blob: 7269f120db5da7bab640814a8c94aba64dd003c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A collection of error messages. If this type is passed as a method parameter, the method is
* considered to have executed successfully only if new errors were not added to this collection.
* <p>Errors can be chained to provide additional context. To add context, call {@link #withSource}
* to create a new Errors instance that contains additional context. All messages added to the
* returned instance will contain full context.
* <p>To avoid messages with redundant context, {@link #withSource} should be added sparingly. A
* good rule of thumb is to assume a method's caller has already specified enough context to
* identify that method. When calling a method that's defined in a different context, call that
* method with an errors object that includes its context.
* @author (Jesse Wilson)
public final class Errors implements Serializable {
/** When a binding is not found, show at most this many bindings with the same type */
private static final int MAX_MATCHING_TYPES_REPORTED = 3;
/** When a binding is not found, show at most this many bindings that have some similarities */
private static final int MAX_RELATED_TYPES_REPORTED = 3;
* Throws a ConfigurationException with an NullPointerExceptions as the cause if the given
* reference is {@code null}.
static <T> T checkNotNull(T reference, String name) {
if (reference != null) {
return reference;
NullPointerException npe = new NullPointerException(name);
throw new ConfigurationException(ImmutableSet.of(new Message(npe.toString(), npe)));
* Throws a ConfigurationException with a formatted {@link Message} if this condition is {@code
* false}.
static void checkConfiguration(boolean condition, String format, Object... args) {
if (condition) {
throw new ConfigurationException(ImmutableSet.of(new Message(Errors.format(format, args))));
* If the key is unknown and it is one of these types, it generally means there is a missing
* annotation.
private static final ImmutableSet<Class<?>> COMMON_AMBIGUOUS_TYPES =
/** The root errors object. Used to access the list of error messages. */
private final Errors root;
/** The parent errors object. Used to obtain the chain of source objects. */
private final Errors parent;
/** The leaf source for errors added here. */
private final Object source;
/** null unless (root == this) and error messages exist. Never an empty list. */
private List<Message> errors; // lazy, use getErrorsForAdd()
public Errors() {
this.root = this;
this.parent = null;
this.source = SourceProvider.UNKNOWN_SOURCE;
public Errors(Object source) {
this.root = this;
this.parent = null;
this.source = source;
private Errors(Errors parent, Object source) {
this.root = parent.root;
this.parent = parent;
this.source = source;
/** Returns an instance that uses {@code source} as a reference point for newly added errors. */
public Errors withSource(Object source) {
return source == this.source || source == SourceProvider.UNKNOWN_SOURCE
? this
: new Errors(this, source);
* We use a fairly generic error message here. The motivation is to share the same message for
* both bind time errors:
* <pre><code>Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() {
* public void configure() {
* bind(Runnable.class);
* }
* }</code></pre>
* ...and at provide-time errors:
* <pre><code>Guice.createInjector().getInstance(Runnable.class);</code></pre>
* Otherwise we need to know who's calling when resolving a just-in-time binding, which makes
* things unnecessarily complex.
public Errors missingImplementation(Key key) {
return addMessage("No implementation for %s was bound.", key);
/** Within guice's core, allow for better missing binding messages */
<T> Errors missingImplementationWithHint(Key<T> key, Injector injector) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(format("No implementation for %s was bound.", key));
// Keys which have similar strings as the desired key
List<String> possibleMatches = new ArrayList<>();
// Check for other keys that may have the same type,
// but not the same annotation
TypeLiteral<T> type = key.getTypeLiteral();
List<Binding<T>> sameTypes = injector.findBindingsByType(type);
if (!sameTypes.isEmpty()) {
sb.append(format("%n Did you mean?"));
int howMany = Math.min(sameTypes.size(), MAX_MATCHING_TYPES_REPORTED);
for (int i = 0; i < howMany; ++i) {
// TODO: Look into a better way to prioritize suggestions. For example, possbily
// use levenshtein distance of the given annotation vs actual annotation.
sb.append(format("%n * %s", sameTypes.get(i).getKey()));
int remaining = sameTypes.size() - MAX_MATCHING_TYPES_REPORTED;
if (remaining > 0) {
String plural = (remaining == 1) ? "" : "s";
sb.append(format("%n %d more binding%s with other annotations.", remaining, plural));
} else {
// For now, do a simple substring search for possibilities. This can help spot
// issues when there are generics being used (such as a wrapper class) and the
// user has forgotten they need to bind based on the wrapper, not the underlying
// class. In the future, consider doing a strict in-depth type search.
