blob: 4c5b7a52e931742a8f97bd614279ae6b75a84bc5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastClass;
import net.sf.cglib.reflect.FastMethod;
* Default {@link Injector} implementation.
* @author (Bob Lee)
* @see InjectorBuilder
class InjectorImpl implements Injector {
* Maps between primitive types and their wrappers and vice versa.
private static final Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> PRIMITIVE_COUNTERPARTS;
static {
Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> primitiveToWrapper =
new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>() {{
put(int.class, Integer.class);
put(long.class, Long.class);
put(boolean.class, Boolean.class);
put(byte.class, Byte.class);
put(short.class, Short.class);
put(float.class, Float.class);
put(double.class, Double.class);
put(char.class, Character.class);
Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> counterparts = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>();
for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Class<?>> entry : primitiveToWrapper.entrySet()) {
Class<?> key = entry.getKey();
Class<?> value = entry.getValue();
counterparts.put(key, value);
counterparts.put(value, key);
PRIMITIVE_COUNTERPARTS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(counterparts);
final Injector parentInjector;
ConstructionProxyFactory constructionProxyFactory;
final Map<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>> explicitBindings
= new HashMap<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>>();
final BindingsMultimap bindingsMultimap = new BindingsMultimap();
final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Scope> scopes
= new HashMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Scope>();
final List<MatcherAndConverter<?>> converters
= new ArrayList<MatcherAndConverter<?>>();
final Map<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>> parentBindings
= new HashMap<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>>();
final Map<Object, Void> outstandingInjections
= new IdentityHashMap<Object, Void>();
ErrorHandler errorHandler = new InvalidErrorHandler();
InjectorImpl(Injector parentInjector) {
this.parentInjector = parentInjector;
void validateOustandingInjections() {
for (Object toInject : outstandingInjections.keySet()) {
* Performs creation-time injections on all objects that require it. Whenever
* fulfilling an injection depends on another object that requires injection,
* we use {@link InternalContext#ensureMemberInjected} to inject that member
* first.
* <p>If the two objects are codependent (directly or transitively), ordering
* of injection is arbitrary.
void fulfillOutstandingInjections() {
callInContext(new ContextualCallable<Void>() {
public Void call(InternalContext context) {
// loop over a defensive copy, since ensureMemberInjected() mutates the
// outstandingInjections set
for (Object toInject : new ArrayList<Object>(outstandingInjections.keySet())) {
return null;
if (!outstandingInjections.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("failed to satisfy " + outstandingInjections);
* Indexes bindings by type.
void index() {
for (BindingImpl<?> binding : explicitBindings.values()) {
<T> void index(BindingImpl<T> binding) {
bindingsMultimap.put(binding.getKey().getTypeLiteral(), binding);
// not test-covered
public <T> List<Binding<T>> findBindingsByType(TypeLiteral<T> type) {
return Collections.<Binding<T>>unmodifiableList(
// not test-covered
<T> List<String> getNamesOfBindingAnnotations(TypeLiteral<T> type) {
List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Binding<T> binding : findBindingsByType(type)) {
Key<T> key = binding.getKey();
if (!key.hasAnnotationType()) {
names.add("[no annotation]");
} else {
return names;
* This is only used during Injector building.
void withDefaultSource(Object defaultSource, Runnable runnable) {
SourceProviders.withDefault(defaultSource, runnable);
void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
* Gets a binding implementation. First, it check to see if the parent has
* a binding. If the parent has a binding and the binding is scoped, it
* will use that binding. Otherwise, this checks for an explicit binding.
* If no explicit binding is found, it looks for a just-in-time binding.
public <T> BindingImpl<T> getBinding(Key<T> key) {
if (parentInjector != null) {
BindingImpl<T> bindingImpl = getParentBinding(key);
if (bindingImpl != null) {
return bindingImpl;
// Check explicit bindings, i.e. bindings created by modules.
