blob: bc6fc7f2be810b667fa07ebf5f6869b437c03fd5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h"
#include "src/core/lib/resource_quota/memory_quota.h"
#include "src/core/lib/transport/bdp_estimator.h"
#include "src/core/lib/transport/pid_controller.h"
extern grpc_core::TraceFlag grpc_flowctl_trace;
namespace grpc {
namespace testing {
class TrickledCHTTP2; // to make this a friend
} // namespace testing
} // namespace grpc
namespace grpc_core {
namespace chttp2 {
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultWindow = 65535;
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultFrameSize = 16384;
static constexpr int64_t kMaxWindow = static_cast<int64_t>((1u << 31) - 1);
// TODO(ncteisen): Tune this
static constexpr uint32_t kFrameSize = 1024 * 1024;
static constexpr const uint32_t kMinInitialWindowSize = 128;
static constexpr const uint32_t kMaxInitialWindowSize = (1u << 30);
// The maximum per-stream flow control window delta to advertise.
static constexpr const uint32_t kMaxWindowDelta = (1u << 20);
class TransportFlowControl;
class StreamFlowControl;
extern bool g_test_only_transport_flow_control_window_check;
// Encapsulates a collections of actions the transport needs to take with
// regard to flow control. Each action comes with urgencies that tell the
// transport how quickly the action must take place.
class FlowControlAction {
enum class Urgency : uint8_t {
// Nothing to be done.
// Initiate a write to update the initial window immediately.
// Push the flow control update into a send buffer, to be sent
// out the next time a write is initiated.
Urgency send_stream_update() const { return send_stream_update_; }
Urgency send_transport_update() const { return send_transport_update_; }
Urgency send_initial_window_update() const {
return send_initial_window_update_;
Urgency send_max_frame_size_update() const {
return send_max_frame_size_update_;
uint32_t initial_window_size() const { return initial_window_size_; }
uint32_t max_frame_size() const { return max_frame_size_; }
FlowControlAction& set_send_stream_update(Urgency u) {
send_stream_update_ = u;
return *this;
FlowControlAction& set_send_transport_update(Urgency u) {
send_transport_update_ = u;
return *this;
FlowControlAction& set_send_initial_window_update(Urgency u,
uint32_t update) {
send_initial_window_update_ = u;
initial_window_size_ = update;
return *this;
FlowControlAction& set_send_max_frame_size_update(Urgency u,
uint32_t update) {
send_max_frame_size_update_ = u;
max_frame_size_ = update;
return *this;
static const char* UrgencyString(Urgency u);
std::string DebugString() const;
bool operator==(const FlowControlAction& other) const {
return send_stream_update_ == other.send_stream_update_ &&
send_transport_update_ == other.send_transport_update_ &&
send_initial_window_update_ == other.send_initial_window_update_ &&
send_max_frame_size_update_ == other.send_max_frame_size_update_ &&
initial_window_size_ == other.initial_window_size_ &&
max_frame_size_ == other.max_frame_size_;
Urgency send_stream_update_ = Urgency::NO_ACTION_NEEDED;
Urgency send_transport_update_ = Urgency::NO_ACTION_NEEDED;
Urgency send_initial_window_update_ = Urgency::NO_ACTION_NEEDED;
Urgency send_max_frame_size_update_ = Urgency::NO_ACTION_NEEDED;
uint32_t initial_window_size_ = 0;
uint32_t max_frame_size_ = 0;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, FlowControlAction::Urgency urgency);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const FlowControlAction& action);
// Implementation of flow control that abides to HTTP/2 spec and attempts
// to be as performant as possible.
