Reorganize docs for end2end benchmarks (#27484)

* Reorganize docs for end2end benchmarks

* Update

* Restore heading "gRPC OSS benchmarks" (#27646)

This heading is used in cross-references from other repositories and sites. Also fix formatting.

Co-authored-by: Paulo Castello da Costa <>
diff --git a/tools/run_tests/performance/ b/tools/run_tests/performance/
index 569e7a8..a912302 100644
--- a/tools/run_tests/performance/
+++ b/tools/run_tests/performance/
@@ -1,11 +1,317 @@
-# Overview of performance test suite, with steps for manual runs:
+# Overview of performance test suite
 For design of the tests, see
-For scripts related to the GKE-based performance test suite (in development),
-see [gRPC OSS benchmarks](#grpc-oss-benchmarks).
+This document contains documentation of on how to run gRPC end-to-end benchmarks
+using the gRPC OSS benchmarks framework (recommended) or how to run them
+manually (for experts only).
-## Pre-reqs for running these manually:
+## Approach 1: Use gRPC OSS benchmarks framework (Recommended)
+### gRPC OSS benchmarks
+The scripts in this section generate LoadTest configurations for the GKE-based
+gRPC OSS benchmarks framework. This framework is stored in a separate
+repository, [grpc/test-infra].
+These scripts, together with tools defined in [grpc/test-infra], are used in the
+continuous integration setup defined in [] and
+#### Generating scenarios
+The benchmarks framework uses the same test scenarios as the legacy one. The
+script [](./ can be used
+to export these scenarios to files, and also to count and analyze existing
+The language(s) and category of the scenarios are of particular importance to
+the tests. Continuous runs will typically run tests in the `scalable` category.
+The following example counts scenarios in the `scalable` category:
+$ ./tools/run_tests/performance/ --count_scenarios --category=scalable
+Scenario count for all languages (category: scalable):
+Count  Language         Client   Server   Categories
+   77  c++                                scalable
+   19  python_asyncio                     scalable
+   16  java                               scalable
+   12  go                                 scalable
+   12  node                      node     scalable
+   12  node_purejs               node     scalable
+    9  csharp                             scalable
+    7  python                             scalable
+    5  ruby                               scalable
+    4  csharp                    c++      scalable
+    4  php7                      c++      scalable
+    4  php7_protobuf_c           c++      scalable
+    3  python_asyncio            c++      scalable
+    2  ruby                      c++      scalable
+    2  python                    c++      scalable
+    1  csharp           c++               scalable
+  189  total scenarios (category: scalable)
+Client and server languages are only set for cross-language scenarios, where the
+client or server language do not match the scenario language.
+#### Generating load test configurations
+The benchmarks framework uses LoadTest resources configured by YAML files. Each
+LoadTest resource specifies a driver, a server, and one or more clients to run
+the test. Each test runs one scenario. The scenario configuration is embedded in
+the LoadTest configuration. Example configurations for various languages can be
+found here:
+The script [](./ generates LoadTest
+configurations for tests running a set of scenarios. The configurations are
+written in multipart YAML format, either to a file or to stdout. Each
+configuration contains a single embedded scenario.
+The LoadTest configurations are generated from a template. Any configuration can
+be used as a template, as long as it contains the languages required by the set
+of scenarios we intend to run (for instance, if we are generating configurations
+to run go scenarios, the template must contain a go client and a go server; if
+we are generating configurations for cross-language scenarios that need a go
+client and a C++ server, the template must also contain a C++ server; and the
+same for all other languages).
+The LoadTests specified in the script output all have unique names and can be
+run by applying the test to a cluster running the LoadTest controller with
+`kubectl apply`:
+$ kubectl apply -f loadtest_config.yaml
+> Note: The most common way of running tests generated by this script is to use
+> a _test runner_. For details, see [running tests](#running-tests).
