Added Closeables.closeQuietly(Closeable) back

This was removed in version 17 and no longer exists in v18 but
unfortunately, removing it breaks lmp-mr1-dev-plus-aosp and
based on some warnings from Proguard (should be errors) it
could cause problems at runtime due to some JARs built (in
google3) against a previous version of Guava being copied into
internal android without the corresponding version of Guava.

Change-Id: Ibad867b79fc84e39371c2464b684ebf9775494ad
diff --git a/guava/src/com/google/common/io/ b/guava/src/com/google/common/io/
index d6f618b..f22e08e 100644
--- a/guava/src/com/google/common/io/
+++ b/guava/src/com/google/common/io/
@@ -88,6 +88,32 @@
+   * Equivalent to calling {@code close(closeable, true)}, but with no IOException in the signature.
+   *
+   * @param closeable the {@code Closeable} object to be closed, or null, in which case this method
+   *     does nothing
+   * @deprecated Where possible, use the
+   *     <a href="">
+   *     try-with-resources</a> statement if using JDK7 or {@link Closer} on JDK6 to close one or
+   *     more {@code Closeable} objects. This method is deprecated because it is easy to misuse and
+   *     may swallow IO exceptions that really should be thrown and handled. See
+   *     <a href="">Guava issue
+   *     1118</a> for a more detailed explanation of the reasons for deprecation and see
+   *     <a href="">
+   *     Closing Resources</a> for more information on the problems with closing {@code Closeable}
+   *     objects and some of the preferred solutions for handling it correctly. This method is
+   *     scheduled to be removed after upgrading Android to Guava 17.0.
+   */
+  @Deprecated
+  public static void closeQuietly(@Nullable Closeable closeable) {
+    try {
+      close(closeable, true);
+    } catch (IOException e) {
+      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "IOException should not have been thrown.", e);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
    * Closes the given {@link InputStream}, logging any {@code IOException} that's thrown rather
    * than propagating it.