blob: bb8c5274242e422e8e1898fd8dfd10007610f015 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Builds a dependency injection {@link Container}. Binds {@link Key}s to
* implementations. For example, a binding implementation could be anything
* from a constant value to an object in the HTTP session.
* <p>Not safe for concurrent use.
* <p>Default bindings include:
* <ul>
* <li>A {@code Factory<T>} for each binding of type {@code T}
* <li>The {@link Container} iself
* <li>The {@link Logger} for the class being injected
* </ul>
* <p>Converts constants as needed from {@code String} to any primitive type
* in addition to {@code enum} and {@code Class<?>}.
* @author (Bob Lee)
public final class ContainerBuilder {
private static final Logger logger =
final List<BindingBuilder<?>> bindingBuilders =
new ArrayList<BindingBuilder<?>>();
final List<ConstantBindingBuilder> constantBindingBuilders =
new ArrayList<ConstantBindingBuilder>();
final List<LinkedBindingBuilder<?>> linkedBindingBuilders =
new ArrayList<LinkedBindingBuilder<?>>();
final Map<String, Scope> scopes = new HashMap<String, Scope>();
final List<Class<?>> staticInjections = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
boolean created;
* Keeps error messages in order and prevents duplicates.
Set<ErrorMessage> errorMessages = new LinkedHashSet<ErrorMessage>();
private static final InternalFactory<Container> CONTAINER_FACTORY =
new InternalFactory<Container>() {
public Container get(InternalContext context) {
return context.getContainer();
private static final InternalFactory<Logger> LOGGER_FACTORY =
new InternalFactory<Logger>() {
public Logger get(InternalContext context) {
Member member = context.getExternalContext().getMember();
return member == null ? Logger.getAnonymousLogger()
: Logger.getLogger(member.getDeclaringClass().getName());
static final String UNKNOWN_SOURCE = "[unknown source]";
static final Scope DEFAULT_SCOPE = new Scope() {
public <T> Factory<T> scope(Key<T> key, Factory<T> creator) {
// We actually optimize around this.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Constructs a new builder.
public ContainerBuilder() {
put(Scopes.SINGLETON, SingletonScope.INSTANCE);
final List<Validation> validations = new ArrayList<Validation>();
* Registers a type to be validated for injection when we create the
* container.
void validate(final Object source, final Class<?> type) {
validations.add(new Validation() {
public void run(ContainerImpl container) {
ErrorHandler previous = container.getErrorHandler();
try {
container.setErrorHandler(new ConfigurationErrorHandler(source));
} finally {
interface Validation {
void run(ContainerImpl container);
* Creates an object pointing to the current location within the
* configuration. If we run into a problem later, we'll be able to trace it
* back to the original source. Useful for debugging. The default
* implementation returns {@code ContainerBuilder}'s caller's {@code
* StackTraceElement}.
protected Object source() {
// Search up the stack until we find a class outside of this one.
for (final StackTraceElement element : new Throwable().getStackTrace()) {
String className = element.getClassName();
if (!className.equals(ContainerBuilder.class.getName())
&& !className.equals(AbstractModule.class.getName()))
return element.getFileName() + ":"
+ element.getLineNumber() + ":";
throw new AssertionError();
* Maps a {@link Scope} instance to a given scope name. Scopes should be
* mapped before used in bindings. @{@link Scoped#value()} references this
* name.
public void put(String name, Scope scope) {
if (scopes.containsKey(nonNull(name, "name"))) {
add(new ErrorMessage(source(), "Scope named '" + name
+ "' is already defined."));
} else {
scopes.put(nonNull(name, "name"), nonNull(scope, "scope"));
* Binds the given key.
public <T> BindingBuilder<T> bind(Key<T> key) {
BindingBuilder<T> builder = new BindingBuilder<T>(key).from(source());
return builder;
* Binds the given type.
public <T> BindingBuilder<T> bind(TypeToken<T> typeToken) {
return bind(Key.get(typeToken));
* Binds the given type.
public <T> BindingBuilder<T> bind(Class<T> clazz) {
return bind(Key.get(clazz));
* Links the given key to another key effectively creating an alias for a
* binding.
public <T> LinkedBindingBuilder<T> link(Key<T> key) {
LinkedBindingBuilder<T> builder =
new LinkedBindingBuilder<T>(key).from(source());
return builder;
* Binds a constant to the given name.
public ConstantBindingBuilder bind(String name) {
return bind(name, source());
* Binds a constant to the given name from the given source.
private ConstantBindingBuilder bind(String name, Object source) {
ConstantBindingBuilder builder =
new ConstantBindingBuilder(Objects.nonNull(name, "name")).from(source);
return builder;
* Binds a string constant for each property.
public void bindProperties(Map<String, String> properties) {
Object source = source();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
bind(key, source).to(value);
* Binds a string constant for each property.
public void bindProperties(Properties properties) {
Object source = source();
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = (String) entry.getKey();
String value = (String) entry.getValue();
bind(key, source).to(value);
* Upon successful creation, the {@link Container} will inject static fields
* and methods in the given classes.