class TransportFlowControl final {
explicit TransportFlowControl(const char* name, bool enable_bdp_probe,
MemoryOwner* memory_owner);
~TransportFlowControl() {}
bool bdp_probe() const { return enable_bdp_probe_; }
// returns an announce if we should send a transport update to our peer,
// else returns zero; writing_anyway indicates if a write would happen
// regardless of the send - if it is false and this function returns non-zero,
// this announce will cause a write to occur
uint32_t MaybeSendUpdate(bool writing_anyway);
// Reads the flow control data and returns and actionable struct that will
// tell chttp2 exactly what it needs to do
FlowControlAction MakeAction() { return UpdateAction(FlowControlAction()); }
// Call periodically (at a low-ish rate, 100ms - 10s makes sense)
// to perform more complex flow control calculations and return an action
// to let chttp2 change its parameters
FlowControlAction PeriodicUpdate();
void StreamSentData(int64_t size) { remote_window_ -= size; }
absl::Status ValidateRecvData(int64_t incoming_frame_size);
void CommitRecvData(int64_t incoming_frame_size);
absl::Status RecvData(int64_t incoming_frame_size);
// we have received a WINDOW_UPDATE frame for a transport
void RecvUpdate(uint32_t size);
int64_t target_window() const;
int64_t target_frame_size() const { return target_frame_size_; }
void PreUpdateAnnouncedWindowOverIncomingWindow(int64_t delta) {
if (delta > 0) {
announced_stream_total_over_incoming_window_ -= delta;
void PostUpdateAnnouncedWindowOverIncomingWindow(int64_t delta) {
if (delta > 0) {
announced_stream_total_over_incoming_window_ += delta;
BdpEstimator* bdp_estimator() { return &bdp_estimator_; }
void TestOnlyForceHugeWindow() {
announced_window_ = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
remote_window_ = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
uint32_t acked_init_window() const { return acked_init_window_; }
uint32_t sent_init_window() const { return sent_init_window_; }
void SetSentInitialWindow(uint32_t value) { sent_init_window_ = value; }
void SetAckedInitialWindow(uint32_t value) { acked_init_window_ = value; }
// Getters
int64_t remote_window() const { return remote_window_; }
int64_t announced_window() const { return announced_window_; }
double TargetLogBdp();
double SmoothLogBdp(double value);
static void UpdateSetting(int64_t* desired_value, int64_t new_desired_value,
FlowControlAction* action,
FlowControlAction& (FlowControlAction::*set)(
FlowControlAction::Urgency, uint32_t));
FlowControlAction UpdateAction(FlowControlAction action);
MemoryOwner* const memory_owner_;
/** calculating what we should give for local window:
we track the total amount of flow control over initial window size
across all streams: this is data that we want to receive right now (it
has an outstanding read)
and the total amount of flow control under initial window size across all
streams: this is data we've read early
we want to adjust incoming_window such that:
incoming_window = total_over - max(bdp - total_under, 0) */
int64_t announced_stream_total_over_incoming_window_ = 0;
/** should we probe bdp? */
const bool enable_bdp_probe_;
/* bdp estimation */
BdpEstimator bdp_estimator_;
/* pid controller */
PidController pid_controller_;
Timestamp last_pid_update_;
int64_t remote_window_ = kDefaultWindow;
int64_t target_initial_window_size_ = kDefaultWindow;
int64_t target_frame_size_ = kDefaultFrameSize;
int64_t announced_window_ = kDefaultWindow;
uint32_t sent_init_window_ = kDefaultWindow;
uint32_t acked_init_window_ = kDefaultWindow;
// Implementation of flow control that abides to HTTP/2 spec and attempts
// to be as performant as possible.
class StreamFlowControl final {
explicit StreamFlowControl(TransportFlowControl* tfc);
~StreamFlowControl() {
FlowControlAction UpdateAction(FlowControlAction action);
FlowControlAction MakeAction() { return UpdateAction(tfc_->MakeAction()); }
// we have sent data on the wire, we must track this in our bookkeeping for
// the remote peer's flow control.
void SentData(int64_t outgoing_frame_size);
// we have received data from the wire
absl::Status RecvData(int64_t incoming_frame_size);
// returns an announce if we should send a stream update to our peer, else
// returns zero
uint32_t MaybeSendUpdate();
// we have received a WINDOW_UPDATE frame for a stream
void RecvUpdate(uint32_t size) { remote_window_delta_ += size; }
// the application is asking for a certain amount of bytes
void UpdateProgress(uint32_t min_progress_size);
int64_t remote_window_delta() const { return remote_window_delta_; }
int64_t local_window_delta() const { return local_window_delta_; }
int64_t announced_window_delta() const { return announced_window_delta_; }
uint32_t min_progress_size() const { return min_progress_size_; }
void TestOnlyForceHugeWindow() {
announced_window_delta_ = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
local_window_delta_ = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
remote_window_delta_ = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
TransportFlowControl* const tfc_;
uint32_t min_progress_size_ = 0;
int64_t remote_window_delta_ = 0;
int64_t local_window_delta_ = 0;
int64_t announced_window_delta_ = 0;
void UpdateAnnouncedWindowDelta(TransportFlowControl* tfc, int64_t change);
class TestOnlyTransportTargetWindowEstimatesMocker {
virtual ~TestOnlyTransportTargetWindowEstimatesMocker() {}
virtual double ComputeNextTargetInitialWindowSizeFromPeriodicUpdate(
double current_target) = 0;
extern TestOnlyTransportTargetWindowEstimatesMocker*
} // namespace chttp2
} // namespace grpc_core