blob: ca471616a9480554f78c0ba02536dc26f6ff6836 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
* Represents an <a href="">Internet Media Type</a>
* (also known as a MIME Type or Content Type). This class also supports the concept of media ranges
* <a href="">defined by HTTP/1.1</a>.
* As such, the {@code *} character is treated as a wildcard and is used to represent any acceptable
* type or subtype value. A media type may not have wildcard type with a declared subtype. The
* {@code *} character has no special meaning as part of a parameter. All values for type, subtype,
* parameter attributes or parameter values must be valid according to RFCs <a
* href="">2045</a> and <a
* href="">2046</a>.
* <p>All portions of the media type that are case-insensitive (type, subtype, parameter attributes)
* are normalized to lowercase. The value of the {@code charset} parameter is normalized to
* lowercase, but all others are left as-is.
* <p>Note that this specifically does <strong>not</strong> represent the value of the MIME {@code
* Content-Type} header and as such has no support for header-specific considerations such as line
* folding and comments.
* <p>For media types that take a charset the predefined constants default to UTF-8 and have a
* "_UTF_8" suffix. To get a version without a character set, use {@link #withoutParameters}.
* @since 12.0
* @author Gregory Kick
public final class MediaType {
private static final String CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE = "charset";
private static final ImmutableListMultimap<String, String> UTF_8_CONSTANT_PARAMETERS =
ImmutableListMultimap.of(CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE, Ascii.toLowerCase(;
/** Matcher for type, subtype and attributes. */
private static final CharMatcher TOKEN_MATCHER =
.and(CharMatcher.isNot(' '))
private static final CharMatcher QUOTED_TEXT_MATCHER = ascii().and(CharMatcher.noneOf("\"\\\r"));
* This matches the same characters as linear-white-space from RFC 822, but we make no effort to
* enforce any particular rules with regards to line folding as stated in the class docs.
private static final CharMatcher LINEAR_WHITE_SPACE = CharMatcher.anyOf(" \t\r\n");
// TODO(gak): make these public?
private static final String APPLICATION_TYPE = "application";
private static final String AUDIO_TYPE = "audio";
private static final String IMAGE_TYPE = "image";
private static final String TEXT_TYPE = "text";
private static final String VIDEO_TYPE = "video";
private static final String FONT_TYPE = "font";
private static final String WILDCARD = "*";
private static final Map<MediaType, MediaType> KNOWN_TYPES = Maps.newHashMap();
private static MediaType createConstant(String type, String subtype) {
MediaType mediaType =
addKnownType(new MediaType(type, subtype, ImmutableListMultimap.<String, String>of()));
mediaType.parsedCharset = Optional.absent();
return mediaType;
private static MediaType createConstantUtf8(String type, String subtype) {
MediaType mediaType = addKnownType(new MediaType(type, subtype, UTF_8_CONSTANT_PARAMETERS));
mediaType.parsedCharset = Optional.of(UTF_8);
return mediaType;
private static MediaType addKnownType(MediaType mediaType) {
KNOWN_TYPES.put(mediaType, mediaType);
return mediaType;
* The following constants are grouped by their type and ordered alphabetically by the constant
* name within that type. The constant name should be a sensible identifier that is closest to the
* "common name" of the media. This is often, but not necessarily the same as the subtype.
* Be sure to declare all constants with the type and subtype in all lowercase. For types that
* take a charset (e.g. all text/* types), default to UTF-8 and suffix the constant name with
* "_UTF_8".
public static final MediaType ANY_TYPE = createConstant(WILDCARD, WILDCARD);
public static final MediaType ANY_TEXT_TYPE = createConstant(TEXT_TYPE, WILDCARD);
public static final MediaType ANY_IMAGE_TYPE = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, WILDCARD);
public static final MediaType ANY_AUDIO_TYPE = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, WILDCARD);
public static final MediaType ANY_VIDEO_TYPE = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, WILDCARD);
public static final MediaType ANY_APPLICATION_TYPE = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, WILDCARD);
* Wildcard matching any "font" top-level media type.
