blob: f4a1c65eb15d2084aab508b6697ebe0c41cfb8f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
* Implementation of {@code Multimap} that does not allow duplicate key-value entries and that
* returns collections whose iterators follow the ordering in which the data was added to the
* multimap.
* <p>The collections returned by {@code keySet}, {@code keys}, and {@code asMap} iterate through
* the keys in the order they were first added to the multimap. Similarly, {@code get}, {@code
* removeAll}, and {@code replaceValues} return collections that iterate through the values in the
* order they were added. The collections generated by {@code entries} and {@code values} iterate
* across the key-value mappings in the order they were added to the multimap.
* <p>The iteration ordering of the collections generated by {@code keySet}, {@code keys}, and
* {@code asMap} has a few subtleties. As long as the set of keys remains unchanged, adding or
* removing mappings does not affect the key iteration order. However, if you remove all values
* associated with a key and then add the key back to the multimap, that key will come last in the
* key iteration order.
* <p>The multimap does not store duplicate key-value pairs. Adding a new key-value pair equal to an
* existing key-value pair has no effect.
* <p>Keys and values may be null. All optional multimap methods are supported, and all returned
* views are modifiable.
* <p>This class is not threadsafe when any concurrent operations update the multimap. Concurrent
* read operations will work correctly. To allow concurrent update operations, wrap your multimap
* with a call to {@link Multimaps#synchronizedSetMultimap}.
* <p>See the Guava User Guide article on <a href=
* ""> {@code
* Multimap}</a>.
* @author Jared Levy
* @author Louis Wasserman
* @since 2.0
@GwtCompatible(serializable = true, emulated = true)
public final class LinkedHashMultimap<K, V>
extends LinkedHashMultimapGwtSerializationDependencies<K, V> {
/** Creates a new, empty {@code LinkedHashMultimap} with the default initial capacities. */
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMultimap<K, V> create() {
* Constructs an empty {@code LinkedHashMultimap} with enough capacity to hold the specified
* numbers of keys and values without rehashing.
* @param expectedKeys the expected number of distinct keys
* @param expectedValuesPerKey the expected average number of values per key
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code expectedKeys} or {@code expectedValuesPerKey} is
* negative
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMultimap<K, V> create(int expectedKeys, int expectedValuesPerKey) {
return new LinkedHashMultimap<>(
Maps.capacity(expectedKeys), Maps.capacity(expectedValuesPerKey));
* Constructs a {@code LinkedHashMultimap} with the same mappings as the specified multimap. If a
* key-value mapping appears multiple times in the input multimap, it only appears once in the
* constructed multimap. The new multimap has the same {@link Multimap#entries()} iteration order
* as the input multimap, except for excluding duplicate mappings.
* @param multimap the multimap whose contents are copied to this multimap
public static <K, V> LinkedHashMultimap<K, V> create(
Multimap<? extends K, ? extends V> multimap) {
LinkedHashMultimap<K, V> result = create(multimap.keySet().size(), DEFAULT_VALUE_SET_CAPACITY);
return result;
private interface ValueSetLink<K, V> {
ValueSetLink<K, V> getPredecessorInValueSet();
ValueSetLink<K, V> getSuccessorInValueSet();
void setPredecessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry);
void setSuccessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry);
private static <K, V> void succeedsInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> pred, ValueSetLink<K, V> succ) {
private static <K, V> void succeedsInMultimap(ValueEntry<K, V> pred, ValueEntry<K, V> succ) {
private static <K, V> void deleteFromValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry) {
succeedsInValueSet(entry.getPredecessorInValueSet(), entry.getSuccessorInValueSet());
private static <K, V> void deleteFromMultimap(ValueEntry<K, V> entry) {
succeedsInMultimap(entry.getPredecessorInMultimap(), entry.getSuccessorInMultimap());
* LinkedHashMultimap entries are in no less than three coexisting linked lists: a bucket in the
* hash table for a {@code Set<V>} associated with a key, the linked list of insertion-ordered
* entries in that {@code Set<V>}, and the linked list of entries in the LinkedHashMultimap as a
* whole.
