h"
#include "icing/index/hit/doc-hit-info.h"
#include "icing/index/hit/hit.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-array-storage.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-dynamic-trie.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-filesystem.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-lite-index-header.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-lite-index-options.h"
#include "icing/legacy/index/icing-mmapper.h"
#include "icing/proto/term.pb.h"
#include "icing/schema/section.h"
#include "icing/store/document-id.h"
#include "icing/util/bit-util.h"
#include "icing/util/crc32.h"
namespace icing {
namespace lib {
enum TermPropertyId {
kHasHitsInPrefixSection = 0,
class LiteIndex {
// An entry in the hit buffer.
class Element {
// Layout bits: 24 termid + 32 hit value + 8 hit score.
using Value = uint64_t;
static constexpr int kTermIdBits = 24;
static constexpr int kHitValueBits = sizeof(Hit::Value) * 8;
static constexpr int kHitScoreBits = sizeof(Hit::Score) * 8;
static const Value kInvalidValue;
explicit Element(Value v = kInvalidValue) : value_(v) {}
Element(uint32_t term_id, const Hit& hit) {
kTermIdBits + kHitValueBits + kHitScoreBits <= sizeof(Value) * 8,
value_ = 0;
// Term id goes into the most significant bits because it takes
// precedent in sorts.
bit_util::BitfieldSet(term_id, kHitValueBits + kHitScoreBits, kTermIdBits,
bit_util::BitfieldSet(hit.value(), kHitScoreBits, kHitValueBits, &value_);
bit_util::BitfieldSet(hit.score(), 0, kHitScoreBits, &value_);
uint32_t term_id() const {
return bit_util::BitfieldGet(value_, kHitValueBits + kHitScoreBits,
Hit hit() const {
return Hit(bit_util::BitfieldGet(value_, kHitScoreBits, kHitValueBits),
bit_util::BitfieldGet(value_, 0, kHitScoreBits));
Value value() const { return value_; }
Value value_;
using Options = IcingLiteIndexOptions;
// Updates checksum of subcomponents.
// Creates lite index from storage. The files will be created if they do not
// already exist.
// Returns:
// OK on success
// DATA_LOSS if the index was corrupted and cleared
// INTERNAL on I/O error
static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<LiteIndex>> Create(
const Options& options, const IcingFilesystem* filesystem);
// Resets all internal members of the index. Returns OK if all operations were
// successful.
libtextclassifier3::Status Reset();
// Advises the OS to cache pages in the index, which will be accessed for a
// query soon.
void Warm();
// Syncs all modified files in the index to disk.
// Returns:
// OK on success
// INTERNAL on I/O error
libtextclassifier3::Status PersistToDisk();
// Calculate the checksum of all sub-components of the LiteIndex
Crc32 ComputeChecksum();
// Returns term_id if term found, NOT_FOUND otherwise.
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<uint32_t> FindTerm(
const std::string& term) const;
// Returns an iterator for all terms for which 'prefix' is a prefix.
class PrefixIterator {
explicit PrefixIterator(const IcingDynamicTrie::Iterator& delegate)
: delegate_(delegate) {}
bool IsValid() const { return delegate_.IsValid(); }
void Advance() { delegate_.Advance(); }
const char* GetKey() const { return delegate_.GetKey(); }
uint32_t GetValueIndex() const { return delegate_.GetValueIndex(); }
IcingDynamicTrie::Iterator delegate_;
PrefixIterator FindTermPrefixes(const std::string& prefix) const {
return PrefixIterator(IcingDynamicTrie::Iterator(lexicon_, prefix.c_str()));
// Insert a term. Returns non-OK if lexicon is full.
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<uint32_t> InsertTerm(
const std::string& term, TermMatchType::Code term_match_type);
// Updates term properties by setting the bit for has_hits_in_prefix_section
// only if term_match_type == PREFIX. Otherwise, this does nothing.
libtextclassifier3::Status UpdateTerm(uint32_t tvi,
TermMatchType::Code term_match_type);
// Append hit to buffer. term_id must be encoded using the same term_id_codec
// supplied to the index constructor. Returns non-OK if hit cannot be added
// (either due to hit buffer or file system capacity reached).
libtextclassifier3::Status AddHit(uint32_t term_id, const Hit& hit);
// Add all hits with term_id from the sections specified in section_id_mask,
// skipping hits in non-prefix sections if only_from_prefix_sections is true,
// to hits_out.
uint32_t AppendHits(uint32_t term_id, SectionIdMask section_id_mask,
bool only_from_prefix_sections,
std::vector<DocHitInfo>* hits_out);
// Check if buffer has reached its capacity.
bool is_full() const;
constexpr static uint32_t max_hit_buffer_size() {
return std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() / sizeof(LiteIndex::Element);
// We keep track of the last added document_id. This is always the largest
// document_id that has been added because hits can only be added in order of
// increasing document_id.
DocumentId last_added_document_id() const {
return header_->last_added_docid();
// Returns debug information for the index in out.
// verbosity <= 0, simplest debug information - size of lexicon, hit buffer
// verbosity > 0, more detailed debug information from the lexicon.
void GetDebugInfo(int verbosity, std::string* out) const;
static IcingDynamicTrie::RuntimeOptions MakeTrieRuntimeOptions();
LiteIndex(const Options& options, const IcingFilesystem* filesystem);
// Initializes lite index from storage. Must be called exactly once after
// object construction.
// Returns:
// OK on success
// DATA_LOSS if the index was corrupted and cleared
// INTERNAL on I/O error
libtextclassifier3::Status Initialize();
bool initialized() const { return header_ != nullptr; }
// Sets the computed checksum in the header
void UpdateChecksum();
// Returns the position of the first element with term_id, or the size of the
// hit buffer if term_id is not present.
uint32_t Seek(uint32_t term_id);
ScopedFd hit_buffer_fd_;
IcingArrayStorage hit_buffer_;
uint32_t hit_buffer_crc_;
IcingDynamicTrie lexicon_;
// TODO(b/140437260): Port over to MemoryMappedFile
IcingMMapper header_mmap_;
std::unique_ptr<IcingLiteIndex_Header> header_;
const Options options_;
// TODO(b/139087650) Move to icing::Filesystem
const IcingFilesystem* const filesystem_;
} // namespace lib
} // namespace icing