BindingImpl<T> binding = getExplicitBindingImpl(key);
if (binding != null) {
return binding;
// Look for an on-demand binding.
return getJitBindingImpl(key);
* Checks the parent injector for a scoped binding, and if available, creates
* an appropriate binding local to this injector and remembers it.
private <T> BindingImpl<T> getParentBinding(Key<T> key) {
BindingImpl<T> bindingImpl;
synchronized(parentBindings) {
// null values will mean that the parent doesn't have this binding
if (!parentBindings.containsKey(key)) {
Binding<T> binding = null;
try {
binding = parentInjector.getBinding(key);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
// if this happens, the parent can't create this key, and we ignore it
if (binding != null
&& binding.getScope() != null
&& !binding.getScope().equals(Scopes.NO_SCOPE)) {
bindingImpl = new ProviderInstanceBindingImpl(
new InternalFactoryToProviderAdapter(binding.getProvider(),
} else {
bindingImpl = null;
parentBindings.put(key, bindingImpl);
} else {
bindingImpl = (BindingImpl<T>) parentBindings.get(key);
return bindingImpl;
public <T> Binding<T> getBinding(Class<T> type) {
return getBinding(Key.get(type));
* Gets a binding which was specified explicitly in a module.
<T> BindingImpl<T> getExplicitBindingImpl(Key<T> key) {
return (BindingImpl<T>) explicitBindings.get(key);
* Gets a just-in-time binding. This could be an injectable class (including
* those with @ImplementedBy), an automatically converted constant, a
* Provider<X> binding, etc.
<T> BindingImpl<T> getJitBindingImpl(Key<T> key) {
synchronized (jitBindings) {
// Support null values.
if (!jitBindings.containsKey(key)) {
BindingImpl<T> binding = createBindingJustInTime(key);
jitBindings.put(key, binding);
return binding;
} else {
return (BindingImpl<T>) jitBindings.get(key);
/** Just-in-time binding cache. */
final Map<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>> jitBindings
= new HashMap<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>>();
* Returns true if the key type is Provider<?> (but not a subclass of
* Provider<?>).
static boolean isProvider(Key<?> key) {
return key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType().equals(Provider.class);
* Creates a synthetic binding to Provider<T>, i.e. a binding to the provider
* from Binding<T>.
private <T> BindingImpl<Provider<T>> createProviderBinding(
Key<Provider<T>> key) {
Type providerType = key.getTypeLiteral().getType();
// If the Provider has no type parameter (raw Provider)...
if (!(providerType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
return null;
Type entryType
= ((ParameterizedType) providerType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
// This cast is safe.
Key<T> providedKey = (Key<T>) key.ofType(entryType);
BindingImpl<T> providedBinding = getBinding(providedKey);
// If binding isn't found...
if (providedBinding == null) {
ErrorMessages.handleMissingBinding(this, key);
return invalidBinding(key);
return new ProviderBindingImpl<T>(this, key, providedBinding);
static class ProviderBindingImpl<T> extends BindingImpl<Provider<T>>
implements ProviderBinding<T> {
final Binding<T> providedBinding;
ProviderBindingImpl(InjectorImpl injector, Key<Provider<T>> key,
Binding<T> providedBinding) {
super(injector, key, SourceProviders.UNKNOWN_SOURCE,
createInternalFactory(providedBinding), Scopes.NO_SCOPE);
this.providedBinding = providedBinding;
static <T> InternalFactory<Provider<T>> createInternalFactory(
Binding<T> providedBinding) {
final Provider<T> provider = providedBinding.getProvider();
return new InternalFactory<Provider<T>>() {
public Provider<T> get(InternalContext context,
InjectionPoint injectionPoint) {
return provider;
public void accept(BindingVisitor<? super Provider<T>> bindingVisitor) {
public Binding<T> getTarget() {
return providedBinding;
<T> BindingImpl<T> invalidBinding(Class<T> clazz) {
return invalidBinding(Key.get(clazz));
<T> BindingImpl<T> invalidBinding(Key<T> key) {
return new InvalidBindingImpl<T>(
this, key, SourceProviders.defaultSource());
* Gets the binding corresponding to a primitives wrapper type or a wrapper
* type's primitive. The compiler treats them interchangeably, so we do, too.