static final class ValueEntry<K, V> extends ImmutableEntry<K, V> implements ValueSetLink<K, V> {
final int smearedValueHash;
@Nullable ValueEntry<K, V> nextInValueBucket;
@Nullable ValueSetLink<K, V> predecessorInValueSet;
@Nullable ValueSetLink<K, V> successorInValueSet;
@Nullable ValueEntry<K, V> predecessorInMultimap;
@Nullable ValueEntry<K, V> successorInMultimap;
@Nullable K key,
@Nullable V value,
int smearedValueHash,
@Nullable ValueEntry<K, V> nextInValueBucket) {
super(key, value);
this.smearedValueHash = smearedValueHash;
this.nextInValueBucket = nextInValueBucket;
boolean matchesValue(@Nullable Object v, int smearedVHash) {
return smearedValueHash == smearedVHash && Objects.equal(getValue(), v);
public ValueSetLink<K, V> getPredecessorInValueSet() {
return predecessorInValueSet;
public ValueSetLink<K, V> getSuccessorInValueSet() {
return successorInValueSet;
public void setPredecessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry) {
predecessorInValueSet = entry;
public void setSuccessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry) {
successorInValueSet = entry;
public ValueEntry<K, V> getPredecessorInMultimap() {
return predecessorInMultimap;
public ValueEntry<K, V> getSuccessorInMultimap() {
return successorInMultimap;
public void setSuccessorInMultimap(ValueEntry<K, V> multimapSuccessor) {
this.successorInMultimap = multimapSuccessor;
public void setPredecessorInMultimap(ValueEntry<K, V> multimapPredecessor) {
this.predecessorInMultimap = multimapPredecessor;
private static final int DEFAULT_KEY_CAPACITY = 16;
private static final int DEFAULT_VALUE_SET_CAPACITY = 2;
@VisibleForTesting static final double VALUE_SET_LOAD_FACTOR = 1.0;
@VisibleForTesting transient int valueSetCapacity = DEFAULT_VALUE_SET_CAPACITY;
private transient ValueEntry<K, V> multimapHeaderEntry;
private LinkedHashMultimap(int keyCapacity, int valueSetCapacity) {
super(Platform.<K, Collection<V>>newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(keyCapacity));
checkNonnegative(valueSetCapacity, "expectedValuesPerKey");
this.valueSetCapacity = valueSetCapacity;
this.multimapHeaderEntry = new ValueEntry<>(null, null, 0, null);
succeedsInMultimap(multimapHeaderEntry, multimapHeaderEntry);
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>Creates an empty {@code LinkedHashSet} for a collection of values for one key.
* @return a new {@code LinkedHashSet} containing a collection of values for one key
Set<V> createCollection() {
return Platform.newLinkedHashSetWithExpectedSize(valueSetCapacity);
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>Creates a decorated insertion-ordered set that also keeps track of the order in which
* key-value pairs are added to the multimap.
* @param key key to associate with values in the collection
* @return a new decorated set containing a collection of values for one key
Collection<V> createCollection(K key) {
return new ValueSet(key, valueSetCapacity);
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>If {@code values} is not empty and the multimap already contains a mapping for {@code key},
* the {@code keySet()} ordering is unchanged. However, the provided values always come last in
* the {@link #entries()} and {@link #values()} iteration orderings.
public Set<V> replaceValues(@Nullable K key, Iterable<? extends V> values) {
return super.replaceValues(key, values);
* Returns a set of all key-value pairs. Changes to the returned set will update the underlying
* multimap, and vice versa. The entries set does not support the {@code add} or {@code addAll}
* operations.
* <p>The iterator generated by the returned set traverses the entries in the order they were
* added to the multimap.
* <p>Each entry is an immutable snapshot of a key-value mapping in the multimap, taken at the
* time the entry is returned by a method call to the collection or its iterator.
public Set<Entry<K, V>> entries() {
return super.entries();
* Returns a view collection of all <i>distinct</i> keys contained in this multimap. Note that the
* key set contains a key if and only if this multimap maps that key to at least one value.
* <p>The iterator generated by the returned set traverses the keys in the order they were first
* added to the multimap.
* <p>Changes to the returned set will update the underlying multimap, and vice versa. However,
* <i>adding</i> to the returned set is not possible.
public Set<K> keySet() {
return super.keySet();
* Returns a collection of all values in the multimap. Changes to the returned collection will
* update the underlying multimap, and vice versa.
* <p>The iterator generated by the returned collection traverses the values in the order they
* were added to the multimap.
public Collection<V> values() {
return super.values();
final class ValueSet extends Sets.ImprovedAbstractSet<V> implements ValueSetLink<K, V> {
* We currently use a fixed load factor of 1.0, a bit higher than normal to reduce memory
* consumption.
private final K key;
@VisibleForTesting ValueEntry<K, V>[] hashTable;
private int size = 0;
private int modCount = 0;
// We use the set object itself as the end of the linked list, avoiding an unnecessary
// entry object per key.
private ValueSetLink<K, V> firstEntry;
private ValueSetLink<K, V> lastEntry;
ValueSet(K key, int expectedValues) {
this.key = key;
this.firstEntry = this;
this.lastEntry = this;
// Round expected values up to a power of 2 to get the table size.
