blob: 6fa60c14bbc99a32676528b103245a0670bc9275 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="hsqldb-dist" default="dist" basedir="..">
$Id: build-dist.xml 3550 2010-03-19 17:45:16Z unsaved $
This build file is separate from the main build.xml file specifically
because it is not intended for normal end-user or developer usage.
It is only for generating full distributable packages of the app.
This build file is NOT necessary to build a distributable jar file:
that is the purpose of several targets in the main build file.
PREP: Before building a public distribution, you must:
1: Update property 'hsqldb.version' in file 'build.xml'.
2: Execute target 'refresh-verbatim' to update code in our docs.
3: Execute target 'update-readme' to substitute updated variables into
some doc file(s).
4: Commit all of the work above.
5: Verify that docs build successfully.
6. Make a release tag.
1: Set up your desired build environment (Ant in search path,
JAVA_HOME set, etc.).
2: Do a Subversion export with the release tag to a NEW directory
3: If you don't have a .properties file set up for this purpose
already, then make one outside of this work area (so you can
archive it and/or re-use it for future distribution builds).
IMPORTANT QUIRK: This file may not use ${} properties in values,
since that feature is incompatible with the "-propertyfile"
switch that we will use below.
This file must set Ant properties "build.label", "build.vendor",
"dbimage.path". (See following section about optional properties).
4: Run
ant -propertyfile path/to/ -f build-dist.xml
from the build directory.
If you don't have Ivy in your CLASSPATH, you will be instructed
how to satisfy that requirement.
To prevent Internet access for DocBook resources, set properties
nsstylebase.url, dbxirng.url, dbcentx.url in file
"" or "" (just depends on
whether you want to manage them separately from the primary
properties). This decreases document build time by about 70%.
These values point to DocBook-privided resources that you should
be able to figure out between the property name and the usage of
them in the "build-docbook.xml" file.
Add settings for build.debug and build.optimize to change the default
compilation settings.
You could just put these settings into "", drop the
"-propertyfile" switch, and things would work correctly. However, you are
advised to use a .properties file external to your export directory for
retension purposes.
You may add or edit some files without them being added to the
distribution that you build: build/,
build/local*.properties, tmp/*, classes/*, dist/*.
(But, as just noted, you are advised against making
If you don't know if something will have an effect on the distribution
you are building, then *don't do it*.
If you were to add a "todo.txt" file to the main or build directory;
or run "ant hsqldbtest", artifacts would be added to the distro.
<import file="build.xml"/>
<target name="state-check"
description="Verifies that the current directory + Ant build env. are acceptable for building a distribution">
<available property="_svn.exists" file=".svn"/>
<fail if="_svn.exists"
message="You need to 'export' the project to build distro"/>
<condition property="_label.ok">
<equals arg1="${hsqldb.version}" arg2="${build.label}"/>
<fail unless="_label.ok">Ant properties 'build.label' and 'hsqldb.version' must be equal.
I suggest setting the value(s) in an external properties file and using the Ant
"-propertyfile" switch.</fail>
<condition property="_vendor.ok">
<equals arg1="${hsqldb.vendor}" arg2="${build.vendor}"/>
<fail unless="_vendor.ok">Ant properties 'build.vendor' and 'hsqldb.vendor' must be equal.
I suggest setting the value(s) in an external properties file and using the Ant
"-propertyfile" switch.</fail>
<copy file="doc-src/readme-template.txt" tofile="tmp/readme-generated.txt"
<!-- Intention is to strip out all RCS keywords, since their values
would cause false positives for our file comparison below. -->
<replaceregex pattern="\$[A-Z][a-z]+: .+? \$" flags="g"/>
<copy file="readme.txt" tofile="tmp/readme-svn.txt" overwrite="true">
<!-- Intention is to strip out all RCS keywords, since their values
would cause false positives for our file comparison below. -->
<replaceregex pattern="\$[A-Z][a-z]+: .+? \$" flags="g"/>
<condition property="_readme.ok">
<filesmatch textfile="true"
file1="tmp/readme-svn.txt" file2="tmp/readme-generated.txt"/>
<fail unless="_readme.ok">The 'readme.txt' file in your Subversion export contains the wrong product
version. You should verify this. If the version is indeed wrong, you should
abort this export, commit an updated 'readme.txt' from a work area, then retag
and re-export.</fail>
<target name="dist"
depends="state-check, clean-all, javadoc, gen-docs, hsqldb, sqltool"
description="Build joint binary + source distribution packages">
<mkdir dir="dist"/>
<property name="app.basedir" value="hsqldb-${hsqldb.version}"/>
<!-- Enforce platform-independent EOL policies on items that will be
packed. Generated docs and everything under classes/ already
have EOLs enforced.