<T> BindingImpl<T> getBoxedOrUnboxedBinding(Key<T> key) {
// This is a safe cast, just as this is safe: Class<Integer> c = int.class;
Class<T> primitiveCounterpart
= (Class<T>) PRIMITIVE_COUNTERPARTS.get(key.getRawType());
if (primitiveCounterpart != null) {
// Do we need to search more than explicit bindings? I don't think so.
// Constant type conversion already supports both primitives and their
// wrappers, and limiting this to explicit bindings means we don't have
// to worry about recursion.
return getExplicitBindingImpl(key.ofType(primitiveCounterpart));
return null;
* Converts a constant string binding to the required type.
* <p>If the required type is elligible for conversion and a constant string
* binding is found but the actual conversion fails, an error is generated.
* <p>If the type is not elligible for conversion or a constant string
* binding is not found, this method returns null.
private <T> BindingImpl<T> convertConstantStringBinding(Key<T> key) {
// Find a constant string binding.
Key<String> stringKey = key.ofType(String.class);
BindingImpl<String> stringBinding = getExplicitBindingImpl(stringKey);
if (stringBinding == null || !stringBinding.isConstant()) {
// No constant string binding found.
return null;
String stringValue = stringBinding.getProvider().get();
// Find a matching type converter.
TypeLiteral<T> type = key.getTypeLiteral();
MatcherAndConverter<?> matchingConverter = null;
for (MatcherAndConverter<?> converter : converters) {
if (converter.typeMatcher.matches(type)) {
if (matchingConverter != null) {
// More than one matching converter!
ErrorMessages.AMBIGUOUS_TYPE_CONVERSION, stringValue, type,
matchingConverter, converter);
return invalidBinding(key);
matchingConverter = converter;
if (matchingConverter == null) {
// No converter can handle the given type.
return null;
// Try to convert the string. A failed conversion results in an error.
try {
// This cast is safe because we double check below.
T converted = (T) matchingConverter.typeConverter.convert(stringValue, key.getTypeLiteral());
if (converted == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Converter returned null.");
// We have to filter out primitive types because an Integer is not an
// instance of int, and we provide converters for all the primitive types
// and know that they work anyway.
if (!type.rawType.isPrimitive()
&& !type.getRawType().isInstance(converted)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Converter returned " + converted
+ " but we expected a[n] " + type + ".");
return new ConvertedConstantBindingImpl<T>(
this, key, converted, stringBinding);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Conversion error.
ErrorMessages.CONVERSION_ERROR, stringValue,
stringBinding.getSource(), type, matchingConverter, e.getMessage());
return invalidBinding(key);
private static class ConvertedConstantBindingImpl<T> extends BindingImpl<T>
implements ConvertedConstantBinding<T> {
final T value;
final Provider<T> provider;
final Binding<String> originalBinding;
ConvertedConstantBindingImpl(InjectorImpl injector, Key<T> key, T value,
Binding<String> originalBinding) {
super(injector, key, SourceProviders.UNKNOWN_SOURCE,
new ConstantFactory<T>(value), Scopes.NO_SCOPE);
this.value = value;
this.provider = Providers.of(value);
this.originalBinding = originalBinding;
public Provider<T> getProvider() {
return this.provider;
public void accept(BindingVisitor<? super T> bindingVisitor) {
public T getValue() {
return this.value;
public Binding<String> getOriginal() {
return this.originalBinding;
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(ConvertedConstantBinding.class)
.add("key", key)
.add("value", value)
.add("original", originalBinding)
<T> BindingImpl<T> createBindingFromType(Class<T> type) {
return createBindingFromType(type, null, SourceProviders.defaultSource());
<T> BindingImpl<T> createBindingFromType(Class<T> type, Scope scope,
Object source) {
// Don't try to inject primitives, arrays, or enums.
if (type.isArray() || type.isEnum() || type.isPrimitive()) {
return null;
// Handle @ImplementedBy
ImplementedBy implementedBy = type.getAnnotation(ImplementedBy.class);
if (implementedBy != null) {
// TODO: Scope internal factory.
return createImplementedByBinding(type, implementedBy);
// Handle @ProvidedBy.
