I'm move Gson 2.0 notes to the sites page.
diff --git a/gson/GSON 2.0 NOTES.txt b/gson/GSON 2.0 NOTES.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f8e843..0000000
--- a/gson/GSON 2.0 NOTES.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-What's new in GSON 2.0
-GSON 1.x used to automatically unwrap single-element arrays as necessary.
-GSON 2.x doesn't.
-GSON 1.x permitted primitive types to be overridden
-GSON 2.x doesn't.
-GSON 1.x rejects integers that have any fraction, even if it is ".0"
-GSON 2.x permits integers to have ".0" fractions like "1.0"
-GSON 1.x truncates oversized large integers and longs
-GSON 2.x fails on oversized large integers and longs
-GSON 1.x uses arbitrary precision for primitive type conversion (so -122.08e-2132 != 0)
-GSON 2.x uses double precision (so -122.08e-2132 == 0)
-GSON 1.x supports type adapters for primitive types
-GSON 2.x doesn't
-GSON 1.x throws IllegalStateException on circular references
-GSON 2.x lets the runtime throw a StackOverflowError
-GSON 1.x sometimes sets subclass fields when an InstanceCreator returns a subclass.
-    This occurs only when the value is a field of another object: not when its
-    the top level object or a collection element.
-GSON 2.x sets fields of the requested type only
-GSON 1.x applies different rules for versioning for classes vs fields. So, if you deserialize a
-   JSON into a field that is supposed to be skipped, the field is set to null (or default value).
-   However, if you deserialize it to a top-level class, a default instance is returned.
-GSON 2.x returns null for the top-level class.
-GSON 1.x creates the empty string "" if the only element is skipped
-GSON 2.x writes "null" if the only element is skipped
-GSON 1.x permits duplicate map keys.
-GSON 2.x rejects duplicate map keys.
-GSON 1.x doesn't serialize subclass fields in collections
-GSON 2.x does serialize subclass fields in collections
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