// TODO: Look into a better way to prioritize suggestions. For example, possbily
// use levenshtein distance of the type literal strings.
String want = type.toString();
Map<Key<?>, Binding<?>> bindingMap = injector.getAllBindings();
for (Key<?> bindingKey : bindingMap.keySet()) {
String have = bindingKey.getTypeLiteral().toString();
if (have.contains(want) || want.contains(have)) {
Formatter fmt = new Formatter();
Messages.formatSource(fmt, bindingMap.get(bindingKey).getSource());
String match = String.format("%s bound%s", convert(bindingKey), fmt.toString());
// TODO: Consider a check that if there are more than some number of results,
// don't suggest any.
if (possibleMatches.size() > MAX_RELATED_TYPES_REPORTED) {
// Early exit if we have found more than we need.
if ((possibleMatches.size() > 0) && (possibleMatches.size() <= MAX_RELATED_TYPES_REPORTED)) {
sb.append(format("%n Did you mean?"));
for (String possibleMatch : possibleMatches) {
sb.append(format("%n %s", possibleMatch));
// If where are no possibilities to suggest, then handle the case of missing
// annotations on simple types. This is usually a bad idea.
if (sameTypes.isEmpty()
&& possibleMatches.isEmpty()
&& key.getAnnotation() == null
&& COMMON_AMBIGUOUS_TYPES.contains(key.getTypeLiteral().getRawType())) {
// We don't recommend using such simple types without annotations.
sb.append(format("%nThe key seems very generic, did you forget an annotation?"));
return addMessage(sb.toString());
public Errors jitDisabled(Key<?> key) {
return addMessage("Explicit bindings are required and %s is not explicitly bound.", key);
public Errors jitDisabledInParent(Key<?> key) {
return addMessage(
"Explicit bindings are required and %s would be bound in a parent injector.%n"
+ "Please add an explicit binding for it, either in the child or the parent.",
public Errors atInjectRequired(Class clazz) {
return addMessage(
"Explicit @Inject annotations are required on constructors,"
+ " but %s has no constructors annotated with @Inject.",
public Errors converterReturnedNull(
String stringValue,
Object source,
TypeLiteral<?> type,
TypeConverterBinding typeConverterBinding) {
return addMessage(
"Received null converting '%s' (bound at %s) to %s%n using %s.",
stringValue, convert(source), type, typeConverterBinding);
public Errors conversionTypeError(
String stringValue,
Object source,
TypeLiteral<?> type,
TypeConverterBinding typeConverterBinding,
Object converted) {
return addMessage(
"Type mismatch converting '%s' (bound at %s) to %s%n"
+ " using %s.%n"
+ " Converter returned %s.",
stringValue, convert(source), type, typeConverterBinding, converted);
public Errors conversionError(
String stringValue,
Object source,
TypeLiteral<?> type,
TypeConverterBinding typeConverterBinding,
RuntimeException cause) {
return errorInUserCode(
"Error converting '%s' (bound at %s) to %s%n using %s.%n Reason: %s",
public Errors ambiguousTypeConversion(
String stringValue,
Object source,
TypeLiteral<?> type,
TypeConverterBinding a,
TypeConverterBinding b) {
return addMessage(
"Multiple converters can convert '%s' (bound at %s) to %s:%n"
+ " %s and%n"
+ " %s.%n"
+ " Please adjust your type converter configuration to avoid overlapping matches.",
stringValue, convert(source), type, a, b);
public Errors bindingToProvider() {
return addMessage("Binding to Provider is not allowed.");
public Errors notASubtype(Class<?> implementationType, Class<?> type) {
return addMessage("%s doesn't extend %s.", implementationType, type);
public Errors recursiveImplementationType() {
return addMessage("@ImplementedBy points to the same class it annotates.");
public Errors recursiveProviderType() {
return addMessage("@ProvidedBy points to the same class it annotates.");
public Errors missingRuntimeRetention(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
return addMessage(format("Please annotate %s with @Retention(RUNTIME).", annotation));
public Errors missingScopeAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
return addMessage(format("Please annotate %s with @ScopeAnnotation.", annotation));
public Errors optionalConstructor(Constructor constructor) {