* @param types for which static members will be injected
public void requestStaticInjection(Class<?>... types) {
* Applies the given module to this builder.
public void apply(Module module) {
* Adds an error message to be reported at creation time.
void add(ErrorMessage errorMessage) {
* Creates a {@link Container} instance. Injects static members for classes
* which were registered using {@link #requestStaticInjection(Class...)}.
* @param loadSingletons If true, the container will load all singletons
* now. If false, the container will lazily load singletons. Eager loading
* is appropriate for production use while lazy loading can speed
* development.
* @throws IllegalStateException if called more than once
public Container create(boolean loadSingletons) {
created = true;
HashMap<Key<?>, InternalFactory<?>> factories =
new HashMap<Key<?>, InternalFactory<?>>();
ContainerImpl container = new ContainerImpl(factories);
for (ConstantBindingBuilder builder : constantBindingBuilders) {
if (builder.hasValue()) {
Key<?> key = builder.getKey();
InternalFactory<?> factory = builder.getInternalFactory();
factories.put(key, factory);
} else {
add(new ErrorMessage(builder.getSource(),
"Constant value isn't set."));
final List<ContainerImpl.ContextualCallable<Void>> singletonLoaders =
new ArrayList<ContainerImpl.ContextualCallable<Void>>();
for (BindingBuilder<?> builder : bindingBuilders) {
final Key<?> key = builder.getKey();
final InternalFactory<?> factory = builder.getInternalFactory(container);
factories.put(key, factory);
if (builder.isSingleton()) {
singletonLoaders.add(new ContainerImpl.ContextualCallable<Void>() {
public Void call(InternalContext context) {
ExternalContext.newInstance(null, key,
try {
return null;
} finally {
for (LinkedBindingBuilder<?> builder : linkedBindingBuilders) {
// TODO: Support alias to a later-declared alias.
Key<?> destination = builder.getDestination();
if (destination == null) {
add(new ErrorMessage(builder.getSource(),
"Link destination isn't set."));
InternalFactory<?> factory = factories.get(destination);
if (factory == null) {
add(new ErrorMessage(builder.getSource(),
"Destination of link binding not found: " + destination));
factories.put(builder.getKey(), factory);
// Run validations.
for (Validation validation : validations) {;
if (!errorMessages.isEmpty()) {
StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
error.append("Configuration errors:\n");
for (ErrorMessage errorMessage : errorMessages) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Encountered configuration errors."
+ " See the log for details.");
container.setErrorHandler(new RuntimeErrorHandler());
if (loadSingletons) {
container.callInContext(new ContainerImpl.ContextualCallable<Void>() {
public Void call(InternalContext context) {
for (ContainerImpl.ContextualCallable<Void> singletonLoader
: singletonLoaders) {;
return null;
return container;
* Currently we only support creating one Container instance per builder.
* If we want to support creating more than one container per builder,
* we should move to a "factory factory" model where we create a factory
* instance per Container. Right now, one factory instance would be
* shared across all the containers, singletons synchronize on the
* container when lazy loading, etc.
private void ensureNotCreated() {
if (created) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Container already created.");
* Binds a {@link Key} to an implementation in a given scope.
public class BindingBuilder<T> {
Object source = ContainerBuilder.UNKNOWN_SOURCE;
Key<T> key;
InternalFactory<? extends T> factory;
Scope scope;
BindingBuilder(Key<T> key) {
this.key = nonNull(key, "key");
Key<T> getKey() {
return key;
BindingBuilder<T> from(Object source) {
this.source = source;
return this;
* Sets the name of this binding.
public BindingBuilder<T> named(String name) {
if (!this.key.hasDefaultName()) {
add(new ErrorMessage(source, "Name set more than once."));
this.key = this.key.named(name);
return this;
* Binds to instances of the given implementation class. The {@link
* Container} will inject the implementation instances as well. Sets the
* scope based on the @{@link Scoped} annotation on the implementation
* class if present.
public <I extends T> BindingBuilder<T> to(Class<I> implementation) {
return to(TypeToken.get(implementation));
* Binds to instances of the given implementation type. The {@link
* Container} will inject the implementation instances as well. Sets the
* scope based on the @{@link Scoped} annotation on the implementation
* class if present.
public <I extends T> BindingBuilder<T> to(TypeToken<I> implementation) {
validate(source, implementation.getRawType());
this.factory = new DefaultFactory<I>(implementation);
return this;
private void setScopeFromType(Class<?> implementation) {
Scoped scoped = implementation.getAnnotation(Scoped.class);
if (scoped != null) {
* Binds to instances from the given factory.
public BindingBuilder<T> to(
final ContextualFactory<? extends T> factory) {
this.factory = new InternalFactory<T>() {
public T get(InternalContext context) {
return factory.get(context.getExternalContext());
public String toString() {
return factory.toString();
return this;
* Binds to instances from the given factory.
public BindingBuilder<T> to(final Factory<? extends T> factory) {
this.factory = new InternalFactory<T>() {
public T get(InternalContext context) {
return factory.get();
public String toString() {
return factory.toString();
return this;
* Binds to the given instance.
