blob: 6e483163659778f6c8440f5805e25b66fd1e5490 [file] [log] [blame]
import static;
import static;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.Set;
* Some tests for {@link InjectorBuilder#requireExplicitBindings()}
* @author (Sam Berlin)
public class JitBindingsTest extends TestCase {
private String jitFailed(Class<?> clazz) {
return jitFailed(TypeLiteral.get(clazz));
private String jitFailed(TypeLiteral<?> clazz) {
return "Explicit bindings are required and " + clazz + " is not explicitly bound.";
public void testLinkedBindingWorks() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
// Foo was explicitly bound
ensureWorks(injector, Foo.class);
// FooImpl was implicitly bound, it is an error to call getInstance or getProvider,
// It is OK to call getBinding for introspection, but an error to get the provider
// of the binding
ensureFails(injector, true, FooImpl.class);
public void testMoreBasicsWork() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
// Foo, Bar & FooBar was explicitly bound
ensureWorks(injector, FooBar.class, Bar.class, Foo.class);
// FooImpl was implicitly bound, it is an error to call getInstance or getProvider,
// It is OK to call getBinding for introspection, but an error to get the provider
// of the binding
ensureFails(injector, true, FooImpl.class);
public void testLinkedEagerSingleton() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
// Foo was explicitly bound
ensureWorks(injector, Foo.class);
// FooImpl was implicitly bound, it is an error to call getInstance or getProvider,
// It is OK to call getBinding for introspection, but an error to get the provider
// of the binding
ensureFails(injector, true, FooImpl.class);
public void testBasicsWithEagerSingleton() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
// Foo, Bar & FooBar was explicitly bound
ensureWorks(injector, FooBar.class, Bar.class, Foo.class);
// FooImpl was implicitly bound, it is an error to call getInstance or getProvider,
// It is OK to call getBinding for introspection, but an error to get the provider
// of the binding
ensureFails(injector, true, FooImpl.class);
public void testLinkedToScoped() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
// Foo was explicitly bound
ensureWorks(injector, Foo.class);
// FooSingletonImpl was implicitly bound, it is an error to call getInstance or getProvider,
// It is OK to call getBinding for introspection, but an error to get the provider
// of the binding
ensureFails(injector, true, ScopedFooImpl.class);
public void testBasicsWithScoped() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
// Foo, Bar & FooBar was explicitly bound
ensureWorks(injector, FooBar.class, Bar.class, Foo.class);
// FooSingletonImpl was implicitly bound, it is an error to call getInstance or getProvider,
// It is OK to call getBinding for introspection, but an error to get the provider
// of the binding
ensureFails(injector, true, ScopedFooImpl.class);
public void testFailsIfInjectingScopedDirectlyWhenItIsntBound() {
try {
new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
} catch(CreationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(ScopedFooImpl.class));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
public void testLinkedProviderBindingWorks() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
// Foo was explicitly bound
ensureWorks(injector, Foo.class);
// FooImpl was not bound at all (even implicitly), it is an error
// to call getInstance, getProvider, or getBinding.