* @since 30.0
public static final MediaType ANY_FONT_TYPE = createConstant(FONT_TYPE, WILDCARD);
/* text types */
public static final MediaType CACHE_MANIFEST_UTF_8 =
createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "cache-manifest");
public static final MediaType CSS_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "css");
public static final MediaType CSV_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "csv");
public static final MediaType HTML_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "html");
public static final MediaType I_CALENDAR_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "calendar");
public static final MediaType PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "plain");
* <a href="">RFC 4329</a> declares {@link
* #JAVASCRIPT_UTF_8 application/javascript} to be the correct media type for JavaScript, but this
* may be necessary in certain situations for compatibility.
public static final MediaType TEXT_JAVASCRIPT_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "javascript");
* <a href="">Tab separated
* values</a>.
* @since 15.0
public static final MediaType TSV_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "tab-separated-values");
public static final MediaType VCARD_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "vcard");
* UTF-8 encoded <a href="">Wireless Markup
* Language</a>.
* @since 13.0
public static final MediaType WML_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "vnd.wap.wml");
* As described in <a href="">RFC 3023</a>, this constant
* ({@code text/xml}) is used for XML documents that are "readable by casual users." {@link
* #APPLICATION_XML_UTF_8} is provided for documents that are intended for applications.
public static final MediaType XML_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "xml");
* As described in <a href="">the VTT spec</a>, this is
* used for Web Video Text Tracks (WebVTT) files, used with the HTML5 track element.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType VTT_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(TEXT_TYPE, "vtt");
/* image types */
* <a href="">Bitmap file format</a> ({@code bmp}
* files).
* @since 13.0
public static final MediaType BMP = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "bmp");
* The <a href="">Canon Image File
* Format</a> ({@code crw} files), a widely-used "raw image" format for cameras. It is found in
* {@code /etc/mime.types}, e.g. in <a href=
* ";a=blob;f=mime.types;hb=HEAD"
* >Debian 3.48-1</a>.
* @since 15.0
public static final MediaType CRW = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "x-canon-crw");
public static final MediaType GIF = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "gif");
public static final MediaType ICO = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "");
public static final MediaType JPEG = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "jpeg");
public static final MediaType PNG = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "png");
* The Photoshop File Format ({@code psd} files) as defined by <a
* href="">IANA</a>, and
* found in {@code /etc/mime.types}, e.g. <a
* href=""></a> of the
* Apache <a href="">HTTPD project</a>; for the specification, see <a
* href="">
* Adobe Photoshop Document Format</a> and <a
* href="">Wikipedia</a>; this is the
* regular output/input of Photoshop (which can also export to various image formats; note that
* files with extension "PSB" are in a distinct but related format).
* <p>This is a more recent replacement for the older, experimental type {@code x-photoshop}: <a
* href="">RFC-2046.6</a>.
* @since 15.0
public static final MediaType PSD = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "vnd.adobe.photoshop");
public static final MediaType SVG_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(IMAGE_TYPE, "svg+xml");
public static final MediaType TIFF = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "tiff");
* <a href="">WebP image format</a>.
* @since 13.0
public static final MediaType WEBP = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "webp");
* <a href="">HEIF image format</a>.
* @since 28.1
public static final MediaType HEIF = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "heif");
* <a href="">JP2K image format</a>.
* @since 28.1
public static final MediaType JP2K = createConstant(IMAGE_TYPE, "jp2");
/* audio types */
public static final MediaType MP4_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "mp4");
public static final MediaType MPEG_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "mpeg");
public static final MediaType OGG_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "ogg");
public static final MediaType WEBM_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "webm");
* L16 audio, as defined by <a href="">RFC 2586</a>.
* @since 24.1
public static final MediaType L16_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "l16");
* L24 audio, as defined by <a href="">RFC 3190</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType L24_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "l24");
* Basic Audio, as defined by <a href="">RFC
* 2046</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType BASIC_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "basic");
* Advanced Audio Coding. For more information, see <a
* href="">Advanced Audio Coding</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType AAC_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "aac");
* Vorbis Audio, as defined by <a href="">RFC 5215</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType VORBIS_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "vorbis");
* Windows Media Audio. For more information, see <a
* href="">file
* name extensions for Windows Media metafiles</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType WMA_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "x-ms-wma");
* Windows Media metafiles. For more information, see <a
* href="">file
* name extensions for Windows Media metafiles</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType WAX_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "x-ms-wax");
* Real Audio. For more information, see <a
* href="">this link</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType VND_REAL_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "vnd.rn-realaudio");
* WAVE format, as defined by <a href="">RFC 2361</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType VND_WAVE_AUDIO = createConstant(AUDIO_TYPE, "vnd.wave");
/* video types */
public static final MediaType MP4_VIDEO = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "mp4");
public static final MediaType MPEG_VIDEO = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "mpeg");
public static final MediaType OGG_VIDEO = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "ogg");
public static final MediaType QUICKTIME = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "quicktime");
public static final MediaType WEBM_VIDEO = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "webm");
public static final MediaType WMV = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "x-ms-wmv");
* Flash video. For more information, see <a href=
* ""
* >this link</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType FLV_VIDEO = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "x-flv");
* The 3GP multimedia container format. For more information, see <a
* href="">3GPP TS
* 26.244</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType THREE_GPP_VIDEO = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "3gpp");
* The 3G2 multimedia container format. For more information, see <a
* href="">3GPP2
* C.S0050-B</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType THREE_GPP2_VIDEO = createConstant(VIDEO_TYPE, "3gpp2");
/* application types */
* As described in <a href="">RFC 3023</a>, this constant
* ({@code application/xml}) is used for XML documents that are "unreadable by casual users."
