blob: 516489f87ac8807c15cb3d895561745883d3cfa4 [file] [log] [blame]
/* factorytest.cpp
Test client for remote object factory
This is a simple example client program that defines its own proxy
objects. The proxy objects utilize the gSOAP remote interfaces to
access the remote factory. The remote object interfaces are declared
in factorytest.h. Since the remote interfaces are C-style, C-based
client programs cam be developed to access remote object factories.
soapcpp2 factorytest.h
c++ -o factorytest factorytest.cpp stdsoap2.cpp soapC.cpp soapClient.cpp
factorytest <factory-endpoint>
where <factory-endpoint> is the service endpoint of a factory server,
e.g. http://localhost:18085
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Robert A. van Engelen. All Rights Reserved.
#include "soapH.h"
#include "factorytest.nsmap"
#include <iostream.h>
// default factory service endpoint:
const char *factory = "http://localhost:18085";
// Client-side root proxy class
class Root
{ public:
char *endpoint; // factory service endpoint
enum t__status status; // status flag
struct soap *soap; // gSOAP environment (for header h__handle)
Root(const char *factory, enum t__object object, char *name);
virtual ~Root();
void rename(char *name);
{ endpoint = NULL;
status = FACTORY_OK;
soap = NULL;
Root::Root(const char *factory, enum t__object object, char *name)
{ soap = soap_new();
endpoint = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, strlen(factory)+1);
strcpy(endpoint, factory);
if (name)
if (soap_call_ns__lookup(soap, endpoint, "", object, name, status))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); // for demo, just print
if (status == FACTORY_NOTFOUND)
{ if (soap_call_ns__create(soap, endpoint, "", object, name, status))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); // for demo, just print
} while (status == FACTORY_RETRY);
{ if (soap_call_ns__release(soap, endpoint, "", status))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); // for demo, just print
void Root::rename(char *name)
{ if (soap_call_ns__rename(soap, endpoint, "", name, status))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); // for demo, just print
// Client-side adder proxy class derived from root
class Adder: public Root
{ public:
Adder() : Root(factory, ADDER, NULL) {};
Adder(char *name) : Root(factory, ADDER, name) {};
Adder(const char *factory, enum t__object object, char *name) : Root(factory, object, name) {};
void set(double val); // to set the remote adder
double get(); // to get value of the remote adder
void add(double val); // to add a value to the remote adder
void Adder::set(double val)
{ if (soap_call_ns__set(soap, endpoint, "", val, status))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); // for demo, just print
double Adder::get()
{ double val;
if (soap_call_ns__get(soap, endpoint, "", val))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); // for demo, just print
return val;
void Adder::add(double val)
{ if (soap_call_ns__add(soap, endpoint, "", val, status))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); // for demo, just print
// Client-side counter proxy class derived from adder
class Counter: public Adder
{ public:
Counter() : Adder(factory, COUNTER, NULL) {};
Counter(char *name) : Adder(factory, COUNTER, name) {};
Counter(const char *factory, enum t__object object, char *name) : Adder(factory, object, name) {};
void inc(); // to increment the remote counter
void Counter::inc()
{ if (soap_call_ns__inc(soap, endpoint, "", status))
soap_print_fault(soap, stderr); // for demo, just print
// Main client test program
int main(int argc, char **argv)
{ if (argc > 1)
factory = argv[1]; // use factory from command line arg by default
cout << "Connecting to factory " << factory << endl;
Adder adder; // create unique new remote adder object
Counter counter1("myCounter"); // new counter object "myCounter" (created if not exists)
Counter counter2("myCounter"); // lookup and use counter "myCounter" (this is an alias to counter1!)
cout << "Adder=" << adder.get() << endl;
cout << "Counter=" << counter2.get() << endl; // counter2 is an alias for counter1 so this prints the value of counter1
cout << "Sleep for 90 seconds to test factory server purging objects:" << endl;
// counter is periodically incremented which keeps it alive
cout << "Counter=" << counter2.get() << endl;
cout << "Counter=" << counter2.get() << endl;
cout << "Counter=" << counter2.get() << endl;
// after 90 secs, the adder should be gone
cout << "Adder is no longer available:" << endl;
cout << "Adder status = " << adder.status << endl;
return 0;