blob: 4ab4585f7dc208363d296351b92841b9016d56bc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
* An object that can traverse the nodes that are reachable from a specified (set of) start node(s)
* using a specified {@link SuccessorsFunction}.
* <p>There are two entry points for creating a {@code Traverser}: {@link
* #forTree(SuccessorsFunction)} and {@link #forGraph(SuccessorsFunction)}. You should choose one
* based on your answers to the following questions:
* <ol>
* <li>Is there only one path to any node that's reachable from any start node? (If so, the graph
* to be traversed is a tree or forest even if it is a subgraph of a graph which is neither.)
* <li>Are the node objects' implementations of {@code equals()}/{@code hashCode()} <a
* href="">recursive</a>?
* </ol>
* <p>If your answers are:
* <ul>
* <li>(1) "no" and (2) "no", use {@link #forGraph(SuccessorsFunction)}.
* <li>(1) "yes" and (2) "yes", use {@link #forTree(SuccessorsFunction)}.
* <li>(1) "yes" and (2) "no", you can use either, but {@code forTree()} will be more efficient.
* <li>(1) "no" and (2) "yes", <b><i>neither will work</i></b>, but if you transform your node
* objects into a non-recursive form, you can use {@code forGraph()}.
* </ul>
* @author Jens Nyman
* @param <N> Node parameter type
* @since 23.1
"Call forGraph or forTree, passing a lambda or a Graph with the desired edges (built with"
+ " GraphBuilder)")
public abstract class Traverser<N> {
private final SuccessorsFunction<N> successorFunction;
private Traverser(SuccessorsFunction<N> successorFunction) {
this.successorFunction = checkNotNull(successorFunction);
* Creates a new traverser for the given general {@code graph}.
* <p>Traversers created using this method are guaranteed to visit each node reachable from the
* start node(s) at most once.
* <p>If you know that no node in {@code graph} is reachable by more than one path from the start
* node(s), consider using {@link #forTree(SuccessorsFunction)} instead.
* <p><b>Performance notes</b>
* <ul>
* <li>Traversals require <i>O(n)</i> time (where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes reachable from
* the start node), assuming that the node objects have <i>O(1)</i> {@code equals()} and
* {@code hashCode()} implementations. (See the <a
* href="">
* notes on element objects</a> for more information.)
* <li>While traversing, the traverser will use <i>O(n)</i> space (where <i>n</i> is the number
* of nodes that have thus far been visited), plus <i>O(H)</i> space (where <i>H</i> is the
* number of nodes that have been seen but not yet visited, that is, the "horizon").
* </ul>
* @param graph {@link SuccessorsFunction} representing a general graph that may have cycles.
public static <N> Traverser<N> forGraph(SuccessorsFunction<N> graph) {
return new Traverser<N>(graph) {
Traversal<N> newTraversal() {
return Traversal.inGraph(graph);
* Creates a new traverser for a directed acyclic graph that has at most one path from the start
* node(s) to any node reachable from the start node(s), and has no paths from any start node to
* any other start node, such as a tree or forest.
* <p>{@code forTree()} is especially useful (versus {@code forGraph()}) in cases where the data
* structure being traversed is, in addition to being a tree/forest, also defined <a
* href="">recursively</a>.
* This is because the {@code forTree()}-based implementations don't keep track of visited nodes,
* and therefore don't need to call `equals()` or `hashCode()` on the node objects; this saves
* both time and space versus traversing the same graph using {@code forGraph()}.
* <p>Providing a graph to be traversed for which there is more than one path from the start
* node(s) to any node may lead to:
* <ul>
* <li>Traversal not terminating (if the graph has cycles)
* <li>Nodes being visited multiple times (if multiple paths exist from any start node to any
* node reachable from any start node)
* </ul>
* <p><b>Performance notes</b>
* <ul>
* <li>Traversals require <i>O(n)</i> time (where <i>n</i> is the number of nodes reachable from
* the start node).