ensureFails(injector, false, FooImpl.class);
public void testJitGetFails() {
try {
new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().build().getInstance(Bar.class);
fail("should have failed");
} catch(ConfigurationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(Bar.class));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
public void testJitInjectionFails() {
try {
new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
fail("should have failed");
} catch (CreationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(Bar.class));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
public void testJitProviderGetFails() {
try {
new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().build().getProvider(Bar.class);
fail("should have failed");
} catch (ConfigurationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(Bar.class));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
public void testJitProviderInjectionFails() {
try {
new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
fail("should have failed");
} catch (CreationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(Bar.class));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
public void testImplementedBy() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
ensureWorks(injector, ImplBy.class);
ensureFails(injector, true, ImplByImpl.class);
public void testImplementedBySomethingThatIsAnnotated() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
ensureWorks(injector, ImplByScoped.class);
ensureFails(injector, true, ImplByScopedImpl.class);
public void testProvidedBy() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
ensureWorks(injector, ProvBy.class);
ensureFails(injector, true, ProvByProvider.class);
public void testProviderMethods() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
@Override protected void configure() {}
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Provides Foo foo() { return new FooImpl(); }
ensureWorks(injector, Foo.class);
public void testChildInjectors() {
Injector parent = new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
ensureWorks(parent, Bar.class);
ensureFails(parent, false, FooImpl.class, FooBar.class, Foo.class);
try {
parent.createChildInjector(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
fail("should have failed");
} catch(CreationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(Foo.class));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
Injector child = parent.createChildInjector(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
ensureWorks(child, Foo.class, Bar.class);
ensureFails(child, true, FooImpl.class);
ensureFails(parent, false, FooImpl.class, FooBar.class, Foo.class); // parent still doesn't have these
Injector grandchild = child.createChildInjector(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
ensureWorks(grandchild, FooBar.class, Foo.class, Bar.class);
ensureFails(grandchild, true, FooImpl.class);
ensureFails(child, true, FooImpl.class);
ensureFails(parent, false, FooImpl.class, FooBar.class, Foo.class); // parent still doesn't have these
public void testPrivateModules() {
try {
new InjectorBuilder().requireExplicitBindings().addModules(new AbstractModule() {
protected void configure() {
install(new PrivateModule() {
public void configure() {
fail("should have failed");
} catch(CreationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(Bar.class));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
public void testTypeLiteralsCanBeInjected() {
Injector injector = new InjectorBuilder()
.addModules(new AbstractModule() {
@Override protected void configure() {
bind(new TypeLiteral<WantsTypeLiterals<String>>() {});
bind(new TypeLiteral<Set<String>>() {}).toInstance(of("bar"));
WantsTypeLiterals<String> foo = injector.getInstance(new Key<WantsTypeLiterals<String>>() {});
assertEquals(foo.literal.getRawType(), String.class);
assertEquals(of("bar"), foo.set);
private void ensureWorks(Injector injector, Class<?>... classes) {
for(int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
private void ensureFails(Injector injector, boolean allowGetBinding, Class<?>... classes) {
for(int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) {
try {
fail("should have failed");
} catch(ConfigurationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(classes[i]));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
try {
fail("should have failed");
} catch(ConfigurationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(classes[i]));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
if(allowGetBinding) {
Binding<?> binding = injector.getBinding(classes[i]);
try {
fail("should have failed");
} catch(ConfigurationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(classes[i]));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
} else {
try {
fail("should have failed");
} catch(ConfigurationException expected) {
assertContains(expected.getMessage(), "1) " + jitFailed(classes[i]));
assertTrue(expected.getMessage(), !expected.getMessage().contains("2) "));
private static interface Foo {}
private static class FooImpl implements Foo {}
@Singleton private static class ScopedFooImpl implements Foo {}
private static class WantsScopedFooImpl {
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Inject ScopedFooImpl scopedFoo;
private static class Bar {}
private static class FooBar {
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Inject Foo foo;
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Inject Bar bar;
private static class ProviderFooBar {
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Inject Provider<Foo> foo;
@SuppressWarnings("unused") @Inject Provider<Bar> bar;
private static class FooProvider implements Provider<Foo> {
public Foo get() {
return new FooImpl();
private static interface ImplBy {}
private static class ImplByImpl implements ImplBy {}
private static interface ImplByScoped {}
private static class ImplByScopedImpl implements ImplByScoped {}
private static interface ProvBy {}
private static class ProvByProvider implements Provider<ProvBy> {
public ProvBy get() {
return new ProvBy() {};
private static class WantsTypeLiterals<T> {
TypeLiteral<T> literal;
Set<T> set;
@Inject WantsTypeLiterals(TypeLiteral<T> literal, Set<T> set) {
this.literal = literal;
this.set = set;