* {@link #XML_UTF_8} is provided for documents that may be read by users.
* @since 14.0
public static final MediaType APPLICATION_XML_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "xml");
public static final MediaType ATOM_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "atom+xml");
public static final MediaType BZIP2 = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "x-bzip2");
* Files in the <a href="">dart</a>
* programming language.
* @since 19.0
public static final MediaType DART_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "dart");
* <a href="">Apple Passbook</a>.
* @since 19.0
public static final MediaType APPLE_PASSBOOK =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "");
* <a href="">Embedded OpenType</a> fonts. This is
* <a href="">registered
* </a> with the IANA.
* @since 17.0
public static final MediaType EOT = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "");
* As described in the <a href="">International Digital Publishing Forum</a>
* EPUB is the distribution and interchange format standard for digital publications and
* documents. This media type is defined in the <a
* href="">EPUB Open Container Format</a>
* specification.
* @since 15.0
public static final MediaType EPUB = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "epub+zip");
public static final MediaType FORM_DATA =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "x-www-form-urlencoded");
* As described in <a href="">PKCS #12: Personal
* Information Exchange Syntax Standard</a>, PKCS #12 defines an archive file format for storing
* many cryptography objects as a single file.
* @since 15.0
public static final MediaType KEY_ARCHIVE = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "pkcs12");
* This is a non-standard media type, but is commonly used in serving hosted binary files as it is
* <a href="">
* known not to trigger content sniffing in current browsers</a>. It <i>should not</i> be used in
* other situations as it is not specified by any RFC and does not appear in the <a
* href="">/IANA MIME Media Types</a> list. Consider
* {@link #OCTET_STREAM} for binary data that is not being served to a browser.
* @since 14.0
public static final MediaType APPLICATION_BINARY = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "binary");
* Media type for the <a href="">GeoJSON Format</a>, a
* geospatial data interchange format based on JSON.
* @since 28.0
public static final MediaType GEO_JSON = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "geo+json");
public static final MediaType GZIP = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "x-gzip");
* <a href="">JSON Hypertext
* Application Language (HAL) documents</a>.
* @since 26.0
public static final MediaType HAL_JSON = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "hal+json");
* <a href="">RFC 4329</a> declares this to be the
* correct media type for JavaScript, but {@link #TEXT_JAVASCRIPT_UTF_8 text/javascript} may be
* necessary in certain situations for compatibility.
public static final MediaType JAVASCRIPT_UTF_8 =
createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "javascript");
* For <a href="">JWS or JWE objects using the Compact
* Serialization</a>.
* @since 27.1
public static final MediaType JOSE = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "jose");
* For <a href="">JWS or JWE objects using the JSON
* Serialization</a>.
* @since 27.1
public static final MediaType JOSE_JSON = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "jose+json");
public static final MediaType JSON_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "json");
* The <a href="">Manifest for a web application</a>.
* @since 19.0
public static final MediaType MANIFEST_JSON_UTF_8 =
createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "manifest+json");
* <a href="">OGC KML (Keyhole Markup Language)</a>.
public static final MediaType KML = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "");
* <a href="">OGC KML (Keyhole Markup Language)</a>,
* compressed using the ZIP format into KMZ archives.
public static final MediaType KMZ = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "");
* The <a href="">mbox database format</a>.
* @since 13.0
public static final MediaType MBOX = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "mbox");
* <a href="">Apple over-the-air mobile configuration profiles</a>.
