blob: e790960098cd8ab375a2dcb5e0fb011b3d094f56 [file] [log] [blame]
//gsoap ns1 service name: lu
//gsoap ns1 service style: rpc
//gsoap ns1 service encoding: encoded
//gsoap ns1 service namespace:
//gsoap ns1 service location:
//gsoap ns1 schema namespace: urn:lu
typedef double xsd__double;
typedef int xsd__int;
class vector // dynamic array of type SOAP-ENC:Array with arrayType="double[]"
{ public:
xsd__double *__ptr; // pointer to array of double
int __size; // number of elements pointed to
int __offset;
struct soap *soap; // gSOAP env. instance was created
vector(struct soap *env);
vector(struct soap *env, int size);
vector(struct soap *env, int start, int end);
virtual ~vector();
virtual int start(); // index of first element (=__offset)
virtual int end(); // index of last element
virtual int size(); // vector size
virtual void resize(int size);
virtual void resize(int start, int end);
virtual double& operator[](int i);
virtual double operator()(int i);
virtual void print();
class ivector // dynamic array of type SOAP-ENC:Array with arrayType="int[]"
{ public:
xsd__int *__ptr; // pointer to array of int
int __size; // number of elements pointed to
int __offset;
struct soap *soap; // gSOAP env. instance was created
ivector(struct soap *env);
ivector(struct soap *env, int size);
ivector(struct soap *env, int start, int end);
virtual ~ivector();
virtual int start(); // index of first element (=__offset)
virtual int end(); // index of last element
virtual int size(); // vector size
virtual void resize(int size);
virtual void resize(int start, int end);
virtual int& operator[](int i);
virtual int operator()(int i);
virtual void print();
class matrix // dynamic array of type SOAP-ENC:Array with arrayType="double[][]"
{ public:
vector *__ptr; // pointer to array of vectors
int __size; // number of vectors pointed to
int __offset;
struct soap *soap; // gSOAP env. instance was created
matrix(struct soap *env);
matrix(struct soap *env, int rows);
matrix(struct soap *env, int rows, int cols);
matrix(struct soap *env, int rowstart, int rowend, int colstart, int colend);
virtual ~matrix();
virtual int start();
virtual int end();
virtual int size();
virtual void resize(int rows, int cols);
virtual void resize(int rowstart, int rowend, int colstart, int colend);
virtual vector& operator[](int i);
virtual double operator()(int i, int j);
virtual void print();
// LU decomposition, see Numerical Recipies for C
ns1__ludcmp(matrix *a, struct ns1__ludcmpResponse {matrix *a; ivector *i; xsd__double d;} &result);
// backsubstitution, see Numerical Recipies for C
ns1__lubksb(matrix *a, ivector *i, vector *b, vector *x);
// Linear system solver using LU decomposition: solves ax=b
ns1__lusol(matrix *a, vector *b, vector *x);
// Linear systems solver using LU decomposition: solves ax=b for all rows in x and b
ns1__lusols(matrix *a, matrix *b, matrix *x);
// Matrix inversion using LU decomposition
ns1__luinv(matrix *a, matrix *b);
// Determinant of matrix
ns1__ludet(matrix *a, xsd__double &d);