blob: a0b699440405d8d73da7b53a9945494f9ecc5adc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 gRPC authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <grpc/support/port_platform.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h"
#include "src/core/lib/iomgr/error.h"
#include "src/core/lib/slice/slice.h"
#include "src/core/lib/surface/validate_metadata.h"
namespace grpc_core {
using MetadataParseErrorFn =
absl::FunctionRef<void(absl::string_view error, const Slice& value)>;
namespace metadata_detail {
// Helper to determine whether a traits metadata is inlinable inside a memento,
// or (if not) we'll need to take the memory allocation path.
template <typename Which>
struct HasSimpleMemento {
static constexpr bool value =
(std::is_trivial<typename Which::MementoType>::value &&
sizeof(typename Which::MementoType) <= sizeof(grpc_slice)) ||
std::is_same<typename Which::MementoType, Duration>::value;
// Storage type for a single metadata entry.
union Buffer {
uint8_t trivial[sizeof(grpc_slice)];
void* pointer;
grpc_slice slice;
// Given a key and a value, concatenate together to make a debug string.
// Split out to avoid template bloat.
std::string MakeDebugString(absl::string_view key, absl::string_view value);
// Wrapper around MakeDebugString.
// For the value part, use two functions - one to extract a typed field from
// Buffer, and a second (sourced from the trait) to generate a displayable debug
// string from the field value. We try to maximize indirection/code sharing here
// as this is not critical path code and we'd like to avoid some code bloat -
// better to scale by number of types than then number of metadata traits!
template <typename Field, typename CompatibleWithField, typename Display>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE std::string MakeDebugStringPipeline(
absl::string_view key, const Buffer& value,
Field (*field_from_buffer)(const Buffer&),
Display (*display_from_field)(CompatibleWithField)) {
return MakeDebugString(
key, absl::StrCat(display_from_field(field_from_buffer(value))));
// Extract a trivial field value from a Buffer - for MakeDebugStringPipeline.
template <typename Field>
Field FieldFromTrivial(const Buffer& value) {
Field field;
memcpy(&field, value.trivial, sizeof(Field));
return field;
// Extract a pointer field value from a Buffer - for MakeDebugStringPipeline.
template <typename Field>
Field FieldFromPointer(const Buffer& value) {
return *static_cast<const Field*>(value.pointer);
// Extract a Slice from a Buffer.
Slice SliceFromBuffer(const Buffer& buffer);
// Unref the grpc_slice part of a Buffer (assumes it is in fact a grpc_slice).
void DestroySliceValue(const Buffer& value);
// Destroy a trivial memento (empty function).
void DestroyTrivialMemento(const Buffer& value);
// Set a slice value in a container
template <Slice (*MementoToValue)(Slice)>
void SetSliceValue(Slice* set, const Buffer& value) {
*set = MementoToValue(SliceFromBuffer(value));
} // namespace metadata_detail
// A parsed metadata value.
// This type captures a type erased MementoType from one trait of
// MetadataContainer, and provides utilities to manipulate that and to set it on
// a MetadataContainer.
template <typename MetadataContainer>
class ParsedMetadata {
// Construct metadata from a trait Which of MetadataContainer.
// Two versions: the first is for simple inlinable mementos, and the second
// forces an allocation.
template <typename Which>
typename Which::MementoType>
uint32_t transport_size)
: vtable_(ParsedMetadata::template TrivialTraitVTable<Which>()),
transport_size_(transport_size) {
memcpy(value_.trivial, &value, sizeof(value));
template <typename Which>
!metadata_detail::HasSimpleMemento<Which>::value &&
!std::is_convertible<typename Which::MementoType, Slice>::value,
typename Which::MementoType>
uint32_t transport_size)
: vtable_(ParsedMetadata::template NonTrivialTraitVTable<Which>()),
transport_size_(transport_size) {
value_.pointer = new typename Which::MementoType(std::move(value));
// Construct metadata from a Slice typed value.
template <typename Which>
ParsedMetadata(Which, Slice value, uint32_t transport_size)
: vtable_(ParsedMetadata::template SliceTraitVTable<Which>()),
transport_size_(transport_size) {
value_.slice = value.TakeCSlice();
// Construct metadata from a string key, slice value pair.