* @since 18.0
public static final MediaType APPLE_MOBILE_CONFIG =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "x-apple-aspen-config");
/** <a href="">Microsoft Excel</a> spreadsheets. */
public static final MediaType MICROSOFT_EXCEL = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "");
* <a href="">Microsoft Outlook</a> items.
* @since 27.1
public static final MediaType MICROSOFT_OUTLOOK =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "");
/** <a href="">Microsoft Powerpoint</a> presentations. */
public static final MediaType MICROSOFT_POWERPOINT =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "");
/** <a href="">Microsoft Word</a> documents. */
public static final MediaType MICROSOFT_WORD = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "msword");
* Media type for <a
* href="">Dynamic Adaptive
* Streaming over HTTP (DASH)</a>. This is <a
* href="">registered</a> with
* the IANA.
* @since 28.2
public static final MediaType MEDIA_PRESENTATION_DESCRIPTION =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "dash+xml");
* WASM applications. For more information see <a href="">the Web Assembly
* overview</a>.
* @since 27.0
public static final MediaType WASM_APPLICATION = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "wasm");
* NaCl applications. For more information see <a
* href="">the
* Developer Guide for Native Client Application Structure</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType NACL_APPLICATION = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "x-nacl");
* NaCl portable applications. For more information see <a
* href="">the
* Developer Guide for Native Client Application Structure</a>.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType NACL_PORTABLE_APPLICATION =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "x-pnacl");
public static final MediaType OCTET_STREAM = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "octet-stream");
public static final MediaType OGG_CONTAINER = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "ogg");
public static final MediaType OOXML_DOCUMENT =
APPLICATION_TYPE, "vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document");
public static final MediaType OOXML_PRESENTATION =
APPLICATION_TYPE, "vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation");
public static final MediaType OOXML_SHEET =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet");
public static final MediaType OPENDOCUMENT_GRAPHICS =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "");
public static final MediaType OPENDOCUMENT_PRESENTATION =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation");
public static final MediaType OPENDOCUMENT_SPREADSHEET =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet");
public static final MediaType OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "vnd.oasis.opendocument.text");
* <a href="">OpenSearch</a>
* Description files are XML files that describe how a website can be used as a search engine by
* consumers (e.g. web browsers).
* @since 28.2
public static final MediaType OPENSEARCH_DESCRIPTION_UTF_8 =
createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "opensearchdescription+xml");
public static final MediaType PDF = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "pdf");
public static final MediaType POSTSCRIPT = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "postscript");
* <a href="">Protocol buffers</a>
* @since 15.0
public static final MediaType PROTOBUF = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "protobuf");
* <a href="">RDF/XML</a> documents, which are XML
* serializations of <a
* href="">Resource Description
* Framework</a> graphs.
* @since 14.0
public static final MediaType RDF_XML_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "rdf+xml");
public static final MediaType RTF_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "rtf");
* <a href="">RFC 8081</a> declares {@link #FONT_SFNT
* font/sfnt} to be the correct media type for SFNT, but this may be necessary in certain
* situations for compatibility.
* @since 17.0
public static final MediaType SFNT = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "font-sfnt");
public static final MediaType SHOCKWAVE_FLASH =
createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "x-shockwave-flash");
* {@code skp} files produced by the 3D Modeling software <a
* href="">SketchUp</a>
* @since 13.0
public static final MediaType SKETCHUP = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "vnd.sketchup.skp");
* As described in <a href="">RFC 3902</a>, this constant
* ({@code application/soap+xml}) is used to identify SOAP 1.2 message envelopes that have been
* serialized with XML 1.0.
* <p>For SOAP 1.1 messages, see {@code XML_UTF_8} per <a
* href="">W3C Note on Simple Object Access Protocol
* (SOAP) 1.1</a>
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType SOAP_XML_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "soap+xml");
public static final MediaType TAR = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "x-tar");
* <a href="">RFC 8081</a> declares {@link #FONT_WOFF
* font/woff} to be the correct media type for WOFF, but this may be necessary in certain
* situations for compatibility.
* @since 17.0
public static final MediaType WOFF = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "font-woff");
* <a href="">RFC 8081</a> declares {@link #FONT_WOFF2
* font/woff2} to be the correct media type for WOFF2, but this may be necessary in certain
* situations for compatibility.