ProvidedBy providedBy = type.getAnnotation(ProvidedBy.class);
if (providedBy != null) {
// TODO: Scope internal factory.
return createProvidedByBinding(type, providedBy);
return createBindingForInjectableType(type, scope, source);
* Creates a binding for an injectable type with the given scope. Looks for
* a scope on the type if none is specified.
<T> BindingImpl<T> createBindingForInjectableType(Class<T> type,
Scope scope, Object source) {
// We can't inject abstract classes.
// TODO: Method interceptors could actually enable us to implement
// abstract types. Should we remove this restriction?
if (Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers())) {
return null;
// Error: Inner class.
if (Classes.isInnerClass(type)) {
return invalidBinding(Key.get(type));
if (scope == null) {
scope = Scopes.getScopeForType(type, scopes, errorHandler);
Key<T> key = Key.get(type);
LateBoundConstructor<T> lateBoundConstructor
= new LateBoundConstructor<T>();
InternalFactory<? extends T> scopedFactory
= Scopes.scope(key, this, lateBoundConstructor, scope);
BindingImpl<T> binding
= new ClassBindingImpl<T>(this, key, source, scopedFactory, scope);
// Put the partially constructed binding in the map a little early. This
// enables us to handle circular dependencies.
// Example: FooImpl -> BarImpl -> FooImpl.
// Note: We don't need to synchronize on jitBindings during injector
// creation.
jitBindings.put(key, binding);
try {
lateBoundConstructor.bind(this, type);
return binding;
catch (RuntimeException e) {
// Clean up state.
throw e;
catch (Throwable t) {
// Clean up state.
throw new AssertionError(t);
static class LateBoundConstructor<T> implements InternalFactory<T> {
ConstructorInjector<T> constructorInjector;
void bind(
InjectorImpl injector, Class<T> implementation) {
this.constructorInjector = injector.getConstructor(implementation);
public T get(InternalContext context, InjectionPoint<?> injectionPoint) {
// This may not actually be safe because it could return a super type
// of T (if that's all the client needs), but it should be OK in
// practice thanks to the wonders of erasure.
return (T) constructorInjector.construct(
context, injectionPoint.getKey().getRawType());
* Creates a binding for a type annotated with @ImplementedBy.
<T> BindingImpl<T> createProvidedByBinding(final Class<T> type,
ProvidedBy providedBy) {
final Class<? extends Provider<?>> providerType = providedBy.value();
// Make sure it's not the same type. TODO: Can we check for deeper loops?
if (providerType == type) {
return invalidBinding(type);
// TODO: Make sure the provided type extends type. We at least check
// the type at runtime below.
// Assume the provider provides an appropriate type. We double check at
// runtime.
Key<? extends Provider<T>> providerKey
= (Key<? extends Provider<T>>) Key.get(providerType);
final BindingImpl<? extends Provider<?>> providerBinding
= getBinding(providerKey);
if (providerBinding == null) {
ErrorMessages.BINDING_NOT_FOUND, type);
return invalidBinding(type);
InternalFactory<T> internalFactory = new InternalFactory<T>() {
public T get(InternalContext context, InjectionPoint injectionPoint) {
Provider<?> provider
= providerBinding.internalFactory.get(context, injectionPoint);
Object o = provider.get();
try {
return type.cast(o);
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
ErrorMessages.SUBTYPE_NOT_PROVIDED, providerType, type);
throw new AssertionError();
return new LinkedProviderBindingImpl<T>(this, Key.get(type),
StackTraceElements.forType(type), internalFactory, Scopes.NO_SCOPE,
* Creates a binding for a type annotated with @ImplementedBy.