ParsedMetadata(Slice key, Slice value)
: vtable_(ParsedMetadata::KeyValueVTable(key.as_string_view())),
transport_size_(key.size() + value.size() + 32) {
value_.pointer =
new std::pair<Slice, Slice>(std::move(key), std::move(value));
ParsedMetadata() : vtable_(EmptyVTable()), transport_size_(0) {}
~ParsedMetadata() { vtable_->destroy(value_); }
// Non copyable, but movable.
ParsedMetadata(const ParsedMetadata&) = delete;
ParsedMetadata& operator=(const ParsedMetadata&) = delete;
ParsedMetadata(ParsedMetadata&& other) noexcept
: vtable_(other.vtable_),
transport_size_(other.transport_size_) {
other.vtable_ = EmptyVTable();
ParsedMetadata& operator=(ParsedMetadata&& other) noexcept {
vtable_ = other.vtable_;
value_ = other.value_;
transport_size_ = other.transport_size_;
other.vtable_ = EmptyVTable();
return *this;
// Set this parsed value on a container.
void SetOnContainer(MetadataContainer* container) const {
vtable_->set(value_, container);
// Is this a binary header or not?
bool is_binary_header() const { return vtable_->is_binary_header; }
// HTTP2 defined storage size of this metadatum.
uint32_t transport_size() const { return transport_size_; }
// Create a new parsed metadata with the same key but a different value.
ParsedMetadata WithNewValue(Slice value,
MetadataParseErrorFn on_error) const {
ParsedMetadata result;
result.vtable_ = vtable_;
result.value_ = value_;
result.transport_size_ = TransportSize(key().length(), value.length());
vtable_->with_new_value(&value, on_error, &result);
return result;
std::string DebugString() const { return vtable_->debug_string(value_); }
absl::string_view key() const {
if (vtable_->key == nullptr) return vtable_->key_value;
return vtable_->key(value_);
// TODO(ctiller): move to transport
static uint32_t TransportSize(uint32_t key_size, uint32_t value_size) {
// TODO(ctiller): use hpack constant?
return key_size + value_size + 32;
using Buffer = metadata_detail::Buffer;
struct VTable {
const bool is_binary_header;
void (*const destroy)(const Buffer& value);
void (*const set)(const Buffer& value, MetadataContainer* container);
// result is a bitwise copy of the originating ParsedMetadata.
void (*const with_new_value)(Slice* new_value,
MetadataParseErrorFn on_error,
ParsedMetadata* result);
std::string (*const debug_string)(const Buffer& value);
// The key - if key is null, use key_value, otherwise call key.