+A basic template for generating tests in various languages can be found here:
+The following example generates configurations for C# and Java tests using this
+template, including tests against C++ clients and servers, and running each test
+$ ./tools/run_tests/performance/ -l go -l java \
+    -t ./tools/run_tests/performance/templates/loadtest_template_basic_all_languages.yaml \
+    -s client_pool=workers-8core -s driver_pool=drivers \
+    -s server_pool=workers-8core \
+    -s big_query_table=e2e_benchmarks.experimental_results \
+    -s timeout_seconds=3600 --category=scalable \
+    -d --allow_client_language=c++ --allow_server_language=c++ \
+    --runs_per_test=2 -o ./loadtest.yaml
+The script `` takes the following options:
+- `-l`, `--language`<br> Language to benchmark. May be repeated.
+- `-t`, `--template`<br> Template file. A template is a configuration file that
+  may contain multiple client and server configuration, and may also include
+  substitution keys.
+- `-s`, `--substitution` Substitution keys, in the format `key=value`. These
+  keys are substituted while processing the template. Environment variables that
+  are set by the load test controller at runtime are ignored by default
+  (`DRIVER_PORT`, `KILL_AFTER`, `POD_TIMEOUT`). The user can override this
+  behavior by specifying these variables as keys.
+- `-p`, `--prefix`<br> Test names consist of a prefix_joined with a uuid with a
+  dash. Test names are stored in ``. The prefix is also added as
+  the `prefix` label in `metadata.labels`. The prefix defaults to the user name
+  if not set.
+- `-u`, `--uniquifier_element`<br> Uniquifier elements may be passed to the test
+  to make the test name unique. This option may be repeated to add multiple
+  elements. The uniquifier elements (plus a date string and a run index, if
+  applicable) are joined with a dash to form a _uniquifier_. The test name uuid
+  is derived from the scenario name and the uniquifier. The uniquifier is also
+  added as the `uniquifier` annotation in `metadata.annotations`.
+- `-d`<br> This option is a shorthand for the addition of a date string as a
+  uniquifier element.
+- `-a`, `--annotation`<br> Metadata annotation to be stored in
+  `metadata.annotations`, in the form key=value. May be repeated.
+- `-r`, `--regex`<br> Regex to select scenarios to run. Each scenario is
+  embedded in a LoadTest configuration containing a client and server of the
+  language(s) required for the test. Defaults to `.*`, i.e., select all
+  scenarios.
+- `--category`<br> Select scenarios of a specified _category_, or of all
+  categories. Defaults to `all`. Continuous runs typically run tests in the
+  `scalable` category.
+- `--allow_client_language`<br> Allows cross-language scenarios where the client
+  is of a specified language, different from the scenario language. This is
+  typically `c++`. This flag may be repeated.
+- `--allow_server_language`<br> Allows cross-language scenarios where the server
+  is of a specified language, different from the scenario language. This is
+  typically `node` or `c++`. This flag may be repeated.
+- `--instances_per_client`<br> This option generates multiple instances of the
+  clients for each test. The instances are named with the name of the client
+  combined with an index (or only an index, if no name is specified). If the
+  template specifies more than one client for a given language, it must also
+  specify unique names for each client. In the most common case, the template
+  contains only one unnamed client for each language, and the instances will be
+  named `0`, `1`, ...
+- `--runs_per_test`<br> This option specifies that each test should be repeated
+  `n` times, where `n` is the value of the flag. If `n` > 1, the index of each
+  test run is added as a uniquifier element for that run.
+- `-o`, `--output`<br> Output file name. The LoadTest configurations are added
+  to this file, in multipart YAML format. Output is streamed to `sys.stdout` if
+  not set.
+The script adds labels and annotations to the metadata of each LoadTest
+The following labels are added to `metadata.labels`:
+- `language`<br> The language of the LoadTest scenario.
+- `prefix`<br> The prefix used in ``.
+The following annotations are added to `metadata.annotations`:
+- `scenario`<br> The name of the LoadTest scenario.
+- `uniquifier`<br> The uniquifier used to generate the LoadTest name, including
+  the run index if applicable.
+can be used in selectors in resource queries. Adding the prefix, in particular,
+allows the user (or an automation script) to select the resources started from a
+given run of the config generator.
+contain additional information that is available to the user (or an automation
+script) but is not indexed and cannot be used to select objects. Scenario name
+and uniquifier are added to provide the elements of the LoadTest name uuid in
+human-readable form. Additional annotations may be added later for automation.
