blob: 90f1a2d790c1f7e2a561df1ce2703120fa0af8e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <grpc/impl/codegen/grpc_types.h>
#include <grpc/support/string_util.h>
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/inlined_vector.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/error.h"
#include "src/core/lib/json/json.h"
#include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_hash_table.h"
// The main purpose of the code here is to parse the service config in
// JSON form, which will look like this:
// {
// "loadBalancingPolicy": "string", // optional
// "methodConfig": [ // array of one or more method_config objects
// {
// "name": [ // array of one or more name objects
// {
// "service": "string", // required
// "method": "string", // optional
// }
// ],
// // remaining fields are optional.
// // see
// // for format details.
// "waitForReady": bool,
// "timeout": "duration_string",
// "maxRequestMessageBytes": "int64_string",
// "maxResponseMessageBytes": "int64_string",
// }
// ]
// }
namespace grpc_core {
/// This is the base class that all service config parsers MUST use to store
/// parsed service config data.
class ServiceConfigParsedObject {
virtual ~ServiceConfigParsedObject() = default;
/// This is the base class that all service config parsers should derive from.
class ServiceConfigParser {
virtual ~ServiceConfigParser() = default;
virtual UniquePtr<ServiceConfigParsedObject> ParseGlobalParams(
const grpc_json* json, grpc_error** error) {
if (error != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
virtual UniquePtr<ServiceConfigParsedObject> ParsePerMethodParams(
const grpc_json* json, grpc_error** error) {
if (error != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
static constexpr int kMaxParsers = 32;
class ServiceConfig : public RefCounted<ServiceConfig> {
/// Creates a new service config from parsing \a json_string.
/// Returns null on parse error.
static RefCountedPtr<ServiceConfig> Create(const char* json,
grpc_error** error);
const char* service_config_json() const { return service_config_json_.get(); }
/// Invokes \a process_json() for each global parameter in the service
/// config. \a arg is passed as the second argument to \a process_json().
template <typename T>
using ProcessJson = void (*)(const grpc_json*, T*);
template <typename T>
void ParseGlobalParams(ProcessJson<T> process_json, T* arg) const;
/// Gets the LB policy name from \a service_config.
/// Returns NULL if no LB policy name was specified.
/// Caller does NOT take ownership.
const char* GetLoadBalancingPolicyName() const;
/// Creates a method config table based on the data in \a json.
/// The table's keys are request paths. The table's value type is
/// returned by \a create_value(), based on data parsed from the JSON tree.
/// Returns null on error.
template <typename T>
using CreateValue = RefCountedPtr<T> (*)(const grpc_json* method_config_json);
template <typename T>
RefCountedPtr<SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>> CreateMethodConfigTable(
CreateValue<T> create_value) const;
/// A helper function for looking up values in the table returned by
/// \a CreateMethodConfigTable().
/// Gets the method config for the specified \a path, which should be of
/// the form "/service/method".
/// Returns null if the method has no config.
/// Caller does NOT own a reference to the result.
template <typename T>
static RefCountedPtr<T> MethodConfigTableLookup(
const SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>& table, const grpc_slice& path);
/// Retrieves the parsed global service config object at index \a index.
ServiceConfigParsedObject* GetParsedGlobalServiceConfigObject(int index) {
index < static_cast<int>(parsed_global_service_config_objects_.size()));
return parsed_global_service_config_objects_[index].get();
static constexpr int kMaxParsers = 32;
typedef InlinedVector<UniquePtr<ServiceConfigParsedObject>, kMaxParsers>
/// Retrieves the vector of method service config objects for a given path \a
/// path.
const ServiceConfigObjectsVector* const* GetMethodServiceConfigObjectsVector(
const grpc_slice& path);
/// Globally register a service config parser. On successful registration, it
/// returns the index at which the parser was registered. On failure, -1 is
/// returned. Each new service config update will go through all the
/// registered parser. Each parser is responsible for reading the service
/// config json and returning a parsed object. This parsed object can later be
/// retrieved using the same index that was returned at registration time.
static int RegisterParser(const ServiceConfigParser& parser) {
return registered_parsers_->size() - 1;
typedef InlinedVector<ServiceConfigParser, kMaxParsers>
static void Init() {
GPR_ASSERT(registered_parsers_ == nullptr);
registered_parsers_ = New<ServiceConfigParserList>();
static void Shutdown() {
registered_parsers_ = nullptr;
// So New() can call our private ctor.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
friend T* New(Args&&... args);
// Takes ownership of \a json_tree.
ServiceConfig(UniquePtr<char> service_config_json,
UniquePtr<char> json_string, grpc_json* json_tree,
grpc_error** error);
// Helper functions to parse the service config
grpc_error* ParseGlobalParams(const grpc_json* json_tree);
grpc_error* ParsePerMethodParams(const grpc_json* json_tree);
// Returns the number of names specified in the method config \a json.
static int CountNamesInMethodConfig(grpc_json* json);
// Returns a path string for the JSON name object specified by \a json.