BindingBuilder<T> to(T instance) {
this.factory = new ConstantFactory<T>(instance);
return this;
* Binds to instances from the given factory.
BindingBuilder<T> to(final InternalFactory<? extends T> factory) {
this.factory = factory;
return this;
* Adds an error message if the implementation has already been bound.
private void ensureImplementationIsNotSet() {
if (factory != null) {
add(new ErrorMessage(source, "Implementation set more than once."));
* Specifies the scope. References the name passed to {@link
* ContainerBuilder#put(String, Scope)}.
public BindingBuilder<T> in(String scopeName) {
// We could defer this lookup to when we create the container, but this
// is fine for now.
this.scope = scopes.get(scopeName);
if (this.scope == null) {
add(new ErrorMessage(source, "Scope named '" + scopeName
+ "' not found."));
return this;
* Specifies the scope.
public BindingBuilder<T> in(Scope scope) {
this.scope = nonNull(scope, "scope");
return this;
private void ensureScopeNotSet() {
if (this.scope != null) {
add(new ErrorMessage(source, "Scope set more than once."));
InternalFactory<? extends T> getInternalFactory(
final ContainerImpl container) {
// If an implementation wasn't specified, use the injection type.
if (this.factory == null) {
if (scope == null || scope == DEFAULT_SCOPE) {
return this.factory;
// TODO: This is a little hairy.
final InternalFactory<? extends T> internalFactory = this.factory;
final Factory<T> factory = scope.scope(this.key, new Factory<T>() {
public T get() {
return container.callInContext(
new ContainerImpl.ContextualCallable<T>() {
public T call(InternalContext context) {
return internalFactory.get(context);
public String toString() {
return internalFactory.toString();
return new InternalFactory<T>() {
public T get(InternalContext context) {
return factory.get();
public String toString() {
return factory.toString();
boolean isSingleton() {
return this.scope == SingletonScope.INSTANCE;
* Injects new instances of the specified implementation class.
private class DefaultFactory<I extends T> implements InternalFactory<I> {
volatile ContainerImpl.ConstructorInjector<I> constructor;
private final TypeToken<I> implementation;
public DefaultFactory(TypeToken<I> implementation) {
// TODO: Ensure this is a concrete implementation.
this.implementation = implementation;
public I get(InternalContext context) {
if (constructor == null) {
// This unnecessary cast is a workaround for an annoying compiler
// bug I keep running into.
Object c = context.getContainerImpl().getConstructor(implementation);
this.constructor = (ContainerImpl.ConstructorInjector<I>) c;
return (I) constructor.construct(context, key.getRawType());
public String toString() {
return implementation.toString();
* Builds a constant binding.
public class ConstantBindingBuilder {
final String name;
Class<?> type;
Object value;
Object source = ContainerBuilder.UNKNOWN_SOURCE;
ConstantBindingBuilder(String name) { = name;
Key<?> getKey() {
return Key.get(type, name);
boolean hasValue() {
return type != null;
Object getSource() {
return source;
InternalFactory<?> getInternalFactory() {
return new ConstantFactory<Object>(value);
ConstantBindingBuilder from(Object source) {
this.source = source;
return this;
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(String value) {
to(String.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(int value) {
to(int.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(long value) {
to(long.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(boolean value) {
to(boolean.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(double value) {
to(double.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(float value) {
to(float.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(short value) {
to(short.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(char value) {
to(char.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public void to(Class<?> value) {
to(Class.class, value);
* Binds constant to the given value.
public <E extends Enum<E>> void to(E value) {
to(value.getDeclaringClass(), value);
* Maps a constant value to the given type and name.
<T> void to(final Class<T> type, final T value) {
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
* Links one binding to another.
public class LinkedBindingBuilder<T> {
Key<T> key;
Key<? extends T> destination;
Object source = ContainerBuilder.UNKNOWN_SOURCE;
LinkedBindingBuilder(Key<T> key) {
this.key = key;
Object getSource() {
return source;
Key<T> getKey() {
return key;
Key<? extends T> getDestination() {
return destination;
LinkedBindingBuilder<T> from(Object source) {
this.source = source;
return this;
* Links to another binding with the given key.
public void to(Key<? extends T> destination) {
this.destination = destination;
class ConfigurationErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
final Object source;
ConfigurationErrorHandler(Object source) {
this.source = source;
public void handle(String message) {
add(new ErrorMessage(source, message));
public void handle(Throwable t) {
add(new ErrorMessage(source, t.getMessage()));
class RuntimeErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
public void handle(String message) {
throw new ConfigurationException(message);
public void handle(Throwable t) {
throw new ConfigurationException(t);