+#### Concatenating load test configurations
+The LoadTest configuration generator can process multiple languages at a time,
+assuming that they are supported by the template. The convenience script
+[](./ is provided to concatenate
+several YAML files into one, so configurations generated by multiple generator
+invocations can be concatenated into one and run with a single command. The
+script can be invoked as follows:
+$ -i infile1.yaml infile2.yaml -o outfile.yaml
+#### Generating load test examples
+The script [](./ is provided to
+generate example load test configurations in all supported languages. This
+script takes only one argument, which is the output directory where the
+configurations will be created. The script produces a set of basic
+configurations, as well as a set of template configurations intended to be used
+with prebuilt images.
+The [examples]( in
+the repository [grpc/test-infra] are generated by this script.
+#### Generating configuration templates
+The script [](./ generates a load test
+configuration template from a set of load test configurations. The source files
+may be load test configurations or load test configuration templates. The
+generated template supports all languages supported in any of the input
+configurations or templates.
+The example template in
+was generated from the example configurations in [grpc/test-infra] by the
+following command:
+$ ./tools/run_tests/performance/ \
+    -i ../test-infra/config/samples/*_example_loadtest.yaml \
+    --inject_client_pool --inject_server_pool \
+    --inject_big_query_table --inject_timeout_seconds \
+    -o ./tools/run_tests/performance/templates/loadtest_template_basic_all_languages.yaml \
+    --name basic_all_languages
+The example template with prebuilt images in
+was generated by the following command:
+$ ./tools/run_tests/performance/ \
+    -i ../test-infra/config/samples/templates/*_example_loadtest_with_prebuilt_workers.yaml \
+    --inject_client_pool --inject_driver_image --inject_driver_pool \
+    --inject_server_pool --inject_big_query_table --inject_timeout_seconds \
+    -o ./tools/run_tests/performance/templates/loadtest_template_prebuilt_all_languages.yaml \
+    --name prebuilt_all_languages
+The script `` takes the following options:
+- `-i`, `--inputs`<br> Space-separated list of the names of input files
+  containing LoadTest configurations. May be repeated.
+- `-o`, `--output`<br> Output file name. Outputs to `sys.stdout` if not set.
+- `--inject_client_pool`<br> If this option is set, the pool attribute of all
+  clients in `spec.clients` is set to `${client_pool}`, for later substitution.
+- `--inject_driver_image`<br> If this option is set, the image attribute of the
+  driver(s) in `spec.drivers` is set to `${driver_image}`, for later
+  substitution.
+- `--inject_driver_pool`<br> If this attribute is set, the pool attribute of the
+  driver(s) is set to `${driver_pool}`, for later substitution.
+- `--inject_server_pool`<br> If this option is set, the pool attribute of all
+  servers in `spec.servers` is set to `${server_pool}`, for later substitution.
+- `--inject_big_query_table`<br> If this option is set,
+  spec.results.bigQueryTable is set to `${big_query_table}`.
+- `--inject_timeout_seconds`<br> If this option is set, `spec.timeoutSeconds` is
+  set to `${timeout_seconds}`.
+- `--inject_ttl_seconds`<br> If this option is set, `spec.ttlSeconds` is set to
+  `${ttl_seconds}`.
+- `-n`, `--name`<br> Name to be set in ``.
+- `-a`, `--annotation`<br> Metadata annotation to be stored in
+  `metadata.annotations`, in the form key=value. May be repeated.
+The options that inject substitution keys are the most useful for template
+reuse. When running tests on different node pools, it becomes necessary to set
+the pool, and usually also to store the data on a different table. When running
+as part of a larger collection of tests, it may also be necessary to adjust test
+timeout and time-to-live, to ensure that all tests have time to complete.
+The template name is replaced again by ``, and so is set only
+as a human-readable memo.
+Annotations, on the other hand, are passed on to the test configurations, and
+may be set to values or to substitution keys in themselves, allowing future
+automation scripts to process the tests generated from these configurations in
+different ways.
+#### Running tests
+Collections of tests generated by `` are intended to be run
+with a test runner. The code for the test runner is stored in a separate
+repository, [grpc/test-infra].
+The test runner applies the tests to the cluster, and monitors the tests for
+completion while they are running. The test runner can also be set up to run
+collections of tests in parallel on separate node pools, and to limit the number
+of tests running in parallel on each pool.