<T> BindingImpl<T> createImplementedByBinding(Class<T> type,
ImplementedBy implementedBy) {
// TODO: Use scope annotation on type if present. Right now, we always
// use NO_SCOPE.
Class<?> implementationType = implementedBy.value();
// Make sure it's not the same type. TODO: Can we check for deeper cycles?
if (implementationType == type) {
return invalidBinding(type);
// Make sure implementationType extends type.
if (!type.isAssignableFrom(implementationType)) {
ErrorMessages.NOT_A_SUBTYPE, implementationType, type);
return invalidBinding(type);
// After the preceding check, this cast is safe.
Class<? extends T> subclass = (Class<? extends T>) implementationType;
// Look up the target binding.
final BindingImpl<? extends T> targetBinding
= getBinding(Key.get(subclass));
if (targetBinding == null) {
ErrorMessages.BINDING_NOT_FOUND, type);
return invalidBinding(type);
InternalFactory<T> internalFactory = new InternalFactory<T>() {
public T get(InternalContext context, InjectionPoint<?> injectionPoint) {
return targetBinding.internalFactory.get(context, injectionPoint);
return new LinkedBindingImpl<T>(this, Key.get(type),
StackTraceElements.forType(type), internalFactory, Scopes.NO_SCOPE,
<T> BindingImpl<T> createBindingJustInTime(Key<T> key) {
// Handle cases where T is a Provider<?>.
if (isProvider(key)) {
// These casts are safe. We know T extends Provider<X> and that given
// Key<Provider<X>>, createProviderBinding() will return
// BindingImpl<Provider<X>>.
@SuppressWarnings({ "UnnecessaryLocalVariable", "unchecked" })
BindingImpl<T> binding
= (BindingImpl<T>) createProviderBinding((Key) key);
return binding;
// Treat primitive types and their wrappers interchangeably.
BindingImpl<T> boxedOrUnboxed = getBoxedOrUnboxedBinding(key);
if (boxedOrUnboxed != null) {
return boxedOrUnboxed;
// Try to convert a constant string binding to the requested type.
BindingImpl<T> convertedBinding = convertConstantStringBinding(key);
if (convertedBinding != null) {
return convertedBinding;
// If the key has an annotation...
if (key.hasAnnotationType()) {
// Look for a binding without annotation attributes or return null.
return key.hasAttributes()
? getBinding(key.withoutAttributes()) : null;
Type type = key.getTypeLiteral().getType();
// If the keys type isn't a Class, bail out.
if (!(type instanceof Class)) {
return null;
// This is safe after the preceding check.
Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) type;
// Create a binding based on the type.
return createBindingFromType(clazz);
<T> InternalFactory<? extends T> getInternalFactory(Key<T> key) {
BindingImpl<T> binding = getBinding(key);
return binding == null ? null : binding.internalFactory;
* Field and method injectors.
final Map<Class<?>, List<SingleMemberInjector>> injectors
= new ReferenceCache<Class<?>, List<SingleMemberInjector>>() {
protected List<SingleMemberInjector> create(Class<?> key) {
List<SingleMemberInjector> injectors
= new ArrayList<SingleMemberInjector>();
addInjectors(key, injectors);
return injectors;
* Recursively adds injectors for fields and methods from the given class to
* the given list. Injects parent classes before sub classes.
void addInjectors(Class clazz, List<SingleMemberInjector> injectors) {
if (clazz == Object.class) {
// Add injectors for superclass first.
addInjectors(clazz.getSuperclass(), injectors);
// TODO (crazybob): Filter out overridden members.
