blob: 6e315ed5fbdb68cc40a65b4175bbc248c2330a08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include <grpc/slice.h>
#include "src/core/lib/slice/slice_internal.h"
// Herein lies grpc_core::Slice and its team of thin wrappers around grpc_slice.
// They aim to keep you safe by providing strong guarantees around lifetime and
// mutability.
// The team:
// Slice - provides a wrapper around an unknown type of slice.
// Immutable (since we don't know who else might be referencing
// it), and potentially ref counted.
// StaticSlice - provides a wrapper around a static slice. Not refcounted,
// fast to copy.
// MutableSlice - provides a guarantee of unique ownership, meaning the
// underlying data can be mutated safely.
namespace grpc_core {
// Forward declarations
class Slice;
class StaticSlice;
class MutableSlice;
namespace slice_detail {
// Returns an empty slice.
static constexpr grpc_slice EmptySlice() { return {nullptr, {}}; }
// BaseSlice holds the grpc_slice object, but does not apply refcounting policy.
// It does export immutable access into the slice, such that this can be shared
// by all storage policies.
class BaseSlice {
BaseSlice(const BaseSlice&) = delete;
BaseSlice& operator=(const BaseSlice&) = delete;
BaseSlice(BaseSlice&& other) = delete;
BaseSlice& operator=(BaseSlice&& other) = delete;
// Iterator access to the underlying bytes
const uint8_t* begin() const { return GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(c_slice()); }
const uint8_t* end() const { return GRPC_SLICE_END_PTR(c_slice()); }
const uint8_t* cbegin() const { return GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(c_slice()); }
const uint8_t* cend() const { return GRPC_SLICE_END_PTR(c_slice()); }
// Retrieve a borrowed reference to the underlying grpc_slice.
const grpc_slice& c_slice() const { return slice_; }
// Retrieve the underlying grpc_slice, and replace the one in this object with
// EmptySlice().
grpc_slice TakeCSlice() {
grpc_slice out = slice_;
slice_ = EmptySlice();
return out;
// As other things... borrowed references.
absl::string_view as_string_view() const {
return absl::string_view(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data()), size());
// Array access
uint8_t operator[](size_t i) const {
return GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(c_slice())[i];
// Access underlying data
const uint8_t* data() const { return GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(c_slice()); }
// Size of the slice
size_t size() const { return GRPC_SLICE_LENGTH(c_slice()); }
size_t length() const { return size(); }
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
// For inlined slices - are these two slices equal?
// For non-inlined slices - do these two slices refer to the same block of
// memory?
bool is_equivalent(const BaseSlice& other) const {
return grpc_slice_is_equivalent(slice_, other.slice_);
BaseSlice() : slice_(EmptySlice()) {}
explicit BaseSlice(const grpc_slice& slice) : slice_(slice) {}
~BaseSlice() = default;
void Swap(BaseSlice* other) { std::swap(slice_, other->slice_); }
void SetCSlice(const grpc_slice& slice) { slice_ = slice; }
uint8_t* mutable_data() { return GRPC_SLICE_START_PTR(slice_); }
grpc_slice slice_;
inline bool operator==(const BaseSlice& a, const BaseSlice& b) {
return grpc_slice_eq(a.c_slice(), b.c_slice()) != 0;
inline bool operator!=(const BaseSlice& a, const BaseSlice& b) {
return grpc_slice_eq(a.c_slice(), b.c_slice()) == 0;
inline bool operator==(const BaseSlice& a, absl::string_view b) {
return a.as_string_view() == b;
inline bool operator!=(const BaseSlice& a, absl::string_view b) {
return a.as_string_view() != b;
inline bool operator==(absl::string_view a, const BaseSlice& b) {
return a == b.as_string_view();
inline bool operator!=(absl::string_view a, const BaseSlice& b) {
return a != b.as_string_view();
inline bool operator==(const BaseSlice& a, const grpc_slice& b) {
return grpc_slice_eq(a.c_slice(), b) != 0;
inline bool operator!=(const BaseSlice& a, const grpc_slice& b) {
return grpc_slice_eq(a.c_slice(), b) == 0;
inline bool operator==(const grpc_slice& a, const BaseSlice& b) {
return grpc_slice_eq(a, b.c_slice()) != 0;
inline bool operator!=(const grpc_slice& a, const BaseSlice& b) {
return grpc_slice_eq(a, b.c_slice()) == 0;
template <typename Out>
struct CopyConstructors {
static Out FromCopiedString(const char* s) {
return Out(grpc_slice_from_copied_string(s));
static Out FromCopiedString(std::string s) {
return Out(grpc_slice_from_cpp_string(std::move(s)));
template <typename Buffer>
static Out FromCopiedBuffer(const Buffer& buffer) {
return Out(UnmanagedMemorySlice(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, buffer.size()));