* <li>While traversing, the traverser will use <i>O(H)</i> space (where <i>H</i> is the number
* of nodes that have been seen but not yet visited, that is, the "horizon").
* </ul>
* <p><b>Examples</b> (all edges are directed facing downwards)
* <p>The graph below would be valid input with start nodes of {@code a, f, c}. However, if {@code
* b} were <i>also</i> a start node, then there would be multiple paths to reach {@code e} and
* {@code h}.
* <pre>{@code
* a b c
* / \ / \ |
* / \ / \ |
* d e f g
* |
* |
* h
* }</pre>
* <p>.
* <p>The graph below would be a valid input with start nodes of {@code a, f}. However, if {@code
* b} were a start node, there would be multiple paths to {@code f}.
* <pre>{@code
* a b
* / \ / \
* / \ / \
* c d e
* \ /
* \ /
* f
* }</pre>
* <p><b>Note on binary trees</b>
* <p>This method can be used to traverse over a binary tree. Given methods {@code
* leftChild(node)} and {@code rightChild(node)}, this method can be called as
* <pre>{@code
* Traverser.forTree(node -> ImmutableList.of(leftChild(node), rightChild(node)));
* }</pre>
* @param tree {@link SuccessorsFunction} representing a directed acyclic graph that has at most
* one path between any two nodes
public static <N> Traverser<N> forTree(SuccessorsFunction<N> tree) {
if (tree instanceof BaseGraph) {
checkArgument(((BaseGraph<?>) tree).isDirected(), "Undirected graphs can never be trees.");
if (tree instanceof Network) {
checkArgument(((Network<?, ?>) tree).isDirected(), "Undirected networks can never be trees.");
return new Traverser<N>(tree) {
Traversal<N> newTraversal() {
return Traversal.inTree(tree);
* Returns an unmodifiable {@code Iterable} over the nodes reachable from {@code startNode}, in
* the order of a breadth-first traversal. That is, all the nodes of depth 0 are returned, then
* depth 1, then 2, and so on.
* <p><b>Example:</b> The following graph with {@code startNode} {@code a} would return nodes in
* the order {@code abcdef} (assuming successors are returned in alphabetical order).
* <pre>{@code
* b ---- a ---- d
* | |
* | |
* e ---- c ---- f
* }</pre>
* <p>The behavior of this method is undefined if the nodes, or the topology of the graph, change
* while iteration is in progress.
* <p>The returned {@code Iterable} can be iterated over multiple times. Every iterator will
* compute its next element on the fly. It is thus possible to limit the traversal to a certain
* number of nodes as follows:
* <pre>{@code
* Iterables.limit(Traverser.forGraph(graph).breadthFirst(node), maxNumberOfNodes);
* }</pre>
* <p>See <a href="">Wikipedia</a> for more
* info.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code startNode} is not an element of the graph
public final Iterable<N> breadthFirst(N startNode) {
return breadthFirst(ImmutableSet.of(startNode));
* Returns an unmodifiable {@code Iterable} over the nodes reachable from any of the {@code
* startNodes}, in the order of a breadth-first traversal. This is equivalent to a breadth-first
* traversal of a graph with an additional root node whose successors are the listed {@code
* startNodes}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of {@code startNodes} is not an element of the graph
* @see #breadthFirst(Object)
* @since 24.1
public final Iterable<N> breadthFirst(Iterable<? extends N> startNodes) {
ImmutableSet<N> validated = validate(startNodes);
return new Iterable<N>() {
public Iterator<N> iterator() {
return newTraversal().breadthFirst(validated.iterator());
* Returns an unmodifiable {@code Iterable} over the nodes reachable from {@code startNode}, in
* the order of a depth-first pre-order traversal. "Pre-order" implies that nodes appear in the
* {@code Iterable} in the order in which they are first visited.
