blob: 03d82775835a14b342aa831f5816ca51f110e4df [file] [log] [blame]
Filter substrings are case-sensitive! Use "SCHEMANAME." to narrow to schema.
\? Special command Help
\. Enter raw SQL. End with line containing only "."
\= Commit JDBC session
\! COMMAND [ARGS] Execute external program (no support for stdin)
\a [true|false] Auto-commit JDBC DML commands (for current conn)
\b save next result to Binary buffer (no display)
\bd file/path.bin Dump Binary buffer to file
\bl file/path.bin Load file into Binary buffer
\bp Use ? in next SQL statement to upload Binary buffer
\c [true|false] Continue upon errors (a.o.t. abort upon error)
\d OBJECTNAME [regx] Describe table or view columns
\d{tvsiSanur*?} [substr] List objects of specified type:
\H Toggle HTML output mode
\i file/path.sql Include/execute commands from external file
\j [urlid] display Jdbc connection details, or connect to 'urlid'
\j acct pwd jdbc:url establish connection to Jdbc data source at URL
\l LEVEL A Message Log message. (list available levels with \l?)
\m file/path.dsv [*] iMport DSV text file records into a table (opts \m?)
\o [file/path.html] Tee (or stop teeing) query output to specified file
\p [A Message] Print string to stdout
\q [abort message] Quit (or you can end input with Ctrl-Z or Ctrl-D)
\t [true|false] report execution Times for all SQL commands
\v [TRAN_ISO_LVL] view/set the connection transaction isolation leVel
\x {TABLE|SELECT...} eXport table or query to DSV text file (options \x?)