+For more information, see the
+[tools README](
+in [grpc/test-infra].
+For usage examples, see the continuous integration setup defined in
+[] and [].
+[]: ../../internal_ci/linux/
+[]: ../../internal_ci/linux/
+## Approach 2: Running benchmarks locally via legacy tooling (still useful sometimes)
+This approach is much more involved than using the gRPC OSS benchmarks framework
+(see above), but can still be useful for hands-on low-level experiments
+(especially when you know what you are doing).
+### Prerequisites for running benchmarks manually:
 In general the benchmark workers and driver build scripts expect
@@ -154,300 +460,3 @@
   `num_servers`, and the driver will start "benchmark servers"'s on the first
   `num_server` `host:port` pairs in the comma separated list. The rest will be
   told to run as clients against the benchmark server.
-## gRPC OSS benchmarks
-The scripts in this section generate LoadTest configurations for the GKE-based
-gRPC OSS benchmarks framework. This framework is stored in a separate
-repository, [grpc/test-infra].
-These scripts, together with tools defined in [grpc/test-infra], are used in the
-continuous integration setup defined in [] and
-### Generating scenarios
-The benchmarks framework uses the same test scenarios as the legacy one. The
-script [](./ can be used
-to export these scenarios to files, and also to count and analyze existing
-The language(s) and category of the scenarios are of particular importance to
-the tests. Continuous runs will typically run tests in the `scalable` category.
-The following example counts scenarios in the `scalable` category:
-$ ./tools/run_tests/performance/ --count_scenarios --category=scalable
-Scenario count for all languages (category: scalable):
-Count  Language         Client   Server   Categories
-   77  c++                                scalable
-   19  python_asyncio                     scalable
-   16  java                               scalable
-   12  go                                 scalable
-   12  node                      node     scalable
-   12  node_purejs               node     scalable
-    9  csharp                             scalable
-    7  python                             scalable
-    5  ruby                               scalable
-    4  csharp                    c++      scalable
-    4  php7                      c++      scalable
-    4  php7_protobuf_c           c++      scalable
-    3  python_asyncio            c++      scalable
-    2  ruby                      c++      scalable
-    2  python                    c++      scalable
-    1  csharp           c++               scalable
-  189  total scenarios (category: scalable)
-Client and server languages are only set for cross-language scenarios, where the
-client or server language do not match the scenario language.
-### Generating load test configurations
-The benchmarks framework uses LoadTest resources configured by YAML files. Each
-LoadTest resource specifies a driver, a server, and one or more clients to run
-the test. Each test runs one scenario. The scenario configuration is embedded in
-the LoadTest configuration. Example configurations for various languages can be
-found here:
-The script [](./ generates LoadTest
-configurations for tests running a set of scenarios. The configurations are
-written in multipart YAML format, either to a file or to stdout. Each
-configuration contains a single embedded scenario.
-The LoadTest configurations are generated from a template. Any configuration can
-be used as a template, as long as it contains the languages required by the set
-of scenarios we intend to run (for instance, if we are generating configurations
-to run go scenarios, the template must contain a go client and a go server; if
-we are generating configurations for cross-language scenarios that need a go
-client and a C++ server, the template must also contain a C++ server; and the
-same for all other languages).
-The LoadTests specified in the script output all have unique names and can be
-run by applying the test to a cluster running the LoadTest controller with
-`kubectl apply`:
-$ kubectl apply -f loadtest_config.yaml
-> Note: The most common way of running tests generated by this script is to use
-> a _test runner_. For details, see [running tests](#running-tests).
-A basic template for generating tests in various languages can be found here:
-The following example generates configurations for C# and Java tests using this
-template, including tests against C++ clients and servers, and running each test
-$ ./tools/run_tests/performance/ -l go -l java \
-    -t ./tools/run_tests/performance/templates/loadtest_template_basic_all_languages.yaml \
-    -s client_pool=workers-8core -s driver_pool=drivers \
-    -s server_pool=workers-8core \
-    -s big_query_table=e2e_benchmarks.experimental_results \
-    -s timeout_seconds=3600 --category=scalable \
-    -d --allow_client_language=c++ --allow_server_language=c++ \
-    --runs_per_test=2 -o ./loadtest.yaml
-The script `` takes the following options:
-- `-l`, `--language`<br> Language to benchmark. May be repeated.