* @since 20.0
public static final MediaType WOFF2 = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "font-woff2");
public static final MediaType XHTML_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "xhtml+xml");
* Extensible Resource Descriptors. This is not yet registered with the IANA, but it is specified
* by OASIS in the <a href="">XRD
* definition</a> and implemented in projects such as <a
* href="">WebFinger</a>.
* @since 14.0
public static final MediaType XRD_UTF_8 = createConstantUtf8(APPLICATION_TYPE, "xrd+xml");
public static final MediaType ZIP = createConstant(APPLICATION_TYPE, "zip");
/* font types */
* A collection of font outlines as defined by <a href="">RFC
* 8081</a>.
* @since 30.0
public static final MediaType FONT_COLLECTION = createConstant(FONT_TYPE, "collection");
* <a href="">Open Type Font Format</a> (OTF) as defined by
* <a href="">RFC 8081</a>.
* @since 30.0
public static final MediaType FONT_OTF = createConstant(FONT_TYPE, "otf");
* <a href="">Spline or Scalable Font Format</a> (SFNT). <a
* href="">RFC 8081</a> declares this to be the correct media
* type for SFNT, but {@link #SFNT application/font-sfnt} may be necessary in certain situations
* for compatibility.
* @since 30.0
public static final MediaType FONT_SFNT = createConstant(FONT_TYPE, "sfnt");
* <a href="">True Type Font Format</a> (TTF) as defined by
* <a href="">RFC 8081</a>.
* @since 30.0
public static final MediaType FONT_TTF = createConstant(FONT_TYPE, "ttf");
* <a href="">Web Open Font Format</a> (WOFF). <a
* href="">RFC 8081</a> declares this to be the correct media
* type for SFNT, but {@link #WOFF application/font-woff} may be necessary in certain situations
* for compatibility.
* @since 30.0
public static final MediaType FONT_WOFF = createConstant(FONT_TYPE, "woff");
* <a href="">Web Open Font Format</a> (WOFF2).
* <a href="">RFC 8081</a> declares this to be the correct
* media type for SFNT, but {@link #WOFF2 application/font-woff2} may be necessary in certain
* situations for compatibility.
* @since 30.0
public static final MediaType FONT_WOFF2 = createConstant(FONT_TYPE, "woff2");
private final String type;
private final String subtype;
private final ImmutableListMultimap<String, String> parameters;
@LazyInit @CheckForNull private String toString;
@LazyInit private int hashCode;
@LazyInit @CheckForNull private Optional<Charset> parsedCharset;
private MediaType(String type, String subtype, ImmutableListMultimap<String, String> parameters) {
this.type = type;
this.subtype = subtype;
this.parameters = parameters;
/** Returns the top-level media type. For example, {@code "text"} in {@code "text/plain"}. */
public String type() {
return type;
/** Returns the media subtype. For example, {@code "plain"} in {@code "text/plain"}. */
public String subtype() {
return subtype;
/** Returns a multimap containing the parameters of this media type. */
public ImmutableListMultimap<String, String> parameters() {
return parameters;
private Map<String, ImmutableMultiset<String>> parametersAsMap() {
return Maps.transformValues(
new Function<Collection<String>, ImmutableMultiset<String>>() {
public ImmutableMultiset<String> apply(Collection<String> input) {
return ImmutableMultiset.copyOf(input);
* Returns an optional charset for the value of the charset parameter if it is specified.
* @throws IllegalStateException if multiple charset values have been set for this media type
* @throws IllegalCharsetNameException if a charset value is present, but illegal
* @throws UnsupportedCharsetException if a charset value is present, but no support is available
* in this instance of the Java virtual machine
public Optional<Charset> charset() {
// racy single-check idiom, this is safe because Optional is immutable.
Optional<Charset> local = parsedCharset;
if (local == null) {
String value = null;
local = Optional.absent();
for (String currentValue : parameters.get(CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE)) {
if (value == null) {
value = currentValue;
local = Optional.of(Charset.forName(value));
} else if (!value.equals(currentValue)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Multiple charset values defined: " + value + ", " + currentValue);
parsedCharset = local;
return local;
* Returns a new instance with the same type and subtype as this instance, but without any
* parameters.