addSingleInjectorsForFields(clazz.getDeclaredFields(), false, injectors);
addSingleInjectorsForMethods(clazz.getDeclaredMethods(), false, injectors);
void addSingleInjectorsForMethods(Method[] methods, boolean statics,
List<SingleMemberInjector> injectors) {
addInjectorsForMembers(Arrays.asList(methods), statics, injectors,
new SingleInjectorFactory<Method>() {
public SingleMemberInjector create(InjectorImpl injector,
Method method) throws MissingDependencyException {
return new SingleMethodInjector(injector, method);
void addSingleInjectorsForFields(Field[] fields, boolean statics,
List<SingleMemberInjector> injectors) {
addInjectorsForMembers(Arrays.asList(fields), statics, injectors,
new SingleInjectorFactory<Field>() {
public SingleMemberInjector create(InjectorImpl injector,
Field field) throws MissingDependencyException {
return new SingleFieldInjector(injector, field);
<M extends Member & AnnotatedElement> void addInjectorsForMembers(
List<M> members, boolean statics, List<SingleMemberInjector> injectors,
SingleInjectorFactory<M> injectorFactory) {
for (M member : members) {
if (isStatic(member) == statics) {
Inject inject = member.getAnnotation(Inject.class);
if (inject != null) {
try {
injectors.add(injectorFactory.create(this, member));
catch (MissingDependencyException e) {
if (!inject.optional()) {
// TODO: Report errors for more than one parameter per member.
Map<Key<?>, BindingImpl<?>> internalBindings() {
return explicitBindings;
// not test-covered
public Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> getBindings() {
return Collections.<Key<?>, Binding<?>>unmodifiableMap(explicitBindings);
interface SingleInjectorFactory<M extends Member & AnnotatedElement> {
SingleMemberInjector create(InjectorImpl injector, M member)
throws MissingDependencyException;
private boolean isStatic(Member member) {
return Modifier.isStatic(member.getModifiers());
private static class BindingsMultimap {
private final Map<TypeLiteral<?>, List<? extends BindingImpl<?>>> map
= new HashMap<TypeLiteral<?>, List<? extends BindingImpl<?>>>();
public <T> void put(TypeLiteral<T> type, BindingImpl<T> binding) {
List<BindingImpl<T>> bindingsForThisType = getFromMap(type);
if (bindingsForThisType == null) {
bindingsForThisType = new ArrayList<BindingImpl<T>>();
// We only put matching entries into the map
map.put(type, bindingsForThisType);
public <T> List<BindingImpl<T>> getAll(TypeLiteral<T> type) {
List<BindingImpl<T>> list = getFromMap(type);
return list == null ? Collections.<BindingImpl<T>>emptyList() : list;
// safe because we only put matching entries into the map
private <T> List<BindingImpl<T>> getFromMap(TypeLiteral<T> type) {
return (List<BindingImpl<T>>) map.get(type);
class SingleFieldInjector implements SingleMemberInjector {
final Field field;
final InternalFactory<?> factory;
final InjectionPoint<?> injectionPoint;
public SingleFieldInjector(final InjectorImpl injector, Field field)
throws MissingDependencyException {
this.field = field;
// Ewwwww...
final Key<?> key = Key.get(
field.getGenericType(), field, field.getAnnotations(), errorHandler);
factory = SourceProviders.withDefault(StackTraceElements.forMember(field),
new Callable<InternalFactory<?>>() {
public InternalFactory<?> call() throws Exception {
return injector.getInternalFactory(key);
if (factory == null) {
throw new MissingDependencyException(key, field);
this.injectionPoint = InjectionPoint.newInstance(field,
Nullability.forAnnotations(field.getAnnotations()), key, injector);
public Collection<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() {
return Collections.<Dependency<?>>singleton(injectionPoint);
public void inject(InternalContext context, Object o) {
try {
Object value = factory.get(context, injectionPoint);
field.set(o, value);
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw e;
catch (ProvisionException provisionException) {
throw provisionException;
catch (RuntimeException runtimeException) {
throw new ProvisionException(runtimeException,
finally {
* Gets parameter injectors.
