blob: 83fff12d134ce9b383701f76ae8f5d3736e15825 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include "icing/legacy/core/icing-packed-pod.h"
#include "icing/schema/section.h"
#include "icing/store/document-id.h"
namespace icing {
namespace lib {
// BasicHit is a specific encoding that refers to content within a document. A
// basic hit consists of:
// - a DocumentId
// - a SectionId
// referring to the document and section that the hit corresponds to.
// The hit is the most basic unit of the index and, when grouped together by
// term, can be used to encode what terms appear in what documents.
// BasicHit is for indices (e.g. numeric index) that don't require term
// frequency.
class BasicHit {
// The datatype used to encode BasicHit information: the document_id and
// section_id.
using Value = uint32_t;
// WARNING: Changing this value will invalidate any pre-existing posting lists
// on user devices.
// kInvalidValue contains:
// - 0 for unused bits. Note that unused bits are always 0 for both valid and
// invalid BasicHit values.
// - Inverted kInvalidDocumentId
// - SectionId 0 (valid), which is ok because inverted kInvalidDocumentId has
// already invalidated the value. In fact, we currently use all 2^6 section
// ids and there is no "invalid section id", so it doesn't matter what
// SectionId we set for kInvalidValue.
static constexpr Value kInvalidValue = 0;
explicit BasicHit(SectionId section_id, DocumentId document_id);
explicit BasicHit() : value_(kInvalidValue) {}
bool is_valid() const { return value_ != kInvalidValue; }
Value value() const { return value_; }
DocumentId document_id() const;
SectionId section_id() const;
bool operator<(const BasicHit& h2) const { return value_ < h2.value_; }
bool operator==(const BasicHit& h2) const { return value_ == h2.value_; }
// Value bits layout: 4 unused + 22 document_id + 6 section id.
// The Value is guaranteed to be an unsigned integer, but its size and the
// information it stores may change if the Hit's encoding format is changed.
Value value_;
} __attribute__((packed));
static_assert(sizeof(BasicHit) == 4, "");
// Hit is a specific encoding that refers to content within a document. A hit
// consists of:
// - a DocumentId
// - a SectionId
// - referring to the document and section that the hit corresponds to
// - Metadata about the hit:
// - whether the Hit does not appear exactly in the document, but instead
// represents a term that is a prefix of a term in the document
// (is_prefix_hit)
// - whether the Hit came from a section that has prefix expansion enabled
// (is_in_prefix_section)
// - whether the Hit has set any bitmask flags (has_flags)
// - bitmasks in flags fields:
// - whether the Hit has a TermFrequency other than the default value
// (has_term_frequency)
// - a term frequency for the hit
// The hit is the most basic unit of the index and, when grouped together by
// term, can be used to encode what terms appear in what documents.
class Hit {
// The datatype used to encode Hit information: the document_id, section_id,
// and 3 flags: is_prefix_hit, is_hit_in_prefix_section and has_flags flag.
// The Value is guaranteed to be an unsigned integer, but its size and the
// information it stores may change if the Hit's encoding format is changed.
using Value = uint32_t;
// WARNING: Changing this value will invalidate any pre-existing posting lists
// on user devices.
// kInvalidValue contains:
// - 0 for unused bits. Note that unused bits are always 0 for both valid and
// invalid Hit values.
// - Inverted kInvalidDocumentId
// - SectionId 0 (valid), which is ok because inverted kInvalidDocumentId has
// already invalidated the value. In fact, we currently use all 2^6 section
// ids and there is no "invalid section id", so it doesn't matter what
// SectionId we set for kInvalidValue.
static constexpr Value kInvalidValue = 0;
// Docs are sorted in reverse, and 0 is never used as the inverted
// DocumentId (because it is the inverse of kInvalidValue), so it is always
// the max in a descending sort.
static constexpr Value kMaxDocumentIdSortValue = 0;
enum FlagOffsetsInFlagsField {
// Whether or not the hit has a term_frequency other than
// kDefaultTermFrequency.
kHasTermFrequency = 0,
kNumFlagsInFlagsField = 1,
enum FlagOffsetsInValueField {
// Whether or not the hit has a flags value other than kNoEnabledFlags (i.e.
