blob: 88288b07a8076222c45d5a11560ab0004d7578a9 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.hamcrest.Description;
import org.hamcrest.FeatureMatcher;
import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher;
import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo;
public final class FileMatchers {
public static Matcher<File> anExistingDirectory() {
return fileChecker(IS_DIRECTORY, "an existing directory", "is not a directory");
public static Matcher<File> anExistingFileOrDirectory() {
return fileChecker(EXISTS, "an existing file or directory", "does not exist");
public static Matcher<File> anExistingFile() {
return fileChecker(IS_FILE, "an existing File", "is not a file");
public static Matcher<File> aReadableFile() {
return fileChecker(CAN_READ, "a readable File", "cannot be read");
public static Matcher<File> aWritableFile() {
return fileChecker(CAN_WRITE, "a writable File", "cannot be written to");
public static Matcher<File> aFileWithSize(long size) {
return aFileWithSize(equalTo(size));
public static Matcher<File> aFileWithSize(final Matcher<Long> expected) {
return new FeatureMatcher<File, Long>(expected, "A file with size", "size") {
@Override protected Long featureValueOf(File actual) { return actual.length(); }
public static Matcher<File> aFileNamed(final Matcher<String> expected) {
return new FeatureMatcher<File, String>(expected, "A file with name", "name") {
@Override protected String featureValueOf(File actual) { return actual.getName(); }
public static Matcher<File> aFileWithCanonicalPath(final Matcher<String> expected) {
return new FeatureMatcher<File, String>(expected, "A file with canonical path", "path") {
@Override protected String featureValueOf(File actual) {
try {
return actual.getCanonicalPath();
} catch (IOException e) {
return "Exception: " + e.getMessage();
public static Matcher<File> aFileWithAbsolutePath(final Matcher<String> expected) {
return new FeatureMatcher<File, String>(expected, "A file with absolute path", "path") {
@Override protected String featureValueOf(File actual) { return actual.getAbsolutePath(); }
public static interface FileStatus {
boolean check(File actual);
public static final FileStatus CAN_WRITE = new FileStatus() {
@Override public boolean check(File actual) { return actual.canWrite(); }
public static final FileStatus CAN_READ = new FileStatus() {
@Override public boolean check(File actual) { return actual.canRead(); }
public static final FileStatus IS_FILE = new FileStatus() {
@Override public boolean check(File actual) { return actual.isFile(); }
public static final FileStatus IS_DIRECTORY = new FileStatus() {
@Override public boolean check(File actual) { return actual.isDirectory(); }
public static final FileStatus EXISTS = new FileStatus() {
@Override public boolean check(File actual) { return actual.exists(); }
private static Matcher<File> fileChecker(final FileStatus fileStatus, final String successDescription, final String failureDescription) {
return new TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher<File>() {
public boolean matchesSafely(File actual, Description mismatchDescription) {
final boolean result = fileStatus.check(actual);
if (!result) {
return result;
public void describeTo(Description description) {