absl::string_view key_value;
absl::string_view (*const key)(const Buffer& value);
static const VTable* EmptyVTable();
static const VTable* KeyValueVTable(absl::string_view key);
template <typename Which>
static const VTable* TrivialTraitVTable();
template <typename Which>
static const VTable* NonTrivialTraitVTable();
template <typename Which>
static const VTable* SliceTraitVTable();
template <Slice (*ParseMemento)(Slice, MetadataParseErrorFn)>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE static void WithNewValueSetSlice(
Slice* slice, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error, ParsedMetadata* result) {
result->value_.slice =
ParseMemento(std::move(*slice), on_error).TakeCSlice();
template <typename T, T (*ParseMemento)(Slice, MetadataParseErrorFn)>
GPR_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE static void WithNewValueSetTrivial(
Slice* slice, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error, ParsedMetadata* result) {
T memento = ParseMemento(std::move(*slice), on_error);
memcpy(result->value_.trivial, &memento, sizeof(memento));
const VTable* vtable_;
Buffer value_;
uint32_t transport_size_;
namespace metadata_detail {} // namespace metadata_detail
template <typename MetadataContainer>
const typename ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::VTable*
ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::EmptyVTable() {
static const VTable vtable = {
// destroy
// set
[](const Buffer&, MetadataContainer*) {},
// with_new_value
[](Slice*, MetadataParseErrorFn, ParsedMetadata*) {},
// debug_string
[](const Buffer&) -> std::string { return "empty"; },
// key
return &vtable;
template <typename MetadataContainer>
template <typename Which>
const typename ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::VTable*
ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::TrivialTraitVTable() {
static const VTable vtable = {
absl::EndsWith(Which::key(), "-bin"),
// destroy
// set
[](const Buffer& value, MetadataContainer* map) {
metadata_detail::FieldFromTrivial<typename Which::MementoType>(
// with_new_value
WithNewValueSetTrivial<typename Which::MementoType, Which::ParseMemento>,
// debug_string
[](const Buffer& value) {
return metadata_detail::MakeDebugStringPipeline(
Which::key(), value,
metadata_detail::FieldFromTrivial<typename Which::MementoType>,
// key
return &vtable;
template <typename MetadataContainer>
template <typename Which>
const typename ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::VTable*
ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::NonTrivialTraitVTable() {
static const VTable vtable = {
absl::EndsWith(Which::key(), "-bin"),
// destroy
[](const Buffer& value) {
delete static_cast<typename Which::MementoType*>(value.pointer);
// set
[](const Buffer& value, MetadataContainer* map) {
auto* p = static_cast<typename Which::MementoType*>(value.pointer);
map->Set(Which(), Which::MementoToValue(*p));
// with_new_value
[](Slice* value, MetadataParseErrorFn on_error, ParsedMetadata* result) {
result->value_.pointer = new typename Which::MementoType(
Which::ParseMemento(std::move(*value), on_error));
// debug_string
[](const Buffer& value) {
return metadata_detail::MakeDebugStringPipeline(
Which::key(), value,
metadata_detail::FieldFromPointer<typename Which::MementoType>,
// key
return &vtable;
template <typename MetadataContainer>
template <typename Which>
const typename ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::VTable*
ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::SliceTraitVTable() {
static const VTable vtable = {
absl::EndsWith(Which::key(), "-bin"),
// destroy
// set
[](const Buffer& value, MetadataContainer* map) {
map->GetOrCreatePointer(Which()), value);
// with_new_value
// debug_string
[](const Buffer& value) {
return metadata_detail::MakeDebugStringPipeline(
Which::key(), value, metadata_detail::SliceFromBuffer,
// key
return &vtable;
template <typename MetadataContainer>
const typename ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::VTable*
ParsedMetadata<MetadataContainer>::KeyValueVTable(absl::string_view key) {
using KV = std::pair<Slice, Slice>;
static const auto destroy = [](const Buffer& value) {
delete static_cast<KV*>(value.pointer);
static const auto set = [](const Buffer& value, MetadataContainer* map) {
auto* p = static_cast<KV*>(value.pointer);
map->AppendUnknown(p->first.as_string_view(), p->second.Ref());
static const auto with_new_value = [](Slice* value, MetadataParseErrorFn,
ParsedMetadata* result) {
auto* p = new KV{
result->value_.pointer = p;
static const auto debug_string = [](const Buffer& value) {
auto* p = static_cast<KV*>(value.pointer);
return absl::StrCat(p->first.as_string_view(), ": ",
static const auto key_fn = [](const Buffer& value) {
return static_cast<KV*>(value.pointer)->first.as_string_view();
static const VTable vtable[2] = {
{false, destroy, set, with_new_value, debug_string, "", key_fn},
{true, destroy, set, with_new_value, debug_string, "", key_fn},
return &vtable[absl::EndsWith(key, "-bin")];
} // namespace grpc_core