} // namespace slice_detail
class StaticSlice : public slice_detail::BaseSlice {
StaticSlice() = default;
explicit StaticSlice(const grpc_slice& slice)
: slice_detail::BaseSlice(slice) {
slice.refcount->GetType() == grpc_slice_refcount::Type::STATIC ||
slice.refcount->GetType() == grpc_slice_refcount::Type::NOP);
explicit StaticSlice(const StaticMetadataSlice& slice)
: slice_detail::BaseSlice(slice) {}
static StaticSlice FromStaticString(const char* s) {
return StaticSlice(grpc_slice_from_static_string(s));
StaticSlice(const StaticSlice& other)
: slice_detail::BaseSlice(other.c_slice()) {}
StaticSlice& operator=(const StaticSlice& other) {
return *this;
StaticSlice(StaticSlice&& other) noexcept
: slice_detail::BaseSlice(other.TakeCSlice()) {}
StaticSlice& operator=(StaticSlice&& other) noexcept {
return *this;
class MutableSlice : public slice_detail::BaseSlice,
public slice_detail::CopyConstructors<MutableSlice> {
MutableSlice() = default;
explicit MutableSlice(const grpc_slice& slice)
: slice_detail::BaseSlice(slice) {
GPR_DEBUG_ASSERT(slice.refcount == nullptr ||
~MutableSlice() { grpc_slice_unref_internal(c_slice()); }
MutableSlice(const MutableSlice&) = delete;
MutableSlice& operator=(const MutableSlice&) = delete;
MutableSlice(MutableSlice&& other) noexcept
: slice_detail::BaseSlice(other.TakeCSlice()) {}
MutableSlice& operator=(MutableSlice&& other) noexcept {
return *this;
// Iterator access to the underlying bytes
uint8_t* begin() { return mutable_data(); }
uint8_t* end() { return mutable_data() + size(); }
// Array access
uint8_t& operator[](size_t i) { return mutable_data()[i]; }
class Slice : public slice_detail::BaseSlice,
public slice_detail::CopyConstructors<Slice> {
Slice() = default;
~Slice() { grpc_slice_unref_internal(c_slice()); }
explicit Slice(const grpc_slice& slice) : slice_detail::BaseSlice(slice) {}
template <class SliceType>
explicit Slice(absl::enable_if_t<
std::is_base_of<slice_detail::BaseSlice, SliceType>::value,
SliceType>&& other)
: slice_detail::BaseSlice(other.TakeCSlice()) {}
Slice(const Slice&) = delete;
Slice& operator=(const Slice&) = delete;
Slice(Slice&& other) noexcept : slice_detail::BaseSlice(other.TakeCSlice()) {}
Slice& operator=(Slice&& other) noexcept {
return *this;
// A slice might refer to some memory that we keep a refcount to (this is
// owned), or some memory that's inlined into the slice (also owned), or some
// other block of memory that we know will be available for the lifetime of
// some operation in the common case (not owned). In the *less common* case
// that we need to keep that slice text for longer than our API's guarantee us
// access, we need to take a copy and turn this into something that we do own.
// TakeOwned returns an owned slice regardless of current ownership, and
// leaves the current slice in a valid but externally unpredictable state - in
// doing so it can avoid adding a ref to the underlying slice.
Slice TakeOwned() {
if (c_slice().refcount == nullptr) {
return Slice(c_slice());
if (c_slice().refcount->GetType() == grpc_slice_refcount::Type::NOP) {
return Slice(grpc_slice_copy(c_slice()));
return Slice(TakeCSlice());
// AsOwned returns an owned slice but does not mutate the current slice,
// meaning that it may add a reference to the underlying slice.
Slice AsOwned() const {
if (c_slice().refcount == nullptr) {
return Slice(c_slice());
if (c_slice().refcount->GetType() == grpc_slice_refcount::Type::NOP) {
return Slice(grpc_slice_copy(c_slice()));
return Slice(grpc_slice_ref_internal(c_slice()));
// TakeMutable returns a MutableSlice, and leaves the current slice in an
// indeterminate but valid state.
// A mutable slice requires only one reference to the bytes of the slice -
// this can be achieved either with inlined storage or with a single
// reference.
// If the current slice is refcounted and there are more than one references
// to that slice, then the slice is copied in order to achieve a mutable
// version.
MutableSlice TakeMutable() {
if (c_slice().refcount == nullptr) {
return MutableSlice(c_slice());
if (c_slice().refcount->GetType() == grpc_slice_refcount::Type::REGULAR &&
c_slice().refcount->IsRegularUnique()) {
return MutableSlice(TakeCSlice());
return MutableSlice(grpc_slice_copy(c_slice()));
Slice Ref() const { return Slice(grpc_slice_ref_internal(c_slice())); }
Slice Copy() const { return Slice(grpc_slice_copy(c_slice())); }
static Slice FromRefcountAndBytes(grpc_slice_refcount* r,
const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end) {
grpc_slice out;
out.refcount = r;
r->Ref(); = const_cast<uint8_t*>(begin); = end - begin;
return Slice(out);
} // namespace grpc_core