blob: ba7acbbe59ff7b361eb2cbc44054c785a1707d51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <vector>
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/endpoint.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/ev_posix.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/resolve_address.h"
/* Forward decl of struct grpc_server */
/* This is not typedef'ed to avoid a typedef-redefinition error */
struct grpc_server;
/* Forward decl of grpc_udp_server */
typedef struct grpc_udp_server grpc_udp_server;
/* An interface associated with a socket. udp server delivers I/O event on that
* socket to the subclass of this interface which is created through
* GrpcUdpHandlerFactory.
* Its implementation should do the real IO work, e.g. read packet and write. */
class GrpcUdpHandler {
GrpcUdpHandler(grpc_fd* /* emfd */, void* /* user_data */) {}
virtual ~GrpcUdpHandler() {}
// Interfaces to be implemented by subclasses to do the actual setup/tear down
// or I/O.
// Called when data is available to read from the socket. Returns true if
// there is more data to read after this call.
virtual bool Read() = 0;
// Called when socket becomes write unblocked. The given closure should be
// scheduled when the socket becomes blocked next time.
virtual void OnCanWrite(void* user_data,
grpc_closure* notify_on_write_closure) = 0;
// Called before the gRPC FD is orphaned. Notify udp server to continue
// orphaning fd by scheduling the given closure, afterwards the associated fd
// will be closed.
virtual void OnFdAboutToOrphan(grpc_closure* orphan_fd_closure,
void* user_data) = 0;
class GrpcUdpHandlerFactory {
virtual ~GrpcUdpHandlerFactory() {}
/* Called when start to listen on a socket.
* Return an instance of the implementation of GrpcUdpHandler interface which
* will process I/O events for this socket from now on. */
virtual GrpcUdpHandler* CreateUdpHandler(grpc_fd* emfd, void* user_data) = 0;
virtual void DestroyUdpHandler(GrpcUdpHandler* handler) = 0;
/* Create a server, initially not bound to any ports */
grpc_udp_server* grpc_udp_server_create(const grpc_channel_args* args);
/* Start listening to bound ports. user_data is passed to callbacks. */
void grpc_udp_server_start(grpc_udp_server* udp_server,
const std::vector<grpc_pollset*>* pollsets,
void* user_data);
int grpc_udp_server_get_fd(grpc_udp_server* s, unsigned port_index);
/* Add a port to the server, returning port number on success, or negative
on failure.
Create |num_listeners| sockets for given address to listen on using
SO_REUSEPORT if supported.
The :: and wildcard addresses are treated identically, accepting
both IPv4 and IPv6 connections, but :: is the preferred style. This usually
creates |num_listeners| sockets, but possibly 2 * |num_listeners| on systems
which support IPv6, but not dualstack sockets. */
/* TODO(ctiller): deprecate this, and make grpc_udp_server_add_ports to handle
all of the multiple socket port matching logic in one place */
int grpc_udp_server_add_port(grpc_udp_server* s, grpc_resolved_address* addr,
int rcv_buf_size, int snd_buf_size,
GrpcUdpHandlerFactory* handler_factory,
size_t num_listeners);
void grpc_udp_server_destroy(grpc_udp_server* server, grpc_closure* on_done);