public MediaType withoutParameters() {
return parameters.isEmpty() ? this : create(type, subtype);
* <em>Replaces</em> all parameters with the given parameters.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any parameter or value is invalid
public MediaType withParameters(Multimap<String, String> parameters) {
return create(type, subtype, parameters);
* <em>Replaces</em> all parameters with the given attribute with parameters using the given
* values. If there are no values, any existing parameters with the given attribute are removed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code attribute} or {@code values} is invalid
* @since 24.0
public MediaType withParameters(String attribute, Iterable<String> values) {
String normalizedAttribute = normalizeToken(attribute);
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.entries()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
if (!normalizedAttribute.equals(key)) {
builder.put(key, entry.getValue());
for (String value : values) {
builder.put(normalizedAttribute, normalizeParameterValue(normalizedAttribute, value));
MediaType mediaType = new MediaType(type, subtype,;
// if the attribute isn't charset, we can just inherit the current parsedCharset
if (!normalizedAttribute.equals(CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE)) {
mediaType.parsedCharset = this.parsedCharset;
// Return one of the constants if the media type is a known type.
return MoreObjects.firstNonNull(KNOWN_TYPES.get(mediaType), mediaType);
* <em>Replaces</em> all parameters with the given attribute with a single parameter with the
* given value. If multiple parameters with the same attributes are necessary use {@link
* #withParameters(String, Iterable)}. Prefer {@link #withCharset} for setting the {@code charset}
* parameter when using a {@link Charset} object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code attribute} or {@code value} is invalid
public MediaType withParameter(String attribute, String value) {
return withParameters(attribute, ImmutableSet.of(value));
* Returns a new instance with the same type and subtype as this instance, with the {@code
* charset} parameter set to the {@link Charset#name name} of the given charset. Only one {@code
* charset} parameter will be present on the new instance regardless of the number set on this
* one.
* <p>If a charset must be specified that is not supported on this JVM (and thus is not
* representable as a {@link Charset} instance, use {@link #withParameter}.
public MediaType withCharset(Charset charset) {
MediaType withCharset = withParameter(CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE,;
// precache the charset so we don't need to parse it
withCharset.parsedCharset = Optional.of(charset);
return withCharset;
/** Returns true if either the type or subtype is the wildcard. */
public boolean hasWildcard() {
return WILDCARD.equals(type) || WILDCARD.equals(subtype);
* Returns {@code true} if this instance falls within the range (as defined by <a
* href="">the HTTP Accept header</a>) given
* by the argument according to three criteria:
* <ol>
* <li>The type of the argument is the wildcard or equal to the type of this instance.
* <li>The subtype of the argument is the wildcard or equal to the subtype of this instance.
* <li>All of the parameters present in the argument are present in this instance.
* </ol>
* <p>For example:
* <pre>{@code
* // true
* // false
* // true
* // true
* // false
* // true
* PLAIN_TEXT_UTF_8.withoutParameters().is(ANY_TEXT_TYPE.withCharset(UTF_8)) // false
* // false
* }</pre>
* <p>Note that while it is possible to have the same parameter declared multiple times within a
* media type this method does not consider the number of occurrences of a parameter. For example,
* {@code "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"} satisfies {@code "text/plain; charset=UTF-8;
* charset=UTF-8"}.
public boolean is(MediaType mediaTypeRange) {
return (mediaTypeRange.type.equals(WILDCARD) || mediaTypeRange.type.equals(this.type))
&& (mediaTypeRange.subtype.equals(WILDCARD) || mediaTypeRange.subtype.equals(this.subtype))
&& this.parameters.entries().containsAll(mediaTypeRange.parameters.entries());
* Creates a new media type with the given type and subtype.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if type or subtype is invalid or if a wildcard is used for the
* type, but not the subtype.
public static MediaType create(String type, String subtype) {
MediaType mediaType = create(type, subtype, ImmutableListMultimap.<String, String>of());
mediaType.parsedCharset = Optional.absent();
return mediaType;
private static MediaType create(
String type, String subtype, Multimap<String, String> parameters) {
String normalizedType = normalizeToken(type);
String normalizedSubtype = normalizeToken(subtype);
!WILDCARD.equals(normalizedType) || WILDCARD.equals(normalizedSubtype),
"A wildcard type cannot be used with a non-wildcard subtype");
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, String> builder = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.entries()) {
String attribute = normalizeToken(entry.getKey());
builder.put(attribute, normalizeParameterValue(attribute, entry.getValue()));
MediaType mediaType = new MediaType(normalizedType, normalizedSubtype,;
// Return one of the constants if the media type is a known type.