* <p><b>Example:</b> The following graph with {@code startNode} {@code a} would return nodes in
* the order {@code abecfd} (assuming successors are returned in alphabetical order).
* <pre>{@code
* b ---- a ---- d
* | |
* | |
* e ---- c ---- f
* }</pre>
* <p>The behavior of this method is undefined if the nodes, or the topology of the graph, change
* while iteration is in progress.
* <p>The returned {@code Iterable} can be iterated over multiple times. Every iterator will
* compute its next element on the fly. It is thus possible to limit the traversal to a certain
* number of nodes as follows:
* <pre>{@code
* Iterables.limit(
* Traverser.forGraph(graph).depthFirstPreOrder(node), maxNumberOfNodes);
* }</pre>
* <p>See <a href="">Wikipedia</a> for more info.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code startNode} is not an element of the graph
public final Iterable<N> depthFirstPreOrder(N startNode) {
return depthFirstPreOrder(ImmutableSet.of(startNode));
* Returns an unmodifiable {@code Iterable} over the nodes reachable from any of the {@code
* startNodes}, in the order of a depth-first pre-order traversal. This is equivalent to a
* depth-first pre-order traversal of a graph with an additional root node whose successors are
* the listed {@code startNodes}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of {@code startNodes} is not an element of the graph
* @see #depthFirstPreOrder(Object)
* @since 24.1
public final Iterable<N> depthFirstPreOrder(Iterable<? extends N> startNodes) {
ImmutableSet<N> validated = validate(startNodes);
return new Iterable<N>() {
public Iterator<N> iterator() {
return newTraversal().preOrder(validated.iterator());
* Returns an unmodifiable {@code Iterable} over the nodes reachable from {@code startNode}, in
* the order of a depth-first post-order traversal. "Post-order" implies that nodes appear in the
* {@code Iterable} in the order in which they are visited for the last time.
* <p><b>Example:</b> The following graph with {@code startNode} {@code a} would return nodes in
* the order {@code fcebda} (assuming successors are returned in alphabetical order).
* <pre>{@code
* b ---- a ---- d
* | |
* | |
* e ---- c ---- f
* }</pre>
* <p>The behavior of this method is undefined if the nodes, or the topology of the graph, change
* while iteration is in progress.
* <p>The returned {@code Iterable} can be iterated over multiple times. Every iterator will
* compute its next element on the fly. It is thus possible to limit the traversal to a certain
* number of nodes as follows:
* <pre>{@code
* Iterables.limit(
* Traverser.forGraph(graph).depthFirstPostOrder(node), maxNumberOfNodes);
* }</pre>
* <p>See <a href="">Wikipedia</a> for more info.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code startNode} is not an element of the graph
public final Iterable<N> depthFirstPostOrder(N startNode) {
return depthFirstPostOrder(ImmutableSet.of(startNode));
* Returns an unmodifiable {@code Iterable} over the nodes reachable from any of the {@code
* startNodes}, in the order of a depth-first post-order traversal. This is equivalent to a
* depth-first post-order traversal of a graph with an additional root node whose successors are
* the listed {@code startNodes}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of {@code startNodes} is not an element of the graph
* @see #depthFirstPostOrder(Object)
* @since 24.1
public final Iterable<N> depthFirstPostOrder(Iterable<? extends N> startNodes) {
ImmutableSet<N> validated = validate(startNodes);
return new Iterable<N>() {
public Iterator<N> iterator() {
return newTraversal().postOrder(validated.iterator());
abstract Traversal<N> newTraversal();
private ImmutableSet<N> validate(Iterable<? extends N> startNodes) {
ImmutableSet<N> copy = ImmutableSet.copyOf(startNodes);
for (N node : copy) {
successorFunction.successors(node); // Will throw if node doesn't exist
return copy;
* Abstracts away the difference between traversing a graph vs. a tree. For a tree, we just take
* the next element from the next non-empty iterator; for graph, we need to loop through the next
* non-empty iterator to find first unvisited node.