To make maintenance easier, please order by srcdir, and put that
attribute first. Much easier to find what you are interested this
<fixcrlf srcdir="."
preservelastmodified='true' eol="crlf" includes="*.txt"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="." preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf" includes="*.html"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="bin" preservelastmodified='true' eol="crlf"
includes="**/*.txt, **/*.bat, **/*.cmd"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="bin" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
encoding="UTF-8" includes="**/*.sh, **/*.bash, **/*.html"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="build" preservelastmodified='true' eol="crlf"
includes="**/*.txt, **/*.bat, **/*.cmd"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="build" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
encoding="ISO-8859-1" includes="**/*.properties"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="build" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
encoding="UTF-8" includes="**/*.xml, **/*.list"/>
<!-- Docbook or XSLT adds &#13;s on Windows. Remove them. -->
<replace dir="doc" includes="*/*.html" token="&amp;#13;"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="doc-src" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
encoding="ISO-8859-1" includes="**/*.properties"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="doc-src" preservelastmodified='true' eol="crlf"
<fixcrlf srcdir="doc-src" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
includes="**/*.cfg, **/*.css, **/*.ent, **/*.java, **/*.rc,
**/*.sql, **/*.xml, **/*.html"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="sample" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
encoding="UTF-8" excludes="**/*.txt, **/*.properties"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="sample" preservelastmodified='true' eol="crlf"
<fixcrlf srcdir="sample" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
encoding="ISO-8859-1" includes="**/*.properties"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="src"
preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf" encoding="ISO-8859-1"
includes="**/*.properties, **/*.text"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="src" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf" encoding="UTF-8"
includes="**/*.flex, **/*.html, **/*.java"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="stylesheets" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
<!-- Exclusing test-src from distros, for now
<fixcrlf srcdir="test-src"
preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf" encoding="ISO-8859-1"
<fixcrlf srcdir="test-src" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
includes="**/*.java, **/*.dtd, **/*.ent, **/*.exp, **/*.inc,
**/*.sql, **/*.src, **/*.xml"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="testrun" preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf"
encoding="UTF-8" includes="**/*.bash"/>
<fixcrlf srcdir="testrun" preservelastmodified='true' eol="crlf"
<!-- NOTE: The file testrun/hsqldb/TestSelf.txt has something in it that
causes any Ant filter (on UNIX) to corrupt an umlauted character.
The problem is not with the umlauted character, but is the side-effect
of something else in the file. I can pull the umlauted "Zürich"
string out of that file and put it into its own UTF-8 file, and Ant
can filter that just fine. -->
<fixcrlf srcdir="testrun"
preservelastmodified='true' eol="lf" encoding="UTF-8"
includes="**/*.sql, **/*.dsv, **/*.isql, **/*.nsql, **/*.inter"/>
<mkdir dir="data"/>
<zip destfile="dist/${app.basedir}.zip">
<zipfileset prefix="${app.basedir}/hsqldb" dir="."
includes="**/*.cmd, **/*.bat, **/*.bash, **/*.sh, **/*.pl,
**/*.php, **/*.init, **/*.py"
excludes="**/.*, build/local**, test-src/**
classes/**, dist/**, local*/**, tmp/**"/>
<zipfileset prefix="${app.basedir}/hsqldb" dir="."
excludes="**/.*, **/*.cmd, **/*.bat, **/*.bash, **/*.sh,
test-src/**, **/*.pl, **/*.php, **/*.init, **/*.py
build/, build/local**, build/ivysettings.xml,
classes/**, dist/**, local*/**, tmp/**, doc-src/images/db/**,
build/ivysettings.xml, stylesheets/rng-catalog.xml"/>