int tableSize = Hashing.closedTableSize(expectedValues, VALUE_SET_LOAD_FACTOR);
ValueEntry<K, V>[] hashTable = new ValueEntry[tableSize];
this.hashTable = hashTable;
private int mask() {
return hashTable.length - 1;
public ValueSetLink<K, V> getPredecessorInValueSet() {
return lastEntry;
public ValueSetLink<K, V> getSuccessorInValueSet() {
return firstEntry;
public void setPredecessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry) {
lastEntry = entry;
public void setSuccessorInValueSet(ValueSetLink<K, V> entry) {
firstEntry = entry;
public Iterator<V> iterator() {
return new Iterator<V>() {
ValueSetLink<K, V> nextEntry = firstEntry;
@Nullable ValueEntry<K, V> toRemove;
int expectedModCount = modCount;
private void checkForComodification() {
if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextEntry != ValueSet.this;
public V next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
ValueEntry<K, V> entry = (ValueEntry<K, V>) nextEntry;
V result = entry.getValue();
toRemove = entry;
nextEntry = entry.getSuccessorInValueSet();
return result;
public void remove() {
checkRemove(toRemove != null);
expectedModCount = modCount;
toRemove = null;
public void forEach(Consumer<? super V> action) {
for (ValueSetLink<K, V> entry = firstEntry;
entry != ValueSet.this;
entry = entry.getSuccessorInValueSet()) {
action.accept(((ValueEntry<K, V>) entry).getValue());
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean contains(@Nullable Object o) {
int smearedHash = Hashing.smearedHash(o);
for (ValueEntry<K, V> entry = hashTable[smearedHash & mask()];
entry != null;
entry = entry.nextInValueBucket) {
if (entry.matchesValue(o, smearedHash)) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean add(@Nullable V value) {
int smearedHash = Hashing.smearedHash(value);
int bucket = smearedHash & mask();
ValueEntry<K, V> rowHead = hashTable[bucket];
for (ValueEntry<K, V> entry = rowHead; entry != null; entry = entry.nextInValueBucket) {
if (entry.matchesValue(value, smearedHash)) {
return false;
ValueEntry<K, V> newEntry = new ValueEntry<>(key, value, smearedHash, rowHead);
succeedsInValueSet(lastEntry, newEntry);
succeedsInValueSet(newEntry, this);
succeedsInMultimap(multimapHeaderEntry.getPredecessorInMultimap(), newEntry);
succeedsInMultimap(newEntry, multimapHeaderEntry);
hashTable[bucket] = newEntry;
return true;
private void rehashIfNecessary() {
if (Hashing.needsResizing(size, hashTable.length, VALUE_SET_LOAD_FACTOR)) {
ValueEntry<K, V>[] hashTable = new ValueEntry[this.hashTable.length * 2];
this.hashTable = hashTable;
int mask = hashTable.length - 1;
for (ValueSetLink<K, V> entry = firstEntry;
entry != this;
entry = entry.getSuccessorInValueSet()) {
ValueEntry<K, V> valueEntry = (ValueEntry<K, V>) entry;
int bucket = valueEntry.smearedValueHash & mask;
valueEntry.nextInValueBucket = hashTable[bucket];
hashTable[bucket] = valueEntry;
public boolean remove(@Nullable Object o) {
int smearedHash = Hashing.smearedHash(o);
int bucket = smearedHash & mask();
ValueEntry<K, V> prev = null;
for (ValueEntry<K, V> entry = hashTable[bucket];
entry != null;
prev = entry, entry = entry.nextInValueBucket) {
if (entry.matchesValue(o, smearedHash)) {
if (prev == null) {
// first entry in the bucket
hashTable[bucket] = entry.nextInValueBucket;
} else {
prev.nextInValueBucket = entry.nextInValueBucket;
return true;
return false;
public void clear() {
Arrays.fill(hashTable, null);
size = 0;
for (ValueSetLink<K, V> entry = firstEntry;
entry != this;
entry = entry.getSuccessorInValueSet()) {
ValueEntry<K, V> valueEntry = (ValueEntry<K, V>) entry;
succeedsInValueSet(this, this);
Iterator<Entry<K, V>> entryIterator() {
return new Iterator<Entry<K, V>>() {
ValueEntry<K, V> nextEntry = multimapHeaderEntry.successorInMultimap;
@Nullable ValueEntry<K, V> toRemove;
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextEntry != multimapHeaderEntry;
public Entry<K, V> next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
ValueEntry<K, V> result = nextEntry;
toRemove = result;
nextEntry = nextEntry.successorInMultimap;
return result;
public void remove() {
checkRemove(toRemove != null);
LinkedHashMultimap.this.remove(toRemove.getKey(), toRemove.getValue());
toRemove = null;
Spliterator<Entry<K, V>> entrySpliterator() {
return Spliterators.spliterator(entries(), Spliterator.DISTINCT | Spliterator.ORDERED);
Iterator<V> valueIterator() {
return Maps.valueIterator(entryIterator());
Spliterator<V> valueSpliterator() {
return, Entry::getValue);
public void clear() {
succeedsInMultimap(multimapHeaderEntry, multimapHeaderEntry);
* @serialData the expected values per key, the number of distinct keys, the number of entries,
* and the entries in order
@GwtIncompatible //
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException {
for (K key : keySet()) {
for (Entry<K, V> entry : entries()) {
@GwtIncompatible //
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
multimapHeaderEntry = new ValueEntry<>(null, null, 0, null);
succeedsInMultimap(multimapHeaderEntry, multimapHeaderEntry);
int distinctKeys = stream.readInt();
Map<K, Collection<V>> map = Platform.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(12);
for (int i = 0; i < distinctKeys; i++) {
K key = (K) stream.readObject();
map.put(key, createCollection(key));
int entries = stream.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
K key = (K) stream.readObject();
V value = (V) stream.readObject();
@GwtIncompatible // java serialization not supported
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;