-- `-t`, `--template`<br> Template file. A template is a configuration file that
-  may contain multiple client and server configuration, and may also include
-  substitution keys.
-- `-s`, `--substitution` Substitution keys, in the format `key=value`. These
-  keys are substituted while processing the template. Environment variables that
-  are set by the load test controller at runtime are ignored by default
-  (`DRIVER_PORT`, `KILL_AFTER`, `POD_TIMEOUT`). The user can override this
-  behavior by specifying these variables as keys.
-- `-p`, `--prefix`<br> Test names consist of a prefix_joined with a uuid with a
-  dash. Test names are stored in ``. The prefix is also added as
-  the `prefix` label in `metadata.labels`. The prefix defaults to the user name
-  if not set.
-- `-u`, `--uniquifier_element`<br> Uniquifier elements may be passed to the test
-  to make the test name unique. This option may be repeated to add multiple
-  elements. The uniquifier elements (plus a date string and a run index, if
-  applicable) are joined with a dash to form a _uniquifier_. The test name uuid
-  is derived from the scenario name and the uniquifier. The uniquifier is also
-  added as the `uniquifier` annotation in `metadata.annotations`.
-- `-d`<br> This option is a shorthand for the addition of a date string as a
-  uniquifier element.
-- `-a`, `--annotation`<br> Metadata annotation to be stored in
-  `metadata.annotations`, in the form key=value. May be repeated.
-- `-r`, `--regex`<br> Regex to select scenarios to run. Each scenario is
-  embedded in a LoadTest configuration containing a client and server of the
-  language(s) required for the test. Defaults to `.*`, i.e., select all
-  scenarios.
-- `--category`<br> Select scenarios of a specified _category_, or of all
-  categories. Defaults to `all`. Continuous runs typically run tests in the
-  `scalable` category.
-- `--allow_client_language`<br> Allows cross-language scenarios where the client
-  is of a specified language, different from the scenario language. This is
-  typically `c++`. This flag may be repeated.
-- `--allow_server_language`<br> Allows cross-language scenarios where the server
-  is of a specified language, different from the scenario language. This is
-  typically `node` or `c++`. This flag may be repeated.
-- `--instances_per_client`<br> This option generates multiple instances of the
-  clients for each test. The instances are named with the name of the client
-  combined with an index (or only an index, if no name is specified). If the
-  template specifies more than one client for a given language, it must also
-  specify unique names for each client. In the most common case, the template
-  contains only one unnamed client for each language, and the instances will be
-  named `0`, `1`, ...
-- `--runs_per_test`<br> This option specifies that each test should be repeated
-  `n` times, where `n` is the value of the flag. If `n` > 1, the index of each
-  test run is added as a uniquifier element for that run.
-- `-o`, `--output`<br> Output file name. The LoadTest configurations are added
-  to this file, in multipart YAML format. Output is streamed to `sys.stdout` if
-  not set.
-The script adds labels and annotations to the metadata of each LoadTest
-The following labels are added to `metadata.labels`:
-- `language`<br> The language of the LoadTest scenario.
-- `prefix`<br> The prefix used in ``.
-The following annotations are added to `metadata.annotations`:
-- `scenario`<br> The name of the LoadTest scenario.
-- `uniquifier`<br> The uniquifier used to generate the LoadTest name, including
-  the run index if applicable.
-can be used in selectors in resource queries. Adding the prefix, in particular,
-allows the user (or an automation script) to select the resources started from a
-given run of the config generator.
-contain additional information that is available to the user (or an automation
-script) but is not indexed and cannot be used to select objects. Scenario name
-and uniquifier are added to provide the elements of the LoadTest name uuid in
-human-readable form. Additional annotations may be added later for automation.
-### Concatenating load test configurations
-The LoadTest configuration generator can process multiple languages at a time,
-assuming that they are supported by the template. The convenience script
-[](./ is provided to concatenate
-several YAML files into one, so configurations generated by multiple generator
-invocations can be concatenated into one and run with a single command. The
-script can be invoked as follows:
-$ -i infile1.yaml infile2.yaml -o outfile.yaml
-### Generating load test examples
-The script [](./ is provided to
-generate example load test configurations in all supported languages. This
-script takes only one argument, which is the output directory where the
-configurations will be created. The script produces a set of basic
-configurations, as well as a set of template configurations intended to be used
-with prebuilt images.