return MoreObjects.firstNonNull(KNOWN_TYPES.get(mediaType), mediaType);
* Creates a media type with the "application" type and the given subtype.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if subtype is invalid
static MediaType createApplicationType(String subtype) {
return create(APPLICATION_TYPE, subtype);
* Creates a media type with the "audio" type and the given subtype.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if subtype is invalid
static MediaType createAudioType(String subtype) {
return create(AUDIO_TYPE, subtype);
* Creates a media type with the "font" type and the given subtype.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if subtype is invalid
static MediaType createFontType(String subtype) {
return create(FONT_TYPE, subtype);
* Creates a media type with the "image" type and the given subtype.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if subtype is invalid
static MediaType createImageType(String subtype) {
return create(IMAGE_TYPE, subtype);
* Creates a media type with the "text" type and the given subtype.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if subtype is invalid
static MediaType createTextType(String subtype) {
return create(TEXT_TYPE, subtype);
* Creates a media type with the "video" type and the given subtype.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if subtype is invalid
static MediaType createVideoType(String subtype) {
return create(VIDEO_TYPE, subtype);
private static String normalizeToken(String token) {
return Ascii.toLowerCase(token);
private static String normalizeParameterValue(String attribute, String value) {
checkNotNull(value); // for GWT
checkArgument(ascii().matchesAllOf(value), "parameter values must be ASCII: %s", value);
return CHARSET_ATTRIBUTE.equals(attribute) ? Ascii.toLowerCase(value) : value;
* Parses a media type from its string representation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input is not parsable
public static MediaType parse(String input) {
Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(input);
try {
String type = tokenizer.consumeToken(TOKEN_MATCHER);
String subtype = tokenizer.consumeToken(TOKEN_MATCHER);
ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, String> parameters = ImmutableListMultimap.builder();
while (tokenizer.hasMore()) {
String attribute = tokenizer.consumeToken(TOKEN_MATCHER);
final String value;
if ('"' == tokenizer.previewChar()) {
StringBuilder valueBuilder = new StringBuilder();
while ('"' != tokenizer.previewChar()) {
if ('\\' == tokenizer.previewChar()) {
} else {
value = valueBuilder.toString();
} else {
value = tokenizer.consumeToken(TOKEN_MATCHER);
parameters.put(attribute, value);
return create(type, subtype,;
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse '" + input + "'", e);
private static final class Tokenizer {
final String input;
int position = 0;
Tokenizer(String input) {
this.input = input;
String consumeTokenIfPresent(CharMatcher matcher) {
int startPosition = position;
position = matcher.negate().indexIn(input, startPosition);
return hasMore() ? input.substring(startPosition, position) : input.substring(startPosition);
String consumeToken(CharMatcher matcher) {
int startPosition = position;
String token = consumeTokenIfPresent(matcher);
checkState(position != startPosition);
return token;
char consumeCharacter(CharMatcher matcher) {
char c = previewChar();
return c;
char consumeCharacter(char c) {
checkState(previewChar() == c);
return c;
char previewChar() {
return input.charAt(position);
boolean hasMore() {
return (position >= 0) && (position < input.length());
public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
} else if (obj instanceof MediaType) {
MediaType that = (MediaType) obj;
return this.type.equals(that.type)
&& this.subtype.equals(that.subtype)
// compare parameters regardless of order
&& this.parametersAsMap().equals(that.parametersAsMap());
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
// racy single-check idiom
int h = hashCode;
if (h == 0) {
h = Objects.hashCode(type, subtype, parametersAsMap());
hashCode = h;
return h;
private static final MapJoiner PARAMETER_JOINER = Joiner.on("; ").withKeyValueSeparator("=");
* Returns the string representation of this media type in the format described in <a
* href="">RFC 2045</a>.
public String toString() {
// racy single-check idiom, safe because String is immutable
String result = toString;
if (result == null) {
result = computeToString();
toString = result;
return result;
private String computeToString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder().append(type).append('/').append(subtype);
if (!parameters.isEmpty()) {
builder.append("; ");
Multimap<String, String> quotedParameters =
new Function<String, String>() {
public String apply(String value) {
return (TOKEN_MATCHER.matchesAllOf(value) && !value.isEmpty())
? value
: escapeAndQuote(value);
PARAMETER_JOINER.appendTo(builder, quotedParameters.entries());
return builder.toString();
private static String escapeAndQuote(String value) {
StringBuilder escaped = new StringBuilder(value.length() + 16).append('"');
for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) {
char ch = value.charAt(i);
if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\\' || ch == '"') {
return escaped.append('"').toString();