private abstract static class Traversal<N> {
final SuccessorsFunction<N> successorFunction;
Traversal(SuccessorsFunction<N> successorFunction) {
this.successorFunction = successorFunction;
static <N> Traversal<N> inGraph(SuccessorsFunction<N> graph) {
Set<N> visited = new HashSet<>();
return new Traversal<N>(graph) {
N visitNext(Deque<Iterator<? extends N>> horizon) {
Iterator<? extends N> top = horizon.getFirst();
while (top.hasNext()) {
N element =;
// requireNonNull is safe because horizon contains only graph nodes.
* TODO(cpovirk): Replace these two statements with one (`N element =
* requireNonNull(`) once our checker supports it.
* (The problem is likely
if (visited.add(element)) {
return element;
return null;
static <N> Traversal<N> inTree(SuccessorsFunction<N> tree) {
return new Traversal<N>(tree) {
N visitNext(Deque<Iterator<? extends N>> horizon) {
Iterator<? extends N> top = horizon.getFirst();
if (top.hasNext()) {
return checkNotNull(;
return null;
final Iterator<N> breadthFirst(Iterator<? extends N> startNodes) {
return topDown(startNodes, InsertionOrder.BACK);
final Iterator<N> preOrder(Iterator<? extends N> startNodes) {
return topDown(startNodes, InsertionOrder.FRONT);
* In top-down traversal, an ancestor node is always traversed before any of its descendant
* nodes. The traversal order among descendant nodes (particularly aunts and nieces) are
* determined by the {@code InsertionOrder} parameter: nieces are placed at the FRONT before
* aunts for pre-order; while in BFS they are placed at the BACK after aunts.
private Iterator<N> topDown(Iterator<? extends N> startNodes, InsertionOrder order) {
Deque<Iterator<? extends N>> horizon = new ArrayDeque<>();
return new AbstractIterator<N>() {
protected N computeNext() {
do {
N next = visitNext(horizon);
if (next != null) {
Iterator<? extends N> successors = successorFunction.successors(next).iterator();
if (successors.hasNext()) {
// BFS: horizon.addLast(successors)
// Pre-order: horizon.addFirst(successors)
order.insertInto(horizon, successors);
return next;
} while (!horizon.isEmpty());
return endOfData();
final Iterator<N> postOrder(Iterator<? extends N> startNodes) {
Deque<N> ancestorStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
Deque<Iterator<? extends N>> horizon = new ArrayDeque<>();
return new AbstractIterator<N>() {
protected N computeNext() {
for (N next = visitNext(horizon); next != null; next = visitNext(horizon)) {
Iterator<? extends N> successors = successorFunction.successors(next).iterator();
if (!successors.hasNext()) {
return next;
// TODO(b/192579700): Use a ternary once it no longer confuses our nullness checker.
if (!ancestorStack.isEmpty()) {
return ancestorStack.pop();
return endOfData();
* Visits the next node from the top iterator of {@code horizon} and returns the visited node.
* Null is returned to indicate reaching the end of the top iterator.
* <p>For example, if horizon is {@code [[a, b], [c, d], [e]]}, {@code visitNext()} will return
* {@code [a, b, null, c, d, null, e, null]} sequentially, encoding the topological structure.
* (Note, however, that the callers of {@code visitNext()} often insert additional iterators
* into {@code horizon} between calls to {@code visitNext()}. This causes them to receive
* additional values interleaved with those shown above.)
abstract N visitNext(Deque<Iterator<? extends N>> horizon);
/** Poor man's method reference for {@code Deque::addFirst} and {@code Deque::addLast}. */
private enum InsertionOrder {
<T> void insertInto(Deque<T> deque, T value) {
<T> void insertInto(Deque<T> deque, T value) {
abstract <T> void insertInto(Deque<T> deque, T value);