* @param member to which the parameters belong
* @param annotations on the parameters
* @param parameterTypes parameter types
* @return injections
SingleParameterInjector<?>[] getParametersInjectors(Member member,
Annotation[][] annotations, Type[] parameterTypes)
throws MissingDependencyException {
SingleParameterInjector<?>[] parameterInjectors
= new SingleParameterInjector<?>[parameterTypes.length];
Iterator<Annotation[]> annotationsIterator
= Arrays.asList(annotations).iterator();
int index = 0;
for (Type parameterType : parameterTypes) {
Annotation[] parameterAnnotations =;
Key<?> key = Key.get(
parameterType, member, parameterAnnotations, errorHandler);
parameterInjectors[index] = createParameterInjector(key, member, index,
return parameterInjectors;
<T> SingleParameterInjector<T> createParameterInjector(
final Key<T> key, Member member, int index, Annotation[] annotations)
throws MissingDependencyException {
InternalFactory<? extends T> factory =
new Callable<InternalFactory<? extends T>>() {
public InternalFactory<? extends T> call() throws Exception {
return getInternalFactory(key);
if (factory == null) {
throw new MissingDependencyException(key, member);
InjectionPoint<T> injectionPoint = InjectionPoint.newInstance(
member, index, Nullability.forAnnotations(annotations), key, this);
return new SingleParameterInjector<T>(injectionPoint, factory);
static class SingleMethodInjector implements SingleMemberInjector {
final MethodInvoker methodInvoker;
final SingleParameterInjector<?>[] parameterInjectors;
public SingleMethodInjector(InjectorImpl injector, final Method method)
throws MissingDependencyException {
// We can't use FastMethod if the method is private.
if (Modifier.isPrivate(method.getModifiers())
|| Modifier.isProtected(method.getModifiers())) {
this.methodInvoker = new MethodInvoker() {
public Object invoke(Object target, Object... parameters) throws
IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
return method.invoke(target, parameters);
else {
FastClass fastClass = GuiceFastClass.create(method.getDeclaringClass());
final FastMethod fastMethod = fastClass.getMethod(method);
this.methodInvoker = new MethodInvoker() {
public Object invoke(Object target, Object... parameters)
throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
return fastMethod.invoke(target, parameters);
Type[] parameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
parameterInjectors = parameterTypes.length > 0
? injector.getParametersInjectors(
method, method.getParameterAnnotations(), parameterTypes)
: null;
public void inject(InternalContext context, Object o) {
try {
methodInvoker.invoke(o, getParameters(context, parameterInjectors));
catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
catch (ProvisionException e) {
throw e;
catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
Throwable cause = e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e;
throw new ProvisionException(cause,
public Collection<Dependency<?>> getDependencies() {
List<Dependency<?>> dependencies = new ArrayList<Dependency<?>>();
for (SingleParameterInjector<?> parameterInjector : parameterInjectors) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(dependencies);
* Invokes a method.
interface MethodInvoker {
Object invoke(Object target, Object... parameters) throws
IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException;
final Map<Class<?>, ConstructorInjector> constructors
= new ReferenceCache<Class<?>, ConstructorInjector>() {
protected ConstructorInjector<?> create(Class<?> implementation) {
if (!Classes.isConcrete(implementation)) {
ErrorMessages.CANNOT_INJECT_ABSTRACT_TYPE, implementation);
return ConstructorInjector.invalidConstructor();
if (Classes.isInnerClass(implementation)) {
ErrorMessages.CANNOT_INJECT_INNER_CLASS, implementation);
return ConstructorInjector.invalidConstructor();
return new ConstructorInjector(InjectorImpl.this, implementation);
* A placeholder. This enables us to continue processing and gather more
* errors but blows up if you actually try to use it.
