blob: e94c6bcd896def5c82a977a20533d51dfe21e3fa [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* An API to bind multiple values separately, only to later inject them as a
* complete collection. Multibinder is intended for use in your application's
* module:
* <pre><code>
* public class SnacksModule extends AbstractModule {
* protected void configure() {
* Multibinder&lt;Snack&gt; multibinder
* = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), Snack.class);
* multibinder.addBinding().toInstance(new Twix());
* multibinder.addBinding().toProvider(SnickersProvider.class);
* multibinder.addBinding().to(Skittles.class);
* }
* }</code></pre>
* <p>With this binding, a {@link Set}{@code <Snack>} can now be injected:
* <pre><code>
* class SnackMachine {
* {@literal @}Inject
* public SnackMachine(Set&lt;Snack&gt; snacks) { ... }
* }</code></pre>
* <p>Create multibindings from different modules is supported. For example, it
* is okay to have both {@code CandyModule} and {@code ChipsModule} to both
* create their own {@code Multibinder<Snack>}, and to each contribute bindings
* to the set of snacks. When that set is injected, it will contain elements
* from both modules.
* <p>Elements are resolved at set injection time. If an element is bound to a
* provider, that provider's get method will be called each time the set is
* injected (unless the binding is also scoped).
* <p>Annotations are be used to create different sets of the same element
* type. Each distinct annotation gets its own independent collection of
* elements.
* <p><strong>Elements must be distinct.</strong> If multiple bound elements
* have the same value, set injection will fail.
* <p><strong>Elements must be non-null.</strong> If any set element is null,
* set injection will fail.
* @author (Jesse Wilson)
public abstract class Multibinder<T> {
private Multibinder() {}
* Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of {@code type} in a
* {@link Set} that is itself bound with no binding annotation.
public static <T> Multibinder<T> newSetBinder(Binder binder, Type type) {
RealMultibinder<T> result = new RealMultibinder<T>(binder, type, "",
return result;
* Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of {@code type} in a
* {@link Set} that is itself bound with {@code annotation}.
public static <T> Multibinder<T> newSetBinder(Binder binder, Type type, Annotation annotation) {
RealMultibinder<T> result = new RealMultibinder<T>(binder, type, annotation.toString(),
Key.get(Multibinder.<T>setOf(type), annotation));
return result;
* Returns a new multibinder that collects instances of {@code type} in a
* {@link Set} that is itself bound with {@code annotationType}.
public static <T> Multibinder<T> newSetBinder(Binder binder, Type type,
Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) {
RealMultibinder<T> result = new RealMultibinder<T>(binder, type, "@" + annotationType.getName(),
Key.get(Multibinder.<T>setOf(type), annotationType));
return result;
private static <T> TypeLiteral<Set<T>> setOf(Type elementType) {
Type type = new TypeWithArgument(Set.class, elementType);
return (TypeLiteral<Set<T>>) TypeLiteral.get(type);
* Returns a binding builder used to add a new element in the set. Each
* bound element must have a distinct value. Bound providers will be
* evaluated each time the set is injected.
* <p>It is an error to call this method without also calling one of the
* {@code to} methods on the returned binding builder.
* <p>Scoping elements independently is supported. Use the {@code in} method
* to specify a binding scope.
public abstract LinkedBindingBuilder<T> addBinding();
* The actual multibinder plays several roles:
* <p>As a Multibinder, it acts as a factory for LinkedBindingBuilders for
* each of the set's elements. Each binding is given an annotation that
* identifies it as a part of this set.
* <p>As a Module, it installs the binding to the set itself. As a module,
* this implements equals() and hashcode() in order to trick Guice into
* executing its configure() method only once. That makes it so that
* multiple multibinders can be created for the same target collection, but
* only one is bound. Since the list of bindings is retrieved from the
* injector itself (and not the multibinder), each multibinder has access to
* all contributions from all multibinders.
* <p>As a Provider, this constructs the set instances.
* <p>We use a subclass to hide 'implements Module, Provider' from the public
* API.
static final class RealMultibinder<T>
extends Multibinder<T> implements Module, Provider<Set<T>> {
static final AtomicInteger nextUniqueId = new AtomicInteger(1);
private final Type elementType;
private final String setName;
private final Key<Set<T>> setKey;
/* the target injector's binder. non-null until initialization, null afterwards */
private Binder binder;
/* a provider for each element in the set. null until initialization, non-null afterwards */
private List<Provider<T>> providers;
private RealMultibinder(Binder binder, Type elementType,
String setName, Key<Set<T>> setKey) {
this.binder = nonNull(binder, "binder");
this.elementType = nonNull(elementType, "elementType");
this.setName = nonNull(setName, "setName");
this.setKey = nonNull(setKey, "setKey");
public void configure(Binder binder) {
if (isInitialized()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multibinder was already initialized");
public LinkedBindingBuilder<T> addBinding() {
return addBinding("element", nextUniqueId.getAndIncrement());
LinkedBindingBuilder<T> addBinding(String role, int uniqueId) {
if (isInitialized()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multibinder was already initialized");
return (LinkedBindingBuilder<T>) binder.bind(
Key.get(elementType, new RealElement(setName, role, uniqueId)));
* Invoked by Guice at Injector-creation time to prepare providers for each
* element in this set. At this time the set's size is known, but its
* contents are only evaluated when get() is invoked.
@Inject void initialize(Injector injector) {
providers = new ArrayList<Provider<T>>();
for (Map.Entry<Key<?>, Binding<?>> entry : injector.getBindings().entrySet()) {
if (keyMatches(entry.getKey(), "element")) {
Binding<T> binding = (Binding<T>) entry.getValue();
this.binder = null;
boolean keyMatches(Key<?> key, String role) {
return key.getTypeLiteral().getType().equals(elementType)
&& key.getAnnotation() instanceof Element
&& ((Element) key.getAnnotation()).setName().equals(setName)
&& ((Element) key.getAnnotation()).role().equals(role);
private boolean isInitialized() {
return binder == null;
public Set<T> get() {
if (!isInitialized()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Multibinder is not initialized");
Set<T> result = new LinkedHashSet<T>();
for (Provider<T> provider : providers) {
final T newValue = provider.get();
if (newValue == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Set injection failed due to null element");
if (!result.add(newValue)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Set injection failed due to duplicated element \""
+ newValue + "\"");
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(result);
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof RealMultibinder
&& ((RealMultibinder) o).setKey.equals(setKey);
@Override public int hashCode() {
return setName.hashCode() ^ elementType.hashCode();
@Override public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder()
.append(setName.length() > 0 ? " " : "")
public Type getElementType() {
return elementType;