// it has flags enabled in the flags field)
kHasFlags = 0,
// This hit, whether exact or not, came from a prefixed section and will
// need to be backfilled into branching posting lists if/when those are
// created.
kInPrefixSection = 1,
// This hit represents a prefix of a longer term. If exact matches are
// required, then this hit should be ignored.
kPrefixHit = 2,
kNumFlagsInValueField = 3,
static_assert(kDocumentIdBits + kSectionIdBits + kNumFlagsInValueField <=
sizeof(Hit::Value) * 8,
static_assert(kDocumentIdBits == 22, "");
static_assert(kSectionIdBits == 6, "");
static_assert(kNumFlagsInValueField == 3, "");
// The datatype used to encode additional bit-flags in the Hit.
// This is guaranteed to be an unsigned integer, but its size may change if
// more flags are introduced in the future and require more bits to encode.
using Flags = uint8_t;
static constexpr Flags kNoEnabledFlags = 0;
// The Term Frequency of a Hit.
// This is guaranteed to be an unsigned integer, but its size may change if we
// need to expand the max term-frequency.
using TermFrequency = uint8_t;
using TermFrequencyArray = std::array<Hit::TermFrequency, kTotalNumSections>;
// Max TermFrequency is 255.
static constexpr TermFrequency kMaxTermFrequency =
static constexpr TermFrequency kDefaultTermFrequency = 1;
static constexpr TermFrequency kNoTermFrequency = 0;
explicit Hit(Value value)
: Hit(value, kNoEnabledFlags, kDefaultTermFrequency) {}
explicit Hit(Value value, Flags flags, TermFrequency term_frequency);
explicit Hit(SectionId section_id, DocumentId document_id,
TermFrequency term_frequency, bool is_in_prefix_section,
bool is_prefix_hit);
bool is_valid() const { return value() != kInvalidValue; }
Value value() const {
Value value;
memcpy(&value,, sizeof(value));
return value;
DocumentId document_id() const;
SectionId section_id() const;
bool is_prefix_hit() const;
bool is_in_prefix_section() const;
// Whether or not the hit has any flags set to true.
bool has_flags() const;
Flags flags() const { return flags_; }
// Whether or not the hit contains a valid term frequency.
bool has_term_frequency() const;
TermFrequency term_frequency() const { return term_frequency_; }
// Returns true if the flags values across the Hit's value_, term_frequency_
// and flags_ fields are consistent.
bool CheckFlagsAreConsistent() const;
// Creates a new hit based on old_hit but with new_document_id set.
static Hit TranslateHit(Hit old_hit, DocumentId new_document_id);
bool operator<(const Hit& h2) const {
if (value() != h2.value()) {
return value() < h2.value();
return flags() < h2.flags();
bool operator==(const Hit& h2) const {
return value() == h2.value() && flags() == h2.flags();
struct EqualsDocumentIdAndSectionId {
bool operator()(const Hit& hit1, const Hit& hit2) const;
// Value, Flags and TermFrequency must be in this order.
// Value bits layout: 1 unused + 22 document_id + 6 section_id + 1
// is_prefix_hit + 1 is_in_prefix_section + 1 has_flags.
std::array<char, sizeof(Value)> value_;
// Flags bits layout: 1 reserved + 6 unused + 1 has_term_frequency.
// The left-most bit is reserved for chaining additional fields in case of
// future hit expansions.
Flags flags_;
TermFrequency term_frequency_;
static_assert(sizeof(Hit) == 6, "");
// TODO(b/138991332) decide how to remove/replace all is_packed_pod assertions.
static_assert(icing_is_packed_pod<Hit>::value, "go/icing-ubsan");
} // namespace lib
} // namespace icing