static class InvalidConstructor {
InvalidConstructor() {
throw new AssertionError();
static <T> Constructor<T> invalidConstructor() {
try {
return (Constructor<T>) InvalidConstructor.class.getDeclaredConstructor();
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
static class SingleParameterInjector<T> {
final InjectionPoint<T> injectionPoint;
final InternalFactory<? extends T> factory;
public SingleParameterInjector(InjectionPoint<T> injectionPoint,
InternalFactory<? extends T> factory) {
this.injectionPoint = injectionPoint;
this.factory = factory;
T inject(InternalContext context) {
try {
return factory.get(context, injectionPoint);
catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw e;
catch (ProvisionException provisionException) {
throw provisionException;
catch (RuntimeException runtimeException) {
throw new ProvisionException(runtimeException,
finally {
* Iterates over parameter injectors and creates an array of parameter
* values.
static Object[] getParameters(InternalContext context,
SingleParameterInjector[] parameterInjectors) {
if (parameterInjectors == null) {
return null;
Object[] parameters = new Object[parameterInjectors.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
parameters[i] = parameterInjectors[i].inject(context);
return parameters;
void injectMembers(Object o, InternalContext context) {
if (o == null) {
List<SingleMemberInjector> injectorsForClass = injectors.get(o.getClass());
for (SingleMemberInjector injector : injectorsForClass) {
injector.inject(context, o);
// Not test-covered
public void injectMembers(final Object o) {
callInContext(new ContextualCallable<Void>() {
public Void call(InternalContext context) {
injectMembers(o, context);
return null;
public <T> Provider<T> getProvider(Class<T> type) {
return getProvider(Key.get(type));
<T> Provider<T> maybeGetProvider(final Key<T> key) {
final InternalFactory<? extends T> factory = getInternalFactory(key);
if (factory == null) {
return null;
return new Provider<T>() {
public T get() {
return callInContext(new ContextualCallable<T>() {
public T call(InternalContext context) {
InjectionPoint<T> injectionPoint
= InjectionPoint.newInstance(key, InjectorImpl.this);
try {
return factory.get(context, injectionPoint);
catch(ProvisionException provisionException) {
throw provisionException;
finally {
public String toString() {
return factory.toString();
public <T> Provider<T> getProvider(final Key<T> key) {
Provider<T> provider = maybeGetProvider(key);
if (provider == null) {
throw new ConfigurationException(
"Missing binding to " + ErrorMessages.convert(key) + ".");
return provider;
public <T> T getInstance(Key<T> key) {
return getProvider(key).get();
public <T> T getInstance(Class<T> type) {
return getProvider(type).get();
final ThreadLocal<InternalContext[]> localContext
= new ThreadLocal<InternalContext[]>() {
protected InternalContext[] initialValue() {
return new InternalContext[1];
* Looks up thread local context. Creates (and removes) a new context if
* necessary.
<T> T callInContext(ContextualCallable<T> callable) {
InternalContext[] reference = localContext.get();
if (reference[0] == null) {
reference[0] = new InternalContext(this);
try {
finally {
// Only remove the context if this call created it.
reference[0] = null;
else {
// Someone else will clean up this context.
* Gets a constructor function for a given implementation class.
<T> ConstructorInjector<T> getConstructor(Class<T> implementation) {
return constructors.get(implementation);
* Injects a field or method in a given object.
interface SingleMemberInjector {
void inject(InternalContext context, Object o);
Collection<Dependency<?>> getDependencies();
List<Dependency<?>> getModifiableFieldAndMethodDependenciesFor(
Class<?> clazz) {
List<SingleMemberInjector> injectors = this.injectors.get(clazz);
List<Dependency<?>> dependencies = new ArrayList<Dependency<?>>();
for (SingleMemberInjector singleMemberInjector : injectors) {
return dependencies;
Collection<Dependency<?>> getFieldAndMethodDependenciesFor(Class<?> clazz) {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(
class MissingDependencyException extends Exception {
final Key<?> key;
final Member member;
MissingDependencyException(Key<?> key, Member member) {
this.key = key;
this.member = member;
void handle(ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
ErrorMessages.handleMissingBinding(InjectorImpl.this, member, key);
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(Injector.class)
.add("bindings", explicitBindings)