return addMessage(
"%s is annotated @Inject(optional=true), but constructors cannot be optional.",
public Errors cannotBindToGuiceType(String simpleName) {
return addMessage("Binding to core guice framework type is not allowed: %s.", simpleName);
public Errors scopeNotFound(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeAnnotation) {
return addMessage("No scope is bound to %s.", scopeAnnotation);
public Errors scopeAnnotationOnAbstractType(
Class<? extends Annotation> scopeAnnotation, Class<?> type, Object source) {
return addMessage(
"%s is annotated with %s, but scope annotations are not supported "
+ "for abstract types.%n Bound at %s.",
type, scopeAnnotation, convert(source));
public Errors misplacedBindingAnnotation(Member member, Annotation bindingAnnotation) {
return addMessage(
"%s is annotated with %s, but binding annotations should be applied "
+ "to its parameters instead.",
member, bindingAnnotation);
private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_RULES =
"Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor "
+ "annotated with @Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.";
public Errors missingConstructor(Class<?> implementation) {
return addMessage(
"Could not find a suitable constructor in %s. " + CONSTRUCTOR_RULES, implementation);
public Errors tooManyConstructors(Class<?> implementation) {
return addMessage(
"%s has more than one constructor annotated with @Inject. " + CONSTRUCTOR_RULES,
public Errors constructorNotDefinedByType(Constructor<?> constructor, TypeLiteral<?> type) {
return addMessage("%s does not define %s", type, constructor);
public Errors duplicateScopes(
ScopeBinding existing, Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType, Scope scope) {
return addMessage(
"Scope %s is already bound to %s at %s.%n Cannot bind %s.",
existing.getScope(), annotationType, existing.getSource(), scope);
public Errors voidProviderMethod() {
return addMessage("Provider methods must return a value. Do not return void.");
public Errors missingConstantValues() {
return addMessage("Missing constant value. Please call to(...).");
public Errors cannotInjectInnerClass(Class<?> type) {
return addMessage(
"Injecting into inner classes is not supported. "
+ "Please use a 'static' class (top-level or nested) instead of %s.",
public Errors duplicateBindingAnnotations(
Member member, Class<? extends Annotation> a, Class<? extends Annotation> b) {
return addMessage(
"%s has more than one annotation annotated with @BindingAnnotation: %s and %s",
member, a, b);
public Errors staticInjectionOnInterface(Class<?> clazz) {
return addMessage("%s is an interface, but interfaces have no static injection points.", clazz);
public Errors cannotInjectFinalField(Field field) {
return addMessage("Injected field %s cannot be final.", field);
public Errors cannotInjectAbstractMethod(Method method) {
return addMessage("Injected method %s cannot be abstract.", method);
public Errors cannotInjectNonVoidMethod(Method method) {
return addMessage("Injected method %s must return void.", method);
public Errors cannotInjectMethodWithTypeParameters(Method method) {
return addMessage("Injected method %s cannot declare type parameters of its own.", method);
public Errors duplicateScopeAnnotations(
Class<? extends Annotation> a, Class<? extends Annotation> b) {
return addMessage("More than one scope annotation was found: %s and %s.", a, b);
public Errors recursiveBinding() {
return addMessage("Binding points to itself.");
public Errors bindingAlreadySet(Key<?> key, Object source) {
return addMessage("A binding to %s was already configured at %s.", key, convert(source));
public Errors jitBindingAlreadySet(Key<?> key) {
return addMessage(
"A just-in-time binding to %s was already configured on a parent injector.", key);
public Errors childBindingAlreadySet(Key<?> key, Set<Object> sources) {
Formatter allSources = new Formatter();
for (Object source : sources) {
if (source == null) {
allSources.format("%n (bound by a just-in-time binding)");
} else {
allSources.format("%n bound at %s", source);
Errors errors =
"Unable to create binding for %s."