-The [examples]( in
-the repository [grpc/test-infra] are generated by this script.
-### Generating configuration templates
-The script [](./ generates a load test
-configuration template from a set of load test configurations. The source files
-may be load test configurations or load test configuration templates. The
-generated template supports all languages supported in any of the input
-configurations or templates.
-The example template in
-was generated from the example configurations in [grpc/test-infra] by the
-following command:
-$ ./tools/run_tests/performance/ \
-    -i ../test-infra/config/samples/*_example_loadtest.yaml \
-    --inject_client_pool --inject_server_pool \
-    --inject_big_query_table --inject_timeout_seconds \
-    -o ./tools/run_tests/performance/templates/loadtest_template_basic_all_languages.yaml \
-    --name basic_all_languages
-The example template with prebuilt images in
-was generated by the following command:
-$ ./tools/run_tests/performance/ \
-    -i ../test-infra/config/samples/templates/*_example_loadtest_with_prebuilt_workers.yaml \
-    --inject_client_pool --inject_driver_image --inject_driver_pool \
-    --inject_server_pool --inject_big_query_table --inject_timeout_seconds \
-    -o ./tools/run_tests/performance/templates/loadtest_template_prebuilt_all_languages.yaml \
-    --name prebuilt_all_languages
-The script `` takes the following options:
-- `-i`, `--inputs`<br> Space-separated list of the names of input files
-  containing LoadTest configurations. May be repeated.
-- `-o`, `--output`<br> Output file name. Outputs to `sys.stdout` if not set.
-- `--inject_client_pool`<br> If this option is set, the pool attribute of all
-  clients in `spec.clients` is set to `${client_pool}`, for later substitution.
-- `--inject_driver_image`<br> If this option is set, the image attribute of the
-  driver(s) in `spec.drivers` is set to `${driver_image}`, for later
-  substitution.
-- `--inject_driver_pool`<br> If this attribute is set, the pool attribute of the
-  driver(s) is set to `${driver_pool}`, for later substitution.
-- `--inject_server_pool`<br> If this option is set, the pool attribute of all
-  servers in `spec.servers` is set to `${server_pool}`, for later substitution.
-- `--inject_big_query_table`<br> If this option is set,
-  spec.results.bigQueryTable is set to `${big_query_table}`.
-- `--inject_timeout_seconds`<br> If this option is set, `spec.timeoutSeconds` is
-  set to `${timeout_seconds}`.
-- `--inject_ttl_seconds`<br> If this option is set, `spec.ttlSeconds` is set to
-  `${ttl_seconds}`.
-- `-n`, `--name`<br> Name to be set in ``.
-- `-a`, `--annotation`<br> Metadata annotation to be stored in
-  `metadata.annotations`, in the form key=value. May be repeated.
-The options that inject substitution keys are the most useful for template
-reuse. When running tests on different node pools, it becomes necessary to set
-the pool, and usually also to store the data on a different table. When running
-as part of a larger collection of tests, it may also be necessary to adjust test
-timeout and time-to-live, to ensure that all tests have time to complete.
-The template name is replaced again by ``, and so is set only
-as a human-readable memo.
-Annotations, on the other hand, are passed on to the test configurations, and
-may be set to values or to substitution keys in themselves, allowing future
-automation scripts to process the tests generated from these configurations in
-different ways.
-### Running tests
-Collections of tests generated by `` are intended to be run
-with a test runner. The code for the test runner is stored in a separate
-repository, [grpc/test-infra].
-The test runner applies the tests to the cluster, and monitors the tests for
-completion while they are running. The test runner can also be set up to run
-collections of tests in parallel on separate node pools, and to limit the number
-of tests running in parallel on each pool.
-For more information, see the
-[tools README](
-in [grpc/test-infra].
-For usage examples, see the continuous integration setup defined in
-[] and [].
-[]: ../../internal_ci/linux/
-[]: ../../internal_ci/linux/