// Returns null on error.
static UniquePtr<char> ParseJsonMethodName(grpc_json* json);
// Parses the method config from \a json. Adds an entry to \a entries for
// each name found, incrementing \a idx for each entry added.
// Returns false on error.
template <typename T>
static bool ParseJsonMethodConfig(
grpc_json* json, CreateValue<T> create_value,
typename SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>::Entry* entries, size_t* idx);
grpc_error* ParseJsonMethodConfigToServiceConfigObjectsTable(
const grpc_json* json,
SliceHashTable<const ServiceConfigObjectsVector*>::Entry* entries,
size_t* idx);
static ServiceConfigParserList* registered_parsers_;
UniquePtr<char> service_config_json_;
UniquePtr<char> json_string_; // Underlying storage for json_tree.
grpc_json* json_tree_;
InlinedVector<UniquePtr<ServiceConfigParsedObject>, kMaxParsers>
RefCountedPtr<SliceHashTable<const ServiceConfigObjectsVector*>>
InlinedVector<UniquePtr<ServiceConfigObjectsVector>, kMaxParsers>
// implementation -- no user-serviceable parts below
template <typename T>
void ServiceConfig::ParseGlobalParams(ProcessJson<T> process_json,
T* arg) const {
if (json_tree_->type != GRPC_JSON_OBJECT || json_tree_->key != nullptr) {
for (grpc_json* field = json_tree_->child; field != nullptr;
field = field->next) {
if (field->key == nullptr) return;
if (strcmp(field->key, "methodConfig") == 0) continue;
process_json(field, arg);
template <typename T>
bool ServiceConfig::ParseJsonMethodConfig(
grpc_json* json, CreateValue<T> create_value,
typename SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>::Entry* entries, size_t* idx) {
// Construct value.
RefCountedPtr<T> method_config = create_value(json);
if (method_config == nullptr) return false;
// Construct list of paths.
InlinedVector<UniquePtr<char>, 10> paths;
for (grpc_json* child = json->child; child != nullptr; child = child->next) {
if (child->key == nullptr) continue;
if (strcmp(child->key, "name") == 0) {
if (child->type != GRPC_JSON_ARRAY) return false;
for (grpc_json* name = child->child; name != nullptr; name = name->next) {
UniquePtr<char> path = ParseJsonMethodName(name);
if (path == nullptr) return false;
if (paths.size() == 0) return false; // No names specified.
// Add entry for each path.
for (size_t i = 0; i < paths.size(); ++i) {
entries[*idx].key = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(paths[i].get());
entries[*idx].value = method_config; // Takes a new ref.
// Success.
return true;
template <typename T>
ServiceConfig::CreateMethodConfigTable(CreateValue<T> create_value) const {
// Traverse parsed JSON tree.
if (json_tree_->type != GRPC_JSON_OBJECT || json_tree_->key != nullptr) {
return nullptr;
size_t num_entries = 0;
typename SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>::Entry* entries = nullptr;
for (grpc_json* field = json_tree_->child; field != nullptr;
field = field->next) {
if (field->key == nullptr) return nullptr;
if (strcmp(field->key, "methodConfig") == 0) {
if (entries != nullptr) return nullptr; // Duplicate.
if (field->type != GRPC_JSON_ARRAY) return nullptr;
// Find number of entries.
for (grpc_json* method = field->child; method != nullptr;
method = method->next) {
int count = CountNamesInMethodConfig(method);
if (count <= 0) return nullptr;
num_entries += static_cast<size_t>(count);
// Populate method config table entries.
entries = static_cast<typename SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>::Entry*>(
gpr_zalloc(num_entries *
sizeof(typename SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>::Entry)));
size_t idx = 0;
for (grpc_json* method = field->child; method != nullptr;
method = method->next) {
if (!ParseJsonMethodConfig(method, create_value, entries, &idx)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < idx; ++i) {
return nullptr;
GPR_ASSERT(idx == num_entries);
// Instantiate method config table.
RefCountedPtr<SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>> method_config_table;
if (entries != nullptr) {
method_config_table =
SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>::Create(num_entries, entries, nullptr);
return method_config_table;
template <typename T>
RefCountedPtr<T> ServiceConfig::MethodConfigTableLookup(
const SliceHashTable<RefCountedPtr<T>>& table, const grpc_slice& path) {
const RefCountedPtr<T>* value = table.Get(path);
// If we didn't find a match for the path, try looking for a wildcard
// entry (i.e., change "/service/method" to "/service/*").
if (value == nullptr) {
char* path_str = grpc_slice_to_c_string(path);
const char* sep = strrchr(path_str, '/') + 1;
const size_t len = (size_t)(sep - path_str);
char* buf = (char*)gpr_malloc(len + 2); // '*' and NUL
memcpy(buf, path_str, len);
buf[len] = '*';
buf[len + 1] = '\0';
grpc_slice wildcard_path = grpc_slice_from_copied_string(buf);
value = table.Get(wildcard_path);
if (value == nullptr) return nullptr;
return RefCountedPtr<T>(*value);
} // namespace grpc_core