+ " It was already configured on one or more child injectors or private modules"
+ "%s%n"
+ " If it was in a PrivateModule, did you forget to expose the binding?",
key, allSources.out());
return errors;
public Errors errorCheckingDuplicateBinding(Key<?> key, Object source, Throwable t) {
return addMessage(
"A binding to %s was already configured at %s and an error was thrown "
+ "while checking duplicate bindings. Error: %s",
key, convert(source), t);
public Errors errorNotifyingTypeListener(
TypeListenerBinding listener, TypeLiteral<?> type, Throwable cause) {
return errorInUserCode(
"Error notifying TypeListener %s (bound at %s) of %s.%n Reason: %s",
public Errors exposedButNotBound(Key<?> key) {
return addMessage("Could not expose() %s, it must be explicitly bound.", key);
public Errors keyNotFullySpecified(TypeLiteral<?> typeLiteral) {
return addMessage("%s cannot be used as a key; It is not fully specified.", typeLiteral);
public Errors errorEnhancingClass(Class<?> clazz, Throwable cause) {
return errorInUserCode(cause, "Unable to method intercept: %s", clazz);
public static Collection<Message> getMessagesFromThrowable(Throwable throwable) {
if (throwable instanceof ProvisionException) {
return ((ProvisionException) throwable).getErrorMessages();
} else if (throwable instanceof ConfigurationException) {
return ((ConfigurationException) throwable).getErrorMessages();
} else if (throwable instanceof CreationException) {
return ((CreationException) throwable).getErrorMessages();
} else {
return ImmutableSet.of();
public Errors errorInUserCode(Throwable cause, String messageFormat, Object... arguments) {
Collection<Message> messages = getMessagesFromThrowable(cause);
if (!messages.isEmpty()) {
return merge(messages);
} else {
return addMessage(cause, messageFormat, arguments);
public Errors cannotInjectRawProvider() {
return addMessage("Cannot inject a Provider that has no type parameter");
public Errors cannotInjectRawMembersInjector() {
return addMessage("Cannot inject a MembersInjector that has no type parameter");
public Errors cannotInjectTypeLiteralOf(Type unsupportedType) {
return addMessage("Cannot inject a TypeLiteral of %s", unsupportedType);
public Errors cannotInjectRawTypeLiteral() {
return addMessage("Cannot inject a TypeLiteral that has no type parameter");
public void throwCreationExceptionIfErrorsExist() {
if (!hasErrors()) {
throw new CreationException(getMessages());
public void throwConfigurationExceptionIfErrorsExist() {
if (!hasErrors()) {
throw new ConfigurationException(getMessages());
// Guice no longer calls this, but external callers do
public void throwProvisionExceptionIfErrorsExist() {
if (!hasErrors()) {
throw new ProvisionException(getMessages());
public Errors merge(Collection<Message> messages) {
List<Object> sources = getSources();
for (Message message : messages) {
addMessage(Messages.mergeSources(sources, message));
return this;
public Errors merge(Errors moreErrors) {
if (moreErrors.root == root || moreErrors.root.errors == null) {
return this;
return this;
public Errors merge(InternalProvisionException ipe) {
return this;
private List<Object> getSources() {
List<Object> sources = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Errors e = this; e != null; e = e.parent) {
if (e.source != SourceProvider.UNKNOWN_SOURCE) {
sources.add(0, e.source);
return sources;
public void throwIfNewErrors(int expectedSize) throws ErrorsException {
if (size() == expectedSize) {
throw toException();
public ErrorsException toException() {
return new ErrorsException(this);
public boolean hasErrors() {
return root.errors != null;
public Errors addMessage(String messageFormat, Object... arguments) {
return addMessage(null, messageFormat, arguments);
private Errors addMessage(Throwable cause, String messageFormat, Object... arguments) {
addMessage(Messages.create(cause, getSources(), messageFormat, arguments));
return this;
public Errors addMessage(Message message) {
if (root.errors == null) {
root.errors = Lists.newArrayList();
return this;
// TODO(lukes): inline into callers
public static String format(String messageFormat, Object... arguments) {
return Messages.format(messageFormat, arguments);
public List<Message> getMessages() {
if (root.errors == null) {
return ImmutableList.of();
return new Ordering<Message>() {
public int compare(Message a, Message b) {
return a.getSource().compareTo(b.getSource());
public int size() {
return root.errors == null ? 0 : root.errors.size();
// TODO(lukes): inline in callers. There are some callers outside of guice, so this is difficult
public static Object convert(Object o) {
return Messages.convert(o);
// TODO(lukes): inline in callers. There are some callers outside of guice, so this is difficult
public static Object convert(Object o, ElementSource source) {
return Messages.convert(o, source);
// TODO(lukes): inline in callers. There are some callers outside of guice, so this is difficult
public static void formatSource(Formatter formatter, Object source) {
Messages.formatSource(formatter, source);