blob: acebae4eb4a8e513ec22efd0b1c3d95be8e6ede3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableDecl;
@GwtCompatible(emulated = true)
@ReflectionSupport(value = ReflectionSupport.Level.FULL)
// Some Android 5.0.x Samsung devices have bugs in JDK reflection APIs that cause
// getDeclaredField to throw a NoSuchFieldException when the field is definitely there.
// Since this class only needs CAS on one field, we can avoid this bug by extending AtomicReference
// instead of using an AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater. This reference stores Thread instances
// and DONE/INTERRUPTED - they have a common ancestor of Runnable.
abstract class InterruptibleTask<T> extends AtomicReference<Runnable> implements Runnable {
static {
// Prevent rare disastrous classloading in first call to LockSupport.park.
// See:
Class<?> ensureLoaded = LockSupport.class;
private static final class DoNothingRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {}
// The thread executing the task publishes itself to the superclass' reference and the thread
// interrupting sets DONE when it has finished interrupting.
private static final Runnable DONE = new DoNothingRunnable();
private static final Runnable INTERRUPTING = new DoNothingRunnable();
private static final Runnable PARKED = new DoNothingRunnable();
// Why 1000? WHY NOT!
private static final int MAX_BUSY_WAIT_SPINS = 1000;
@SuppressWarnings("ThreadPriorityCheck") // The cow told me to
public final void run() {
* Set runner thread before checking isDone(). If we were to check isDone() first, the task
* might be cancelled before we set the runner thread. That would make it impossible to
* interrupt, yet it will still run, since interruptTask will leave the runner value null,
* allowing the CAS below to succeed.
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
if (!compareAndSet(null, currentThread)) {
return; // someone else has run or is running.
boolean run = !isDone();
T result = null;
Throwable error = null;
try {
if (run) {
result = runInterruptibly();
} catch (Throwable t) {
error = t;
} finally {
// Attempt to set the task as done so that further attempts to interrupt will fail.
if (!compareAndSet(currentThread, DONE)) {
// If we were interrupted, it is possible that the interrupted bit hasn't been set yet. Wait
// for the interrupting thread to set DONE. See interruptTask().
// We want to wait so that we don't interrupt the _next_ thing run on the thread.
// Note: We don't reset the interrupted bit, just wait for it to be set.
// If this is a thread pool thread, the thread pool will reset it for us. Otherwise, the
// interrupted bit may have been intended for something else, so don't clear it.
boolean restoreInterruptedBit = false;
int spinCount = 0;
// Interrupting Cow Says:
// ______
// < Spin >
// ------
// \ ^__^
// \ (oo)\_______
// (__)\ )\/\
// ||----w |
// || ||
Runnable state = get();
while (state == INTERRUPTING || state == PARKED) {
if (spinCount > MAX_BUSY_WAIT_SPINS) {
// If we have spun a lot just park ourselves.
// This will save CPU while we wait for a slow interrupting thread. In theory
// interruptTask() should be very fast but due to InterruptibleChannel and
// JavaLangAccess.blockedOn(Thread, Interruptible), it isn't predictable what work might
// be done. (e.g. close a file and flush buffers to disk). To protect ourselve from
// this we park ourselves and tell our interrupter that we did so.
if (state == PARKED || compareAndSet(INTERRUPTING, PARKED)) {
// Interrupting Cow Says:
// ______
// < Park >
// ------
// \ ^__^
// \ (oo)\_______
// (__)\ )\/\
// ||----w |
// || ||
// We need to clear the interrupted bit prior to calling park and maintain it in case
// we wake up spuriously.
restoreInterruptedBit = Thread.interrupted() || restoreInterruptedBit;
} else {
state = get();
if (restoreInterruptedBit) {
* TODO(cpovirk): Clear interrupt status here? We currently don't, which means that an
* interrupt before, during, or after runInterruptibly() (unless it produced an
* InterruptedException caught above) can linger and affect listeners.
if (run) {
afterRanInterruptibly(result, error);
* Called before runInterruptibly - if true, runInterruptibly and afterRanInterruptibly will not
* be called.
abstract boolean isDone();
* Do interruptible work here - do not complete Futures here, as their listeners could be
* interrupted.
abstract T runInterruptibly() throws Exception;
* Any interruption that happens as a result of calling interruptTask will arrive before this
* method is called. Complete Futures here.
abstract void afterRanInterruptibly(@NullableDecl T result, @NullableDecl Throwable error);
* Interrupts the running task. Because this internally calls {@link Thread#interrupt()} which can
* in turn invoke arbitrary code it is not safe to call while holding a lock.
final void interruptTask() {
// Since the Thread is replaced by DONE before run() invokes listeners or returns, if we succeed
// in this CAS, there's no risk of interrupting the wrong thread or interrupting a thread that
// isn't currently executing this task.
Runnable currentRunner = get();
if (currentRunner instanceof Thread && compareAndSet(currentRunner, INTERRUPTING)) {
// Thread.interrupt can throw aribitrary exceptions due to the nio InterruptibleChannel API
// This will make sure that tasks don't get stuck busy waiting.
// Some of this is fixed in jdk11 (see but
// not all. See the test cases for examples on how this can happen.
try {
((Thread) currentRunner).interrupt();
} finally {
Runnable prev = getAndSet(DONE);
if (prev == PARKED) {
LockSupport.unpark((Thread) currentRunner);
public final String toString() {
Runnable state = get();
final String result;
if (state == DONE) {
result = "running=[DONE]";
} else if (state == INTERRUPTING) {
result = "running=[INTERRUPTED]";
} else if (state instanceof Thread) {
// getName is final on Thread, no need to worry about exceptions
result = "running=[RUNNING ON " + ((Thread) state).getName() + "]";
} else {
result = "running=[NOT STARTED YET]";
return result + ", " + toPendingString();
abstract String toPendingString();